[[File:SCAR-H PD2 reloading1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Reloading. Inserting a magazine.]]
[[File:SCAR-H PD2 reloading1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Reloading. Inserting a magazine.]]
[[File:SCAR-H PD2 reloading2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Reloading. For some reason the charging handle doesn't lock back, so instead it's pulled to chamber a new round. In the original animation the bolt release was used instead.]]
[[File:SCAR-H PD2 reloading2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Reloading. For some reason the charging handle doesn't lock back, so instead it's pulled to chamber a new round. In the original animation the bolt release was used instead.]]
[[File:PD2 SCAR-H misc1.jpg|thumb|600px|none|After receiving some buckshot, a former Murkywater PMC drops his SCAR-H. Note the AN/PEQ-15 IR designator on top of the front-rail.]]
[[File:SCAR-H PD2 modified left.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Modified version with FN SSR stock, EOTech XPS, Command Arms pistol grip, and AN/PEQ-15 IR designator. Note that the rail extension is for an AR-15 and not the SCAR platform.]]
[[File:SCAR-H PD2 modified left.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Modified version with FN SSR stock, EOTech XPS, Command Arms pistol grip, and AN/PEQ-15 IR designator. Note that the rail extension is for an AR-15 and not the SCAR platform.]]
Payday 2 is the sequel to Payday: The Heist. As with the first game, players may join up to three others in a spree of robberies and other heists to earn money. Payday 2 noticeably features many changes from the first game, among other things the new skill tree. Each of the five trees (the Mastermind, Enforcer, Technician, Ghost, and Fugitive) focuses on differing specializations, though unlike the first game do not grant new weapons for level ups (aside from special examples like the portable saw). Weapons are instead unlocked to purchase by leveling up, which now is done with experience points instead of money. Money is used to buy new weapons, modifications, and masks, though it is divided between a player's "Offshore Account" (which comprises 80% of the money they earn in a heist) and spending cash (the other 20%), and only the spending cash can be used to buy weapons and addons.
The following weapons appear in the video game Payday 2
The game operates with the heister moving in with 2 weapons, and 2 weapons only. A primary and a secondary. Primaries consist of assault rifles, shotguns, and marksman rifles. Secondaries consist of pistols, machine pistols, and bizarrely, a few chopped down variants of some shotguns and assault rifles. Players can take ammo from enemies, but not weapons, ala SWAT 4 and other such tactical shooters.
Each weapon has its own customization options, though some like the Glock 17 barely have any and others like the M4A1 may have much more than others. In addition to shared items like suppressors, weapons also have their own sets of unique addons, such as extended magazines or different finishes or grips. Mods can be removed from these weapons for no charge, and the mod in question will not be lost, merely returned to the player's inventory. However, re-adding it will again require money.
In addition to this, owners of the Gage Weapon Pack #1 DLC will be allowed to change the firing mode between fully automatic and semi-automatic on all applicable weapons, and unlock access to special addons that enable locking a weapon permanently in one fire mode. Owners of the Gage Weapon Pack #2 DLC will also have access to the machine guns as well as new knives. Owners of the Gage Mod Courier DLC will also be able to unlock a special set of modifications that are otherwise unobtainable. As a bonus, the pack also comes with extra reticles and colors for all sights, though players without the DLC will still be able to use all the colors and a few of the new reticles. In addition, every weapon DLC pack since (and a few heist DLCs) have had even more new guns and melee weapons, and have begun to lock weapon addons to specific achievements rather than random drops. Finally, a noteworthy addition from the Gage Shotgun Pack DLC is the option to use different shell types for any of the game's shotguns. All firearms in Payday 2 are capable of performing a "tactical reload" (i.e. reload when the magazine isn't emptied) in addition to the "dry" animation, though as is common with most contemporary non-tactical shooters, none of them retain the round currently in battery, meaning there is no "one round in the chamber".
As a final addition, starting with the October 22, 2014 patch, players with a specific skill set are also allowed to replace their primary with two dual-wielded pistols, though this obviously comes with penalties to aiming and recoil and can currently can only be done with a few pistols. Dual-wielding can be done by any player with enough perks in the Hitman perk deck unlocked, or by players who have the Akimbo skill from the Fugitive tree
As of Update #65 (The first person animation update) All base game guns (except for the Bronco .44) and some DLC weapons have received new first person animations, most notably new reloading animations. Also with this update magazines now actually have fully modeled bullets in them, on top of that, it's is possible to see the bullets in the transparent magazines of weapons such as the JP36, Commando 553, Kobus 90 etc.
Beretta 92FS Centurion
The Beretta 92FS Centurion appears as the "Bernetti 9" and is unlocked at reputation level 6, and has an incorrect 14-round capacity instead of 15. Presently, it is one of the seven pistols that can be dual-wielded. The name "B9-S" is visible on the slide, as a nod to the pistol's name from the first Payday
The Glock 17 appears in-game as the "Chimano 88 Pistol". It is the default secondary weapon, and is initially rather weak though holds a fairly large and correct 17-round magazine (though it has an extended +2 magazine base-plate that would allow it to hold 19 rounds). Originally it could only use one of three suppressors, though a few more compatible parts have been added in patches. It is one of seven pistols that can be dual-wielded
The Glock 18C Generation 3 is unlocked at reputation level 29 and, as in the first game, is known as the "STRYK 18c." It still features a high rate of fire, low power, low accuracy, comes with a slightly incorrect 20-round magazine (actually 19), and a tan frame and slide. Notably, it is one of 3 select-fire capable guns in the game that does not get the fire-mode locking mods.
