Hitler: The Rise of Evil is a 2003 Canadian historical drama that focuses on Adolf Hitler's early life, war-career and his rise to power. The series originally aired in two parts and stars Robert Carlyle as Adolf Hitler. The cast also includes Stockard Channing, Julianna Margulies, Peter O'Toole, Peter Stormare, Thomas Sangster, Matthew Modine and Liev Schreiber. This miniseries was directed by Christian Duguay and produced by John Ryan, Ed Gernon and Peter Sussman of the (now defunct) Alliance Atlantis company.
The following weapons appear in the television miniseries Hitler: The Rise of Evil:
A Freikorp Officer is seen using a Mauser C96 during the 1919 troubles.
Frommer Stop
During the post-war years Hitler is seen carrying a Frommer Stop pistol.
CZ 27
During the "Night of the Long Knives" Hitler arrests Ernest Röhm (Peter Stormare) personally and he brandishes a CZ 27 for the job.
Mauser Gewehr 1898
Hitler and other soldiers are seen carrying the Mauser Gewehr 1898 during his WW1 service.
Karabiner 98k
The Karabiner 98k rifle is seen in several scenes. German soldiers (including Hitler himself), and later the SS, are seen with this weapon. This is anachronistic as this rifle did not become active until June 1935. The Karabiner 98k may be standing in for the Mauser 98AZ Artillery Carbine in the World War I scenes.
The Germans in the trenches are seen using a Czech ZB-53 which has been modified to look like a historically accurate Maxim MG08.
Vickers Mk1 machine gun
During the 1919 German Revolution, the anti-communist "Freikorps" use a Vickers Mk1 against the communist "Spartacists" during the "Spartacist Uprising" in 1919.