Talk:Grand Theft Auto V: Difference between revisions
Talk:Grand Theft Auto V: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:Grand Theft Auto V: Difference between revisions
[[Image:SAF.jpg|thumb|none|400px|FAMAE SAF - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:SAF.jpg|thumb|none|400px|FAMAE SAF - 9x19mm]]
[[User:Mr.Ice|Mr.Ice]] ([[User talk:Mr.Ice|talk]]) 17:33, 23 August 2013 (EDT)
[[User:Mr.Ice|Mr.Ice]] ([[User talk:Mr.Ice|talk]]) 17:33, 23 August 2013 (EDT)
Who labeled it a CZ Scorpion EVO 3? Looks a little like in the lower receiver/trigger guard area, but the rest is more MP5/SAF.[[User:AgentGumby|AgentGumby]] ([[User talk:AgentGumby|talk]]) 14:23, 25 September 2013 (EDT)
I made this kinda quick. Didn't have a lot of time to check errors.
I'm relatively new to the editing in this site. So if any veteran
around with more knowledge could help improve the article would be indeed
When it comes to the weapon, I believe it's a Norinco Type 56-2 since the stock
looks like the one in a Type 56-2. Otherwise correct if I'm wrong.
Also one of the guys seems to have a laser sight. Don't know which sort though
Santos 17:08, 2 November 2011 (CDT)
The rifles seem to have some sort of rail system on them... which I think is a shame--Gran28 10:55, 3 November 2011 (CDT)
Most likely is the handguard with picatinny rails. The guy knocking on the van leading those other two men, seems to have a laser sight attached to it. This is a handguard is from FAB-Defense.
One of the screenshots mentions "excellent" trigger discipline, to me it looks like his finger is actually on the trigger as there is a small curve in the shape of the finger, I wouldn't refer to that as excellent trigger discipline. --cool-breeze 14:42, 1 December 2011 (CST)
To me it looks like the guy is holding his finger just slightly above the trigger area, not excellent but still better than most games have, to be honest the only game i can remember that had great trigger discipline was MGS4 where Snake kept his finger completely off the triggers of all weapons unless he was aiming them, but i think that since they're both video games, bad trigger discipline can be excused since i doubt developers want to spend who knows how many hours giving every character separate finger animations for trigger discipline, and also there is the fact that the character can have their fingers wrapped around the triggers, but the players have theirs completely off the fire button, so essentially, it's our own 'trigger' discipline that video game characters have (least that's how i see it) we should save the bad trigger discipline arguments for movies.Kornflakes89 16:26, 8 March 2012 (CST)
Add ArmA 2 to the list of games with excellent trigger discipline. Laqueesha (talk) 03:55, 22 September 2012 (EDT)
Help to identify; looks like a M4 rifle with longer (?) and suppressed barrel. Pawelm (talk) 13:55, 10 November 2012 (EST)
I would say that it has a shorter barrel than an M4A1. I would say it's a suppressed Mk. 18 Mod 0. --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 14:21, 10 November 2012 (EST)
Suppressor resembles an AAC model which covers more of the barrel than the KAC suppressors we commonly see, so it's possible it could still be an M4. Spartan198 (talk) 21:10, 10 November 2012 (EST)
If it was an M4 length barrel, there would be no suppressor left to actually trap the gas to suppress the weapon. --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 22:24, 10 November 2012 (EST)
looks like it has the older CAR-15 style stock Excalibur01 (talk) 00:38, 11 November 2012 (EST)