The Glock 22C appears as a new gun added in the Election Day update (3/20/2014) and is named the "Chimano Custom", with the website render marking it as a .40 S&W model. It has a default magazine of 16 rounds (actually 15 in real life or 17 with the +2 base-plate shown in-game) and can be modified in most of the same ways as the Glock 18C. It has a unique red fiber-optic front sight, a flared magazine well, and an OD green frame. The Custom becomes a Glock 35 if equipped with the "Long Slide" modification. This is one of the seven pistols that can be dual-wielded
On the seventh day of the Crimefest release parade (October 22nd 2014), John Wick himself jumped aboard and brought his trusted Glock 26 along for the ride. Called the Chimano Compact, it tries to fill the same "high-capacity 9x19mm" role as the Beretta 92. It can stand up to it in terms of damage output and has a trivial recoil advantage, but otherwise lags a little behind on all fronts, especially so with the "high-capacity" bit. Unlocked at level 36, the $605,000 price tag is a little hard to swallow for what it is. It's also the first of the seven pistols which have separate akimbo variants classed as primary weapons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGlock 26 subcompact - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingWick's unsullied Glock 26. Overkill correctly set it to carry 10 rounds at a time, but didn't account for the potential extra two bullets the molded Pearce Grips magazine extension adds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGiven the worrying accuracy numbers Glocks have in this game, John is relieved to see that the Chimano Compact stands on the same adequate level as the Signature .40 and Crosskill. It can reliably put a round into a SWAT helmet around 10 meters (demonstrated by the poor bastard under the bead) without help and up to 20 when upgraded - which is about as far as the sights can comfortably handle, anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe unique Striking upgrades (body kit, slide, magazine) turn the gun into a "Tier 1" custom version from Salient Arms International. It even appears to have some of the optional extras listed in the brochure, namely the grip stippling and eye-searing Cerakote finish. The end result is a welcome upgrade to both damage and accuracy, but the gaudy look lowers its top-notch stealth rating to the level of a common .44 revolver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooks like this tactical custom was devised at an in-house "Chimano Custom Shop" instead. The gadget options are the same limited set as with the starter Glock, but it gets a free set of Striking components from the get-go. Note the relatively massive attachment rail and low-profile laser which don't hurt concealability in any way. The stock slide also has a small stamp on top of the bolt with the letters "AT" and the Overkill bomb logo - perhaps a modeler's signature.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDallas rallies his burly crew during an armored car ambush. When the slide locks back, the upgraded barrel is revealed to have heat-dissipating baffles all the way around it - another optional SAI custom order. Additionally, the colors of the Cerakote coating have a much closer resemblance to the real-life options under daylight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe grip-mounted laser module not only increases accuracy in itself, but its beam is completely unobtrusive when the sights are used. Note the cute US flag on the upgraded slide.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJohn Wick whips up a rampage inside a gangster stronghold. A rather weak option in the akimbo category, the Chimano Compacts suffer dearly from being stuck at a shallow 10-round magazine capacity. That said, they're still the least bad akimbo pistols to reach the maximum of 30 concealment - extremely important for Fugitives, whose combat performance is directly derived from stealthiness.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambers full? Check.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRevenge administered? Check!
Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical
The Heckler & Koch USP45 Tactical appears as the "Interceptor .45" and is automatically unlocked for purchase by joining the Payday 2 Official Steam Group. It is decently powerful and uses a 13-round magazine (one more than in real life). It is one of seven pistols that can be dual-wielded (along with all variants below). It is incorrectly shown fitted with a Heckler & Koch "Jet-Funnel" mag-well extension and extended magazines that were only designed for and fit the 9mm and .40 S&W versions of the USP.
The Heckler & Koch USP Match is used if the USP Tactical is equipped with the "Match Slide" modification. This noticeably changes the color of the USP's slide and darkens the frame slightly
The Springfield Armory XDM appears as the LEO pistol as part of the Butcher DLC along with the VHS-D2 rifle. Initially a Croatian design (as the HS2000), it has an 19-round magazine, which is correct for the 9mm version. The markings are inconsistent however, showing on the slide that the chambering is .40 S&W, but the ejection port markings show that is chambered for .45 ACP.
The IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX appears under its popular nickname of "Deagle" and is unlocked at reputation level 36. It is exceptionally powerful and holds an incorrect 10 rounds in its magazine instead of the proper 7. It is one of the seven pistols that can be dual-wielded
An Intratec TEC-9 modified to allow for fully-automatic firing appears as the "Blaster 9mm" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Hotline Miami DLC. It holds 20 rounds by default and it's Extended Magazine modification gives it a correct 32 rounds and operates in strange ways uncharacteristic of the real TEC-9.
The in-game weapon fires from a closed bolt, meaning that it was based on the US-import KG-9 model which was a forced redesign by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives (ATF) before the weapon could be marketed in the United States. The closed bolt would make the full automatic conversion unfeasible, which is an intended feature of the forced redesign as to discourage users from illegally modifying their TEC-9s. It is also capable of selective-firing, which is a highly unusual trait, that few illegal gunsmiths would implement into a weapon when converting from semi to fully automatic. This also suggest that the Blaster was based partly on the Interdynamic MP9, the parent design of the TEC-9.
The Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" appears as the "Broomstick" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Historical Pack DLC. It has rather high damage, but is hindered by its 10 round magazine.
The SIG-Sauer P226R in .40 S&W appears as the "Signature .40" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Weapon Pack #01 DLC. In-game it does the same amount of damage as the Crosskill (Springfield Armory 1911 Lightweight Operator), but most, if not all, of its stats are better compared to the Crosskill. By default, the P226 holds 12 rounds (one less than the real .40 version) and its extended magazine unusually has no concealment penalty (unlike those for most weapons)
A Single Action Army with wooden grips appears as the "Peacemaker .45" and is part of the Butcher's Western Pack DLC. By default it is the 7.5" "Cavalry" model, but the "Shootout Barrel" and "Precision Barrel" modifications turn it into the 5.5" "Artillery" and 12" "Buntline Special" models respectively. When firing the weapon, the player character will fan the hammer. The Single Action Army cannot be modified with other modifications, limited only to the two barrels stated above, a stock, and a pistol grip modification.
The in-game revolver operates in strange and bizarre ways not seen on the real Single Action Army. The weapon is absurdly powerful for an antique revolver of this caliber, massively dwarfing the Bronco .44 and Deagle in stopping power despite both of them faring the other way around in reality. The extractor rod on the Peacemaker is also never used to remove spent cartridges, the player character simply opens the loading gate and puts in fresh rounds, the fired casings falling out on their own.
The Springfield Armory 1911 Lightweight Operator is unlocked at reputation level 2, and is much more customizable than the starting Glock 17. It is named the "Crosskill" as it was in the first game and has an incorrect 10-round magazine instead of 7 or 8 as in reality, it's Extended Mag modification gives it the model of a Kimber 10-round magazine but it holds 16 rounds. It is one of the seven pistols that can be dual-wielded. It is also seen in the background in several menus.
