File:JJBA S1 Cover.jpg JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (S1) - 2012-2013
The following weapons were used in the anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Part 1: Phantom Blood
Webley RIC
British police officers in the intro sequence and in Episode 3 ("Youth With Dio") use late-model Webley RIC revolvers. Jonathan Joestar and Robert Speedwagon also commandeer these revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley RIC No. 1 New Model with 4.5" barrel - .476 Enfield
Error creating thumbnail: File missing British police officers fire their revolvers in the OP sequence, "JoJo ~A Fate Determined By His Blood~".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A slightly later frame, showing the flying bullets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing These bullets are rendered somewhat oddly, being shown with a full brass jacket and a dimple on the exposed lead at the base. They may have been partially drawn based on unfired cartridges.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The police officers open fire on Dio. Note the onomatopoeia, a staple of the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The policemen hold their revolvers in the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of one of the revolvers, as Jonathan reaches to grab it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jonathan holds the revolver on Dio.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the revolver's trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dio presses his face into the revolver's muzzle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Speedwagon fires another commandeered revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jonathan and Speedwagon hold their revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Speedwagon holds his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Speedwagon and the two remaining police officers aim their revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A dead police officer drops his revolver in front of Speedwagon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A later frame, giving a different view of the revolver.
Part 2: Battle Tendency
Colt Official Police
In Episode 10 ("New York's JoJo"), one of the two New York City police officers wields what appears to be a Colt Official Police revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Official Police with 4" barrel - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The police officer draws his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the revolver. The muzzle appears somewhat oversized, though this is likely an issue of perspective.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the hammer moving backwards as the policeman pulls the trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A shot of the frame as Joseph's bottlecap flies towards the policeman's finger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot, giving a good view of the revolver's frame.
Webley Mk VI
In Robert Speedwagon's flashback in Episode 10, one of the hijackers onboard Speedwagon's airplane wields a revolver, seemingly a Webley Mk VI .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Webley Mk VI - .455 Webley
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The hijacker points his revolver at Joseph.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the revolver.
M1A1 Thompson
The other two hijackers use M1A1 Thompson submachine guns without handguards. Seeing as this scene takes place in 1933, the M1A1 is anachronistic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The hijacker points his Thompson at Joseph.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A full view of the submachine gun's profile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The third hijacker in the background with his Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The hijacker hits Joseph in the face with his Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The two other hijackers watch, with the one in the middle holding his M1A1 vertical.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rear hijacker points his Thompson at Joseph.
M1928 Thompson
At the end of Episode 10 and the beginning of Episode 11 ("The Game Master"), Joseph Joestar uses an M1928 Thompson submachine gun with a 50-round drum magazine against Straizo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1928 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph draws his M1928 Thompson. It isn't clear where he was carrying it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph fires the Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view. Note the star-shaped muzzle flash, inconsistent with the M1928's Cutts compensator.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the submachine gun's ejection port.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph firing the submachine gun, while Smokey Brown asks a rhetorical question.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another frame from the stitched shot above.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph ceases firing. Note how there are bullet impacts at the base of the window; it isn't clear how or why Joseph would shoot there.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph holding his Thompson upright while standing at the window.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph kicks a table while holding his Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph holds the weapon towards the ground while ignoring Smokey next to him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph inspects a fired .45 ACP bullet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smokey and Joseph react to Straizo standing up.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph with his Thompson listening to Straizo. Note how the stock is colored black in this frame.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A dramatic shot of Joseph with his M1928.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up of the muzzle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another close-up shot, showing the trigger; the weapon clicks empty as Joseph attempts to fire it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph grabs his Thompson by the barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He lifts the weapon over his head.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He then swings it. Due to this being an intermediary frame, the stock is blurry, and the barrel is bent.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph's strike hitting Straizo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Straizo getting sent through a window by Joseph's stock-bash.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph attempting to finish Straizo by channeling Hamon through his Thompson.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another frame from the above scene.
