Wallander is the BBC adaptation of the Swedish crime mystery novel series. The series stars Kenneth Branagh as Inspector Kurt Wallander, a Swedish police detective who solves cases in the Swedish countryside while dealing with his inner demons. The series premiered in 2008 and has produced four seasons until 2015.
The following weapons were used in the series Wallander:
What appears to be a SIG-Sauer P6 is the main handgun seen throughout the series, notably in Season 2. Kurt Wallander (Kenneth Branagh) carries one as well as his fellow detectives.
Makarov PM
Makarov PM is the main sidearm of Latvian Police in the series as shown in "The Dogs of Riga" (S3E02).
Over/Under Shotgun
In Season 2's "Faceless Killers", an Over/Under Shotgun is seen being fired at Wallander.