The Taurus Raging Bull returns from the first Payday, again known as the "Bronco .44" but now featuring its full-length barrel by default. It holds 6 rounds and is unlocked at reputation level 6, and is massively powerful. As of Update 13, street cops can use this devastating weapon. It is also notably used by the female FBI Agent enemies in the Hoxton Breakout heist and some mobsters in the Hotline Miami heist. The hammer is always shown cocked after every shot despite none of the characters ever cocking the hammer.
The Taurus 4510PLYFS was added to the game as a Crimefest community milestone reward, for having 1 million members in the Payday 2 Steam group. It shoots the .410 Bore and holds 5 shells, and is classed by the game as a shotgun, so handgun skills have no effects on it. It is depicted as being ridiculously power, even more so than most of the 12 gauge shotguns, despite it's .410 chambering. Thanks to sharing its accessories with the other shotguns, it can accept the Silent Killer suppressor, which logically wouldn't work due to the gap between the barrel and cylinder.
The Walther PPK is available for purchase with the Armored Transport DLC and is known as the "Gruber Kurz" pistol. It is fairly weak but easy to conceal and incorrectly holds 14 rounds instead of 6 (.380 ACP) or 7 (.32 ACP) rounds. It was the first handgun in the game to be able to use a laser without needing anything in the gadget slot, having a unique grip with a built-in laser. This was later followed by the Glock series' own laser grip
The Mateba 2006M was added into the game with the Alesso Heist DLC. It's called "Matever .357" in game, a reference to the butchering of the manufacturer's name in the English dub of Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. It's chambered in .357 Magnum and holds a correct 6 rounds.
The IWI Jericho 941 RPL was be added in the Point Break heists DLC. It's called "Baby Deagle" in game, referencing Magnum Research marketing of the Jericho as a "Baby Eagle". Additionally, the Desert Eagle is called "Deagle" in Payday 2. The weapon has the ejection port marked as 9x19 (9 Parabellum), however it has a magazine capacity of 12 rounds, indicating a .40 caliber variant. The standard 9mm variant has a capacity of 15 rounds. Additionally, the Jericho has the silver guide rod of the 941's chambered in .41 AE, if the intention was to have the Jericho chambered in that caliber, it would explain its whooping 150 damage per shot, very close to the Desert Eagle in game.
The RPL can be modified with the "Spike kit" which makes it resemble the older steel framed Jericho 941, on top of that it can be modified with the "Spike grip" which gives it a very similar appearance as the Jericho 941 R used by Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop
The B&T MP9 appears as the "CMP" and is unlocked at reputation level 19, in reference to the Steyr TMP lookalike in the Nintendo 64 title Perfect Dark. It has an unfortunate niche in the stat rankings where it's not able to muster enough brawn to plug heavier SWAT in single headshots, but isn't quite small enough to pocket for stealth tasks either. What makes it such a hidden gem are the terrific accuracy and stability for its fire rate, which mean that it can put three rounds into a helmet where other SMGs could only place one before jumping off mark. The quick reload, deep ammo pool and agreeable hipfire performance are just further perks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrügger & Thomet MP9 - 9x19mm. Fixed foregrip variant shown.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA farm-fresh CMP. It looks uncannily like the current MP9-NA3 - N for NATO (9x19mm) and A3 for folding stock with gripless rail. The only crimp is the missing fire selection dial. It'd normally sit near the magazine release in thumb's reach, but this one uses the older double-stage trigger contraption.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThese accessories are all official B&T extras, excluding the grip. The "Solid Stock" comes standard in the MP9N-A4 model, the 30-round "Extended Magazine" is an option, the Aimpoint Micro TL a.k.a. "Professional's Sight" is officially endorsed by B&T and the massive proprietary "Tactical Suppressor" is a reminder that Brügger & Thomet started out in the business of making silencers. The last one in the bunch come along only recently in the Butcher's Mod Pack.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe typical kinds of extras. The laser light gadgets sit on the left and upside down on the CMP, making the yellow laser module's label much more legible than usual.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEver the tactical one, Houston kicks off the night raid from atop an optional vantage point. As can be expected for such a low-profile machine pistol, the sights aren't too fast to use over a distance. The aiming modules clamped on the side are much more obtrusive using the irons than with an optical sights, which sit much higher on top of the gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlthough its new animations are much less showy, even the CMP magazines got their shiny chrome bullets. As usual, the magazine sizes are all over the place, fitting 30 and 42 rounds in the 15-round stub and the 30-round option respectively.Error creating thumbnail: File missingArmed with only an MP5 and a shotgun from the trunk, a trio of beat cops attempt to evacuate a bystander from the mall chaos. Houston gets ready to finish his interruption.Error creating thumbnail: File missingComing from below and to the left, the laser sight beam on the CMP disrupts the sight picture much less than with most other guns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA tased Shield unit helplessly unloads his MP9 against metal. The big tan TangoDown foregrip on the CMP wasn't there from the start - it was added in a patch during the first few months after release, held before that with a tight two-hand grip like the Mark 10 is. The sidearms carried by FBI Heavy Response Shields didn't have to conform to that change.
Carl Gustav M/45
The Carl Gustav M/45 is named the "Swedish K SMG" in game and incorrectly holds 40 rounds in the magazine instead of 36, though it is inaccurate and carries only 80 total rounds. It is available for purchase to anyone who owns the Armored Transport DLC. The in-game weapon is based on the military version of the M/45, as evident by the lack of a fire selector.
The Cobray M11/9 appears as "Jacket's Piece" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Jacket Character Pack. It holds a correct 32 rounds and has a after-market vertical foregrip.
The FN P90 TR appears as the "Kobus 90" and is unlocked at reputation level 36. It has the highest magazine size of any secondary, but only comes with a total of three mags. If the Long Barrel mod is put on the gun, it will resemble the PS90 TR, the civilian carbine version. As of the First Person Animations Update, the P90's magazine is now translucent and visibly empties as the gun is fired
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 is used only by some NPCs, namely the GenSec Elite SWAT and the Murkywater PMC enemies. It is unavailable for player use at the present time.
The Heckler & Koch MP5 returns from Payday: The Heist, again known as the "Compact-5" and still in use by some SWAT units. It is unlocked at reputation level 13 and starts out as an MP5A4 but can be changed, via the combination of different mods, into a MP5A5, MP5/10, MP5SD5, MP5SD6, or MP5KA4. The Cloaker enemy has a MP5/40 with various mods that only they can use, as of update 61 however, it's possible to use the MP5 with 10mm ammo. The actual weapon is not converted into a MP5/10 however, as it lacks the bolt release and the magazines aren't proprietary HK mags.
