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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
The weapons used in this videogame are:
Beretta 92SB
This is the standard pistol in the game. Holds 17 rounds (strangely, since only in reality it holds 15, while only a glock 17 would hold 17 rounds) and is called the "Pistol". Carried by the VCPD, National Guard Soldiers, and most gangsters. The Inox version is also featured, but not as an in-game weapon. Vic notably uses an Inox version to threaten Umberto Robina when they first meet. Vic's Brother Lance also holds an Inox version when he arrives on the building where Vic killed Jerry Martinez and Diego Mendez.

Colt Python
The Colt Python returns as the "Equalizer" Usually kills with one shot and has an 8-inch barrel and a non-functional scope. One of the villains, Armando Mendez, notably uses one to destroy the Domestibot (controlled by Vic) after it destroys the bearer bonds in his safe. Lance uses a scopeless one to threaten Bryan Forbes when its revealed that Forbes is a cop.

Over and Under Shotgun
The regular shotgun in the game. Found in all police cars. It is chrome and functions like a pump shotgun, however. All gun shop owners use this.

Remington 870 (Sawed-off)
Called the "Stubby Shotgun", has a wider shotspread, but a shorter range.

Semi auto shotgun holds 7 rds and is good at close range. The stock on the gun is extended.
Skorpion VZ.61
Replaces TEC-9. Has slow rate of fire and not very powerful.

Silenced MAC-10
Has high rate of fire and silencer that doesnt actually silence anything, but if you listen to it when firing it does sound slightly more quiet than the uzi or scorpion.
Carried by SWAT officers and some gangsters. Good rate of fire.

SP89 (full auto)
Carried by the FBI and Gang members. Somewhat resembles an MP5/MP5K, as it has a collapsable stock and a foregrip. Best SMG in the game.

Carried by some gangsters. Good stopping power and accuracy. During the final battle, the main villain of the game, Jerry Martinez, carries one, and another villain, Diego Mendez, also uses one during this battle.
Carried by National Guardsmen. Great accuracy and stopping power. In one of the missions Lance Vance calls it as the M4. "m-for-mothasucker" (not fucker since he says sucker all through the game).
M249 SAW
Called the "SAW" in the game, it is powerful and holds many rounds. Phil Cassidy is seen using one on a firing range when he first meets Vic. It is only used once in the game in the mission "Farewell to Arms". It is used by Vic to shoot gang members, who are attacking Gonzalez's men, from a helicopter and only found in one place in the game: the movie studio (unless you shoot all 99 red balloons in the game, then it spawns at every safe house).
Handheld M134 Minigun (3 barrels)
One of the best weapons in the game, it is very powerful, and can now lock onto enemies.

Modified with a pistol grip and reloading capabilities, it is used by Vic to destroy several antennae being used by the DEA to listen in on Vic and Lance. A group of thugs sent to intimidate Vic and Lance use one to destroy Lance's car in one level.
A hand held flamethrower that scorches anyone in front of it. It has a medium-long range.
M21 Rifle
The first sniper rifle the player will most likely encounter in the game. Has good damage and only fires one bullet at a time.
SVD Dragunov
The most powerful semi-automatic sniper rifle in the game. Comes with a 7 round magazine (odd, since the real Dragunov carries 10), and a laser magnifying scope (Which is more accurate in the long run). Can destroy a car with a whole magazine.
Hughes M230 chain gun and AGM-114 Hellfire anti-tank missile
Vice City Stories features a version of the Hughes AH-64 Apache, known as the "Hunter." It has an M230 chain gun in a chin mount, and wing mounts containing eight AGM-114 Hellfire missiles in two packs of four, as well as two non-functional Hydra 70 rocket pods. Used in the final two missions when Vic steals it from the army base and then shoots up the Mendez building in the final battle. It can be found in the east enterance of the airport. When you enter it, you can do the mission "Skywolf". You can also use this for vigilante missions.