Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand GrenadesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesHot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, also known as H3VR, is a virtual-reality shooting gallery sandbox game with an emphasis on realistic weapon operation. Using the HTC Vive's motion controllers players can manipulate individual rounds in a magazine, pull the cocking lever, flip safeties, deploy a bipod, fold or collapse the stock, dry-fire, and even adjust the zeroing on sights and scopes. The axis of the motion controller even conforms to the angle of each individual weapon's grip.
Outside of custom models created for the game, a good portion of the game's weapon models come from either publicly available 3D assets sold on asset stores and direct donations from freelance weapon artists to the game's lead Anton Hand. With some detailed research, it is even possible to identify the exact creators of individual models, either by researching in the asset stores or artist portfolios. For instance, many of the early weapons have made-up markings, a feature of weapons from the "Ultimate FPS Weapons Pack" by weapon artist ChamferZone, and a series of Mauser C96 variants added later in the game are all from the "Mauser Pistol Pack" by Stefan Engdahl. More info on weapon assets and artists can be found in the discussion page.
Additional note: due to inherent difficulties with VR screenshots, most screenshots on this page are from devlog videos by game director Anton Hand, with the remainder being provided by members of the game's Reddit page, r/H3VR; these users will be noted in the respective weapons' sections.
The following weapons appear in the video game Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades:
While not directly usable in-game, a Beretta 92FS (different from the M9A1 below) is seen on the item spawner's instruction panel as an example handgun, showing off some standard controls and functions.
Replicas of the modified Grammaton Cleric pistol from the movie Equilibrium are available in-game, having been added through Update #37. The Grammaton Cleric comes in full-auto, and boasts the same interesting muzzle flash as the movie gun.
The Beretta 950 Jetfire is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added through the first Meatmas update. 2 versions are available - a standard blued model with black plastic grips, and a gold-plated model with mother-of-pearl grips.
The Beretta M9A1 is one of the 4 pistols added in Update #5. Upon its introduction, it was permanently fitted with a suppressor; this was removed in favor of a threaded barrel in Update #20 (which introduced detachable suppressors to the game).
The Beretta Px4 Storm is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #20, and is correctly able to share magazines with the earlier M9A1, the concurrently-added Cx4, and the later-added Mx4.
The Wurstwurld update brought along a Bergmann Simplex pocket pistol, among many other things. Of note is that this is the first ever appearance of this weapon in a video game, and only the second documented appearance of it in any form of media, the first being in The Mystic Archives of Dantalian.
The Browning Hi-Power was the first weapon added in the 1st Meatmas update. Notably, it is correctly depicted as being unfireable without a magazine inserted.
The M1911A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #3. Update #23 added 2 cosmetic variants: one with a matte-gray finish and green synthetic grips, and one with a gold-plated finish and black grips. A unique version of the latter with unlimited ammunition, full-automatic fire capability, and a length of about 1 meter is available in the Meatmas level; this is referred to as, of all possible names, "Floppy McLongflopper".
Update #52's 7th alpha build (the April Fools' Day special) included the so-called "Oversize" version of the M1911A1. As the name implies, it is substantially larger than the standard M1911A1, being more akin in size to a howitzer than a handgun; to facilitate human use, it is fitted with several RIS-type grips for handling, a rail on the side for sights (as attempting to aim with the standard slide-mounted irons would likely lead to the user being decapitated), and an equally massive bipod for more stable use.
It fires the ".45 ACP Oversize" round, which, amusingly, had already been added to the game several updates prior; many enterprising players combined this with the ability to cook off and/or directly strike the primers of loose rounds to set them off (introduced in Update #48), and the game's substantial amounts of freedom with regards to rail adaptor placement (or spacially-lockable platforms, for that matter) to create various devices to launch these rounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Huh? What's this? Why would someone make a massive 1911 magaz..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Oh."Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the massive magazine into the massive handgun. Awkward angles are all but mandatory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRacking the slide (by way of the diagonally-attached handle on the side); this shot also shows that the rather literal hand-cannon is apparently made by "HEDEN GUN CO. INC" out of "HEDEN, .N.Y". This fictional manufacturer (complete with fictional town and mis-written postal code) is shared with the standard M1911A1 variants (which makes sense, as the Oversize is a scaled-up version thereof).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a "Mortar" round (which, as previously shown, uses the model of a tracer, and as presently shown, looks like one when initially fired).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis round is the simplest of the 3 available types, being an impact-detonated high-explosive shell, as seen here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThat shell plus 6 more equals an empty artillery piece, meriting a mag swap; this is done by punching (yes, punching) the magazine release button...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which, assuming that the gun is high enough off the ground, dumps out the magazine with a loud "CLUNK".Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf you're feeling tired after hefting around a literal artillery piece, no worries!Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust unfold the bipod, and take a load off.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA bit of futzing with the ammo spawning panel grants a magazine loaded with what appear to be jacketed hollowpoints; these are actually what are known as "Mega Buckshot" rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missing""Mega Buckshot"? What on Earth could that possibly..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing" I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't that."Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off another MBS round with the game's optional bullet trails enabled gives a better idea of just what "that" is: each shell fires several "pellets", if you will; upon hitting a surface, these "pellets" explode, releasing a burst of .50 BMG tracer projectiles.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the last type of round directly into the chamber; this round, visually resembling an FMJ, is a MIRV (Multiple Indepent Reentry Vehicle) round. It's not every day that you see something with terminology more generally associated with long-range ballistic missiles being loaded into a handgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf grabbing a hold of the slide-mounted grip and wrestling with the recoil spring directly just isn't your style, the slide release is always an option.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust grab on, and yank downward with everything you've got.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the more bizarre features of the weapon (yes, it gets more bizarre) is the exposed firing pin; should one not want to disturb a well lined-up shot, they can simply leave the pistol as-is, and hit the firing pin with another, smaller handgun, like this M29 here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPreferably from slightly further away, assuming that you value your wrists more than a close view of the MIRV round's curious blue tracer. A real priorital toss-up, I know.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThanks to the magic of bullet trails, the MIRV round's mechanics can be more clearly seen; each shell starts out solid, then splits into 7 smaller explosive shells after a fixed period in mid-air (or just explodes all at once if it hits something first).
Colt Woodsman Match Target
One of the weapons added in the 2018 Halloween update (the main headline of which was the Return of the Rotweiners gamemode, a large-scale rogue-lite zombie RPG) was a Colt Woodsman Match Target .22 target pistol with gold-inlaid engravings and pearl grips.
One of the first firearms added to H3VR (before it even carried that name, in fact), along with the "Cartoon 8 Gauge" sawn-off shotgun, was the "Cyber Pistol", a fictional semi-automatic handgun with an integrated laser sight. It feeds from a 9-round single-stack magazine; this initially used a simple, proprietary round known only as "Cyber Pistol" ammunition; in Update #52, it was changed to use the same "10mm DSM" ammo as the LAPD 2019 Blaster. The Cyber Pistol isn't presently attainable through the standard item spawner, though some scenes feature an Easter egg fully-automatic version with infinite ammo, and the standard version can be obtained through random spawns in modes such as Take & Hold.
A Desert Eagle Mark VII, chambered in .44 Magnum is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #26, an update that (perhaps more significantly) also added the Meat Grinder gamemode.
On April Fools' Day of 2018, Update #52's 7th alpha build was released. Among other things, this included the "Degle.50", a cardboard Desert Eagle held together with duct tape. The weapon was meant as a joke response to a poorly-spelled Steam request for a replica of the Desert Eagle seen in Blue Estate. It fires the ".50 Imaginary" round, of which several types (with names just as eloquent as that of the pistol itself) are available. To top it off, all of the Degle's sound effects were created by game director Anton Hand - not mixed, mind you, but literally created - the sounds are all Anton saying various onomatopoeia associated with the weapon's functions.
To compliment the .44 Mark VII, Update #58 added a Desert Eagle Mark XIX in .50 Action Express. The in-game handgun is a more recent Magnum Research model, with rails on the barrel and frame, and a ported barrel.
Update #58 added a much-requested handgun, the FN Five-seveN. The in-game weapon is a USG model, the most common of the bunch (despite no longer being in production), and has an FDE frame.
So far the only known media appearance of this fairly rare French machine pistol, the UNION was a version of the Ruby capable of full-auto fire. It had a distinctive 35-round horseshoe magazine, which is replicated in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFrench UNION with magazine and loading tool - .32 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingWhen you have a game with the word "Horseshoes" in the name, you need to have a gun involving horseshoes. It's just mandatory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in the magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which results in something exactly as ridiculous-looking as you'd expect.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the UNION's slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming; this is a rather pointless activity, considering both the weapon's lack of sights and its short effective range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnleashing a barrage of .32 ACP rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missing35 of the aforementioned rounds later, the UNION locks open, showing off the fluting of the barrel, which is normally covered by the slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the pistol, following a quick mag change. This shows off the labeled witness holes in the magazine (which actually allow for the viewing of cartridges in-game, and are placed every 5 rounds, starting at 15), as well as the markings, which read "PISTOLET AUTOMATIQUE FRANCAIS" on the first line, "FABRIQUE A STETIENNE-CAL 7.65" on the second, "UNION" both on the grip and to the right of the other slide markings (in quotation marks on the latter, oddly enough), and "TRADE MARK" surrounding a manufacturer's logo in the center of the grip panel. While not visible here, the front of the lower frame indicates that the serial number is 0424, and the magazine is marked "CHARGEUR "UNION" CAL.7/65 BTE S.G.D.G".Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust in case it wasn't ridiculous enough already, the unique magazine shape of the UNION allows for... this.
Glock 17
Update #53 added a series of 9x19mm Glock pistols, the first of which being the ubiquitous Glock 17 to H3VR, specifically a 4th-generation model. It comes in 2 flavors - vanilla, and "Custom", the latter having a flared magazine well, raised aftermarket iron sights, a slide-mounted red dot sight, and a modified slide resembling the ZEV Technologies Dragonfly, with diagonal slide serrations and milling cuts around the barrel. It also comes with a unique magazine, interchangeable with the other 9mm Glocks.
