The Saboteur is a 2009 action-adventure developed by the now closed Pandemic Studios, published by Electronic Arts, about an Irish race driver turned saboteur (loosely based on the real life race car driver turned SOE agent William Grover-Williams) who tries to avenge the death of his best friend in Nazi-occupied France by killing the man responsible, demolishing as much of the Third Reich's hardware as possible in the process.
The following weapons appear in the video game The Saboteur:
The Luger P08 appears as the "Kruger pistol". Uses pistol ammo. Dierker, the main villain, uses a modified version called the "Executioner pistol". It has a brass-knuckles-like finger guard, a knife attached to the base plate of the magazine and fires fully automatic; it's Dierker's weapon of choice and can be obtained by killing him, or be bought from any Weapons Dealer after the game is finished. It, too, uses pistol ammo and is able to take out pretty much any human enemy in one shot.
The Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer appears as the "Raum pistol". Uses pistol ammo. Usually appears with 20-round magazine, but in some missions available rare version with 10-round magazine.
The Smith & Wesson 44 Hand Ejector 2nd Model appears as the ".44 Pistol", but it has an unsupported ejector rod. Strangely it uses the same ammo as both the Kruger and the Raum pistols. It is a 1 hit kill weapon. Sean calls it a "Yankee Hand Cannon" and states that "One shot will turn the Krauts insides into Shepherd's pie. But watch out. She's a bitch to reload." Another oddity is that it has a target front sight and a fixed rear sight.
The Walther PPK appears as the "Silenced pistol". The suppressor and the weapon description stating that this weapon was popular among British spies is obviously a reference to James Bond. Uses silenced pistol ammo. The resistance leader Margot Bonnaire also wields a PPK without a suppressor at the ambushed meeting of Maquis faction chiefs.
Appears as the MP40. Both the Resistance and the German military uses it. Sean says it "is as common as hookers in Paris, and seen about as much action", which is somewhat inaccurate in real life.
The Thompson M1A1 appears as the "Tommy-MG". Mostly found in supply crates and used by high level Résistance members. Fitted with a 50-round drum which the M1A1 was not designed to accept.
The Mauser Gewehr 1898 appears as the "Steiner Rifle" (a possibly nod to Cross of Iron, as the protagonist was named Steiner). It uses rifle ammo. A scoped version also appears, which uses sniper ammo. Both versions are semi-auto in-game
The Karabiner 98K appears as the "Carbine" (which is inaccurate since it's rifle). A scoped version is available. The normal (unscoped) version uses rifle ammo, the scoped version uses sniper rifle ammo.The "Carbine" also seems to have the magazine of a Lee-Enfield SMLE which is detached and replaced when reloading.
The Sturmgewehr 44 appears as the "MP44 MG". Shares the ammo with the MP40 and the Tommy gun, which is definitely unrealistic. The first appearance in the game took place during the Battle of France in 1940, a full 2 years before it was widely distributed to German troops.
Fictional automatic weapons used by the "Terror troops", German elite soldiers. Despite being labelled as an "MP" (Maschinenpistole/Submachine gun), it rather resembles a light machine gun. Uses Terror MG ammo. It heavily resembles the AA-12 full-auto shotgun.
An automatic shotgun, resembling the AA-12 and other modern combat shotguns. The only fictional weapon used by the "Terror troops". Uses Terror shotgun ammo. Again this is unrealistic for the German military at the time because they and most of the other European powers don't use shotguns in their military.
The Winchester Model 1912 appears as the "Trench gun". This is unrealistic because the German military had always detested the use of shotguns in warfare. The name Trench Gun is a nickname for the Winchester models 1897 and 1912 that were modified for US military use during WWI and WWII.
The Mauser Gewehr 1898 appears as the "Steiner Rifle" (a possibly nod to Cross of Iron, as the protagonist was named Steiner). It uses rifle ammo. A scoped version also appears, which uses sniper ammo. Both versions are semi-auto in-game
The Maschinengewehr Model 42 is seen mounted on Kübelwagen and in fortified positions. The front end looks like the MG42, but the back end looks like the Browning machine guns
Appears as the "Siegfaust II". Uses Siegfaust ammo. Unlike the real Panzerfaust, this one in the game had a pistol grip that looks like it was taken from an RPG and it was fired off the shoulder.
If the player takes a look behind the concierge's desk at the Belle du Nuit, it is possible to see the deposited weapons of other patrons, including (but not limited to) an MG42 and what appears to be a Lee-Enfield SMLE in a sniper configuration.