What people refer to as CAR-15s (XM177, XM177E1, XM177E2 etc) were fitted with a stock that was made of aluminium with a black polymer coating as seen here. Later Colt carbines up to and including the M4 had a synthetic fiberlite stock as seen here. The easiest way to tell them apart are the vertical reinforcing ribs that are present on the side of the fiberlite stock, which are present in the game gun. As this stock can be found on Mk. 18s, Model 933s and M4s (all of which this gun could be depending on how the suppressor fits) that doesn't really help. However as the gun has the slim handguard rather than the thicker double heat shield M4 handguard, my best guess would be a Mk. 18. --commando552 (talk) 19:03, 11 November 2012 (EST)
What I think he meant was this is the 3rd Gen stock, the four-position plastic, not the newer six-position.--Sangheili1155 (talk) 02:43, 12 November 2012 (EST)
I've seen scans that show one of the other characters holding that weapon without a suppressor on it. I'd definitely go with Mk.18 --DeltaOne (talk) 01:12, 11 November 2012 (EST)
I'm sure that this is why this image is in this section, but I cant believe these animated pictures as validation for the weapons in the game. GTA IV had MANY weapons in the loading screens that for what ever reason never made it to the final product.--A single bullet can change history (talk) 20:05, 11 November 2012 (EST)
Check the Grand Theft Auto IV page and you'll notice we include loading screen weapons on it. Spartan198 (talk) 01:16, 12 November 2012 (EST)
If a weapon is in the game and can be identified, then it should be identified. This includes artwork, loading screens, stock footage, in-game posters, whatever; if it's a clear and identifiable shot it's included. Weapons only seen in previews can also be included as long as the image is from a legitimate source and not leaked. Evil Tim (talk) 05:52, 20 November 2012 (EST)
Cover for the latest Game Informer magazine. You can see the suppressor is missing but the muzzle and the barrel is missing Excalibur01 (talk) 14:03, 28 November 2012 (EST)
Weapon Selection hope
So I don't know about most of you, but one of the worst aspects to these games is the frank lack of weapons for which you to use. I am not saying that the game doesn't need 100 different firearms, but there is no need to use the low level weapons once the higher tier weapons are unlocked (compare the Glock and Desert Eagle in GTA IV, how often do you use the Glock after unlocking). If nothing else I hope that this game has at least 3-4 variations in firearm. There are tons of vehicles to choose from, but you dont spend most of your time offing people with cars. Having to use the same repetitive weapon again and again bores me. What are your thoughts?--A single bullet can change history (talk) 20:09, 11 November 2012 (EST)
Four or five options of each type sound good to me. I'm hoping we get a silenced pistol again this time. Spartan198 (talk) 01:21, 12 November 2012 (EST)
@Spartan198, exactly! The way I have seen it (for example), in the pistol category there should be a standard (Glock), Hi standard (1911), Burst (Beretta 93R), Special (Silenced [if no ability to customize]), and Magnum (Desert Eagle/Equivilant). Now this is a very basic look, but I think you can catch my drift. Same thing for shotguns where there should be a Double Barrell (For range and/or sawed off), Pump (Mossberg), Semi Auto (Benelli M4), and Automatic (USAS-12/AA-12). You can make any adjustments for which weapons are in which category does not matter. But the differences. --A single bullet can change history (talk) 12:45, 12 November 2012 (EST)
Seeing the silenced 56-2s in the reveal; its likely.Mr.Ice (talk) 01:25, 12 November 2012 (EST)
I'm really hoping to see an Ithaca 37 in this like in San Andreas, being that this is taking place in the same fictional Los Angeles. --QueenSasha24 (talk) 04:01, 12 November 2012 (EST)
