Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions
Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions
During a funeral for a slain Police Detective, the LAPD Honor Guard used bright nickel plated [[M1 Garand]] rifles for the 21 gun salute, in "Farthingale" (S01E08)
During a funeral for a slain Police Detective, the LAPD Honor Guard used bright nickel plated [[M1 Garand]] rifles for the 21 gun salute, in "Farthingale" (S01E08)
[[File:Life-Farthingale-M1Garands.jpg|thumb|none|600px|LAPD Honor Guard used bright nickel plated M1 Garand rifles for the 21 gun salute, in "Farthingale" (S01E08)]]
[[File:Life-Farthingale-M1Garands.jpg|thumb|none|601px|LAPD Honor Guard used bright nickel plated M1 Garand rifles for the 21 gun salute, in "Farthingale" (S01E08)]]
In "Fill It Up" (S1E11), Detective Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis) discards his Beretta 92FS in favor of a Smith & Wesson Model 10, one of his backup guns, when he searches for a perp on a revenge mission. In this case the Model 10 is the Heavy Barreled version with Pachmayr grips.
During a funeral for a slain Police Detective, the LAPD Honor Guard used bright nickel plated M1 Garand rifles for the 21 gun salute, in "Farthingale" (S01E08)