The following guns were used in the film The Enforcer :
File:TheEnforcerCover.jpg The Enforcer (1976)
Smith & Wesson Model 29
Inspector Harry Callahan's (Clint Eastwood ) primary weapon as expected is his ".44 Magnum", the Smith & Wesson Model 29 with an 6 1/2" barrel. He comments in the film to his partner Insp. Kate Moore (Tyne Daly ) that he particularly favors this gun do to penetration power, since he claims he's seen a .38 ricochet off a car windshield.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 29 - .44 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan takes out his Smith & Wesson Model 29 during the hostage-taking at the beginning of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan kills the hostage-takers with his Smith & Wesson Model 29.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan fires his Model 29 at the police station bomber as he chases him on the rooftops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan holds his Model 29 on the bomber after finally catching him in the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan blind fires his Model 29 at terrorists at Alcatraz island.
Colt Python
The 2" barrel version of Colt Python is carried by Callahan's partner, Inspector Kate Moore (Tyne Daly ), who keeps it in her purse. This revolver is also carried by many members of the San Francisco Police Department.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Python 4" barrel - .357 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Insp. Moore holds her Colt Python at the ready after finally catching up with Callahan and the bomber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Plain clothes SFPD officers aim their Colt Pythons while outside "Big" Ed Mustapha's (Albert Popwell , in his third different role of the Dirty Harry series) place.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Insp. Moore nervously holds her Colt Python after killing the shotgun-wielding nun in the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moore fires her Colt Python from the trolly as she approaches Alcatraz island.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moore searches Alcatraz with her Colt Python at the ready.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moore cocks the hammer on her Colt Python.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "You laugh at me you bastard, and I'll shoot you where you stand."
M72A1 LAW rocket launchers are seen in the film, and are among the weapons taken from the depot by Maxwell (DeVeren Bookwalter ) and his men. During the final battle on Alcatraz, Maxwell drops his LAW and it is picked up by Insp. Callahan (Clint Eastwood ), who uses it to destroy the tower that Maxwell makes his last stand in. When the launcher is shown off to SFPD by a US Army instructor, the weapon is refered to as a "Laws", as if they imply someone by the name of Laws made it, as opposed to it being an acronym for "Light Anti-Tank Weapon".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M72A2 LAW - 66mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell's men uncover an M72A1 LAW.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The US Army instructor shows off the M72A1 LAW.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The US Army instructor pulls the safety pin on the back cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The US Army instructor opens the back cover, which flips up the front sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The US Army instructor fully extends the LAW, which flips up the rear sight.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Insp. Moore leans in to watch the US Army intructor fire the launcher, but he fails to mention the back blast is lethal. Luckily, Callahan pulls her aside before he fires.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell destroys the Mayor's car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell drops his LAW when fleeing from Callahan with the Mayor.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Maxwell, you fuckin' fruit." Callahan prepares the LAW as Maxwell climbs the watch tower.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan takes out the top of the tower with the LAW.
Colt Trooper MK III
An SFPD officer is seen aiming his Colt Trooper MK III during the robbery at the beginning of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Trooper MK III - .357 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer next to Callahan with his Colt Trooper MK III at the ready.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The officer aiming his Colt Trooper.
Smith & Wesson Model 27
Callahan's first partner in the film, Insp. Frank DiGiorgio (John Mitchum ), carries a large N-Frame Smith & Wesson Model 27 with a 4" barrel as his sidearm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 27 Snub - .357 Magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DiGiorgio draws his Smith & Wesson Model 27 during the robbery at the start of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good shot of DiGiorgio's Model 27.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DiGiorgio holds his Model 27 on the group of terrorists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DiGiorgio is snuck up on by Bobby Maxwell (DeVeren Bookwalter ) and stabbed in the back by his modernized WWI trench knife.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing DiGiorgio drops his Model 27.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell kills Miki (Jocelyn Jones ) with DiGiorgio's Model 27 after she becomes dead weight to them from being shot.
Ithaca 37
Bobby Maxwell (DeVeren Bookwalter ) uses a sawed off Ithaca 37 shotgun to kill one of the gas station drivers at the beginning of the film. Later, an SFPD officer is seen using a full sized Ithaca while outside the liquor store being robbed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ithaca 37 - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell holding his sawed off Ithaca 37.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell blows away the gas station driver with his Ithaca 37.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer outside the liquor store aims his Ithaca 37.