The Heckler & Koch MP7A2 appears as the "Spec-Ops SMG" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Weapon Pack #01 DLC. It comes with its 20-round magazine by default and the Extended Mag mod gives it a 40-round magazine that only holds 32 rounds.
The IMI Uzi appears as the "Uzi" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Hotline Miami DLC. It holds 30 rounds instead of 32 and comes equipped with the distinctive "K" foregrip by default.
The "Mark 10" is actually based on a Ingram MAC-11, a cheap Double Eagle airsoft one at that, and is unlocked at reputation level 2. It holds an incorrect magazine size of 40 rounds in a short 16-round magazine.
The Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion appears as the "Cobra" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Hotline Miami DLC. Its "Extended Magazine" modification is odd, increasing the magazine size from 20 to 40 rounds despite simply being a second magazine clamped to the side of the one in the gun, somehow it feeds from both at the same time.
The Sterling L2A1 appears as the "Patchett L2A1" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Historical Pack DLC. It also holds an incorrect 20 bullets in the standard 34-round magazine.
The Sterling L34A1 is used if the Sterling L2A1 is equipped with the "Suppressed Barrel" modification. Like the Sterling L2A1, it incorrectly holds 20 rounds which can be modified to 30, closer to the correct 34.
The Thompson M1928 with a 50-round "L" drum magazine was added in the December 3, 2014 patch and is unlocked at level 14 for members of the Payday 2 Steam group. Along with the P90, it has the highest magazine size of any SMG in the game, but its accuracy and damage are rather low without modifications. It is one of 3 select-fire guns (one of two secondaries, alongside the Glock 18) that does not get the fire-mode locking mods.
The KRISS Vector was added with the Gage Ninja Pack DLC. It's called "Kross Vertex" in-game. It can be modified with a long barrel to make it resemble the Vector CRB, which is the civilian semi-auto only variant. The weapon also has its own unique suppressor. The weapon holds 30 rounds in the "25+"-round magazines.
The whole Bofors Ak 5 family appears as the AK5, all packed inside one gun's upgrade selection. Its accuracy and recoil are solid from the start, but the low damage needs help to reach its best. Unlocked at level 33.
Sticking on the "Bertil Stock" from the designated marksman model turns the AK5 into an ersatz Bofors Ak 5B.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis DMR stock is enough to boost shot accuracy. The stock foregrip doesn't get rails, the components just sort of clamp on.
Ak 5C
The modernized Bofors Ak 5C comes together by replacing almost everything that comes off the receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBofors Ak 5 - 5.56x45mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe true form of the rifle gains a leap to all important stats with the addition of the "Cesar" stock, "Karbin Ceres" foregrip and the recently introduced "CQB Barrel". Decorated here with a yellow laser module and a fancy polymer magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe sight picture is the western type, but the extra lateral vision is a welcome change from the AR-15 fashion.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMore targets means more bullets. The real-life foregrip's venting holes are nowhere to be seen.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe first-person animation update introduced this baffling maneuver - Chains here is strong enough to tug back the charging handle, with one finger, even when he's twisting his left arm through the gap between the stock and his right hand.
The "Belgian Heat" handguard is cribbed straight off the FN Herstal FNC in a direct reference to Lt. Vincent Hanna (Al Pacino) from the movie Heat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis unusual upgrade is a shunned choice. It helps less than the 5C handguard in every way.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe ghetto-FNC showing off a modeling bug. The Tactical and Expert magazines are misaligned and oversized for the magazine well, clipping through the front.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooks like he's seen the film. The front sight is more reminiscent of the AR-15 types, very legible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn empty magazine coming off the Bofors FNC. The voided barcode sticker is numbered "1KTG40885".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of the FN Ak's cocking acrobatics, showing off the clashing difference between the black handguard and the Swedish green lacquer.
Colt M4A1
The Colt M4A1 appears as the "CAR-4" and is unlocked at reputation level 4. Essentially it is an upgrade of the starting Model 733 and features tan flip-up ironsights by default. It is frequently used by law enforcers and holds 30 rounds, without any magazine modifications. The NPC-exclusive model for this weapon features some small differences from player-used ones, such as a different location for mounting a laser pointer. As in the first Payday, this weapon is still used by SWAT Snipers, despite there being more appropriate weapon models available
The CAR-4 fitted with the "Aftermarket Special" handguard, "Folding Stock" and "Short Barrel" closely impersonates the Z-M LR 300ML, though not completely as the pistol grip remains the M4A1's, the handguard is not a perfect copy, and it still lacks the LR 300's gas block.
The Colt M16A4 with a short barrel appears as the "AMR-16" and is unlocked at reputation level 39. It is shown with a safe/semi/auto selective fire capability, meaning it was based on the export International Model R0901, and incorrectly holds 30 rounds in a 20-round magazine. It can be equipped with an M16A1 handguard with the Blast From The Past modification. Unlike the other AR-15 type rifles, the M16's gas block and front sight disappear when using optics.
The Colt Model 733, fitted with an A2-style receiver and 6-position stock, appears as the AMCAR, the very first primary weapon. Its damage output is outright miserable compared to every other long arm and little can be done to fix it. Dumped as soon as possible, but kept by few as a voluntary handicap. Given the influence of Heat on the production, the highly specific choice of model probably isn't a coincidence.
The Enfield L85A2 was added alongside the Clover Character Pack as the "Queen's Wrath". Notably, it is the only select-fire capable primary (and one of three select-fire guns available in the entire game) that does not get the fire-mode locking mods. By default it holds 30 rounds and has a Grippod vertical grip.
The FAMAS F1 appears as the "Clarion Rifle" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Assault Pack DLC. It incorrectly holds 30 rounds instead of 25.
The FAMAS G1 is used if the "G2 Grip" is equipped on the FAMAS F1 (Before Update #37, "G2 Grip" was called "Retro Grip" although the FAMAS G1 is newer model of FAMAS F1). Like the FAMAS F1, It still incorrectly holds 30 rounds.
The FN FAL appears as the "Falcon Rifle" and is available to purchase for owners of the Big Bank DLC. It holds 20 rounds and is a very flexible weapon. Notably, the FAL was the first weapon to have its accessories linked to DLC achievements rather than random drops. It notably has a DSA railed upper-receiver.