The third (or, again, fourth if the customized G17 is counted) and final Update #53 Glock is a 3rd-gen Glock 19 with an FDE frame and a extended threaded barrel. Before it was made a usable weapon, a compact-sized Glock akin to the 19 (albeit with a Glock 26-length barrel and slide) was made available to SWBs (Soldier Weiner-Bots) back in Update #46, although according to its Sosigun spawn-menu name, it is apparently meant as a cartoonish Glock 17.
The Intratec TEC-9 is one of the game's available firearms; it has a rather strange "tacticool" orange paintjob. Initially, 2 versions were available - a standard semi-auto variant, and a variant converted to full-auto; Update #53 changed the latter into a converted Interdynamic KG-9, leaving only the standard semi-auto version.
Update #53 added an IWI Uzi Pro Pistol. True to its real-life nature, it is treated in-game as a semi-auto-only closed-bolt pistol, rather than as a machine pistol, as one may assume at first glance.
Update #50 added a Kimber Warrior, fitted with non-standard grip panels, raised red illuminated iron sights, and a permanently-attached red dot sight, known as the "M1911A1 Tactical". The sixth alpha build of Update #52 added a further customized model, with a slide with milling cuts, a different slide-mounted RDS, and bone grips, called the "M1911A1 Operator".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKimber Warrior - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA nice, close look at the Kimber Warrior. Also seen here is the indoor range's target board; it leaves a black mark wherever a shot is placed on the corresponding target downrange, with the most recent hit being red.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA view through the Warrior's integrated RDS, which also shows off the co-witnessed illuminated sights. Meanwhile, RSOs around the world wince at the direction that the pistol is pointed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Warrior, locked open after a successful mag dump. The extended magazine seen here was added to the game with the weapon, holds 11 rounds, and can be freely interchanged with the standard 7-rounders.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a new magazine into the Warrior.
"M1911 Operator"
Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the left side of the "Operator"...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and the right side. Due to a now-patched bug, the trigger is inside of the magazine well, similar to the Colt Defender above. The slide markings denote the pistol (or at least the slide) as being made by the fictitious "SNOW TIGER FIREARMS INC".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the Operator. Like the earlier Tactical model, the Operator has an integrated red-dot sight, albeit a different, higher-profile model than the earlier pistol.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a round. As with all the other M1911 variants, it's chambered in .45 ACP.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReplacing the now-empty magazine with a fresh one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinishing off the reload with a quick tug of the slide. Note that the slide is further back here than it was in the previous shot; H3 does, in fact, show that a weapon's bolt or slide can be pulled back past its lock point.
Luger P08
The Luger P08 is another handgun option in-game, added through Update #47.
Update #43 introduced the Mauser C96 to the game. The weapon holds 10 rounds of the 7.63x25mm Mauser cartridge (which, like some in the game, was added before there were any weapons that could use them), and can be reloaded round-by-round or with a 10-round stripper clip.
In a similar vein to its 3 extra Luger variants, Update #52 brought along 3 variants of the Mauser C96, the first being a Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer machine pistol.
Moses Brothers Self-Defense Engine Frontier Model B
Unlocked as a reward, the "Frontier Model B" is a precise replica of Captain Malcom's gun from Serenity and Firefly. While the original prop was actually a Taurus Model 85 in a multi-part casing meant to make it look like a semi-automatic, magazine-fed handgun, in-game it is just that- a magazine-fed, semi-automatic handgun that holds 6 rounds (plus one in the chamber) of the proprietary .36 Moses cartridge.
The Ruger Mk III is one of the available firearms in-game; it was added in Update #5, and was, until the release of Update #56, the only weapon in the game chambered in .22 Long Rifle. Notably, its magazine safety (a system that prevents the pistol from firing if no magazine is inserted) is correctly simulated in-game.
Update #59's ninth alpha build added the Ruger Mk IV, an improved version of the Mk III with a simplified disassembly procedure. 2 versions were added: a stainless Hunter model with high-contrast illuminated sights, and a Standard model with a custom integrated suppressor, known as the "Whisper" variant. As with the earlier Mk III, the Mk IVs both have simulated magazine safeties.
The compact version of the SIG-Sauer P250 is one of the available firearms in-game. It has a two-tone finish, is chambered in .45 ACP, and was added in Update #5.
Update #57 added one firearm, the Compact-eXploder machine pistol, made by Japanese science fiction mangaka Masamune Shirow's fictional arms company Seburo. In-game, the weapon is referred to as the "SCX" (i.e. Seburo Compact-eXploder), and fires the 4.6x30mm HK round (its caliber never being specified in the original source material).
The 12th alpha build of Update #52 added a Thompson Center Arms Contender pistol chambered in .45-70 Government, with a curious combination of a wooden forearm and a synthetic grip. Interestingly, it uses the same code-base as the earlier-added Orion Flare Gun, due to the near-identical manual of arms.
The Tokarev TT-33 is one of the available firearms in-game. It was the first "real" handgun added (barring the fictitious "Cyber Pistol"), and predates H3's release altogether; it was one of the few weapons included in the very first early access build of the game.
...what? Were you expecting something that actually fits into the section and flows well? Nope. Too bad. This is all you get.
Volcanic Repeater
The Volcanic Repeater is one of the firearms added in the Wurstworld update. It's based on an early Smith and Wesson produced Navy model, with iron frame over the later brass frame, and is chambered for .41 caliber "Rocket Ball" rounds, which are (correctly) rather anemic.
Update #39 added the Chiappa Rhino to the game's arsenal; rather than simply choosing one version, H3 made the rather impressive choice of adding all of them - the 20DS, the 40DS, the 50DS, and the 60DS.
Update #42 made the Colt SAA available for use in-game, specifically the 5.5" barreled model; this was the first single-action revolver added to H3. Of note is that the weapon will fire if it is dropped on the hammer, provided that the hammer is uncocked and resting on a loaded chamber. This interesting, realistic touch is a trait shared by the other single-action revolvers added to the game later, including the Reichsrevolver M1879 and the Nagant M1895.
The SAA was actually present in the game long before Update #42, albeit not in physical form; the "Amendment 35" poster in the indoor shooting range features 2.
Update #43 introduced the LAPD 2019 Blaster from Blade Runner, referring to it as the "LAPD 2019 Special" (another one of its common names). It is perhaps one of the most intricate depictions of the weapon in any piece of media (and most certainly the most complex weapon in the game):
The weapon, at its core, is a 5-shot, swing-out cylinder DAO revolver, chambered for the proprietary (and fictional) 10mm DSM (Discarding Sabot Magnetic) cartridge. This cartridge has a variety of available ammo types, including:
"Slugger" rounds (the weapon's default ammunition type; a hard-hitting, high-impact round),
Fragmentation rounds (yes, the weapon can fire grenades),
"Turbo Penetrator" rounds (a high-velocity armor-piercing round that doesn't impart much energy, but can penetrate a variety of targets),
and highly sensitive, surface-adhering, low-velocity, motion-sensitive proximity mine rounds (while the sensitivity is nice for dealing with enemies, it also means that they can be detonated by other things, including miscellaneous nearby moving objects, other proximity mines as they fly through the air, and even simply being fired in the charged mode, meaning that their sensitivity can be either a benefit or a hazard).
Furthermore, the hollow underneath the weapon's barrel is storage for the weapon's batteries (which bring the profile fully into line with the original prop, complete with LEDs that change color as the battery loses charge) used in the railgun-assisted mode, which dramatically increases muzzle velocity, at the cost of creating massive amounts of heat (as one would expect from a railgun).
To help slow the weapon's overheating, heat sinks (called "thermal clips" in-game) are placed into what was the Steyr Mannlicher Model SL's chamber on the original prop (the bolt handle is turned to expose the heat sink, and pulled back to eject it if necessary); these have to be replaced regularly to prevent the weapon from overheating critically. As the weapon overheats, its barrel will begin to put off steam, then glow progressively brighter and brighter, while the accuracy and battery efficiency suffer; eventually, if the weapon reaches its highest heat level, its barrel will be permanently damaged, causing a significant drop in accuracy even after the weapon cools down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe original prop from Blade Runner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis weapon can either be viewed as the result of countless years of scientific research and development, or as the result of firearm kitbashing, but either way, it's undeniably beautiful.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe revolver's cylinder, open and ready for loading. Note the red dot on the ground; this is from the weapon's integrated laser sight (the small rod just to the left of the cylinder, with a red end), which is active whenever the weapon is held.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe various ammo types available for the weapon. From top to bottom: Swarm-Shot, Slugger, Fragmentation, Prox-Mine, Tracer, and Turbo-Penetrator. Decisions, decisions...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the weapon up with some "Slugger" rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the weapon. The fact that this is a faithful recreation of the original movie prop means that it doesn't have any iron sights, though the integrated laser makes that a bit of a moot point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs impressive as the weapon is, one can't help but feel like something's missing...Error creating thumbnail: File missingAhh, much better!Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the battery. The color of the LEDs changes as their power is drained; they start out green, changing to yellow, orange, and eventually red when empty. The markings read "L.A.P.D. MODEL 2019 A.N.2. 10MM DSM".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a charged shot from the LAPD produces some impressive particle effects. The back of the laser sight doubles as a capacitor charge indicator; when the weapon is set to auto-charge, there is a short, but noticeable, delay between shots, wherein power is drained from the battery and transferred to the capacitor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up what was once a chamber reveals the downside of this increased power is an increase in excess heat, which is stored in these heat sinks. The markings here read "MADE IN CALIFORNIA" and "10816", the latter presumably being a serial number.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFailure to replace the heat sinks frequently enough results in... this.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf this problem is ignored even further, it only gets worse; the particles close to the weapon are actually pieces of the inside of the barrel, the ejection of which has a rather predictable effect on the weapon's accuracy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a proximity mine round, whilst simultaneously ignoring just about every rule of every shooting range ever. The mine is the red hexagonal object, currently flying through the air. How an object that size can fit into a 10mm barrel is anybody's guess.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe blast of the aforementioned mine, which was detonated by throwing a spare round at it.