M16 (SP1)
M16 (SP1) rifles (with both birdcage and three-prong flash hiders) are used by the SFPD officers that arrest the Uhuru group, and later are seen among the weapons stolen from the Hamilton Firearms warehouse by Bobby Maxwell (DeVeren Bookwater ) and his terrorist group, The People's Revolutionary Strike Force. They later use the guns to abduct the Mayor (John Crawford ) and hold him on Alcatraz.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 (SP1) with three-prong flash hider - 5.56x45mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 (SP1) with Birdcage flash hider - 5.56x45mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Police armed with M16s prepare to arrest the Uhuru group.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Police armed with M16s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buchinski (Robert F. Hoy ) and Maxwell with three-prong flash hider M16s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Maxwell's men fires his M16 (with three-prong flash hider) at The Mayor's (John Crawford ) car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A stash of The People's Revolutionary Strike Force's M16s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Buchinski with an M16 in Alcatraz.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxwell fires his M16 at Callahan.
Armalite AR-18
Several Armalite AR-18 rifles are used by the members of The People's Revolutionary Strike Force on Alcatraz Island.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Armalite AR-18 - 5.56x45mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Maxwell's men keeps lookout with an Armalite AR-18.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another one of his men with an AR-18.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The AR-18 jams on the thug and he is knocked off the watch tower by a high pressure water hose.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the men fires his AR-18 at Callahan.
Remington 870 Folding Stock
People's Revolutionary Strike Force member Wanda (Samantha Doane ) disguised as a nun in the church Insp. Callahan (Clint Eastwood ) goes to to investigate the priest tries to fire a Remington 870 Folding Stock on him before being killed by Inspector Kate Moore (Tyne Daly ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Folder with extended magazine tube - stock extended - 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The nun readies her Remingotn 870 Folder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan picks up the dead nun's Remington 870.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Callahan inspects the Remington 870.
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
A robber in the liquor store at the start of the film holds a woman hostage and holds up Insp. Callahan (Clint Eastwood ) with a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Stoeger/IGA Coach Gun - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The robber holds a woman hostage while armed with a shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The robber holds his shotgun on Callahan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Different shot of the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "Son of a bitch!" The robber fires his shotgun at Callahan's car when he drives into the store.
Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless
One of the robbers in the liquor store is seen armed with a Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless during the robbery.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1903 - .32 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The robber guards hostages armed with a Colt 1908 Pocket Hammerless.
Smith & Wesson Model 15
One of the robbers in the liquor store is seen using a Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolver. Later, Wanda (Samantha Doane ) is seen holding up a bridge operator with one before killing him with it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 15 - .38spl.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the robbers holds his Smith & Wesson Model 15 on Callahan.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wanda draws her Smith & Wesson Model 15.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wanda holds the bridge operator at gun point with the Model 15.
Colt Detective Special
As Maxwell and his men leave the Hamilton Firearms warehouse, a guard fires his Colt Detective Special at their vehicle before being run over.
Colt Detective Special - .38spl.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard fires his Colt Detective Special at the group's vehicle.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
One of Maxwell's (DeVeren Bookwalter ) men is seen holding a Smith & Wesson Model 10 while waiting in the van to enter the Hamilton Firearms warehouse. Later, one of The Mayor's (John Crawford ) guards fires a snub nose version before being killed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 10 - .38spl.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Maxwell's men checks his Smith & Wesson Model 10.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 10 Snub - .38spl.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A guard fires his Model 10 Snub before being shot by Maxwell's men.
The man who bombs the police station and flees from Insp. Callahan (Clint Eastwood ) on the rooftops is seen armed with an M1911A1 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1911A1 - .45 ACP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The bomber on the roof with his M1911A1.
Unknown Pistol
While in the Hamilton Firearms warehouse, Miki (Jocelyn Jones ) tries to draw an unknown pistol from her waist before being ordered to drop it by Insp. DiGiorgio (John Mitchum ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Miki tries to draw her pistol.
Federal M201-Z Grenade Launcher
Insp. Frank DiGiorgio (John Mitchum ) fires a gas canister from a Federal M201-Z Grenade Launcher into the liquor store during the robbery.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Federal M201-Z Gas Gun - 37mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Insp. DiGiorgio fires a Federal M201-Z Grenade Launcher into the liquor store.
See Also