Attaching the "Retro Foregrip" and "Wooden Stock" to the FAL allows it to impersonate the IMI Romat (although the FAL rear sight, DSA upper-receiver, and barrel remain the same).
The FN SCAR-H appears as the "Eagle Heavy Rifle" and is available to purchase for owners of the Gage Weapon Pack #1 DLC. It holds 20 rounds and is a powerful weapon. A version with a FN SSR stock is used by some Murkywater PMC enemies.
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 appears as the "Gewehr 3 Rifle" and is available to purchase for owners of the Gage Assault Pack DLC. It holds 20 rounds and has a long reload time, it can be made into a PSG-1 with the correct parts.
The Heckler & Koch G36KV makes an appearance as the 'JP36', unlocked as early as level 16. The damage output stays mediocre no matter what, but its main draws are easy recoil, solid accuracy and a deep 180 round ammo pool.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36KV - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe standard issue JP36. G36K and G36KV are all but indistinguishable these days, but the Navy style fire selector shows that this JP is a KV. The proportions are a little off and the barrel is a different length, hinting that it might've been modeled from an airsoft cousin.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFestooned with toys. The option of installing a "Sniper Stock" from a civilian SR8 is an odd choice and makes the right-hand side fire selector vanish, but increases accuracy nonetheless. The side-mounting gadgets don't actually clip on the basic foregrip as intended, but rather bring their own screw-on rails if the originals weren't there.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe performance-increasing "Polizei Special Foregrip" is based on a Knight's Armament quad rail system. Note the combination folding-collapsing H&K stock, the fake vent holes on the foregrip texture and the optic lens cover clipping through the front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHouston breaks a shop display along with his ammunition. This completely unique melee attack is a weak knock with the most fragile part of the rifle, punctuated by totally absent trigger discipline.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs a bank robbery goes bad, Houston stuffs a hastily scavenged mag into his drained JP36. Fortunately, the massive ammo pool also means a very quick resupply rate.Error creating thumbnail: File missing20 extra bullets (count them!) certainly warrant sending the magazine home with a hearty smack. The precise number of rounds going into the rifle or going with the previous mag are strictly observed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen he racks the lever...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...just in time to save himself from a beat cop gone bad.
H&K G36C
Installing the "Compact Foregrip" turns the gun into a convincing G36C.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch G36C - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe stamp names the rifle as a "PJ G36". The stubby nose helps concealment with only minor drawbacks, but even the potential maximum is too poor to really make a difference when stealth counts.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA downtown ambush kicks off. The iron sights would be good and serviceable if the rear sight wasn't always flipped to the long-range setting. Optics are all but mandatory.
HS Produkt VHS-D2
The HS Produkt VHS-D2 was released as part of the Dragan Character Pack DLC, much like the L85A2 was part of Clover's DLC. It is known internally as the "Lion's Roar", has a high rate of fire and overall good stats, though it has a long reload time and if unmodified, high recoil.
The 7.62mm variants of IMI Galil ARM appears as the "Gecko 7.62" rifle and is available to purchase for owners of the Gage Assault Pack DLC. It incorrectly holds 30 rounds instead of 25, a higher than real life ROF, and is shown with an unusable bipod extended
A IMI Galil MAR/Galil 7.62 Hybrid is created if the Galil ARM is equipped with the "CQB Foregrip" and "Skeletal Stock" modification. Like the Galil ARM, It still incorrectly holds 30 rounds.
The IMI Galil Sniper Rifle is used if the Galil ARM is equipped with the "Sniper Foregrip" and "Sniper Stock" modification. Like the Galil ARM, It still incorrectly holds 30 rounds.
The Izhmash AKMS appears as the "AK.762" and is unlocked at reputation level 16. Holds 30 rounds and less total ammunition than the AKS-74. A golden version of this weapon with diamond plating on the wooden handguard was released as a community reward, though is more expensive and has a lower concealment stat with no other differences. It can become a AKM if the "Classic Stock" from The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack is equipped.
A variant on the Izhmash AKMSU is unlocked at reputation level 29 and is named the "Krinkov," the nickname of the AKS-74U. It holds 30 rounds and is a secondary weapon, rather than a primary like the other two Kalashnikov rifles.
The Izhmash AKS-74 is the second primary weapon unlocked, at reputation level 1. It appears simply as the "AK Rifle" and holds 30 rounds. It can become a regular AK-74 if the "Classic Stock" from The Butcher's AK/CAR Mod Pack is equipped.
Introduced in the Golden Grin update as a farewell gift from the Dentist, the Sub 2000 appears as the Cavity 9mm. A unique weapon to put it in gentle terms, it is a pistol caliber carbine primary weapon that achieves the damage level of a light sniper rifle using 9x19mm rounds. It fires exclusively in semi-auto as it does in real life and correctly holds 33-rounds in the extended Glock magazine with a +2 base-plate it uses.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKel-Tec SUB 2000 - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Cavity, straight from the gift wrappings. There are some small markings on the gun, but most are completely illegible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gun comes complete with its own exclusive components. This Delabarre handguard reduces recoil at the expense of a lot of concealability. An alternate sight comes highly recommended.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping open the Sub 2000. Explains the extreme concealment rating, fails to account for the aftermarket sights. Not much slower than any other weapon draw, oddly enough.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHis peripheral sense tuned more towards sudden drawing motions, the guard fails to notice Hoxton pulling a carbine from his sleeve. Lifespan measured in seconds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe second GenSec employee taking five to center mass. A surprise considering the gun's abysmal hipfire performance.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHoxton's reign of terror takes a short pause. Note the LionGameLion maker's mark under the iron sight, right where the Kel-Tec logo is supposed to go.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe surprising stopping power might have something to do with the strange red tips in the 9x19mm that's crammed into the carbine. Chambering rare overpressure rounds would logically go with the low ammunition reserve, too.
Sub 2000 Gen 2
Slapping on the "Appalachian Foregrip" transforms the first-run gun into a current Gen 2 model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe slimmer foregrip hikes concealment to brilliant levels, but stomps controllability to such a state where it genuinely starts competing in the class of actual sniper rifles. Note the stock, which also changed into that of the newer model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Tooth Fairy Suppressor" foregrip option also puts the rest of the furniture into Gen2 shape. It seems to be an interpretation of a Red Lion Precision rail combo, but instead of concealing the suppressor inside the rails, a short rail was used as a base for an enormous mystery suppressor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe sight picture of the Sub 2000, viewed against a distant mercenary's upper body. The ring sight doesn't really work in games, either.