I'm really hoping for a SIG P226 myself this time around, but with the 92FS, that's looking unlikely. I like Valiant's system of classification, though. Using that system, I'd like to see assault rifles classified like this: an AKMS without a stock (low accuracy, short range), the Type 56 (medium accuracy, short range), the AR-15 variant (high accuracy, medium range), TAR-21 (high accuracy, long range). A grenade launcher attachment (if the weapons are customizable) would be nice, too. Spartan198 (talk) 07:38, 19 April 2013 (EDT)
The rifle on the 3rd screencap looks like a HK416 variant (handguard with these thin vents). Also the rifle in 1st and 2nd screenshot seems to be different than the one in the 3rd. It has a black magazine, in games a gun rarely can have a mag swapped out. :D --Gr3gory (talk) 10:06, 15 November 2012 (EST)
PS sorry for the black bars guys :\ --Gr3gory (talk) 10:08, 15 November 2012 (EST)
I'm guessing it is the same rifle in all 3 caps. Also, in the first screencap you can see the distinctive forward assist/brass deflector that is used on VLTOR VIS and MUR upper receivers (here is a picture of a Noveske Diplomat with a VIS upper showing the forward assist). Although these uppers are used on Noveske rifles, I don't think this is one as the handguard is wrong. --commando552 (talk) 12:22, 15 November 2012 (EST)
It looks like more an AAC Honey Badger (look at the stock and the bolt) than an HK416 or AR-15-like rifle for the 3rd picture. --bonshomme (talk)
Several reasons why I don't think it is a Honey Badger: firstly, the stock on the Honey Badger extend on rails on the side of the receiver like an MP5, as opposed to this where it extends along the buffer tube in typical Colt Carbine fashion; secondly it appears that it has a VLTOR VIS/MUR upper receiver based on the design of the combined forward assist and brass deflector which the Honey Badger doesn't; lastly, even if you disagree that it is a VLTOR upper it definitely has a forward assist, which the Honey Badger does not just having a normal brass deflector. In what way do you think the bolt makes it a Honey Badger they are pretty much the same on a typical AR-15 and a Honey Badger aren't they? (with the exception of the FA serrations, but from these screenshots you cannot tell whether they are there or not.) --commando552 (talk) 19:30, 29 March 2013 (EDT)
As a member of GTA Forums, I can reliably say that anything you see there should be taken with the biggest dose of salt in history. Like, something from Big Bone Lick State Park. Chitoryu12 (talk) 04:06, 20 November 2012 (EST)
1911 and Glock
A new artwork was revealed, and it has a 1911 and a glock variant. We should put on the main page?--Flavio (talk) 15:16, 4 January 2013 (EST)
I got some better images of the weapons that I'll be adding to the article. Here's a better shot of the unknown rifle; it looks kinda like a SCAR-H, but there's bits that aren't right.
Looks more like a weird FAL--Iceman (talk) 15:42, 30 April 2013 (EDT)
Also, here's a shot of the pistol used by Michael in the rappelling scene. I can't identify it, but it almost looks to have an orange tip like an airsoft gun and no hammer. Chitoryu12 (talk) 12:58, 30 April 2013 (EDT)
[[1]] Not sure if it's a Hi-Power or 1911, on Michael's TV. AgentGumby (talk) 22:11, 30 April 2013 (EDT)
Yeah, I'm also thinking some kind of short-barreled FAL for the new AR, judging by the magazine and shape of the mag well. It and the Tavor are certainly new and different choices considering GTA's past being dominated by the combo of an AK and M16 variants, which is a good thing. That's four assault rifles altogether now so far (five if the CQBR on concept art shown above is included in the game), so let's hope the other weapon categories have as diverse a selection. And considering how big the weapon selection in RDR was, I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Maybe my wish for a P226 could still come to pass after all? Spartan198 (talk) 01:10, 1 May 2013 (EDT)
Here's a higher resolution cropped image of the mystery rifle.