Nagant M1985
The Nagant M1985 was added through Update #47. It holds 7 rounds of 7.62x38mmR Nagant ammunition, of which only it uses. Notably, it is treated as single-action only, the reasons for this being twofold: the weapon was built to use the same code set as the Colt SAA and Reichsrevolver M1879, and the Nagant has a notoriously heavy trigger pull in double-action due to its unique gas-seal mechanism; while it wasn't the original intended purpose, this also allows the weapon to be effectively suppressed, a capability that is emulated in-game. This single-action behavior could also be indicative of the so-called "Private's Model" variant of the Nagant, which was in fact SAO.
Added through the long-awaited Update #45, the Reichsrevolver M1879 is available for use in-game, and is (understandably) the only weapon in-game to use the 10.6x25mmR cartridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingReichsrevolver M1879 - 10.6x25mmR German OrdnanceError creating thumbnail: File missingBehold, a revolver that's been around for 139 years, and outdated for 139 years.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side. Note the unusual presence of a manual safety on a revolver; this can only be engaged with the hammer de-cocked, and doesn't do anything but prevent it from being cocked, making it a bit pointless. Nevertheless, it's rather unfortunate that it's not usable in-game; there's no real way around it, since there aren't any buttons left on the controller to map it to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a few 10.6mm rounds. As with the Colt SAA, one-at-a-time gate-loading with the hammer half-cocked is the modus operandi.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinishing the other half of the revolver's cocking...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and firing a shot off.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a spent case. The Reichsrevolver in-game uses standard ejector rod behavior despite lacking one; the actual ejection method of the Reichsrevolver (using a separate ejector rod - or, for that matter, a stick - to punch out spent cases by hand) simply isn't possible with the game's current code-base.
Smith & Wesson Model 10
A 5"-barreled Smith & Wesson Model 10 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in the Wurstworld update.
The Smith & Wesson Model 327 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in the 2016 Meatmas update. Uniquely, the revolver in-game is a left-handed model, the cylinder swinging out to the right instead of the left as is normally the case.
Added in the 7th alpha build of Update #59, the Smith & Wesson Model 500 makes its mark as the most powerful (per-shot) non-fictional handgun in the game.
Smith & Wesson Model 629 Stealth Hunter/686P Hybrid
One of the weapons added in the first Meatmas update was a strange hybrid of Smith & Wesson revolvers, with the overall appearance of a Model 629 Stealth Hunter, but the .357 Magnum chambering and 7-shot cylinder of a Model 686P.
The Webley Mk VI has been added with the release of Update #47. It was initially chambered for the ".454 Webley" round, a mis-writing of .455 Webley; this error was later corrected. Notably, it is also the first top-break revolver in the game.
The fully-automatic variant of the earlier-added Cx4, the Beretta Mx4 Storm, was added in Update #52.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta Mx4 Storm - 9x19mm ParabellumError creating thumbnail: File missingAn Mx4 in a freshly-opened weapon crate.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the Mx4's sleek, futuristic-looking lines. A lovely piece of kit, to be sure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnfortunately, the RNG wasn't terribly kind in this particular instance, pairing the submachine gun with a small 15-round magazine. At least it's loaded with tracers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in the aforementioned magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the charging handle. While the Mx4 does have a bolt release in-game, you can't exactly take full advantage of it when the bolt is already in battery.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting away at an enemy; while the muzzle flash and tracer may make it hard to see, the enemy in question is a "meatcrab", one of the enemies added with this Take & Hold level (known simply as Containment). The enemy, along with several others in the level, and the design of the level as a whole, are meant as an homage to Half-Life.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile the meatcrabs aren't much on their own, the creatures that they create are another matter altogether.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDealing with some more "normal" enemies - here, a Weinerbot sniper learns that precise aiming isn't really necessary inside of the distance of a typical backyard game of catch.
Added in the 11th alpha build of Update #52, the Błyskawica, a Polish submachine gun manufactured clandestinely under German occupation, is usable in H3.
The Brügger & Thomet MP9 was added in the 2016 Meatmas update, permanently fitted with B&T's distinctive railed suppressor. Update #46 added a version without the fixed suppressor; the suppressor was then made an attachment in Update #52, which resulted in the removal of the suppressed version.
The Gepard PDW is one of the available submachine guns in-game, having been added in the first Meatmas update. This is also the only known appearance of this rare Russian prototype PDW in any media.
A Heckler & Koch MP5A2 with a Surefire forend is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added to the game with Update #7. Update #24 made some changes, including the addition of a top rail, and the ability to adjust the sights and turn on the flashlight.
Between the release of Update #9 (when it was added) and Update #20 (when it was removed), the game's MP5K was actually a stockless MP5K-PDW, as identified by the distinctive muzzle device. It was replaced by the MP5KA4 due to inaccuracies in the model, many of which were magazine-related.
The only strictly-dedicated suppressed weapon usable by enemies, the Heckler & Koch MP5SD1 is currently not a standard player-usable weapon (bar its limited functionality as a "Sosigun").
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 is one of the available firearms in-game; it was added in Update #7, along with the MP5A2. Prior to the release of Update #52, it was permanently fitted with a vertical foregrip.
Update #54 added an IMI Micro Uzi to H3's collection; the weapon was, however, present in-game long before then, being featured on the icon for the "Spray & Pray" category in the MEATS (Modular Environment Adaptive Target Simulation) game mode.
The full-size variant of the Uzi was added to H3 in the tenth alpha of Update #52, as an optional weapon for SWBs. According to its Sosigun spawn menu name, it's chambered in .45 ACP, an available (though less common) option. In the 9th alpha of Update #59, two player-usable versions were added: the solid-stocked "Classic", and the folding-stocked "Compact".
A full-auto converted Interdynamic KG-9 is one of the available firearms in-game; it features the same strange strange paintjob as the TEC-9. It is referred to as a modified version of the latter; it initially was, until Update #53 converted it from closed-bolt to open-bolt, effectively turning it into an earlier open-bolt KG-9.
The second variant of the Luger coming to the game in Update #52 is a downright bizarre modification of the P08, which has a considerable amount of AKM parts attached to it, including a stock, a handguard (with a Soviet-type dovetail rail on the side), a set of sights, and a barrel and gas tube, the latter of which actually contains the weapon's barrel; a hole has been placed in the front sight tower for this to fire through. As if that weren't ridiculous enough, it is also fully-automatic, which, due to the Luger's toggle-locked action, leads to a downright absurd rate of fire.
However, perhaps the strangest thing about this weapon is that it actually exists. Made by German custom gun shop Waffen Werle, it is exactly what was described - an automatic Luger modded out with AKM parts.
The Kedr PP-91 is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #19; Update #24 gave it some changes, including a 2-setting rear sight and a side-mounted Picatinny rail.
Added through Update #50, the classic M1A1 Thompson is usable.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1A1 Thompson - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingA Thompson in a weapon case, along with a magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA good look at the weapon's model. The separate safety and fire selector are correctly simulated in-game; they are currently set to safe, as is the case when a weapon is first spawned. Also note the receiver's markings; the first line reads "THOMPSON SUBMACHINE GUN", the second "CALIBER .45 M1A1", and the third "NO. 287404".Error creating thumbnail: File missingLocking back the M1A1's bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to line up the sights. "Attempting" being the key word here; the M1A1's heavy vertical recoil can make keeping it on target extremely challenging.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemoving an empty magazine, after a considerable amount of snowflake shooting. While it's not very visible here, the rounds do, in fact, visibly disappear from the indicator holes in the sides. Also note the floor being visible through the magazine well. This is not, as one may initially suspect, a missing texture; rather, it is actually a view through the ejection port.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUpon flipping the weapon over, one discovers that the aforementioned view through the ejection port is made possible by the Thompson's bolt hold-open; unlike many open-bolt firearms, if a Thompson is dry-fired with a magazine inserted (i.e. when the trigger is held after firing the last shot in full-auto), the bolt will not go forwards.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, of course, what better way to celebrate the presence of bolt hold-open devices than to fire randomly at absolutely everything.
Update #51 added a variant with the OSS-type integral suppressor; while this isn't necessarily impossible, suppressors were more common on the later M3A1 variant. This choice was likely made to reuse most of the existing M3 model. The update also made the previously permanently-collapsed stock extendable.
The MAC-11 is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added to the game in its infancy- all the way back in Update #4. Following Update #46, SWBs can now make use of these.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRPB Industries M11A1 - .380 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingHaving felt that his life was missing a bit of bees, our nameless, handless, faceless, intangible, and generally nonexistent protagonist decides to remedy this problem, with the aid of 32 .380 ACP rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the now-loaded bee machine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before looking at the other side. This shows off the weapon's open-bolt nature; the MAC-11 was the first open bolt weapon in H3, and the only one until the addition of the Sten a whopping 45 updates later.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUpon attempting to fire the MAC-11, our favorite literally nobody finds it distinctly lacking in apodiean output; a close look at the left side reveals the culprit: the ever-nefarious safety lever. This view also shows off the markings on the side; in addition to the "SAFE" and "FIRE" markings at the front, and the largely correct logo at the rear, the markings under the ejection port are legible, and read "INGEM M11. CAL 9MM AUTO" on the first line, "MILITARY ARMAMENT CORP" on the second, and "POWDER SPRINGS GA, USA" on the third.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving remedied the above issue, our protagonist finally gets the satisfying sound that he oh-so desired.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne empty magazine (and one ventilated target) later, our hero belatedly realizes that this would've made actually firing the MAC-11 considerably easier.
Added through Update #50, the MP40 is available for use in H3VR.
The second of Update #52's 3 C96 variants is a derivative of the above Schnellfeuer, and a rather curious one at that: a Brazilian PASAM submachine gun, modified with a top rail and a Vz. 61 Skorpion-esque top-folding stock.
The model itself is a publicly-available 3D asset by weapon artist Stefan Engdahl, going by the name "Mauser Assault Carbine" and sold on CG Trader alongside all the other C96 variants seen in-game as the "Mauser Pistol Pack." It is a strange hybrid which appears to be based on a photograph of a converted airsoft gun, with a standard C96 pistol grip like a Mod 1 PASAM but the barrel shroud attached to the top of the magazine housing rather than all along it, with a vaguely Thompson-like foregrip which is not really like either PASAM variant, and the folding wire stock which no variant had (the 2nd variant of the PASAM only had a fixed wire stock). On ArtStation, Engdahl acknowledged that it's a modification of his Mauser M712 model he made for fun.