Olympic Arms K23
The Para SMG is unlocked at reputation level 19. A very competent and modifiable gun, it can easily cover whatever a gimmick primary weapon might lack - like a pocket CAR-4, albeit with worse concealability potential. It is a confusing mix of half-dozen different ultra-short AR-15 pistols and carbines, but since the game assets label it as "olympia", that's the headline.
Olympic Arms K23B
The basic look of the gun is closest to the OA K23B ultrashort carbine. However, the removable carry handle and RIS are featured only in its sister OA K23B Tactical, the emergency wire stock is taken from an M231 FPW and the original aluminium foregrip has been extended over the gas block to make it a dead ringer with a round-front type La France M16K. The name itself may be a dim reference to the fact that most of the involved guns have 9x19mm variants as well, but that's reaching.
Attaching a Milspec Magazine and a Standard Stock bring the Olympic Arms K23B closest to its retail shape.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe older Para was a rather average SMG without being able to excel in any one area, but the 1st person animation update granted it a new lease of life by way of a lightning-fast reload.
Olympic Arms K23P
Buying a Bare Essentials Stock for extra concealment removes the wire stock and leaves only the buffer tube behind. This combined with the old A2 flash hider out it as the Olympic Arms K23P, a semiauto pistol version of the same caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe wire stock secretly improves recoil control by +1. The in-game stat screens say that the stripped tube stock has no drawbacks, but memory hacking reveals otherwise. Note the further concealing Straight Grip.
M4 CQBR / Mk 18 Mod 0
Attaching a Medium Barrel for extra accuracy and replacing the basic handguard with something else makes the Para finally look like an actual assault rifle. However, the barrel's rather specific ~10" length (falls just short of the 11.5" AMCAR) makes the most American option the Mk. 18 Mod 0, ignoring the lack of a gas block/front sight and the too short foregrip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk. 18 Mod 0 with Navy markings and special accessories - 5.56x45mmFile:Payday2 K23B Mk48.jpgThe tan Tactical attachments have been in the game from the start and are less popular in the face of DLC stuff. The grip is Command Arms, the rest are faithful Magpul recreations.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDallas tugs the charging handle of a reloaded Para - none of the other AR-15 pattern rifles reload like this (As of update 65, the AMR-16 has received a similar animation). Note the Butcher's recent Aftermarket Shorty foregrip and the bullets showing through the fresh Expert Magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe sight picture is the same as the AMCAR, but it works well at ranges this short. Using a flashlight to make enemies pop out of a slightly dim background helps even during day heists.
Romanian AIMR
Attaching the "AK Slavic Dragon Barrel" to the Izhmash AKMS allows it to impersonate the Romanian AIMR (although the AKMS stock remains the same).
The SIG SG 552-2 appears as the "Commando 553" (referring to the SG553 instead) and is available to purchase by anyone who owns the Armored Transport DLC. It Holds 30 rounds. The rifle can be confirmed as a 552-2 by the permanent scope rail, the simple, folding front and rear iron sights instead of the original sights of the SIG assault rifle series, and the proprietary SG 552 exclusive bolt handle. As of the First Person Animations Update, the weapon's magazine is translucent and visibly empties when firing, rather than being solid brown
A Springfield Armory M14 with a McMillan M2A stock and a short 16" barrel appears as the "M308" as in the first Payday. It is set to semi-auto by default but can be switched to full-auto and holds 10 rounds. Prior to the first Gage Weapon Pack release, it was semi-automatic only, making it the only assault rifle to have the mode. The weapon can be modified with a JAE 100 G3 stock or a SAGE EBR Chassis, the later makes it resemble a Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR.
The Steyr AUG A2 is at reputation level 8 and is named the "UAR" (presumably short for Universal Army Rifle). It holds 30 rounds and is rather accurate and powerful. It can be fitted with a railed fore end to make it resemble an AUG A3, but the rifle still lacks the bolt release of an A3. Oddly, instead of its build-in folding foregrip it has a section of rail added to the hinge and an aftermarket vertical grip attached to said rail.
Upon launch, the rifle can be seen using a Magpul PMAG, which suggests it was not based entirely on an authentic AUG. After the animation update, however, it gains the AUG's proprietary magazine.
As of update 61,the Raptor polymer body was added as a mod for the weapon, this mod will give the weapon the appearance of the Thales F90.
The Benelli M4 Super 90 appears as the "M1014" in-game, the US Military designation of the shotgun. First introduced in the Death Wish Update in the hands of some GenSec Elite SWATs, though with a fixed stock. A player-usable version was finally added in the Gage Shotgun Pack DLC. It holds 8 shells in the tube by default (as opposed to its real life counterpart's 7).
This Over and Under Shotgun was introduced with the Bonnie Character Update in March 13th appears to be a hybrid of the Beretta S3 O/U and CZ Redhead Deluxe O/U. Named the "Joceline O/U 12G" in-game.
A Double Barreled Shotgun appears as the "Mosconi 12G" and is unlocked at reputation level 39. Obviously it only holds two shells but is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. It has only two modifications, "Road Warrior" and "Gangsta Special," both of which saw down the barrels and stock respectively
The Sawed Off Shotgun is used when the Mosconi 12G is modified. The "Road Warrior" barrel saws the barrels down, while the "Gangsta Special" saws off the stock.
The Franchi SPAS-12 appears as a new gun added in the Crimefest update (10/26/2014) and is called the "Predator 12G". It correctly fires in semi auto and holds 6 rounds in the default short tube, the "Extended Magazine" gives it the more standard length tube but it holds an incorrect 10 rounds instead of the correct 8. It can be bought regardless of level and is unlocked by being a member of the Payday 2 Steam group.
The Izhmash Saiga 12K appears as the ninth primary weapon, and is shown as being fully-automatic with select fire available. Prior to the Gage Shotgun Pack DLC, it was the only semi-auto shotgun in the game. The model is not based on an actual Saiga 12K, but is rather a hybrid taking several components from the AKMS. Firstly it features a standard ribbed AKMS top cover, rather than the smooth cover used on the Saiga which has a larger ejection port with a sprung sliding cover over the rear portion. Secondly it has an under-folding AKMS stock which was not available on the Saiga. Lastly the receiver is a hybrid of an AKMS one and a Saiga, with the magazine release being immediately ahead of the trigger guard and receiver dimples above the magazine, but with a Saiga 12 style front trunion (lacking the corresponding rivets however). It is called the "IZHMA 12G" and is unlocked at reputation level 26 and holds 7 shells. It is notably used by a Bulldozer variant called the "Killdozer" that wears black armor. His model of Saiga uniquely has an unobtainable solid stock, and before it was removed in a patch, a drum magazine.
