Doctor Who (Classic Series): Difference between revisions
Doctor Who (Classic Series): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Doctor Who (Classic Series): Difference between revisions
In ''Planet of Giants'' Forester uses a [[Beretta Jetfire]] to murder Farrow and prevent him from publishing his report condemning Forester's new pesticide.
In ''Planet of Giants'' Forester uses a [[Beretta Jetfire]] to murder Farrow and prevent him from publishing his report condemning Forester's new pesticide.
In The Green Death, Captain Mike Yates (Richard Franklin), after being brainwashed by B.O.S.S., is sent to murder the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) using a Smith & Wesson Model 12 with large grips. The weapon changes hands between a few other characters.
After learning her husband is actually the alien Scaroth, Countess Scarlioni (Catherine Schell) pulls what seems to be a pearl-handled Smith & Wesson 4th Model pistol on him.
The Nazi-like Kaled Scientific Elite in Genesis of the Daleks employ Luger P08 handguns, notably Security Commander Nyder (Peter Miles) and General Ravon (Guy Siner). Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) appropriates Ravon's Luger and uses it for a brief while.
In Genesis of the Daleks, Kaled scientist Ronson (James Garbutt) carries what appears to be a Mannlicher Model 1905 as his personal sidearm when he helps the Doctor (Tom Baker) and Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) escape from Davros' base.
In Battlefield, the retired Brigadier (Nicholas Courtney) has a Webley Mk IV kept in a display case as a memento. When he comes out of retirement, he takes the Webley from its case and uses it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWebley Mk IV - .38 S&W.The Brigadier's Webley in its case.The Brigadier points his Webley at Morgaine (Jean Marsh).The Brigadier pointing his Webley at the temple of a captured Mordred (Christopher Bowen).Mordred with the Webley held to his head.
Webley Mk VI
The Webley Mk VI is another handgun seen used by the Kaled Scientific Elite in Genesis of the Daleks. Security Commander Nyder (Peter Miles) has one as his personal sidearm in the final episodes of the serial, but hands it over to the dissenters led by Gharman (Dennis Chinnery). Dr. Fendelman (Denis Lill) also carries a Webley Mk VI in Image of the Fendahl.
Thal soldier Bettan (Harriet Philpin) can be seen with an M1911 style handgun in Genesis of the Daleks. Presumably this is also the primary sidearm of the Thal army. She carries it throughout the latter part of the serial. A silenced M1911 is also used in Resurrection of the Daleks by a fake policeman to murder an innocent bystander. In Battlefield, Brigadier Winifred Bambera (Angela Bruce) carries an M1911 as does helicopter pilot Lt. Lavel (Dorota Rae). Lavel attempts to use hers to kill Morgaine (Jean Marsh) but fails.
In Robot, Arnold Jellicoe (Alec Linstead) uses a SIG P210. After he's knocked out, Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) picks the gun up and threatens Ms. Winters with it, but never fires it. In The Seeds of Doom, Scorby (John Challis) carries what a SIG P210 as his primary sidearm. He uses it throughout the serial and it even briefly winds up in the hands of the Doctor (Tom Baker) before being reclaimed by Scorby, although the Doctor never uses it.
In The Green Death, Stevens' chauffeur Hinks (Ben Howard) carries a Browning Hi-Power. In The Seeds of Doom, Richard Dunbar (Kenneth Gilbert) carries what appears to be a Hi-Power with him when he infiltrates Chase's mansion, and Major Beresford (John Acheson) also carries a Hi-Power as his sidearm. The Brigadier (Nicholas Courtney) uses a Hi-Power as his sidearm (such as Robot).
In The Dæmons and Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Captain Mike Yates' (Richard Franklin) sidearm is a Walther PPK. General Finch (John Bennett) also uses a PPK. Sgt. Benton (John Levene) briefly has one in The Time Monster. In The Seeds of Doom, Scorby (John Challis) keeps a Walther PPK as his backup pistol in the antarctic base. He gives it to Arnold Keeler (Mark Jones). Later in the serial, Chase's chauffeur (Alan Chuntz) pulls a Walther on the Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith.
