Seriously. This is a good change for once, other than Battlefield mod and fictional "Iron Storm" (2002). This is a first World War 1 FPS comes from a major game publisher.Alex Vostox (talk)
Yeah, it's got some nice Steampunk elements (ala Dishonored) too, but tbh im more pumped about this than Infinite Warfare, even the CoD 4 remaster looked better imo.--Death Shadow20 (talk) 13:00, 7 May 2016 (EDT)
I was really hoping to see 1944 next, but I gotta say that this looks amazing. Perhaps the first after this is 1944. --CnC Fin (talk) 13:27, 7 May 2016 (EDT)
It looks alright, the graphics are damn good though, that's for sure.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 13:28, 7 May 2016 (EDT)
Let's hope they bring one of the MANLIEST element of the World War 1..The MUSTACHE! Alex Vostox (talk)
Every time you rank up your character's moustache gets slightly bigger? Evil Tim (talk) 14:42, 7 May 2016 (EDT)
I'm going to be really disappointed if they don't have this in the game--John Ryder (talk) 03:34, 8 May 2016 (EDT)
You've reached Rank 100. You've unlocked... The Handlebar.--Bad Boy (talk) 01:50, 9 May 2016 (EDT)
It's gonna be a good year for FPS games. I can't wait for this and Infinite Warfare (that must be illegal). As some of you guys mentioned, World War I games are rarely done and it's nice to see a triple A publisher try their hand at it. WWI is such a sorely underused setting, so much potential too. And I love space and science fiction, so Infinite Warfare has me covered there. --PyramidHead (talk) 02:24, 9 May 2016 (EDT)
This game reminds me that i want to see a CoD of BF that takes place during the korean war.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 02:46, 9 May 2016 (EDT)
Italian Rifle
It does look like it's designed after a Carcano 1891 Cavalry Carbine, but the rifle is way too long. Mr. Wolf (talk) 23:09, 7 May 2016 (EDT)
Maybe it's a inaccurately sized model? Judging from DICE's rendering accuracy (cough cough ARX 160), it could be the case.
Is that cough getting in the way of you signing your posts, mysterious contributor?--AnActualAK47 (talk) 16:43, 8 May 2016 (EDT)
It isn't a Carcano, the stock is the wrong shape, there is no external magazine, no folding bayonet, and the end cap on the stock is wrong. C&Rsenal did a brakdown of the trailer and their oppinion on this rifle is that it is just a place holder and will eventually be a Carcano Cavalry Carbine, but it seems that currently the model is a modified Mauser 1898. --commando552 (talk) 18:34, 8 May 2016 (EDT)
Hrm, interesting. Mr. Wolf (talk) 19:26, 9 May 2016 (EDT)
And, though it's just me, the barrel on it seems extremely too long and thin. This leads me to believe it IS supposed to be the Carcano, but just absurdly disproportionate. Jaxxons11 (talk) 19:38, 15 May 2016 (EDT)
I agree, it looks like they have mistaken the length of the Carbine for the full length M91 --RedRobinAlpha (talk) 20:20, 15 May 2016 (EDT)
MG 15?
So, there was a short teaser released few days ago, and it showed Bergmann MG 15nA light machine gun. I came here to add that to the images but it appears that someone inserted MG 15 instead of MG 15nA. I changed the name/image and added new screenshot, but if there is an image that contains MG 15 as well as MG 15nA, feel free to add that again. Zzang1847 (talk)
What's this rifle
EA just had their E3 stream. It was really lame and not enough ME: Andromeda footage (i've been waiting 3 years for some gameplay, move yer butts!) There was a new trailer for BF1 though showing DICE's lack of taste in music. There's gonna be a livestream of bored looking people playing to soon.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 17:09, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
I assume it was used during WW1?--AnActualAK47 (talk) 18:09, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
I don't if it was or was not. Mr. Wolf (talk) 18:25, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
I just hope that the Winchester 1895 shows up.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 18:40, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
It was used by France, and is limited by Russia and by the United Kingdom. Some French versions have been converted into a full-auto and are equipped with extended magazines. --Slon95 (talk) 18:57, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
What I really hope doesn't happen with this game is have tons of rare and little used semi auto rifles and SMGs inexplicably in the hands of common infantrymen, just so the game can still have the feel of Battlefield without modern automatic weapons. --PyramidHead (talk) 19:32, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
So I added bunch of new weapons that came out from the second gameplay trailer, and I need some help identifying this shotgun. I know that there is a confirmation that Winchester M1897 "Trench Gun" is going to be in the game, but this gun is shown very briefly in first person view, and I am not sure whether it's M1897 or not. If this gun is from WW1 then Winchester Model 12 might be another possible candidate, but that I cannot guarantee. What do you guys think? Zzang1847 (talk)
Those sights are throwing me off. Mr. Wolf (talk) 22:34, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
I could be wrong, but that could be either the Stevens Model 520 or the Remington Model 10. --SeanWolf (talk) 23:40, 12 June 2016 (EDT)
I think you are right about Remington Model 10. If you look closely on the top of receiver, there is a bulged rail-looking part for mounting attachments(like the optic in the image) and I haven't seen that thing on M1897/M520. Now Winchester Model 12 also has that part on top of the receiver, but when I looked at the footage frame by frame, there were no shells ejecting on the right side, which fits the description of Model 10's bottom feed/ejecting mechanism. Unless I see any other suggestion of what that shotgun might be by tomorrow, I will update it to Remington Model 10. Thanks for the suggestion! Zzang1847 (talk)
A quick update to my previous comment. I just checked the new multiplayer gameplay footage from Jackfrags and kill-feed confirms that it is Remington Model 10(It says Model 10-A-HE, which I assume it is one of the pre-set customization options). I will update the main page right away! Zzang1847 (talk) I actually knew something right about a gun being shown!--SeanWolf (talk) 14:37, 13 June 2016 (EDT)
Weapon identifications by Forgotten Weapons
Forgotten Weapon uploaded a few videos analyzing the different guns that appeared in the teaser trailer and the gameplay trailer. Inceptor57 (talk) 22:41, 12 June 2016 (EDT) [1] - Teaser Trailer analysis [2] - Gameplay Trailer analysis
I am fearing that the game designers will put sights that are the closest thing there will be to "optics" because gamers and kids these days just love their red dots and can't seem to want to play period pieces without their red dots. Greatest example is COD black ops where red dots galore before red dots were even thought possible for long guns. Excalibur01 (talk) 16:25, 13 June 2016 (EDT)