It has the heat shield, gas block, and front sight of an M249, the magazine looks more like a belt bag, and the stock looks derived from the fixed stock of the Masada/ACR. The optic is an out-of-scale Elcan SpecterDR and it has a Magpul AFG2 foregrip. The receiver area lacks details, but I'm going to hazard a guess that it's some kind of M249-based machine gun. Spartan198 (talk) 04:15, 1 May 2013 (EDT)
Now that you said that I start to see it, but my first bet was FAL, in the end it could just be a butchered MG, the stock doesn't somehow look m249ish to me and the heat shield seems tiny.--Iceman (talk) 11:13, 1 May 2013 (EDT)
After re-watching the trailer, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a light machine gun. The ammo pouch gets a bit more obvious in motion and it's certainly an ammo pouch, not a 20 round 7.62 magazine. --BeloglaviSup (talk) 04:05, 2 May 2013 (EDT)
I bet it turns out to be something really stoopid like an LSAT with a modified handguard. Evil Tim (talk) 09:34, 7 May 2013 (EDT)
That horrified me for a moment, but I'll sleep soundly tonight knowing that LSAT is tucked a bit further away then the pool of common firearms that appear in GTA. It will be some monstrosity of the natural order regardless. -BeloglaviSup (talk) 14:57, 7 May 2013 (EDT)
Seems to be a new pistol, but I can't ID it.[2]] Spartan198 (talk) 21:52, 2 May 2013 (EDT)
Could be a beretta. Weird pouch like a 50 rounder or something, but yeah now its definitely an butchered mg. --Iceman (talk) 06:35, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
Underside of the trigger guard is straight, all Beretta models are rounded downward. Spartan198 (talk) 15:25, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
DRD Tactical Paratus? Thomas (talk) 10:33, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
You mean the one to the left (its more likely an M4 would make sense for a game not centered around gun pron to have a generic well known firearm rather than some obscure one) if you mean the MG probably even more unlikely to me for now its seems like a franke-gun or at least a horribly scaled one. On a side note look at the one in the case the sight seems to be open and definetely a glock held by the guy in the picture little way above -Iceman (talk) 17:00, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
Spartan, gun models in video games can differ from their real life counterparts. It looks like a Beretta to me. --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 18:47, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
Which gun are you talking about, the one pictured immediately above named "File:GTA5 Mystery Gun.jpg"? If so you need to look at this image again, as it clearly shows that what looks like a mag from the side is actually a belt bag. Also you have the fact that the front sight and gas block are a match for a Minimi, and what can be seen of the receier in this grainy image is also pretty close. The only obvious differences are the furniture with the stock and handguard being different, and that the scaling is off. --commando552 (talk) 20:13, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
Commando, I was actually talking about this pistol: [3]] --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 20:28, 3 May 2013 (EDT)
Thats what I already said, since the game obviously has one in it, it's probably a beretta. --Iceman (talk) 05:59, 4 May 2013 (EDT)
I know, I was agreeing with you because Spartan said that it couldn't be a Beretta with the squared trigger guard. --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 09:57, 4 May 2013 (EDT)
Sorry came of a bit rude , I meant to accentuate the fact that beretta is probably what everyone will think it is in the first place since it is confirmed to be in the game and beretta's have that distinct look of the slide,besides there's no reason to believe its some other gun since GTA's have tried to bring multiple weapons (AK's,AR's), instead of doing the COD thing and putting in several AR based ones, since they usually have a limited pool (like 3 in a category I believe) --Iceman (talk) 13:09, 4 May 2013 (EDT)
I was almost going to say it looked like a SIG552, but the straight-edge magazine (rather than curved) says otherwise. Laqueesha (talk) 02:32, 17 May 2013 (EDT)
I can almost guaranty that the handgun above is another Beretta. If you look closely you can see the exposed barrel from the cutaway slide and you can barely make out the step in at the end of the barrel which a characteristic shared among all 92-series handguns.--One shot is all it takes. (talk) 16:02, 15 June 2013 (EDT)
That's a camera. Evil Tim (talk) 08:40, 4 May 2013 (EDT)
Yup camera 99% (since there is the same one in the SUV), seems that this game will sport gun customization at least color, the green Tavor,the green mini, and now the green shotty. --Iceman (talk) 09:26, 4 May 2013 (EDT)
I see a lot of influence from Heat. --DeltaOne (talk) 03:20, 8 May 2013 (EDT)
Yeah probably, but that is the trend in general with GTA's they put in references to movies and pop culture all the time. --Iceman (talk) 05:04, 8 May 2013 (EDT)
O yea, I know. This isn't my first GTA game by far. --DeltaOne (talk) 06:53, 9 May 2013 (EDT)
It's even right in the game, this time. According to an in-depth preview I watched on YouTube, Michael takes his ideas for heists directly from the game universe's versions of such movies. Spartan198 (talk) 07:30, 8 May 2013 (EDT)
So is rockstar going to release the preview cause, all I have found right now is people talking for an hour about it .--Iceman (talk) 04:50, 11 May 2013 (EDT)
They haven't released any public gameplay demos, no. At least none that I've seen yet. Spartan198 (talk) 06:20, 11 May 2013 (EDT)
As soon as they do, the media's going to be all over it. --DeltaOne (talk) 17:22, 11 May 2013 (EDT)
Here's a clearer picture of the pistol Franklin is holding in a previous screenshot.