In the Jon Pertwee-era serial Inferno, a Walther P38 is the sidearm of the Brigade Leader (Nicholas Courtney) in the alternate universe. It is also picked up and used by Director Stahlman (Olaf Pooley). In The Dæmons, Sergeant Benton (John Levene) carries a P38, sometimes equipped with a silencer. In the Tom Baker serial City of Death the P38 is the primary firearm used by almost every single gun-wielding character. Duggan (Tom Chadbon) holds one on the Doctor, thugs in the employ of Count Scarlioni (Julian Glover) including Scarlioni butler Hermann (Kevin Flood) and ultimately Scarlioni himself, all use P38's. Silver-colored P38's equipped with large silencers are used by the Cybermen's human minions in Silver Nemesis.
In the serial Inferno, the Doctor (Jon Pertwee) ends up in an alternate universe where the UK is the Republic of Great Britain. RSF Section Leader Elizabeth Shaw (Caroline John) carries a Beretta 3032 Tomcat as her sidearm. She uses it throughout the serial, in particular to kill the Brigade Leader.
In The Seeds of Doom the guards at Harrison Chase's country estate all carry Uzis with shoulder straps and the stocks extended. Scorby (John Challis) also carries one in some scenes. In Silver Nemesis, the Neo-Nazis led by De Flores (Anton Diffring) also carry Uzis (ironic, given the gun's Israeli origins).
In Silver Nemesis, some of the Neo-Nazis use Sa.25's.
File:CzechSA24 SMG.jpgCzech Sa.25 Submachine Gun - 9x19mm. The 25 Model indicates a folding stock. The slide on the front handguard is a speedloader for magazines.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Neo-Nazi gets out of the van with his Sa.25.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Neo-Nazi at left with his Sa.25. As noted above, the vertical foregrip on Karl's Uzi is seen in this shot.
Sterling SMG
UNIT Soldiers are armed with Sterling SMGs in multiple episodes, such as Robot and Invasion of the Dinosaurs. A Sterling is also seen briefly in the hands of a Kaled soldier in Genesis of the Daleks.
In Resurrection of the Daleks, two of the Daleks' human minions disguised as London policemen wield silencer-equipped MAC-10's to massacre some escaping prisoners as well as a hapless tramp.
The L1A1 SLR is used throughout the classic series, particularly by soldiers in UNIT. Noteworthy serials featuring UNIT soldiers wielding SLR's include Inferno, The Green Death, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, Terror of the Zygons and The Seeds of Doom, among others. In The Dæmons, Bert (Don McKillop) uses one in an attempt to kill the Doctor and The Seeds of Doom also has an SLR used by the scientists at the antarctic research base.
A Steyr AUG Carbine is used by UNIT soldiers in Battlefield, particularly by Brigadier Winifred Bambera (Angela Bruce).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSteyr AUG carbine with 16" Barrel - 5.56x45mmBrigadier Bambera points her Steyr AUG A1 at Mordred.Bambera fires her Steyr at Morgaine's knights whilst riding standing up in a moving car.
Double Barreled Shotgun
In The Dæmons, Garvin (John Joyce) threatens Sergeant Benton (John Levene) and Ms. Hawthorne with a Double Barreled Shotgun in the church. He later uses it to shoot at Azal, but is incinerated. In Invasion of the Dinosaurs, looter Phillips (Gordon Reid) has a sawed-off shotgun with pistol grips. In The Green Death, the Global Chemicals guards in carry standard shotguns as their main weapons. Double-barreled shotguns are also used by numerous characters in Image of the Fendahl. Ted Moss (Edward Evans) has one, but it is appropriated by Jack Tyler (Geoffrey Hinsliff). Loaded with rock salt ammunition, Tyler uses it against the Fendahleen. Security team leader David Mitchell (Derek Martin) and his men also carry shotguns.
In The Dæmons, Sergeant Benton (John Levene) uses a bazooka in an attempt to kill Bok, the Master's living gargoyle minion. Although he succeeds in blowing Bok up, the gargoyle simply reforms himself.
In Day of the Daleks UNIT soldiers use an L9A1 Mortar to defend Auderly House against the Daleks and the Ogrons. They also use mortars in Invasion of the Dinosaurs.
In Doctor Who and the Silurians, Captain Hawkins (Paul Darrow) uses a Webley & Scott Signal Pistol to signal to UNIT troops searching the moors for an escaped Silurian.