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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The following guns will be used in the video game Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty)
Note: Guns need to be identified on the discussion page!

Steyr AUG A2
This is Indeed an A2, but with an A1 Sight mounted on the top rail
M4 Carbine
M16 rifle
One AK model was also seen in the trailer, it definitely had a 7.62 magazine, but nothing else in the video is clear. The GameTrailers Analysis states that it is an AK-103 but this is unconfirmed. In the May 24th Trailer, many other AK variants were shown with odd custom paint camo's, most notably some looked like AK-74 Models while other's looked like the more modern AK-103 models.
Bushmaster ACR
Used by Roach in the gameplay demonstration at the E3's Microsoft conference. It is equipped with a silencer, reflex sight, and a heartbeat monitor.
Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR
Dragunov SVD
FN Minimi
RPD Light Machine Gun
Winchester 1200
Seen by use of the Russian Riot Police in the trailer
Seen held by the Riot policeman that was likely killed in the shot below. It seems to have a tri-rail forearm. Probably in hands at members of spetsnaz with boards a pistol-automatic machine of Russian manufacture СР-3 "Вихрь"! At least it is most similar to it.
This particular 4.6x30mm PDW is seen in the hands of at least two of the Riot police in the trailer, they seem to have the same square-shaped Reflex sight seen throughout the trailer.
Armsel Striker
Used by a terrorist assaulting a Russian Air port, it seems to have a reflex sight.
Springfield Armory Professional 1911
It is possible and most likely that this is the same pistol given to Soap by Captain Price in the 1st game.
The GameTrailers Analysis states that it is a Glock 22, but this is unconfirmed. It could be a Glock 18 since in the video demo shown at the E3 conference, it fires fully automatically.
- An interesting note is that the Glock fires dramatically slower than a Glock 18 or other converted Glocks. The Glock from the video's rate of fire is only around 600-700 RPM, where as a real Automatic Glock fires around 1100+ RPM -- Mythekal
- The guy COULD just be firing in semi VERY fast so that it seems like it's full auto. A lot of the handguns in COD4 if you tap the trigger in quick successions, it seems almost full auto Excalibur01 04:45, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
M203 grenade launcher
M67 hand grenade
I'm not so sure what this is, although it does certainly resemble an FAL with a full rail handguard and a 30-round magazine as well as the reflex sight.
Other Unknown
Another rifle I'm unsure of, althought this one more closely resembles an F2000 Tactical.
-Looks to be an F2000 Tactical, as there's not optical sight.
Definete seen with a scope, Possibly an ACOG, but this is unconfirmed. Likely a 45 Model due to the straight magazine, but it might also be the 40
TDI Kriss Super V
Definite, seen with no attachment and possibly seen with suppressor. The May 24th trailer shows a brief scene of the Kriss being used with it's experimental 26 round magazine and possible Eotech Holographic sight.
Benelli M4 Super 90
Highly probable.
IMI Desert Eagle
In one scene of the new trailer, presumably a secondary bad guy carries a Jericho 941 Handgun with a laser aiming module attached it. It's hard to say as to whether this is a Jericho or a Desert Eagle, however it appears to be too small to be a desert eagle. He quickly shoots two agents in a quick draw at point blank before possible shooting a third sitting in a car.
Confirmed as a Desert Eagle.
TMP or B&T MP-9
A TMP or a Brugger & Thornet MP-9 is seen very briefly during the Snowmobile chase, fired one handed and a slight angle.