Looks like some kind of cross between a Beretta and a Desert Eagle. It might be the "pistol .50" being offered as preorder DLC. Spartan198 (talk) 11:25, 13 June 2013 (EDT)
Seems like a different gun from the one in the above, I mean this probably is just a horrible DE, maybe work in progress, although GTA was never on top in weapons department. --Iceman (talk) 06:33, 14 June 2013 (EDT
Go ahead and spot 'em. AgentGumby (talk) 11:58, 9 July 2013 (EDT)
Dammit, Rockstar, take my money already! At 3:15, I can see an AW-type sniper rifle, a multi-shot grenade launcher (it looks similar to the hybrid grenade launcher in Resident Evil Remake), and a roll of dynamite in the weapon wheel. Spartan198 (talk) 20:12, 9 July 2013 (EDT)
Is that seriously a rail on the side of the slide? DeltaOne (talk) 05:27, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Okay, I'm definitely not getting this game! Rockstar has always failed with the guns department (except in Max Payne 3), and that thing looks absolutely hideous. I'm done with the GTA series... Maybe when someone makes a skin mod for the guns, I'll get a copy... -.- --Warejaws (talk) 08:50, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Good. That leaves a copy for me. Chitoryu12 (talk) 15:01, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
As if there will not be enough copies to go around, eh? --Warejaws (talk) 15:56, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
While you are certainly entitled to your opinion and I always consider gun accuracy a +1 for me, incorrect weapon details isn't really much of a reason to not buy a game IMO (hell, I still got my copy of BO1). Again you are entitled to your opinion.Mr.Ice (talk) 11:06, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
While I'm glad you won't be playing the game so as to avoid running into some joyless bother online, it seems to me more likely that the gun is a supposed to be some manner of TDI Kard, than whatever 1911/glock designed solely to offend your sensibilities you think it is. --Toadvine (talk) 17:18, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
You have been playing too much Black Ops 2 if you think there is anything about that remotely resembling a Kard. It obviously has a conventional pistol layout with a slide, and the frame and general outline suggests a 1911. --commando552 (talk) 17:25, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Well, you know what they say: opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. I'm just sayin' you can't deny the fact that that... THING looks like a fugly frankengun, that should never see the light of day. I'm still hopin Rockstar has upped their gunplay from previous GTA titles, and made the gunplay (and the guns themselves) in this one a bit more realistic. You know, since they seem to be makin' this game another ground-breakin' masterpiece... Plus, I don't play with naive fanboys... --Warejaws (talk) 18:42, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
If you would take the time to look at the trailer and use your words rather than skip to some nonsense about Black Ops 2, a game I haven't played not that it even matters, you might notice that Franklin uses the same pistol later in the trailer, his is fitted with an extended magazine and is seemingly firing on full auto, so, my suggestion that it's TDI Kard, I thought, might make a bit more sense than just losing your mind and writing off a whole title based on the appearance of a single handgun in the game. I can see how that might read as naivete though, I've had the wool pulled over my eyes and have been tricked into accepting a game in spite of the massive flaws it's exhibited in the design of one of it's firearms in a few seconds of footage and a screenshot or two, right?--Toadvine (talk) 12:27, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Yes. Btw, are you directing that comment to me or Commando552? --Warejaws (talk) 16:45, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
At least some of it was directed at me so will address that part first. If your only evidance for it being a Kard is that it fires on full auto, then you should know that there are many other production pistols that are capable of full auto fire, not to mention the fact that it is possible to convert pistols to full automatic. Regardless of this, it is a game where they can give a gun whatever characteristics they choose so whether or not it is depicted as firing in full auto means nothing in real terms. Secondly, I have to say again it looks absolutely nothing like a Kard. If you can't see this then there is nothing that I can say to change your mind, but when I look at it I see absolutely nothing about the gun that suggests they based anything off of the Kard. If you put a gun to my head and made me take a guess at what it is meant to be I would probably say I highly customised (or very poorly modeled) full auto Glock, or maybe something like an Arsenal Strike One (which is available in FA/burst versions) but the shape is not really anything like one, it is just reminiscent of one if the "rail" on the front of the slide was actually the front slide serrations. In general can everyone chill out a bit about this game, we could do without the GTA talk pages degrading into a bitch fest like the COD ones historically have. --commando552 (talk) 19:51, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