The PP-19 Bizon-2 is one of the available firearms in-game. It was added in Update #18; upon its release, it was permanently fitted with a side-mounted Picatinny rail adaptor, but this was made into an attachment in Update #40. It is chambered in 9x19mm Parabellum, and as such, holds 53 rounds.
A fictional version of the PPSh, also added through Update #50, this weapon is seemingly intended as a modernized variant of the original 1941 design (which, if the name is anything to go by, was designed in 2014). The model is done by Pavel Kutejnikov.
Added through Update #46, the "QC9 PDW" is an AR-15-patterned submachine gun chambered in 9x19mm. It appears to consist of a QC10 Colt-magazine-compatible 9mm lower, a VLTOR upper, and a Magpul MOE stock and pistol grip, among other things. In-game, it can take 3 types of magazines- a 32-round Colt-pattern stick magazine, a 32-round "waffle"-pattern polymer stick magazine, or an X-Products X-15 50-round drum magazine.
The Sa. Vz. 61 Skorpion is available in H3, having been added with the M.E.A.T.S. gamemode in Update #37. The one in-game has a bit of an identity crisis; it's visually a Vz. 61, complete with curved magazines, but it's referred to as a Vz. 64, and is accordingly chambered in .380 ACP.
Update #49 added the Sten Mk II submachine gun, which marks the first time since the introduction of the MAC-11 that an open-bolt weapon was added to H3VR. Notably, the weapon's secondary grip zone (where the user's non-firing hand goes) is around the barrel shroud, meaning that the game only allows the proper two-handed grip with the secondary hand around the barrel shroud, the improper magazine grip disallowed. There is also another variation, the so-called "Mk. 9 Chopshop" variant, with a shortened barrel and a cut-down stock.
The TDI Vector is one of the firearms added in Update #37. 2 variants of the weapon were initially available in-game: a standard one, and one fitted with the barrel shroud and extended barrel of the CRB civilian carbine variant, though still possessing the trigger and 120-degree safety of a Gen I version; Update #52 made an attachable suppressor out of the extended barrel's shroud, before Update #53 turned it into a shrouded barrel extension, and removed the now-redundant long-barreled Vector. Both are fitted with a factory AR-15 stock adaptor, attached to which is an aftermarket stock; they were also initially fitted with non-removable vertical foregrips, until Update #52 made foregrips into attachments, and removed them from any weapons that initially had them.
Added in the firearms drop in Update #59's ninth alpha build, the Baikal MP-155K (a semi-automatic, magazine-fed sporting shotgun of Russian origin) makes its first documented media appearance in H3VR.
The Beretta DT11 is one of the 4 shotguns added in Update #15. Following Update #46, 2 new variants were added - one with a shortened set of barrels, and one with further-shortened barrels and a cut-down stock.
The H&K FABARM Martial Pro Forces is one of the available firearms in-game. It was the game's first pump-action shotgun, and is tied with the Benelli M4 Super 90 for the game's first 12-gauge shotgun, both having been added in Update #6.
The Franchi SPAS-12 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #24. 2 variants are available - a standard model with a folding stock, and a stockless model with a rail system and spare shell holder. Highly unusually for a video game, the SPAS-12's dual-mode semi-auto/pump-action functionality is depicted in H3, even more unusually with its intended purpose being exploitable (i.e. switching between semi-auto for high-pressure shells and pump-action for low-pressure ones). Unfortunately, however, the switching is performed by a simple touchpad button press on the forward hand's controller, with the pump not ever visibly moving to reflect the change in mode (always being shown in the correct position for pump-action fire, and never moving forward to switch to semi-auto); furthermore, the weapon's loading procedure is simplified, with the real weapon's requirement to hold down the bolt release in order to load shells into the magazine tube being omitted in-game.
The "KWG1" is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #15. It is a fictional magazine-fed full-auto shotgun, rather reminiscent of the "Bolter" weapons from the Warhammer 40K universe. It is based on an image of what seems to be some sort of stage or cosplay prop, which was then adapted into a 3D model by artist Pavel Kutejnikov.
The prop that the "KWG1" was based upon, which seems to have an MP5 S-E-F trigger pack. Also note the shells in the magazine; the length of the brass, the plastic-like gloss across them, and the manner in which they are stacked (parallel to each other, which wouldn't be possible with actual shotgun shells due to their rims) all point towards this being a prop, rather than an actual live-firing shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter several hours of cutting, welding, and riveting, the work finally bears fruit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some "SWAG-12" high-explosive shells (an obvious play on the real-world FRAG-12 explosive shells) into one of the KWG1's distinctive windowed magazines. Said magazines seem to be suffering from a critical lack of springs.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral shells later, it's time to load in the magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...chamber a round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and purge the realm of heretics in the name of the Emperor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter a change of place, and a change of time, the KWG1's well-worn finish shines in the light of the (earlier version of the) item spawner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in another magazine, this time filled with a suitably patriotic handload: "Freedomfetti" shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThese do exactly what you'd expect. While it's sadly not something that can be expressed through the medium of an image, firing one of these shells produces a sound like that of a paper party horn.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBack in the indoor range, our discount Space Marine prepares to screw a suppressor onto his KWG1, which demonstrates one of H3's interesting gameplay-oriented features:Error creating thumbnail: File missingUniversal suppressor compatibility. A suppressor can shrink or expand to fit any weapon, from the diminutive Beretta Jetfire to the colossal Barrett M107A1.
Mossberg 590A1
The Mossberg 590A1 is one of the four shotguns added in Update #15, and the second pump-action shotgun added to H3 on the whole.
The MTs255 revolving shotgun was added to the game in the first Meatmas update. 2 variants are available - a standard full-length version, and a version with a sawn-off barrel and stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Express Tactical Magpul - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting the Remington 870 Express Tactical Magpul. Note the curious addition of the number 11 on the side of the receiver; this is most likely meant as some sort of armory/rack number.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the... y'know what, I'm not going to type out that ridiculously long set of words again. If you still don't understand what it is after the fourth time, then you just aren't going to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a Dragon's Breath shell. While shotguns are generally regarded as being good for room-clearing, it's usually understood that doing so requires actually firing the shotgun first.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Sosigs having realized this and returned, one finds the player character engaging in the rather unorthodox practice of using a shotgun "gangsta-style".Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving come to their senses, said player character is soon merrily blasting the Sosigs with the now-correctly-oriented shotgun. The Dragon's Breath round is rather interesting: it is filled with pieces of magnesium, which catch fire as they fly through the air, and start fires where they land, as seen here. Due to the round's low pressure and high cost, coupled with international regulations on the use of incendiary munitions on human beings (and the risk of setting things on fire by accident), these incendiary shells aren't used in any sort of martial capacity, and are largely a civilian novelty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the shotgun at a couple of Molotov cocktails bottles of Frank's Fantastic Festively Fragrant And Fiercely Flavorful Fancy Fire Fluid. These are an Update #59 addition, as is this scene (the Proving Grounds), the Sosig, the beginnings of a fire system (which renders the Dragon's Breath rounds far more useful), and the rear sight on this shotgun and the TAC-14 DM below (both previously having a smooth, blank receiver).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring (heh), which has predictable consequences.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting the freshly-fired shell. While not seen here, the player character's expression of giddy satisfaction is somewhat dimmed by their newfound lack of eyebrows.
Remington 870 Field Gun
The Meatmas Update of 2016 added a Remington 870 Field Gun with a cut-down barrel. Update #46 added two additional variants, one with a sawn-off stock and one with a full-length barrel; it also made the latter one of the available weapons for SWBs.
The later detachable-magazine variant of the Remington 870, the 870 DM, was added in Update #52. It is in the "TAC-14" configuration, a variant with a 14" barrel and a Shockwave Industries Raptor grip, which is meant to make it evade NFA regulations regarding short-barreled shotguns by way of legally not being classified as anything other than a "firearm". The one in-game is also presumably either modified or broken, seeing as it is capable of slam-fire, unlike a normal 870.
A Saiga 12 with a side-folding stock is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #40. It can use either factory 5-round magazines, aftermarket 12-round box magazines, or aftermarket 20-round drums.
There are 4 main varieties of Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun in-game. The first (and also one of the first weapons added to the game, back when the game was just Anton Hand's experiment grounds and not even named H3VR yet) was the so-called "Cartoon 8 Gauge", which sounds downright painful, the second is a more reasonable 12-gauge version (seen below), and the 3rd is the same as the second, except sawn down to Killing Them Softly-level absurdity (albeit unlike that movie's shotgun, this one also has the grip sawn down even further than the standard version), which, predictably, makes the spread somewhere between hilarious and pitiful. The fourth, added with Update #52, is an 1864 Wells Fargo stagecoach shotgun with external hammers and shell loops on the forend.
Wurstworld's Weinerbots also make use of sawn-off shotguns, alongside their generic revolvers and lever-action rifles.
A Remington 870-based Serbu Super Shorty is one of the weapons added in the first Meatmas update. 2 variants are available: a normal, clean version, and a "tacticool" version, complete with a door-breaching muzzle brake, a rail mount, and a set of spare shell holders that hold more shells than the gun itself does.
The Model 1887 was added to H3 with the Wurstworld update, and comes in both full length and sawn-off forms. And yes, it can be spin-cocked a laTerminator 2. (In fact, one of Wurstworld's rewards is a T2-themed sawn-off 1887, complete with a darker finish, extended lever loop, and cut-back trigger guard.)
Update #52's impressive list of new firearms includes the Winchester Model 1897, in its famous military "Trench Gun" configuration. It is correctly capable of slam-fire, and holds an appropriate 5 rounds in the tube plus one in the chamber.
An AK-101 was added in the 2016 Meatmas update. Update #40 replaced the model, and made its side-mounted dovetail rail functional, allowing for the use of Soviet-type optics (or Western ones, if an adaptor is installed).