Mk 2 hand grenade
After failing to kill Straizo with his Thompson, Joseph uses several Mk 2 hand grenades against Straizo.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph reveals the Mk 2 hand grenade hidden in Straizo's scarf.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the pin being removed from the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Straizo removes the grenade from his scarf.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing He then hits it away.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the grenade, revealing several wires tucked under the fuse assembly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A later frame, showing how these wires are connected to several pins.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing These pins were attached to the nine additional grenades hidden in Straizo's scarf. As with the Thompson, it isn't clear where Joseph was hiding these.
8.8cm FlaK 36
During Episode 11's explanation of World War II, German soldiers are seen firing an 8.8cm FlaK 36 anti-aircraft cannon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing 8.8cm FlaK 36 - 88x571mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers firing the FlaK.
Karabiner 98k
In Episode 12 ("The Pillar Man"), two of the German guards outside the secret facility in Mexico use rifles; while they are not particularly detailed, their general features (and the context) make the most likely choice the Karabiner 98k . Later on in the same episode, another guard inside the facility uses a similar rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98k - 7.92x57mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The muzzle of the guard's rifle is seen over his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards with their rifles slung.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards point their rifles at Joseph.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view, from behind the guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A side-on shot of the rifles; note the odd angle of their stocks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer view. The rifles' receivers are simplistic in design.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the guards yells at Joseph; here, the receiver appears to be more detailed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards hold their rifles. The structure under the barrel appears to be either an oversized cleaning rod or a misplaced gas tube.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards are hit with coconuts; this is the last time their rifles are seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard in the center holds a similar rifle.
The majority of the German guards inside the secret facility use MP40 submachine guns. Santana also takes one and disassembles it in Episode 13, "JoJo vs. The Ultimate Lifeforms". As this scene takes place in 1938, they are anachronistic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP40 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard next to Rudol von Stroheim with an MP40 slung over his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim warns a guard with a slung MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard removes the submachine gun from his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Some of the guards react to Santana's appearance with MP40s slung over their shoulders.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards hold their MP40s; note their somewhat skewed proportions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A later frame; note that their submachine guns are now more correctly proportioned.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards fire their MP40s at Santana.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards holding their empty weapons. Here they appear to have been drawn too large.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards react to their MP40s' ineffectiveness; the center-left guard appears to be pulling his gun's cocking handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guards stand back, holding their MP40s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the receiver of an MP40 as the guard holding it is shot by Santana.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard falls, with the surrounding guards watching and holding their MP40s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The three remaining guards holding their submachine guns; note that their guns' stocks are folded, despite having been unfolded in the previous shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guard at the right holds an MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An MP40's barrel can be seen in the bottom-right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An MP40 on the floor to the right of Joseph.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Santana reaches for the MP40. Note how it lacks a stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Santana holds the MP40. Despite the previous shot showing it without one, it now has an unfolded stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another frame of Santana examining the MP40.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Santana separates the MP40's upper and lower receivers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Santana unscrews the barrel nut.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Santana removes the grip panels, despite not having a screwdriver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph, Speedwagon, and von Stroheim watch as Santana disassembles the MP40.
Walther P38
One of the guards inside the secret facility uses a Walther P38 pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard holds a P38.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The P38 on the floor.
Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Rudol von Stroheim uses a Model 24 Stielhandgranate at the end of Episode 12.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Model 24 Stielhandgranate
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim draws the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up of the grenade's head. These markings read "VOR GEBRAUCH SPRENGKAPSEL EINSETZEN", which means "BEFORE USE INSERT DETONATOR".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim holds the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim unscrews the safety cap.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The detonator string is revealed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up of the cap threading and string.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim holds the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim puts the grenade in his mouth.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The grenade in Stroheim's mouth. Note its somewhat odd profile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim holding the grenade. Note the exaggerated size of the head's base ring.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim prepares to arm the grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim pulls out the detonator string with his teeth.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The last shot of Stroheim with his grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The grenade explodes as Joseph attempts to get closer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot of the explosion. How it didn't kill Joseph isn't clear.
