Tickle Me is an American 1965 musical Western comedy directed by Norman Taurog and starring Elvis Presley as a champion rodeo rider Lonnie Beale. Until the season starts up again, Lonnie finds a job at a guest ranch. Then he follows Pam Meritt (Jocelyn Lane) to the ghost town of Silverado, where one of Pam's relatives has hidden a treasure in the days of Old West. But they are not the only ones who want to get the treasure.
The following weapons were used in the film Tickle Me:
When Lonnie Beale (Elvis Presley) imagine himself as a gunslinger Panhandle Kid of Silverado, he carries a pair of Single Action Army Civilian model revolvers with nickel finish and pearl grips. In same scene a Single Action Army revolver is also seen in holster of gambler Harry (Lonnie imagines his rival Brad Bentley (Edward Faulkner) as this character). Treasure hunter Jerry-Gardener (Louie Elias) carries a pair of SAA revolvers when he pretends to be a mannequin of a highwayman.
In the scene in Old West saloon that happens in Lonnie's imagination gambler Harry carries a Remington 1866 Derringer in his sleeve (an iconic feature of cardsharps in Western movies).
One of the treasure hunters carries a nickel plated M1911 with pearl grips. As the guns of other members of the gang are known (Sturdivant carries a Smith & Wesson, Jerry-Gardener has a pair of SAA revolvers, and Adolph (John Dennis) has a blued M1911A1 (see below)), this pistol most likely belongs to the fourth member of the gang, Henry-Gardener (Bob Hoy).