An AKM is one of the available firearms in-game. Added in Update #13 (the 2016 4th of July update), it has an interesting list of updates under its belt; Update #40 replaced the model entirely, with one that lacked the prior model's permanently-attached side-bracket rail adaptor, the 10th alpha of Update #52 added the AKM to the arsenals of SWBs, and Update #58 added a "Tactical" model fitted with a variety of aftermarket modifications; among them are a full set of Magpul MOE furniture, a railed receiver cover, an aftermarket rear sight, an aftermarket selector lever, and an aftermarket muzzle brake.
The AKS-74U is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added in Update #18. Update #55 added a "Tactical" version with various aftermarket accessories.
The M4A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, and one of the first to be added; it predates even the game's actual name. This model was a publicly-available asset made by weapon artist Nightfrontier, who had collaborated with game lead Anton Hand on disassembling it into the game's systems.
Due to game issues relating to the original weapon model, Update #48 revamped the weapon model, replacing it with a new one that lacks the previous model's folding foregrip, and has a railed handguard, a Crane stock, an extended charging handle tab, and an aftermarket folding BUIS. The update also included a "Left Hook" variant, which is completely mirrored, and meant for left-handed users.
Added in Update #49, the "M4A1 Shorty" is, as the name implies, a variant of the M4A1 with a shorter barrel, gas system, and handguard. It doesn't specifically match any one model in particular; the most appropriate way to describe it would be a commercial "pistol" upper receiver attached to a standard M4A1 lower.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk. 18 Mod 0 - 5.56x45mm NATO Somewhere between this...Error creating thumbnail: File missingOlympic Arms K23B Tactical w/foregrip - 5.56x45mm NATO ...and this.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close-up shot of the Shorty's forend; it's pretty much just the standard handguard, but with 2 vents instead of 3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a quick brass check, while simultaneously showing that the rest of the model is more or less identical to the standard M4A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSighting up a Weinerbot with the Aimpoint red-dot sight attached to the carbine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPerforming a quick reload in the middle of a gunfight. Though, granted, considering its size, pretty much anything that happens in the Mini Arena is "in the middle of a gunfight".Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile sudden, close-up encounters such as this aren't terribly god for the health of the player's heart, they are good for showing off the Shorty's rather impressive muzzle blast. As to be expected from a rifle with a <10" (<25.4 cm) barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to perform another brass check, this time with just a little bit too much enthusiasm.
Colt Model 607
The final weapon made available to the SWBs in Update #46 was most likely intended as a cartoonish M16A1, with the resultant weapon resembling a Colt Model 607.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A1 with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingColt Model 607 with 20-round magazine - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA now-headless bot dropping to the floor, somehow still keeping a grip on its Model 607; this is made doubly strange by the fact that they don't even have hands to grip their guns with in the first place (a fact which, according to one of their voice lines, they are actually aware of).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother bot "meating" a similar end. Fun fact: you can't tell for sure if this gun is facing towards or away from the camera. And now you can never unsee that.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo help take your mind off of your newfound hatred of me, here's a picture of a camouflaged Sosig with a 607 slung over its... well, you can't call it a shoulder, because they don't have arms, so... y'know what, let's just say that the Sosig's carrying it. That seems like a solid plan.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGrabbing the Sosig's 607...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before wasting all of its ammo on the floor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the now-empty rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA far more heavily-armored Sosig helpfully showing off the other side of its rifle. While it's presumably just a result of the rifle's deliberately low-poly modeling (especially since it's indexed in the spawning menu as "M16"), the shortened stock, exposed-barrel-to-handguard ratio, and slickside upper receiver (complete with modeled ejection port) help further peg it as a Model 607.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting away an enemy, with the rebuilt tracer effects creating a spectacular lightshow; note that the 607 lacks a rear sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe updated model of the 607 brings with it the rather curious choice of a handguard with grasping serrations rather like those of an M16A2; it also has space in the lower receiver for a magazine release, but not the actual magazine release itself.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA dropped 607 fitted with a suppressor, as used by some of the Pacification Squad enemies.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe laser on this particular firearm seems to spontaneously emanate from either the front sight the gas block.
CZ SA vz. 58P
The final, full release of Update #59 brought along a series of CZ SA vz. 58 variants, the first of which is a standard, full-stocked vz. 58P ("Pěchotní", Czech for "infantry").
To compliment the full-stocked vz. 58P, Update #59 also added a CZ SA vz. 58V, the folding-stocked paratrooper model (the "V" standing for "Výsadkový", Czech for "airborne"). An additional variant with an aftermarket muzzle device, railed handguard, synthetic pistol grip, receiver-mounted scope rail, extended magazine release, and aftermarket ambidextrous bolt was also added, known as the "Custom" variant.
Along with the full-length variants, Update #59 brought along a CZ SA vz. 58 Compact. The vz. 58 Compact in-game lacks its standard side-folding stock; instead, it is compatible with the game's selection of pistol stocks.
The L85A2 is the 2nd part of the first Meatmas update's "Bullpup Trifecta", alongside the FAMAS F1 and AUG A3. Initially, there were 2 variants available - one with iron sights, and one with a SUSAT scope - but Update #52 removed the latter version, replacing it with an attachable version of the SUSAT.
The M16A1 is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added through the first Meatmas update. Update #51 brought along 2 unique scopes for the weapon: a 6-24x variable-magnification scope, and a fixed-magnification 3x20 scope.
Update #10 added a Mk 18 Mod 1, fitted with a non-standard railed handguard with rail covers, an aftermarket pistol grip, a Crane stock, and a Magpul AFG, all (save for the handguard) in tan; the latter was removed and turned into an attachment in Update #52's 3rd alpha build.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 18 Mod 1 with Crane stock, vertical foregrip, and folding sights - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA tactical operator observes his Mk. 18 before preparing for some high-intensity training. He's so tactical that sights aren't necessary.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe rifle's other side, which gives a good view of the aftermarket handguard's distinctive vent holes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA look at the fire selector, which has 3 positions: safe...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...semi...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, interestingly enough, 3-round burst. While Mk 18s are normally fitted with safe-semi-auto trigger groups, they are often modified in various ways; furthermore, since the entire CQBR program (Close Quarters Battle Receiver, the program that lead to the development of the Mk 18) was designed around creating a short-barreled upper receiver for the M4A1 carbine, it isn't inconceivable that one could wind up on the lower of a burst-firing M4 instead.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTactically loading in a 30-round magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle, using a tactical technique.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTactically aiming, using the aforementioned high-level tactical "lack-of-sights" method...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and firing a few bursts. Tactically.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing a tactical reload so fast and so tactical that it happened before the next screenshot could even capture it, The Operator checks the locked-open bolt of his Mk 18.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then remedies this, tactically slapping his rifle's bolt release. As with the above M4A1, the Mk 18's bolt release subtly pops out when the bolt locks open.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"What? No! It's not like I need a sight or anything. I can pull 0.5 MOA groups without sights at 300 yards, no problem. But, y'know, it's not like it'd do any harm to attach a magnifier and a holosight..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"...or two..."Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile attaching two holographic sights might seem a bit pointless, there is one distinct advantage in H3: the fact that they can be individually zeroed for separate ranges...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...allows for this. This dual reticle setup is used for quick transitions between ranges; in this case, the smaller, higher reticle (from the front holosight) is zeroed for 50 meters, while the rear holosight's larger, lower reticle is set for a whopping 2.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Of course I don't need this! My 6 years of tactical operator training have given me the ability to see 20/20 in total darkness! I'm just... doing it... ironically! Yeah, that's it! I'm attaching this flashlight ironically!"Error creating thumbnail: File missing"That's also why I'm attaching this laser! I don't need a laser to aim. I don't even want a laser to aim. I'm just using one for the sake of irony."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Good, now that he's gone..."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"...I can finally get to business."Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking full advantage of the currently-loaded Beta-C drum magazine, and sending out a few (dozen) 3-round bursts.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Ahhh... perfect. Er... wait, no, I mean... uhh... pointless? Haha, yeah, of course! Perfectly pointless! I don't think that this is good or anything, I'm just doing it as a joke! What kind of non-tactical pleb would actually need all this stuff to operate? Am I right? Heh... heh... right?"
SIG SG 550
Added in Update #53, the SIG SG 550 is one of H3's usable assault rifles, and is fitted with a quad-rail handguard and a permanently-attached folding bipod.
The SIG SG 552 is one of the available firearms in-game, and was added in Update #39. Update #46 added a version with additional rails for mounting attachments.
Rounding out the "Bullpup Trifecta" of the 1st Meatmas update is the Steyr AUG A3. Of note is that the weapon's 2-stage trigger is correctly simulated, something which is very rare in games.
The second version of the Bendix-Hyde Light Rifle, a prototype entered into the US Light Rifle Program trials, was made available in Update #52's 11th alpha build.
The Beretta Cx4 Storm semi-auto carbine is available in-game, added in Update #20; it was, until the release of Update #52, permanently fitted with a foregrip. It is correctly capable of sharing magazines with the Px4 Storm added in the same update, as well as the M9A1 added earlier and the Mx4 Storm added later.
Update #61 added a pair of Brügger & Thomet APC-series pistol-caliber carbines, one of which is an APC45. This is possibly the APC45's first known appearance in any form of media.
Added in Update #58, the Bushmaster ACR is, unusually for a video game, correctly treated as a civilian semi-auto rifle, rather than the select-fire assault rifle that most games depict it as.
Update #59's ninth alpha added a custom AR-15 carbine, with a short barrel and PDW-type collapsible stock. Being a civilian rifle, it fires exclusively in semi-auto. Update #61 added another custom AR, this one a full-length rifle, known as the "Bubba-15".
The FightLite Raider, a civilian semi-auto AR-15 "pistol" (i.e. legally considered a pistol by US gun laws, but not really a pistol from a technical or logical standpoint) based on Ares' traditionally-stocked SCR lower, makes its media debut in H3's 58th update.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFightLite Raider - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at the downright bizarre concept that is the Raider.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe right side, which is just as strange as the left.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 10-round magazine, for maximum legal compliance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the charging handle; as with the game's other AR variants, the dust cover correctly pops open.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming"; the top rail can be used to mount irons or optics, but doesn't come with any by default, not that a stockless rifle with the ergonomics of a flintlock pistol is something that one expects terribly good accuracy out of, anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the Raider. Being a short-barreled rifle in every sense except that of the law, the Raider produces a suitably impressive muzzle flash; however, this isn't exactly something that can be captured well in a still frame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemoving the now-empty magazine; while these drop free from most AR-pattern rifles, the Raider's grip is too far back for the magazine release to be accessible with the firing hand, so the magazine has to be removed manually.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFurthermore, while the bolt does lock back, the Raider doesn't actually have a bolt release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, the bolt must instead be returned to battery with a quick tug of the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs if the whole situation wasn't strange enough already, the Raider in-game is compatible with all of the stocks that can be attached to actual handguns, allowing for the creation of odd-looking carbines like this.