I have to agree with Commando on the fact that it looks nothing like a Kard. Maybe a fuse of a badly-rendered Glock and a I9II... I also have to agree with Commando on the latter; regardless of my opinion on the possible depiction of guns/gunlay, there's no doubt that GTA V is going to be a great game (knowing Rockstar). Altough I still stand by my comment about not acquiring the game in the future, I realize that I shouldn't have been so outspoken about it, especially here, on the IMFDB. --Warejaws (talk) 22:25, 12 July 2013 (EDT)
Well, look at MoH:WF, a game with accurate gun play but pretty mediocre everywhere else. Your opinion is yours, but what about Read Dead Redemption?AgentGumby (talk) 11:38, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Well don't get me wrong. I care about other elements besides gunplay such as gameplay and story. And as for RDR it was pretty accurate aside from a few minor mistakes.Mr.Ice (talk) 12:05, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
I agree with you, RDR was, and still is, pretty awesome. I still play it with my friends sometimes. --Warejaws (talk) 18:42, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Speaking of rails on the slide, it's been confirmed that we get weapon AND car customization to a pretty nice degree. Chitoryu12 (talk) 15:19, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Don't get me wrong, I always enjoy the stories and the messages Rockstar provides in their games. But I've never been a fan of the GTA-gunplay. I'll be going for Saints Row IV this fall, instead of this. At least they don't even TRY to make the game realistic, so the gunplay is WAAAAY over the top. But that just makes it fun. PS. I enjoyed MOH:W... well, to a certain degree.--Warejaws (talk) 15:56, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Well, the gunplay that we've seen in the trailer (and confirmed in interviews) actually comes much more from Max Payne 3. You can run and gun without needing to aim and slow your movement, as well as switch between hard lock, soft lock, and full free aim in the options to suit your play style. You've still got the cover shooting and blindfiring, but you can actually be mobile in gunfights. There's also new options like being able to get in and out of a car while staying low to take cover behind it, as well as entering and exiting a car already shooting. Chitoryu12 (talk) 18:33, 16 July 2013 (EDT)
Has anyone considered that the pistol above could be a placeholder for something more real.--One shot is all it takes. (talk) 15:40, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
Its a possibility but given how we're two months away from release its unlikely.Mr.Ice (talk) 16:18, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
I don't think it is a placeholder, but I think there is a possibility that it is a bug where the wrong texture is on the model or it is using the low detail distance model or something, as there are several inconsistencies that make not sense. Firstly you have the fact that there is what appears to be a rail (which is scaled way too small) on the side of the slide. Then you have those weird horizontal black lines at the front of the slide and frame. Assuming that the black square at the back is meant to be the slide serrations, they span across both the slide and the top of the frame, which I have never seen on a real pistol. There are generally also lines all over the place on both the slide and frame which have no business being there on either a real gun, or a gun that is suggested by the silhouette of this. To top it off it also looks like it is ejecting rifle sized brass, but this is really the least of its problems. To me this gun looks so bad that it must be an error or something. It isn't just low detailed or simplified, or with random parts switched out for aesthetics, it actually appears deliberately FUBAR'd for no apparent reason. --commando552 (talk) 17:17, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
I'm inclined to agree with Commando. All the guns on the page are designed relatively accurately except this one, which makes me think it's a texture bug. Spartan198 (talk) 22:22, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
The Pistol is This ? Houge 1911 Avenger System - KINKI'boy (talk) 22:48, 6 August 2013 (JST)
Hogue 1911 Avenger System
AR 15 reloading
Did anyone notice in the new gameplay video that when Franklin pulls the charging handle of his AR15, a empty shell falls ?