Fictional Machine Gun
Rudol von Stroheim has a collapsible machine gun of apparently fictional design in his torso in Episode 19 ("A Race Toward the Brink"). According to Stroheim, it fires at 600 rounds per minute, and is capable of piercing 30 millimeters of steel. After this episode, it also appears in the ending sequence.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The ammunition belt of the machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The machine gun's belt feed opening.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the belt winding into Stroheim's body.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim striking a pose.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The machine gun emerges from Strohiem's torso.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The weapon's sight unfolds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer view of the machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim firing at Kars. Here, the belt appears to be CGI.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of the weapon firing. The spent cases are unusually short here.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the flip-up sight used to aim the weapon. It appears to use a single magnifying lens.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the belt. Again, it appears to be rendered with CGI.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A shot of the muzzle. The barrel is shown reciprocating when the weapon fires, indicating a recoil-operated design.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several bullets slashed by Kars.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing More slashed bullets. Despite supposedly being armor-piercing rounds, these lack any sort of separate core.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kars approaches Stroheim. Note the different color palette. This is the weapon's normal appearance, with the previous shots having been altered in the show's production.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kars slashes the machine gun in two.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stroheim firing his machine gun in the ED sequence, "Roundabout".
Vickers Aircraft Machine Gun
In the exposition sequence in Episode 24 ("The Ties That Bind JoJo"), George Joestar II's biplane is fitted with a pair of Vickers Aircraft Machine Guns .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vickers Aircraft Machine Gun - .303 British
Error creating thumbnail: File missing George Joestar II's biplane with its Vickers Aircraft Machine Guns at the front.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closer shot of George Joestar II and his machine guns.
In Episode 25 ("The Birth of a Superbeing"), the seaplane that Jonathan steals is fitted with a pair of MG17 machine guns, which he uses against Kars.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG17 - 7.92x75mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Joseph fires the machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The machine guns are visible as the plane touches the water. They are absent in several other shots.
Rudol von Stroheim's Weapons
In Episode 26 ("The Ascendant One"), Rudol von Stroheim is seen in Stalingrad with a variety of weapons, listed below.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing PPSh-41 - 7.62x25mm Tokarev
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG34 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MG42 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1A1 Bazooka - 2.36 inch
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The first four weapons emerge from Stroheim's back. Left to right, they are a PPSh-41 , an MG34 , an MG42 , and an M1A1 Bazooka .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P38 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MAC-10 with Sionics Two-Stage Sound Suppressor - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An additional two weapons appear. The one on the left is a Walther P38 , and the one on the right is a MAC-10 with a suppressor. As this scene takes place in 1943, the latter weapon is anachronistic.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The final frame in which the weapons are shown.
Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Nambu Model 60
In Episode 1 ("A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit"), Japanese police officers carry the Nambu Model 60 . Jotaro Kujo also takes one of these revolvers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nambu Model 60 - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Platinum grabs the policeman's Nambu Model 60.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The revolver's lanyard loop snaps.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The policeman watches his revolver move away.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Platinum takes the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Platinum hands the revolver to Jotaro.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro holds the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro points the Nambu at the policemen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro points the revolver at himself.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro places his thumb on the hammer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro cocks the hammer. The cylinder visibly rotates as he does so.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Holly Kujo watches Jotaro point the revolver at himself.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Star Platinum holds the fired bullet. Note the rifling marks in the bullet's jacket.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro holds the revolver, while looking at the fired bullet in Star Platinum's hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro looks at the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro puts the Nambu through the cell's bars.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro lowers the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro spins the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jotaro offers the revolver back to the policemen.
The Emperor
In Episode 10, "Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 1", Hol Horse's Stand, The Emperor is a fictional revolver seemingly based on the (Blade Runner) - LAPD 2019 Blaster , with the pistol grip based on the CZ-75, capable of materializing at will and manipulating projectiles mid-air. The Emperor later appears in Episode 11 ("Emperor and Hanged Man, Part 2"), Episode 14 ("Justice, Part 1"), and Episode 15 ("Justice, Part 2"). In Season 3, he also uses it in Episode 12 ("Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1") and Episode 13 ("Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 2").