Update #54 brought along the much-desired FN FAL battle rifle.
The FN SCAR-H is one of the available firearms in-game, added with the release of Update #32. Update #39 gave the SCAR a rail extension that goes past the front sight.
The 7.62x51mm variant of the Galil ARM, complete with functional bipod, was added in the first Meatmas update. Until Update #52 (more specifically, its 6th alpha build), the Galil was permanently fitted with a side-mounted bracket scope mount; this was replaced with a Soviet-style side dovetail mount in the update.
The Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I, the standard rifle of the British Army and the armies of the Commonwealth during the Second World War, was added to H3 in Update #52.
The M14 Rifle is one of the firearms added to the game in the first Meatmas update. The release of Update #42 gave the weapon the ability to use 10-round stripper clips. Update #58 replaced the model; while good, the original model had some dimensional issues that complicated parts interchangeability, which necessitated its removal.
As a companion to the classic wood-stocked version, the M14 in its military DMR configuration was included in the first Meatmas update. Unlike the earlier rifle, it cannot use stripper clips, as its scope mount blocks the action. Being from the same modeler as the original M14 (and being based around the same receiver and barrel group, complete with compatibility-complicating dimensional issues), the M14 DMR was also removed in Update #58; unlike the standard M14, however, no replacement model was added.
Update #48 added the M1 Carbine. It is a late-war/post-war model (with a bayonet lug and adjustable aperture sights), and can accept either 15-round or 30-round magazines of .30 Carbine. Update #51 made a variant with a permanently-attached M84 scope available as well; Update #52 replaced this with an attachable version of the scope.
Update #51 brought along the M1D variant, fitted with an M84 scope. It was later removed in Update #52, with its replacement being an attachable version of the M84 scope for the M1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1D Garand - .30-06 Springfield. Note the M37 slotted flash hider; the one in-game has the earlier conical variant.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA side-on view of the M1D Garand. Note that the safety is currently on, as is standard for freshly-spawned weapons in H3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe opposite side of the M1D, which shows how the scope doesn't seem to be properly attached to the rifle's barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking through the M84 scope, which has a rather distinctive one-and-a-half-line reticle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe M1D's scope is mounted off to the left side of the rifle to allow for the loading and ejection of en-bloc clips; one of the side effects of this is the ability to use the rifle's iron sights, as shown here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLeaning the rifle against a wall, which gives a good view of the distinctive early-pattern conical flash hider.
M2 Carbine
Along with the M1 Carbine came its select-fire relative, the M2 Carbine. The M2, like the M1, has the late-war pattern of sights and a bayonet lug. It also has a metal heat shield; this was likely both due to the increased amount of heat that the M2 is likely to produce, and to make the M2 more visually distinctive. As with the M1, the M2 gained a variant with an M84 scope following Update #51; also like the M1, this variant was removed, and replaced with an attachable version of the M84 scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1903 Springfield (interwar transitional) - .30-06 SpringfieldError creating thumbnail: File missingAn M1903 Springfield and a 5-round stripper clip on a table, inside the Sniper Range. Competition-oriented rifle or not, iron-sight sniping is a daunting task.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the Springfield. The barrel-mounted rear sight, straight-wristed stock, and lack of grasping grooves in the forend peg this rifle as a somewhat more seldom-seen transitional model, manufactured between the WWI-era original and Mark I variants, and the later M1903A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side. Note the interesting pattern of the stock's wood grain; this mis-matching could possibly indicate that the rifle was repaired at some point in its lifetime, possibly a personal restoration of a sporterized surplus rifle to its former glory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen, in a surprise plot-twist, the stripper clip that showed up a few screenshots ago turns out to be incredibly important to the central plot! This shocking twist surprised... absolutely nobody.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the Mauser-type flag safety, common to rifles of the era. It especially makes sense on the Springfield, since it is, for all intents and purposes, a Mauser-pattern rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the M1903; being designed in substantial part for long-range competition target shooting, the M1903's sights are small and precise. This is nice and all for long-range shooting, but can be a bit tricky to use for closer, faster shots.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPutting an end to the squint-fest of aiming by firing off a shot; note that the striker, previously off of the bottom of the shot, is now in full, plain view.Error creating thumbnail: File missingObserving the damage done to the targeted watermelon whilst cycling the rifle, preparing for another.
The MAS-49/56 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in the first Meatmas update. Upon its addition, it was chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO (a non-factory chambering, but a common (if unethical) practice among many civilian owners); Update #42 changed this to the appropriate 7.5x54mm French, and gave it the ability to use 5-round stripper clips. Added with the rifle was an APX L806 3.85-power scope, unique to the MAS.
The last of Update #52's C96 variants is a rare M1917 Trench Carbine, a variant developed (but not issued) during World War 1 for German sturmtruppen. The weapon in-game is incorrectly chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser, rather than the correct 9x19mm Parabellum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMauser M1917 Trench Carbine - 9x19mm ParabellumError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the Trench Carbine. Note the distinctive slab-sided lower frame, and that the magazine well is thinned down to the point of being flush with the receiver, presumably so that the thinner 7.63mm magazines can fit in. Also note how much longer the in-game barrel is compared to the real weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 10-round magazine. Due to the incorrect chambering, these are interchangeable with the variants below, and come in 10-, 20-, 30-, and 40-round varieties.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a bullseye through the M1917's iron sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a shot; as one would expect from a pistol-caliber carbine, this doesn't produce much recoil.
Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine
First seen in the Alpha 1 build of Update #52, the Mosin-Nagant M38 Carbine is available for use in H3. Amusingly enough, it is found near the trashcans in the scenes available in the build, referencing one of the Mosin's unflattering nicknames, The Garbage Rod.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMosin-Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mmRError creating thumbnail: File missingOpening a loot crate in Take & Hold mode reveals a Mosin, and a 5-round stripper clip. With the exception of some bugged instances, weapons in Take & Hold generally spawn with some form of appropriate ammunition. Granted, "appropriate" ammunition does include things such as 5-round magazines for assault rifles, and shotguns with confetti-filled shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening the Mosin's action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the rifle up with 7.62x54mmR rounds, with the aid of the aforementioned stripper clip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering the first of the rifle's 5 rounds, and heading off to battle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSighting up a Weinerbot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe threat to the motherland dealt with appropriately, our invisible Red Army soldier (or possibly /k/ommando) cycles his rifle, and ejects a spent casing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing the discovery that Weinerbots don't terribly like it when you try to take their points, our protagonist finds himself face-to-face with a bot that clearly doesn't understand the meaning of the phrase "personal space", and decides to teach him a copper-jacketed lesson.
Mosin-Nagant "Obrez"
Update #52's twelfth alpha brought along a sawn-off version of the Mosin, a configuration commonly referred to as an "Obrez" (Russian for "cut"). The entire stock is removed, and replaced with a homemade wooden pistol grip.
Update #56, AKA the 2018 4th of July Update, included an 1886 Quackenbush "Bicycle Pump" single-shot .22 rifle. Along with the Ruger 10/22 below, the Quackenbush marked the first addition of a firearm chambered in .22 Long Rifle since the addition of the Ruger Mk III back in Update #5.
While not physically present in-game, a Remington Model 700 VTR with a bipod appears on the item spawner's instruction panel as an example of a bolt-action rifle.
Update #42 added a Remington Model 8 in .35 Remington, fitted with a rear tang-mounted peep sight. Notably, it is able to make use of stripper clips, which were added in this update. Update #46 added a short-barreled variant, which was then removed in Update #52 due to the inherent issues with cutting down the barrel of a long-recoil-operated rifle.
The eleventh alpha build of Update #52 added a Remington Model 81 Special Police, an updated version of the earlier Model 8 capable of using detachable magazines. As with the in-game Model 8, the Model 81 is chambered in .35 Remington in-game.
Update #56 (released July 4, 2018) added a synthetic-stocked Ruger 10/22. Along with the aforementioned Quackenbush, the 10/22 was the first .22 Long Rifle-chambered firearm in H3 since Update #5's Ruger Mk III.
A .308 Winchester-chambered Sako 85 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #13. Rounding out the update's collection of shortened firearms, Update #46 brought us an Obrez-esque sawn-off Sako.
The SKS is one of the available firearms in-game (added through Update #18), and is fitted with a Tapco stock and converted to use 20-round detachable magazines. With the release of Update #42, it was granted the ability to use 10-round stripper clips. Update #54 added a classic, non-Bubba'd variant of the rifle, much to the relief of milsurp purists everywhere.
Update #58 added a SOCOM 16 rifle, with a tan-finished synthetic stock. Like the real weapon (and unlike the game's other M14 variants, presently included or otherwise), it fires exclusively in semi-auto.
A prototype version of the M1928A1 Thompson submachine gun chambered in .30 Carbine was added to the game in the 11th alpha of Update #52. It was developed for the US Light Rifle Program (which would eventually result in the adoption of the M1 Carbine), but was near-immediately rejected for being too heavy (over 10 lbs (4.5 kg), compared to the stated maximum of 5 lbs (2.3 kg).
The wooden hot dog soldier targets (yes, you read that right) seen in certain scenes are drawn with somewhat generic, hard-to-identify AR-15-pattern carbines. The item spawner's tutorial/example image for closed-bolt, magazine-fed firearms also features a simplistic-looking AR to illustrate the various controls involved in any such weapon's operation.
The Wurstworld update brought along a Winchester Model 1873 lever-action rifle, chambered in .45 Long Colt (a caliber not initially offered in the 1873, though it is available in modern reproductions; this does make some sense when one takes into account what Wurstworld actually is). 2 variants were initially available (a "Trapper" carbine and a longer short rifle); a "Mare's Leg" sawn-off variant was added later. All of the rifle's variants have buckhorn sights and octagonal barrels.
