When going to a drug deal with Hector the Toad (Al Israel), Tony Montana (Al Pacino) carries a Beretta Cheetah in with him. But when the drug deal goes wrong, Hector takes the gun from Tony and uses it to threaten him, and then proceeds to put it in a suitcase with the drugs and grab his chainsaw. Tony Montana later uses the Cheetah throughout the rest of the film, fixing it with a suppressor when he visits Frank Lopez.
When the drug deal with Hector the Toad goes wrong, a few Colombian thugs storm the room. One thug armed with a Beretta M951 takes Angel (Pepe Serna) into the bathroom at gun point, and also forces Tony Montana (Al Pacino) to watch as his friend is cut up with a chainsaw. A few minutes later when Manny (Steven Bauer), and Chi Chi (Ángel Salazar) come into the room to save Tony, Tony takes the gun from the thug and kills him with it, and then uses it to kill Hector in the street. Manny later uses a suppressed Beretta M951 to kill Frank Lopez (Robert Loggia).
During the chainsaw scene, some of the Colombian thugs including Marta (Barbra Perez) wield suppressed MAC-10s. Manny (Steven Bauer) also uses a MAC-10 when coming to rescue Tony. The two hitmen at the Babylon Club also use MAC-10s, as well as some of Sosa's men during the finale.
When Manny and Chi Chi (Ángel Salazar) come to rescue Tony from being chainsawed, Chi Chi uses a Colt Python to put a bullet into the chest of one of the Columbian thugs.
One of the guards in Sosa's (Paul Shenar) cocaine factory has an Uzi. Many of the men Sosa sends to kill Tony Montana are armed with Uzis as well. Tony takes one from the assassin that shot his sister and uses it against him. Chi Chi (Ángel Salazar) also can be seen using an Uzi during the final battle scene. A few Uzis can also be seen in the display case in which Tony retrieves his M16.
The undercover cops led by "Seidelbaum" (Ted Beniades) that arrest Tony Montana for tax evasion are armed with Smith & Wesson Model 36 snubnoses. Gina Montana (Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) later shoots a Model 36 at Tony when confronting him in his office. Mel Bernstein (Harris Yulin) has a Model 36 in his holster when he is shot by Tony.
M16A1 with Fake M203 grenade launcher (a.k.a. "My Little Friend")
Tony Montana (Al Pacino) uses an M16A1 with a Fake M203 grenade launcher attached during the final battle. In one of the film's more memorable moments Tony yells out "Say hello to my little friend!" and blows a door down with a 40mm grenade, killing several of Sosa's men. Also of note is that he has two magazines taped together 'jungle style' but it is an unusual combination - a 30 round magazine and a 20 round magazine taped to it. After expending his first two magazines, he inserts a single 30 round before the end. The grenade launcher used is a 39mm smooth bore "Fake M203" commonly used to imitate the M203 in the 1980s before the advent of the Cobray CM203 Flare Launcher, and is also seen used in films such as Predator and Heartbreak Ridge.