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The LAPD 2019 Blaster prop from Blade Runner
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse summons The Emperor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse moves his hand. Being a Stand, The Emperor is not wholly physical, and Hol Horse is frequently shown passing his fingers through it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse shifts his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse aims his revolver at a snake. It lacks sights, though its ability to guide projectiles renders them somewhat unnecessary.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close-up shot of The Emperor's trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse fires his revolver. Its projectiles create rings of distorted air as they fly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse summons The Emperor while facing Jean Pierre Polnareff. Note how the cylinder is not aligned with the barrel or hammer like a normal revolver, with a metal sphere sitting where the cylinder would normally go.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse aims and cocks his revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse fires the revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A fired bullet curving around Silver Chariot's sword. Note the rifling marks in the center portion of the bullet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hol Horse holding The Emperor.
Enfield No. 2
In Episode 12, "The Empress", Indian police use revolvers; while they are not seen clearly enough to make a definitive ID, context makes the most likely option the Enfield No. 2 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Enfield No. 2 - .38 S&W
Colt 1851 Navy
In Episode 14, "Justice, Part 1", the dead man seen at the beginning of the episode holds a Colt 1851 Navy revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1851 Navy - .36 ball
Stechkin APB
In Episode 8 of Season 3, "Sethan's Alessi, Part 1", Alessi wields a Stechkin APB with a non-standard underbarrel rail and suppressor. He fires it eight times, then re-holsters it and never uses it again.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stechkin APB - 9x18mm Makarov
Ithaca 37
In Episode 12 of Season 3, "Hol Horse and Boingo, Part 1", the man escorting a woman through the desert carries an Ithaca 37 shotgun. He is never seen using it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ithaca 37 - 12 gauge
Sawn-off Double Barreled Shotgun
In Episode 23 of Season 3, "DIO's World, Part 3", Nukesaku uses a Sawn-off Double Barreled Shotgun of unknown make and model to test the power of DIO's Stand, The World.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Spartan (sawn-off) - 12 gauge
Browning Hi-Power
Later on in Episode 23, Egyptian police officers are seen using pistols resembling the Browning Hi-Power , albeit drawn somewhat inconsistently.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
Glock 18C
In a continuity error, the Egyptian police officers' sidearms turn into Glock 18C machine pistols, colored as though they had wooden grips. In one particular shot, one of the pistols visibly has a thumb relief cut into the frame, making it a third-generation model, and thus anachronistic (as Stardust Crusaders takes place in 1987).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 18C (third generation) - 9x19mm
Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Nambu Model 60
In Episode 2, "Josuke Higashikata! Meets Angelo", Ryohei Higashikata uses a model Nambu Model 60 to intimidate his grandson Josuke.
File:Nambu M60 4.jpg Nambu Model 60 - .38 Special
Colt M16A1
The soldiers of Keicho Nijimura's Stand, Bad Company (appearing in Episode 4 ("The Nijimura Brothers, Part 2") and Episode 5 ("The Nijimura Brothers, Part 3")) wield Colt M16A1 assault rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M16A1 - 5.56x45mm NATO
M67 hand grenade
Bad Company's soldiers also have M67 hand grenades on their webgear, though they are never seen using them.
