Steins;Gate is a 2011 anime series produced by White Fox, based on the 5pb. visual novel of the same name. It centers around a group of college students (led by Rintaro "Okarin" Okabe) and their accidental creation of a device capable of sending text messages back in time, allowing them to alter the past.
A non-chronologically-linear sequel, Steins;Gate 0, was released in 2018.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Steins;Gate:
M1911A1-pattern pistols (presently unidentified) are a rather common sight, appearing in the hands of Rounders in most of the episodes in which they appear (replacing the Walther PPKs they used in the original VN), as well as Okabe Rintaro in Episode 14 ("Physically Necrosis") and future resistance fighters in Episode 15 ("Missing Link Necrosis"), though neither of these parties are ever seen using them. Mr. Braun also uses one in Episode 20 ("Finalize Apoptosis"), as opposed to the Beretta 92FS he used in the VN.
Glock 17
Suzuha Amane uses a suppressed Glock 17 to shoot out a lock in Episodes 23 ("Open the Steins Gate") and 24 ("Achievement Point").
Discounting what might be a hammer drawn on the back in the last image, this still looks more like a Glock to me. The contours nor the overall shape looks like a HP at all. StanTheMan (talk) 12:01, 4 June 2020 (EDT)
I was mostly calling it a Hi-Power because of the shape of the front of the slide, especially since the only Glock I thought it could be is a 17L (or another similar longslide), and those have a big hole right below the barrel, but now that I think about it, this does look like how I'd picture the front end of a Glock if I'd never seen one before - the way the slide goes into the frame would also make sense if that were the case, since I could see someone looking at the side of a pre-Gen 3 G17 and thinking that the narrower part of the frame is part of the slide like on a Browning-type design, making it seem like a G17L when the slide goes back. EDIT: I don't know why I didn't do that when I wrote this comment, but the change is there now. To be honest, I was initially a little worried that Suzuha's gun wasn't based on anything in particular, especially since it gets so little screentime, and since (spoiler) the character using it just showed up from 2036. BrandonColeford1992 (talk) 23:04, 4 June 2020 (EDT)
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5K
In Episode 15, SERN agents in Suzuha Amane's description of 2036 use Heckler & Koch MP5K submachine guns.
Several of the Rounders in Episodes 12 and 13 also use AK-47 rifles, seemingly of the Type III variety.
M18A1 Claymore
First seen in Episode 10 ("Chaos Theory Homeostasis III"), "Future Gadget #4 - Moad Snake" is a replica M18A1 Claymore mine. Aside from serving as a reference to Metal Gear Solid, its actual purpose is a "super-instant humidifier", which translates to it producing a massive amount of steam as soon as it's opened. The device plays an important role in Episode 13, with Okabe using it to create a smokescreen to blind Moeka.
M84 Stun Grenade
In Episode 15, Suzuha is seen throwing an M84 Stun Grenade during her 2036 flashback.
Noted on how the screencaps have Funi on them. Ominae (talk) 03:02, 15 May 2020 (EDT)
Yeah, they’re the only site that legally streams the show, unfortunately enough. If you want, I could edit out the watermark. BrandonColeford1992 (talk) 10:49, 15 May 2020 (EDT)
Sure someone will come across the show without the watermarks anyway. Ominae (talk) 02:53, 27 May 2020 (EDT)
Should this actually get a page proper, the 1911 section will have to be curtailed some - There's way too many screencaps there. StanTheMan (talk) 12:02, 4 June 2020 (EDT)
Yeah, I was planning to cherry-pick the best of the 1911 caps once I finished the whole series; I also kept a bunch since I thought that some of the guns might actually be different models - Moeka has one with the Commander-style hammer, the resistance fighter has one with a normal hammer, and Mr. Braun has what appears to be an actual Commander (though it might just be the size of his hands) with a full-length guide rod. If anybody here is good with 1911s, please speak up, because I sure as hell am not. BrandonColeford1992 (talk) 23:10, 4 June 2020 (EDT)
Though some shots are roughly drawn they all appear to be full-size 1911s, with the only notable distinction being the ones with the ring hammer and ones with the standard hammer. StanTheMan (talk) 14:20, 5 June 2020 (EDT)
Yeah, looking back at them, they're all about the same size proportionally. So, should I just list them as M1911A1s and note the odd features, or does an A1-pattern 1911 with a ring hammer and a full-length guide rod actually constitute a specific model? (Then again, considering the Glock, the full-length guide rod might not've been intentional...) BrandonColeford1992 (talk) 00:39, 6 June 2020 (EDT)