The Kel-Tec KSG, called the "Raven" in-game. As in most games, there is no tube switching or selection shown and the shotgun's magazine is treated as a single tube. Notably it is one of the most concealable shotguns in the game and has the highest capacity of any of them. Holds 14 shells and was added in the Gage Shotgun Pack DLC.
Added with the release of The Butcher's BBQ Pack was an MPS AA-12 CQB as evident by its short barrel, known internally as the "Steakout 12G". Comes default with a 8-round box magazine and an entirely fictional semi/auto selective fire capability as all extant AA-12 models are capable of fully automatic fire only. Its in-game rate of fire of 300 matches that of the real weapon.
Optional enhancements includes a 20-round drum, a long barrel, and custom integral suppressor. When any optics are mounted it gains a railed mount with a useless shell rack on the left side, replacing the whole rear sight.
A Remington Model 870 Field Gun is called the "Reinfeld 880" and is unlocked at reputation level 8, it has synthetic furniture instead of wood and it has a pistol gripped stock. It's the first unlockable shotgun. It holds 6 shells and is used by law enforcers, Hotline Miami gangsters, and the basic green Bulldozer.
A stubby variant of the Remington Model 870 Field Gun is unlocked at reputation level 13 and is called the "Locomotive 12G". It holds 6 shells in what appears to be a 3-round tube and was the only secondary shotgun prior to DLC and patches. It is overall similar to its full-sized counterpart, but has slightly higher damage and a higher rate of fire but shorter range and lower accuracy.
The humble fixed-drum Striker-12 appears by the family's most prestigious name; the Street Sweeper. In Overkill's usual fashion, it's a mix of all of the different versions mooshed together in a highly educated, equal measure. Unlocked at level 33, it's very capable of terminating an entire room of FBI SWAT in one 12-shot sweep, but the low damage needs specialization help to cope with Maximum Response teams. It was the only secondary-class shotgun introduced by Gage's Shotgun Pack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCobray Street Sweeper - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe right side of a crisp Street Sweeper. The rails come with their own familiar clip-on irons, and the system itself appears to have come from Modern Warfare 3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote the different features: the drum advance level of the Armsel Striker, the shell deflector of the Protecta, the thin wind-up key of the Cobray Street Sweeper (actually visible in the above image) and the Sentinel Arms magazine's spring-loaded thumb tab actually used to advance the drum during reloads. The big tube on the end is an exclusive integral suppressor to further drive the gun into fantasy land.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe flag on the sling contrasts with the distinctly un-American manufacturer peeking out from underneath. The modern magazine action instead of the Cobray trigger-based one is a relief, considering that the safety lever in the corner of the trigger guard appears to have been sawed off into a nub.Error creating thumbnail: File missingT-minus one second to Hoxton's liberation, Chains tops off the magazine. Shell, tab, carry on the downward motion to the ammo pouch for another shell, repeat. A smooth cycle, but the Enforcer's reload speed upgrade is still rather necessary.Error creating thumbnail: File missingT-plus three seconds, minus three prison guards. The flashlight is arguably better than the laser, since the light cone not only indicates the rough shot spread, but a lit-up target also means they're inside the shotgun's effective range.
Light Machine Guns
The "Gage Weapon Pack #02" downloadable content pack introduced three light machine guns to the players' arsenal. The "Gage Historical Pack" introduced the MG-42 and The "Crimefest 2015" introduced the Ksp 58. The weapons can only be hip-fired and are very inaccurate. The bipods cannot be unfolded without the Lion Bipod attachment, introduced during CrimeFest 2015, which greatly stabilizes the weapon but immobilizes the player and restricts its field of fire to a roughly ninety-degree arc.
FN M249 Para
The M249 Para appears as the "KSP" and is unlocked at reputation level 45. It has a 200-round detachable ammo drum. It is also the weapon of choice for the Skulldozer special enemy and the Commissar, the target of the Hotline Miami DLC heist.
The "Soild Stock" and "Long Barrel" attachments can make a M249 Para into a M249-E2 SAW.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN M249-E2 SAW - upgraded M249 with heat shield and full synthetic Stock, equipped with a 200-round ammo drum - 5.56x45mm
FN Mk 46 Mod 0
The "Railed Foregrip" and "Soild Stock" attachments can make a M249 Para that resembles the Mk 46 Mod 0, though the M249 keeps its STANAG mag well.
Although it's called "Ksp 58" in-game, after the Swedish version of the FN MAG 58 and even has the distinctive Swedish green lacquer finish, it is actually modeled after the M240, denoted by the short flash-hider, carry handle design, sights, the railed feed tray cover of the B model, and the stock design (both the default wood stock and the plastic stock use the same model). It was added on day 5 of "Crimefest 2015" and along with it the ability to use a bipod with Machine Guns.
Returning from the previous installment, the Heckler & Koch HK21E appears as the "Brenner 21" and is unlocked at reputation level 75. It has a 150-round detachable belt box magazine. The weapon features the rear sight encountered on the MP5 sub machine gun, rather than the one usually manufactured. Also the weapon lacks a bipod but has a side vertical grip instead.
The RPK appears as the "RPK" and is immediately unlocked at the start, on reputation level 0. It incorrectly holds 100 rounds in a 75-round drum magazine. The weapon comes lightly modified with a pair of small Picatinny rails on each side on the front portion of the barrel, an elongated birdcage-style flash hider, and a Romanian AIMS rifle handguard featuring a vertical grip.
The MG42 appears as the "Buzzsaw 42" and is unlocked for purchase by buying the Gage Historical Pack DLC. It incorrectly holds 150 rounds in a 75-round drum magazine and has the highest rate of fire of the LMGs.