The 2018 4th of July Update (Update #56) added the quintessentially American Winchester Model 1894. It has a 10-round capacity, and is chambered in .44 Magnum (one of the numerous cartridges that the 1894 has been offered in).
Added along with the Smith & Wesson Model 500 in Update #59's 7th alpha, the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum is the first (and so far, only) weapon in H3 chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum; it is also the largest-caliber sniper rifle in the game that isn't an anti-materiel rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAccuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum - .338 Lapua MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the AWM. A timeless classic, since '99.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a magazine. While many of H3VR's weapon models are purchased or donated from third-party sources, they are sometimes still modified on the game's end; the AWM is a perfect example of this, as its magazine and well were slightly too short to fit normal .338 Lapua rounds (which is correct; being retrofitted for .338LM rather than designed for it, the AWM's magazine can only fit slightly shorter-bulleted .338 rounds, which are sold specifically for this rifle; the decision to make it work with standard .338 Lapua was made in the interests of gameplay and development simplicity), so game dev Anton Hand had to perform "model surgery", as he put it, to lengthen the magazine and well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRealizing that having a bare upper rail is hardly befitting of a rifle that once set a record for confirmed kill distance, but that a long-range scope is equally unfitting for use indoors, our invisible protagonist compromises and attaches a tube red-dot sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the rifle at a Sosig...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and killing the one behind it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile there's sadly no bright blue text across the center of everybody's screen announcing this double kill, it's still cause for celebration. And what better way to celebrate than to eject a spent case in the most unnecessarily dramatic way possible?Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a tracer into another Sosig; asistradition, the "Magnum Sniper Rifle" can kill a full-health, fully-armored enemy with a single well-placed shot to the torso.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring an API (armor-piercing incendiary) round into yet another armored Sosig, producing a suitably impressive shower of sparks in the process.
Barrett M107A1
The Barrett M107A1 anti-materiel rifle is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #22. Up until the 2018 4th of July Update and its "M2 Tombstone", the Barrett was the only weapon in the game chambered in .50 BMG.
Added in the ninth alpha build of Update #59, the Izhmash SV-98 sniper rifle makes its mark in H3 as the game's second Russian sniper rifle, and its first (and, currently, only) bolt-action one.
The Kimber Model 8400 is one of the rifles added in the 2016 Meatmas Update. In keeping with Update #46's theme of shortened variants of existing guns, the Kimber received a rather strange short-barreled variant in this update.
Added along with the SV-98 in Update #59's ninth alpha build, the Remington M40A1 helps pad out the game's collection of sniper rifles. The weapon in-game has a woodland camo stock, and is fitted with a standard-issue, non-detachable 10x scope.
Update #52's 10th alpha gave SWBs the ability to use Steyr Scout rifles. They boast high damage, accuracy, and range, offset by their low fire rates and capacities.
Steyr Scout - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA bot with a rather comically proportioned Scout wanders into a Hold Point, and begins to wonder if this is really the best weapon for close-quarters combat against a lunatic with a sawn-off Sten and a SPAS-12 loaded with high-explosive shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA enemy's Scout on the ground.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPicking it up, just in time to meet an enemy Sosig whose enthusiasm greatly outstrips its preparedness. Lifespan measured in seconds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at another helpless enemy; note that, unlike the Scouts used by the Weinerbots, the Sosigs' Scouts lack scopes, likely to avoid having to program such a complex function into a weapon meant to be simple and cheap (from a performance standpoint, that is).Error creating thumbnail: File missingPutting the downed Sosig out of its misery reveals something else of note: much like their sawn-off Remington 870s, the Sosigs' Scouts have self-cycling bolts; again, this is meant to keep the weapons as simple as possible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCharging a Scout-wielding Sosig, its complete and utter failure to aim showing off how their rifles are also self-cycling. Which makes sense, when you think about it - they are, after all, the same guns, regardless of who's using them.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Sosig's failure to aim also has other effects, namely on the distance between its head and the rest of its body.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe updated Scout model; following the Law of Conservation of Trigger Guards, adding a trigger guard to the MP5SD1 required removing one from the Scout. Presumably.
SVD Dragunov
The SVD Dragunov is one of the available sniper rifles in-game. It was added in Update #18; at the time, it was permanently fitted with a side-mounted rail adaptor bracket, but this was made removable in Update #40, allowing the use of Soviet-type dovetail optics (or, for that matter, open iron sights).
Update #50 brought along a Bren gun, more specifically the Mk2 variant. Due to the fact that bipods were being updated and tuned at the time of Update #50's release, the variant added instead was one with a shortened barrel and no bipod or carrying handle, with the standard variant added later, in the eleventh alpha of Update #52.
The 2018 4th of July Update (more formally known as Update #56) added a modified Browning M2HB, known as the "M2 Tombstone". It has a shortened barrel, and is fitted with a pair of top-mounted grips and a bracket for fitting an belt box; the latter serves as its namesake, with the weapon feeding from the 200-round tombstone-shaped ammo cans more normally associated with M2s in AA mounts. The icing on this incredibly absurd cake is the American flag paintjob on the receiver, for that extra patriotic flavor.
Included in the 11th alpha build of Update #52, the Degtyaryov DP-28 comes in both full-length and shortened variants, as with the earlier WW2-era LMGs.
Update #52 brought along the game's first two belt-fed weapons, the first being the FN M249 SAW, specifically the E2 variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN M249-E2 SAW - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAt long last, they're finally here. Praise be to our lord and savior Anton; his ways are mysterious, and his gifts many.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the much-awaited M249.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttaching a 200-round belt box.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping open the feed tray cover. Upon the update's release, there was a rather amusing bug wherein optics placed on the cover's top rail wouldn't move with it, leaving them floating in mid-air above the bolt; this has since been fixed..Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the belt out of the box...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before pausing for a closer look. This reveals that the belt contains one tracer for every 4 normal FMJ rounds, a common setup among belt-fed machine guns, as it makes it far easier to tell where the gun is firing. This is also pretty much the furthest the belt can be pulled out of the box (and you can't do it unless you attach the box to the gun first), presumably to not drive the CPU mad from trying to calculate the physics on a long, loose belt of ammo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInspection break over, the loading process is resumed, with the belt being placed into the feed tray.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe feed tray cover is then closed...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and the weapon's rather arduous reloading procedure is concluded with a pull of the charging handle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCelebrating the conclusion of this process with a burst of 5.56mm rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBelatedly realizing that he forgot his hearing protection, our now rather shaken-up protagonist affixes a SilencerCo Osprey suppressor onto the M249.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLaying down some suppressed suppressive fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYet another one of the weapon's many impressive details; when it is inverted, the belt visibly sags due to gravity. Or rather, it's supposed to look like it's due to gravity; this is actually coded based on the orientation of the weapon itself, because having it rely solely on physics would have disastrous effects on the user's CPU.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter an innumerable amount of rounds, the M249's belt begins to visibly dwindle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt is at this point that the belt box can simply be removed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFurthermore, if the feed tray is opened, then the belt can be removed separately, which causes it to compress itself into the small, convenient ball of ammunition seen here, which can be placed into the gun and causing it to transform into a belt again. This idiosyncrasy is once again because of CPU limitations (notice how the belt is never let loose at any point in the simulation), and these mechanics are used on all belt-feds with exposed belts in this game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFed up with a creepy German constantly asking him about a mission report, our protagonist loads a 100-round Surefire quad-stack magazine into the M249's emergency STANAG magazine well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFortunately for him, this proves to be far more useful in-game than in reality; the M249's STANAG well is notoriously unreliable, and attempts to use it frequently result in jamming.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then discovers that the bipod seems to be slightly broken...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before shrugging and just deciding to roll with it. Note: this was a pre-release bug, and was fixed by the time that Update #52 was released.
Gatling Gun
An 1800s-era Gatling Gun was added to the Wurstworld scene in Update #43, though there were indications of its not-present presence when the mode was first released. Update #56 (the 2018 4th of July Update) added a handheld version (chambered in .45-70), rather affectionately nicknamed "Hand Crank Frank".
A T2-style handheld General Dynamics GAU-17/A is one of the firearms added in the 2016 Meatmas update, arguably the most fun, and indisputably the most absurd. While logically implausible, it does have one curious "realistic" touch - attempting to fire the weapon one-handed will cause it to spontaneously eject itself from the user's hand and go flying backwards under recoil; this has less to do with realism and more to do with the fact that protracted one-handed fire of a minigun would wreak havoc on the physics engine - not to mention the performance implications of firing two miniguns at once.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGeneral Dynamics GAU-17/A, US Air Force version of the M134 Minigun - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAirsoft handheld M134 minigun - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA quick trip to the Sampler Platter intro scene's Dessert Table reveals some very tasty offerings indeed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the GAU-17, with its great-grandfather photobombing in the background.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAmmunition comes in the form of these belt boxes. These are good for a few seconds of continuous fire; unlike many fictional miniguns, which have drastically lowered fire rates, H3's GAU-17 chews through ammo at a rate of 2,700 RPM (1 round every frame, at a standardized framerate of 90 FPS), which is well within the GAU's ROF range of 2-6,000 RPM.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor convenience's sake, the tracer-filled belt saves the user the trouble of pushing through the flexible feed chute and just feeds itself through automatically.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpinning up the minigun. In retrospect, this might not have been the most purposeful thing to screenshot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDescending, unrelenting, beauty of annihilation...Error creating thumbnail: File missingA decent few seconds of sustained fire will leave the GAU-17's barrels looking like this. This is rather strange, considering how one of the main advantages of a rotary barrel system is that it's far more resistant to overheating; if a gun's barrel looks like this, then the user should be seriously worried. In-game, however, it has no effect on the gun's performance, and is purely for the sake of making the weapon more satisfying to use.
M1918A2 BAR
Update #50 added an M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle to H3. For the same reasons as the Bren gun's changes, the BAR included with the update also has a shortened barrel without a carrying handle or bipod. Update #52's 11th alpha build added the full-length version.