Does that means that his gun jammed, or Rockstar Games made a shell fall each time the charging handle is pulled ? Zebracherub (talk) 10 July 2013 (GMT)
Probably the latter. And sign your posts by typing four tildes after them. Spartan198 (talk) 00:32, 11 July 2013 (EDT)
It seems like they're doing the same thing as Metal Gear Solid 4, where Snake always racks the charging handle (ejecting an unfired round if it's a mid-mag reload) to chamber a fresh round after inserting the new magazine. This lets them stay realistically detailed while avoiding the +1 confusing that more casual players would have; keep it simple. Chitoryu12 (talk) 16:23, 20 July 2013 (EDT)
It really is kinda stupid and kinda lazy for animating a reload. Instead of programing someone doing nothing when you do a mid mag reload, they just left the reload animation program run, and I think the extra round coming out is really for the Hollywood effect. Excalibur01 (talk) 00:02, 21 July 2013 (EDT)
It's easier and less resource intensive to add a simple model of a cartridge flying out and use the same animation every time. Chitoryu12 (talk) 18:01, 31 July 2013 (EDT)
Didn't he pull the charging handle a bit too far? Gr3gory (talk) 16:20, 17 July 2013 (EDT)
Looks pretty normal to me Excalibur01 (talk) 17:06, 17 July 2013 (EDT)
Wouldn't also be more confortable to just hit the bolt release ? If doing a mid mag reload, nothing to do because a round is chambered, but it seems more natural to me to just hit the bolt release than racking the charging handle. Zebracherub (talk) 06:05, 28 July 2013 (GMT)
It would, but this is GTA, where any random joe can hop in and know how to pilot a fighter plane or kill hundreds of people at a time without Homeland Security (or NOOSE, as they're called in-game) locking the city down like Guantanamo Bay NS, so it's not that big a deal IMO. Besides, I'd say this is just Rockstar showing off and proving they're still the pimps of the gaming industry. Aaargh! Why won't September 17th get here sooner?! Spartan198 (talk) 03:08, 29 July 2013 (EDT)
Theres lots of screen shots on the official site, some with weapons (an MP5 being fired by a SWAT member from an SUV). As for the flying part I thought they confirmed only Trevor is good at flying, it is possible there are missions the others learn to do that, SA had them, and we don't really know Niko didn't have any background in flying, Vercetti had little background at all and he was pretty old. As for the killing part most games have that I mean look at shooters even if we ignore the regeneration its quite improbable that one men can take out 20 in open shootout. --Iceman (talk) 12:32, 29 July 2013 (EDT)
Nope, all three characters can operate any vehicle in the game, each one is just going to be better in one area than the others. This was confirmed by Rockstar in a Q&A posted on TGTAP forums. Spartan198 (talk) 17:46, 29 July 2013 (EDT)
I only noticed after editing the G11 to a CTAR-21, but does nayone know if this is meant to be the same gun just in different builds?
