Quantum Break is a science fiction action-adventure third-person shooter by Remedy Entertainment. The game uniquely blends a TV show into its presentation: four live-action 25-minute episodes are placed between each of the game's five acts. The live-action segments stars:
Players control Jack Joyce, a man imbued with time manipulation powers following a time machine's malfunction. He soon embarks on a mission to stop the Fracture, an event caused by the time machine's malfunction that will soon cause time to cease functioning. Along the way, he is pursued by Monarch Solutions, a powerful corporation with their own agenda for the Fracture.
The following weapons appear in the video game Quantum Break:
The Glock 17 appears under the name 'Pistol' and is the most common handgun in the game. Despite the actual Glock 17 holding 17 rounds in the magazine, the 'Pistol' only holds 8 rounds. It is protagonist Jack Joyce's default weapon and uses it in many cutscenes, regardless of what pistol he is carrying.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing3rd Generation Glock 17 - 9x19mm. Note the finger grooves, thumb reliefs, and accessory rail on the frame, which differentiate it from the older model.
The Glock 17 is seen throughout the series, most prominently used by Liam Burke (Patrick Heusinger) and Beth Wilder (Courtney Hope) in "Monarch Solutions." (S01E01)
The FN Five-seveN is featured as the 'Heavy Pistol' with a weaponlight attached, though the weaponlight is unusable. Despite the actual Five-SeveN holding 20 rounds in the magazine, the 'Heavy Pistol' only holds four, likely to counterbalance its heavy firepower.
The TDI Vector appears as the 'Tactical SMG.' It fires in three round bursts and holds 24 rounds in a magazine. It is fitted with a Magpul UBR stock and EOTech red dot sight, as well as a muzzle attachment implied to allow the weapon to function in a Stutter- a brief period where time freezes and only specially equipped Humans can move as normal. Despite the Vector being the only weapon to feature this device, all weapons function as normal during a Stutter.
The Vector is the weapon of choice of Monarch's elite Striker forces and becomes very common in the later parts of the game.
The Heckler & Koch MP7 appears as the 'SMG.' It fires in full auto and holds 24 rounds in a magazine. It is commonly wielded by lower-tier Monarch security forces.
The Heckler & Koch HK416 appears as the 'Assault Rifle' and is commonly used by mid-tier Monarch forces. It is a common find throughout the game. Fires fully automatically from a 20 round magazine which is modeled as a 30 round STANAG magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingJack contemplates upgrading to an HK416. The rifle features a Magpul UBR stock like the Vector and a red dot sight. Like the MP7, the selector is set to safe.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith the help of a Stutter, Jack gets a closer look at the HK416 with the help of a very accommodating Monarch security guard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReload animations in this game are fairly basic. Firearms have no animated parts, so Jack more or less mimics the action of reloading weapons. Here, Jack mimes taking out a magazine from his HK416 before "loading" a new one.
The HK416 is used by Monarch Solutions security agents throughout the series.
The Magpul PDR appears as the 'Advanced SMG' and is incorrectly listed as an SMG. It has a ponderous capacity of 48 rounds per magazine despite being modeled with a 20 round magazine.
The Kel-Tec KSG appears as the 'Semi-Auto Shotgun,' incorrectly labelled and fired as a semi-automatic shotgun, when it is a pump-action shotgun. While a real KSG hold 14 rounds, 7 in each tube, the ingame shotgun only holds 5 rounds. Despite being labelled as a semi-auto, Jack is seen pumping the weapon following every shot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKel-Tec KSG with Magpul RVG foregrip - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingAt a Monarch armory, Jack checks out a Monarch-branded KSG. Note the green boxes above the KSG are of 6.5x55mm Swedish ammo. Why Monarch is stocking this antiqued round designed for bolt-action rifles that do not appear in the game is anyone's guess.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLater, Jack takes aim at a ripple of distortion caused by "Chronon particles," the game's explanation for the cause of all sorts of time-based shenanigans. It seems that Jack's time powers have not given him the ability to flip up the KSG's sights.
The UTAS UTS-15 appears as the "Full-Auto Shotgun.' As the name implies, it fires fully automatically, despite the UTS-15 being a pump-action shotgun. It only appears in the last few chapters of the game and is not used by any enemies. It holds 8 shells in contrast to the UTS's 7+7 shell capacity in two tubes.
The Knight's Armament Stoner LMG appears as the 'Light Machine Gun.' It is used sporadically by heavily-armored Monarch security personnel. Ammunition for this weapon cannot be replenished, meaning the player is typically limited to a single 60-round drum magazine.
The DSR-1 appears as 'Carbine Rifle' and is the closest thing the game has to a sniper rifle. It deals the highest damage of any firearm and can usually eliminate most enemies in a single shot. Monarch snipers employ this weapon with, in typical video game fashion, a highly visible red laser sight that allows the player to know when they are lining up a shot. It functions as a semi-automatic rifle despite being modeled with a bolt handle.
It appears that the developers were confused by the layout of this weapon. The DSR-1 is a bullpup rifle that feeds from the magazine behind the trigger. In front of the trigger lies a spare magazine holder that can easily be mistaken for where the rifle feeds ammunition from. Quantum Break's DSR-1 lacks the rear magazine and is presumably supposed to load ammo from the front magazine. Indeed, the reload animation shows Jack miming the action of taking out the front magazine and loading a new one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDSR-Precision GmbH DSR-1 - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA marksman may have difficulty using this rifle in its envisioned role due to the fact it has a red dot sight as opposed to an optic with higher magnification. Here one can also see that only the front magazine in the spare magazine holder is present, giving the DSR-1 a conventional layout as opposed to the real thing's bullpup layout. This can be seen more clearly on the weapon's icon to the right.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the sights of the DSR-1. When reloading, Jack will finish by pulling an imaginary charging handle on the right side of the receiver.