The 'Gage Sniper Pack' Downloadable Content introduced 3 new weapons in the players' arsenal. All 3 weapons (the Remington MSR, Blaser R93 LRS2, and Barrett M95) are slow firing but powerful bolt action sniper rifles, featuring 2 unique scopes and a .45 degree off-set iron sight attachment. All 3 are capable of firing through certain objects, such as thin walls or police riot shields. This also applies to the Mosin-Nagant and Winchester Model 1873, which were released later. An "*" means it is a modified weapon using a "DMR Kit" and is not under the game's definition of a Sniper Rifle. Along with the Point Break heists update, the character Bodhi and a Winchester Model 70 was added for free to all members of the Payday 2 community.
Barrett M95
The Barrett M95 appears as the "Thanatos" and is unlocked at reputation level 65. It uses a 5 round magazine. Notably, it is the strongest weapon in the entire game upon its release, and the second most powerful one so far, having an astounding damage stat of 2880, second only to the RPG-7 included with the OVERKILL Pack, which deals a solid 10000 damage per shot.
The Blaser R93 LRS2 Precision Sniper Rifle appears as the "R93" and is unlocked at reputation level 35. It is featured either with a default polymer or optional wooden body. It uses a 6 round magazine (one more than the real thing).
The Heckler & Koch G3A3 becomes a Heckler & Koch PSG-1 when the "DMR Kit" (giving it a long heavy barrel and a 10-round magazine), "Precision Barrel", "Precision Grip", and "Precision Stock" are added, though it still retains the G3A3's ironsights.
The Mosin Nagant M1907 Carbine is seen as the "Mosin-Nagant" and is part of the Gage Historical Pack DLC. Unlike the other three sniper rifles of the game, it can use ironsights.
The Remington MSR appears as the "Rattlesnake" and is unlocked at reputation level 15. It is featured either with a default and non-standard wooden body or the optional and proper aluminium alloy body. It uses a 10 round magazine.
The Walther WA 2000 was added with the Gage Ninja Pack DLC. It's called "Lebensauger .308" in game, which can roughly be translated from German to "life-sucker". The actual WA 2000 is chambered in .300 Winchester or 7.5x55mm Swiss, so the .308 in the name wrongly suggest the weapon is chambered in .308. The magazine in game holds 10 rounds even though it's modeled after the standard 6-round magazine.
The Winchester Model 1873 appears in the game as the "Repeater 1874" and is part of the "Butchers Western Pack" DLC. Oddly enough, despite being chambered entirely for pistol-grade ammunition types, it is classified as a sniper rifle, and thus can penetrate thin walls and shields. Like the Mosin-Nagant it can use, and starts out with, iron sights. It can be modified with a long barrel, suppressed barrel, and a unique magnified scope. However, it can not be customized with modern modifications like lasers and sights besides the one unique to it.
Unlike the original Payday, the M79 Grenade Launcher was not included at release, but was added in the Gage Assault Pack. Known as the "GL40" in game, it holds a single grenade in the chamber and the player can carry a maximum of 6 shots at once. Like the M67 it has friendly fire and can easily kill civilians unintentionally. Like its previous incarnation, grenades fired by the M79 in Payday 2 does not have a minimum arming range, and can detonate immediately upon being shot if the player is facing an obstacle.
The front leaf sight on the M79 model acts as an in-built gadget, and pressing the enable gadget key (default "G"), allows the player to fire grenades at a much higher arc than usual.
Added with the release of The Butcher's BBQ Pack DLC was a Milkor MGL Mk 1L, known internally as the "Piglet" grenade launcher. It has similar damage per shot to the M79 but boasts a wider range of modifications and much larger ammo pool.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMilkor MGL Mk 1L in desert tan finish fitted with Armson OEG reflex sight - 40x46mmFile:M32.jpgIn-game preview of the Milkor MGL Mk 1L, or "Piglet" as it is called in-universe.File:2015-04-22 00001.jpgPlayer holding the Milkor MGL Mk 1L in-game.File:2015-04-22 00002.jpgStock "ironsights" of the Milkor MGL Mk 1L.File:2015-04-22 00003.jpgPlayer reloading the Milkor MGL Mk 1L. This becomes the single longest reload process of the entire series should the player fire all six grenades prior to reloading, at an uncomfortably lengthy 15.25 seconds.File:2015-04-22 00008.jpgMelee attack of the Milkor MGL Mk 1L.
The RPG-7 was added in the Overkill Pack DLC, and has the highest damage of any weapon in the game at an astounding 10000, but can only carry 4 rounds at a time. The weapon is unaffected by ammo pickups and can easily incapacitate the user and their whole team if fired recklessly
C4 can only be used with the right Technician skills. By default, it is used as tripmines, which can be used to set traps for enemies. The tripmines themselves are unlocked simply by starting to learn Technician skills. The later Shaped Charge skill allows players with it to use their explosives to instead blow up doors and safe doors, potentially saving a lot of time for them and their team. Certain skills also allow them to be toggled into 'Sensor Mode' in which they will not explode, but will mark enemies that pass by. This can be useful in stealth runs. Some C4 packs are also used for certain objectives, and can be used by any player when picked up.
The M18 smoke grenade is used by law enforcers at times. The Commissar in Hotline Miami also uses one when fought. The same model is also used for the flash bangs that law enforcers love to use all to frequently.
The M67 hand grenade is only usable by players with the first Gage Weapon Pack DLC, unless they buy the Grenade Case for their team during a heist. Grenades have a fairly wide blast radius that can go through walls, and they will stun enemies that aren't killed outright. Players can carry up to three and should be careful, as they can easily cause civilian kills or friendly fire if handled improperly. Notably, it's possible for enemies to shoot the grenades in mid-air, causing immediate detonation. All grenades are shown with the red Overkill bomb logo painted on the side.
The Model 24 Stielhandgranate was added to the game in the Gage Historical Pack, and is referred to in game as the "Potato Masher". Unlike the M67, it is not used as a thrown explosive, but rather as a melee weapon, similar to the Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
A Hand Held M134 Minigun was added in the Overkill Pack DLC, and has the highest rate-of-fire of any weapon. It holds a total of 750 rounds, and has to be refilled via ammo bag deployables. Like LMGs, having the weapon equipped results in a movement speed penalty. The weapon also appears to have no power source.
The Heckler & Koch MP5K appears as part of the Technician's Sentry Gun deployable, seen inside a case. As in the first game, the Sentry Gun can be destroyed by enemies and will shut down when its ammunition supply is exhausted. Aside from the Sentry, the MP5K can be used by modifying the MP5, as seen above.