M67 hand grenade
M230 Chain Gun
The AH-64 Apache helicopters used by Bad Company have 19-barreled Hydra 70 rocket pods and AGM-114 Hellfire missiles on their wings, and M230 Chain Guns on their chins.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M230 Chain Gun - 30x113mm B
Browning M2HB
The M1 Abrams tanks used by Bad Company have Browning M2HB machine guns mounted atop their turrets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
Bad Company's M1 Abrams tanks also have two M240 machine guns on each of them, with an M240C mounted coaxially and an M240D on top of the turret.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M240C - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M240D - 7.62x51mm NATO
M15 anti-tank mine
Bad Company is also capable of placing M15 anti-tank mines .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M15 anti-tank mine
Hispano-Suiza HS.404
In Episode 12 ("Red Hot Chili Pepper, Part 2"), Akira Otoshi's Stand, Red Hot Chili Pepper, takes control of a miniature R/C Supermarine Spitfire in E-wing configuration, fitted with two non-functional Hispano-Suiza HS.404 autocannons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Hispano-Suiza HS.404 - 20x110mm
Browning M2 Aircraft
The aforementioned model Spitfire is also fitted with two non-functional Browning M2 Aircraft machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2 Aircraft, Fixed - .50 BMG
Beretta 92F
In Episode 33, "July 15th (Thursday), Part 3", Terunosuke Miyamoto uses a Beretta 92F against Josuke. He fires the pistol once, then discards it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92F - 9x19mm
Part 5: Vento Aureo
Smith & Wesson Model 30
Throughout the season, as well as in both openings ("Fighting Gold" and "Traitor's Requiem") and both variations of the first ending ("Freek'N You"), Guido Mista carries a custom Smith & Wesson Model 30 revolver, with a purple finish and a hammer shroud reminiscent of the Smith & Wesson Model 49 (albeit depicted as a separate part). He notably uses the weapon in combination with his Stand, Sex Pistols, to aid in reloading the weapon and redirect bullets mid-air.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 30 with short barrel and nickel finish - .32 S&W Long
Narancia Ghirga's Stand, Aerosmith, seen throughout both openings, both variations of the first ending, all variations of the second ending ("Modern Crusaders"), and most of the episodes in which he is present (starting in Episode 9, "The First Order from the Boss"), is a miniature airplane, armed with a chin-mounted bomb and two wing-mounted LAU-68 rocket pods, incorrectly depicted as multi-barreled machine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing LAU-68 - 70mm
Colt Single Action Army
The mid-episode eyecatch sequences feature a coin, one side of which has a Colt Single Action Army on it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Single Action Army with 5.5" barrel - .45 Long Colt
Smith & Wesson 4506
During the explanation of Giorno Giovanna's backstory in Episode 2 ("Bucciarati Is Coming"), the drug dealer's son uses an early-model Smith & Wesson 4506 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson 4506 (early model) - .45 ACP
Madsen M50
In Episode 3 ("Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall") and Episode 4 ("Joining the Gang"), the guards outside Polpo's cell use Madsen M50 submachine guns.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Madsen M50 - 9x19mm
Colt Combat Commander
Polpo's cell contains a stash of forbidden items, one of which is a Colt Combat Commander pistol. Another handgun is also present, though it is not seen clearly enough to make an ID.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Combat Commander - .45 ACP
Smith & Wesson Model 29
The stash of forbidden items in Polpo's cell also contains a Smith & Wesson Model 29 . Notably, in Episode 4, Giorno uses his Stand, Golden Experience, to turn this revolver into a banana, causing Polpo to shoot himself upon attempting to eat it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 29 with 6" barrel - .44 Magnum
Mk 2 hand grenade
Another weapon in Polpo's stash of forbidden items is a Mk 2 hand grenade .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 hand grenade
Colt M1911A1
A gang member discussing Polpo's death is seen using what appears to be a Colt M1911A1 in Episode 5, "Find Polpo's Fortune!"
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Beretta 92F
During the explanation of Leone Abbacchio's backstory in Episode 6 ("Moody Blues' Counterattack"), Abbacchio and his partner are both seen with Beretta 92F pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92F - 9x19mm
Colt Official Police
The pimp in Episode 6 wields a Colt Official Police revolver. Another one is seen in Episode 8, "Sex Pistols Appears, Part 2", used by both a rapist and Guido Mista during the explanation of the latter's backstory. Unlike the pimp's revolver, the rapist's has a semi-round front sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Official Police - .38 Special
File:10487251 1.jpg Colt Official Police with semi-round front sight - .38 Special
Beretta M1934
One of the two additional criminals seen in Episode 8 wields a Beretta M1934 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta M1934 - .380 ACP
Browning Hi-Power
The other additional criminal in Episode 8 uses a Browning Hi-Power .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm