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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Evolution (2001)

The following weapons were used in the film Evolution:

Mossberg 500

A standard Mossberg 500 'Persuader' shotgun is used by Harry Block (Orlando Jones) to stop an alien.

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Mossberg 500 'Persuader' - 12 Gauge
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Several Mossbergs are seen on the gunrack.
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Harry Block (Orlando Jones) stalks the alien dinosaur through the department store with a Mossberg 500.
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The crew pump their shotguns one handed after a job well done.

Winchester 1300

Ira Kane (David Duchovny) uses a Winchester 1300 with an extended magazine tube to kill the alien dinosaur in the mall. Wayne Gray (Seann William Scott) appears to use a newer Defender model of the Winchester. Interestingly enough, the film's DVD cover reverses the shotguns used by Scott and Bloom (Bloom wields Scott's 1300 Defender, while Scott wields Bloom's Mossberg 500).

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Winchester 1300 with extended tube - 12 Gauge
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Several Winchesters are seen on the gunrack.
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"Ladies, there's a giant alien bird menacing the mall. Can we focus?"
Ira Kane (David Duchovny) with a Winchester 1300.
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New Version Winchester Model 1300 Defender - 12 Gauge
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Wayne Gray (Seann William Scott) tries some bird calls to draw out the alien dinosaur with his Winchester 1300 Defender. Note the extended tube.

Beretta 92FS

Standing in for the M9, Beretta 92FS pistols are carried and used by the US Army Military personnel guarding the meteor crash site. Wayne (Seann William Scott) uses one to kill the alien primate.

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Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
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Wayne uses a dropped Beretta 92FS to kill an alien primate.


M16A2 rifles are seen in the hands of US Army soldiers throughout the film.

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M16A2 - 5.56x45mm NATO
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US Army soldiers guarding the site's entrance armed with M16A2s.
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US Army soldiers move in on the meteor crash site as the aliens attempt to break out.
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US Army Soldiers wield M16A2s.
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A US Army soldier aims his M16A2 before being ordered to stand down due to risk of civilian casualties.
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US Army soldiers march their way to the meteor crash site.


M60 machine guns are seen and used mounted on turrets and HMMWVs.

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M60 GPMG - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A Military Police guard manning an M60.
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An M60 mounted on a Humvee.
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An M60 is seen mounted in the background at the observation post.

Browning M2HB

Browning M2HB Heavy Machine Guns are mounted on Humvees, tanks, and M35A2 "Deuce-And-A-Half" trucks are also seen used during the assault near the end of the film.

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Browning M2HB - .50 BMG
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A M2HB mounted on a Humvee as the US Army supervises evacuations.
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A Browning M2 on a tank.
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A .50 Cal mounted on a M35A2 "Deuce-And-A-Half".

Smith & Wesson Model 15

Grace (Miriam Flynn) pulls out a Smith & Wesson Model 15 when she discovers an alien creature in her home.

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Smith & Wesson Model 15 - .38 Special
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Grace pulls a Smith & Wesson Model 15.
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Grace aims her Model 15.