Interestingly, the shortened variant is rather reminiscent of Clyde Barrow's cut-down BAR, though that weapon was actually an original M1918, rather than an A2, and had a shortened stock as well as a truncated barrel. The version in H3 is also clearly meant to be an A2, considering the safe-slow-fast selector.
The RPK is one of the numerous firearms added in the first Meatmas update. At the time, it was actually referred to as a Vepr-3V, the civilian semi-auto version of the RPK, but Update #32 changed it into a military full-auto model. It was then removed in Update #52 for rebuilding, and hasn't been heard from since.
Added in Update #60, the "Junkyard Flamethrower" is, as the name implies, a homemade flamethrower composed of various pieces of tubing, wiring, and other miscellaneous bits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Junkyard Flamethrower" on a table in the Proving Ground scene, along with a tank of fuel and a Molotov cocktail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe left side of the improvised flamethrower, showing off the tape-covered "GAS" tank, presumably serving as the flamethrower's pressure reserve; for gameplay's sake, this never needs replacing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the flamethrower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the flamer...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before pausing to take a look at what was just loaded. The tank is labeled "Dr. Boner's Industrial Strength Nail polish remover", and features a warning to "USE ONLY IN A WELL-VENTILATED AREA"; from this, it can be inferred that the tanks (seemingly propane tanks, of the sort used in portable camp stoves and the like) are filled with concentrated acetone. While this may be second only to The Fury's Flammenwerfer 41 loaded with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide (i.e. rocket fuel) from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in terms of odd flamethrower fuels, it does make some sense: as any bottle of non-industrial nail polish remover will tell you, acetone is highly flammable, and would make a more effective fuel than the gases commonly used in homemade flamethrowers, though its volatility and tendency to evaporate easily would limit its effective range and make it somewhat dangerous - not that an ordinary flamethrower is exactly OSHA-approved, mind you.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe muzzle of the flamethrower, constructed of a cut-open soda can; judging by the blackening of the end, this flamer's seen some use. Which is simultaneously encouraging and worrying.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the flamethrower..Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and "firing" it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOverjoyed that the weapon didn't explode upon firing, our fire-fighting friend takes a look at the adjustment lever at the flamethrower's rear.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe lever adjusts the flamethrower's gas pressure; pulling it back reduces the pressure...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...creating a wide spray of flames, like so...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...while pushing it forward increases the pressure...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...creating a more realistic, less video-gamey narrow stream of fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis narrow stream allows more precise, long-ranged use, perfect for roasting more distant Sosigs. As for the wide mode, its use in close quarters is unparalleledly lethal; when combined with the tendency of in-game flame particles to spread out and slide along solid surfaces, this leads to...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed."
M1A1 "Bazooka"
Update #50 added the M1A1 Bazooka to H3's collection of explosive toys. Unfortunately, the reloading procedure is incorrectly simplified, with the rocket simply being shoved into the rear of the tube, without bothering to attach the wire to the electrical contacts at the rear of the launcher (which served to transfer electricity to, and ignite, the rocket's booster charge and motor).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1A1 Rocket Launcher "Bazooka" - 2.36 inch rocketError creating thumbnail: File missingThe M1A1 in first person. A rather difficult weapon to grab a good screenshot of, considering its sheer size.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a M6A1 rocket into the rear of the weapon. As mentioned, this is the only thing required for reloading, with no simulation of the attachment of the contact wire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the M1A1. Unlike many games, the weapon's multiple front sight posts are useful here, as the projectile does drop over distance, and the weapon can be manipulated freely, rather than having a single fixed aim-down-sights position.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the Bazooka produces a suitably impressive cloud of smoke.
The M79 grenade launcher was one of the first weapons added to H3, predating even the name; it, along with a few other weapons, was added to the early prototype stages of the game before it even received a proper name. In the 9th alpha of Update #52, the weapon got a new model and texture set, along with several new ammo types. These include 5 more-or-less normal rounds - an M381 high-explosive round, an M397 airburst round (which bounces off of whatever surface it hits and explodes in mid-air), an M576 buckshot round, an M781 inert practice round, and a CS gas grenade (which was added later, in the same update's 10th alpha) - and 4 more outlandish rounds (all of which have colorschemes and labels more reminiscent of novelty fireworks than of actual military ordnance). These are:
The "X214 Steelbreaker", a high-velocity armor-piercing saboted round,
The "X477 Cornerfrag", a low-yield fragmentation grenade that airbursts 4 meters from the launcher's muzzle, intended for blindfiring around corners in close quarters (hence the name),
The "X666 Baphomet", essentially a 40mm version of the Dragon's Breath round,
and the later-released "X1776 Freedom Party", a 40mm flashbang that releases red, white, and blue confetti upon detonation.
The Orion Flare Gun is available in-game, having been added in Update #15. While it is capable of firing 12 gauge shells in-game, doing so with any sort of high-pressure shell (i.e. anything other than flares, "Cannonball" rounds, Dragon's Breath shells, or "Freedomfetti" shells) will destroy the flare gun, rendering it useless. However, Update #17 added a fictional steel-framed version capable of handling high-pressure loads.
Rounding out Update #50's collection of largely-WWII-centric weaponry is the Panzerschreck. Much like the M1A1 Bazooka, reloading the weapon is a simpler process in-game than it is in reality; whereas in-game the rocket is simply stuffed into the tube and fired, in reality the rocket had to be properly lined up in the tube, and the user had to press down the pin on top of the contact box to allow electricity to be transferred to the rocket, thus allowing its ignition.
The 2016 Meatmas Update added 3 gifts on its 25th and final day, one of these being the game's first rocket launcher, the RPG-7.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRPG-7 - 40mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn RPG-7 and a crate full of rockets, found at the Sampler Platter's Dessert Table. It's a hard thing to find, too - you have to show up early, or else it'll all be taken by the 12:30 lunch rush.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Yes, I get that it's not loaded, but that doesn't mean that this isn't the single stupidest thing you have ever done."Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a closer look at the RPG-7, with it (thankfully) pointed in a far, far safer direction.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a PG-7V rocket.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing this is a step that a great many games tend to forget: cocking the hammer. The RPG-7 uses a revolver-style spur hammer (albeit one that strikes directly upwards) to set off its rockets; since the trigger mechanism is single-action-only, the hammer must be cocked before every shot.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the RPG. Well, at least there was an attempt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the launcher...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and watching the rocket hit its mark. While it can't be shown here (for obvious reasons), one thing to note is the inclusion of a sound delay system for distant explosions - even at the back of this relatively small range, there is still a noticeable delay between seeing the round go off and hearing it, meant to simulate the difference between the speeds of light and sound. This feature, along with a great many others (including the Sampler Platter itself), was introduced in Update #52.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAmusingly, due to the way that H3 defines loading (i.e. if a round intersects a certain trigger area, it is automatically loaded), simply slamming a rocket into the side of the RPG-7's main tube...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...produces a loaded rocket launcher, presumably either meaning that the rockets are capable of teleportation, or that osmosis can be performed with far larger particles than scientists previously thought. IMFDB does not encourage the practice of slamming live rockets into things; doing so outside of a video game is highly unlikely to end well.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" once again, this time at the cluster of shipping crates and explosive barrels that makes up the bulk of the Dessert Table's target content.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis has predictable results.
The final grenade launcher added in the 10th alpha of Update #52 is the Sturmpistole, a WW2-era German experiment in converting the Leuchtpistole flare gun into a grenade launcher.
Added concurrently with the stylized M67 below (i.e. before H3VR was H3VR), the "Cyber Grenade" (or more properly, the "Hedron Munitions Variable Fuse Timing Grenade") is based loosely on the MK3 offensive hand grenade - more precisely, it is based on the MK3-based "M82" grenade from Half-Life 2. As the name implies, its fuse is adjustable, with options for 2-, 3-, 5-, 8-, and 12-second fuses, each including appropriate gradually-quickening-and-pitch-sharpening booming of a speaker and blinking of a red LED.
Man, the homeowners are NOT gonna be happy about this..."
M18 Smoke Grenade
Update #52's 10th alpha added the M18 smoke grenade to the game. There are two types available - a normal red one, and a (sadly) fictitious red, white, and blue one.
M18 smoke grenade (red)Error creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting an M18, whilst wondering whether or not the indoor range has smoke alarms.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Well, only one way to find out..."Error creating thumbnail: File missingPitching the M18 downrange.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThanking the Broken God MEKHANE that no alarms went off, the invisible cultist takes a closer look at the developing smoke cloud. Note that the cloud is just a bunch of opaque red spheres; the reasoning behind this stylistic approach is twofold: it helps ease the impact that these grenades have on a user's computer (especially when one considers that these grenades can be spawnlocked and thrown in limitless quantities hither, mither, and yonder), and it allows for more dynamic effects - the smoke in this game responds to the presence of objects and level geometry, expands and moves with respect to other smoke-spheres, and can be pushed around by explosions; they also release smoke gradually, rather than all at once as in most games, which allows the player to run around with a lit smoke grenade in each hand, leaving a trail of smoke behind them.Error creating thumbnail: File missing'Murica.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe patriotic smoke grenade's 3-color cloud.
M67 Hand Grenade
The M67 hand grenade is available in-game (being added in the game's earliest stages of development, prior to the game even having a name), referred to therein as the "M219 Greaseweasel Fragmentation Grenade". The Meatmas update added a special red-painted variant known as the "M25 Jingler"; this acts much the same as the standard version, but produces sounds of jingling bells when it detonates.
The final item added to the game in the 10th alpha of Update #52 is the M84 stun grenade. Of note is that H3 correctly shows the M84's dual pins, something which very few pieces of media demonstrate.
The third and final of these grenades is the No. 69 High-Explosive Grenade, a British WW2-era "offensive"-type hand grenade with an impact-based fuze.
No. 69 High-Explosive GrenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting a fresh plastic grenade. Note the line of red "X" marks; this doesn't indicate that it's filled with high-proof moonshine, but rather that it's filled with Amatol. While we can't recommend that you consume either, if you have to pick one, go with the Amatol. It tastes better.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemoving the cap, which serves as the No. 69's safety system.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTossing the grenade down-range...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and ending this page properly - that is, with a bang.