From the fact that it is someone using the gun firing from a helicopter, at another helicopter, I would assume that this is the same piece of gameplay just with altered models. The confusing thing though is that the picture with the better correctly looking CTAR-21 is from November last year, as opposed to the crappy modded for no reason Tavor which is from a recent gameplay trailer. This would suggest that either the recent gameplay trailers used a very out of date build, or they deliberately messed with the weapons to make them less correct at some point during development, I would guess for legal reasons. --commando552 (talk) 08:05, 6 August 2013 (EDT)
It's fully possible that they altered the models to make them look different purely because they liked it better that way. They're making entertainment that looks good, not real-life gun porn. Aesthetic considerations are important. Chitoryu12 (talk) 15:43, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
This is from the multiplayer trailer. It's definitely not in the TAR-21 family.
Also, I need to work at getting some caps from the new multiplayer trailer. But the apparent CTAR-21 (known in-game as the Advanced Rifle) actually doesn't really look like said gun in the final game except in the barest sense.
Thanks to iNero from GTA Forums for the picture. Chitoryu12 (talk) 16:40, 22 August 2013 (EDT)
Looks like an oversized MP5A3.Mr.Ice (talk) 18:16, 22 August 2013 (EDT)
Highly doubt that. The only part of the shape that really matches an MP5A3 is the stock, and it has a short, straight magazine. Chitoryu12 (talk) 15:03, 23 August 2013 (EDT)
Well as for the short mag, Rockstar said that weapon customization is going to be featured. So maybe the 10 round (civilian legal?) magazines is going to be an option. Also straight MP5 mags do exist. Mr.Ice (talk) 16:47, 23 August 2013 (EDT)
Straight MP5 magazines are older ones, and that doesn't match the pattern. The magwell is also too large for the magazine and it's sticking out at an awkward angle. And again, there's absolutely nothing that actually resembles an MP5 except for maybe the stock. Chitoryu12 (talk) 17:25, 23 August 2013 (EDT)
Looking at the SMGs currently documented on the site, I think it now looks similar to a FAMAE SAF
Who labeled it a CZ Scorpion EVO 3? Looks a little like in the lower receiver/trigger guard area, but the rest is more MP5/SAF.AgentGumby (talk) 14:23, 25 September 2013 (EDT)
Is it just me, or does the rifle in the first picture of the "Unknown Sniper Rifle" section (the one Franklin is holding on the roof) look a lot like an M82 variant? it has the muzzle brake and what we see of the body has the general shape. I don't have the pic now, but a recently released photo shows the sniper rifle on the weapon wheel photo and it's NOT the same gun. It actually looks closer to an Accuracy International rifle. Chitoryu12 (talk) 03:39, 26 August 2013 (EDT)
They have it identified as a SCAR-L, but it's hard to make out. General shape is right for a SCAR, though. Spartan198 (talk) 19:58, 2 September 2013 (EDT)
MK18 artwork
I separated it from the LR300 section since they clearly aren't the same weapon. Spartan198 (talk) 14:55, 3 September 2013 (EDT)
Smith and Wesson M&P or Springfield XD? Can't identify.
A person on another forum posted this pic of Michael holding a nickle plated handgun but the view is only from the top. I don't think it's a Glock because of the way the ejection port looks but I might be wrong. I can't see an exposed hammer. Any help?
It could be a colored "AP Pistol". Paint jobs are among the weapon customization options. Spartan198 (talk) 01:39, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
I don't think so. The side rails on the slide are so thick that they would be visible in this image. On GTA Forums there are suggestions that it's a S&W semi-auto. Chitoryu12 (talk) 07:59, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
The side rails on the AP pistol are just on the texture and not on the model aren't they? With a new skin the AP pistol could look totally different. Either way there isn't enough to go on from that shot to determine what it is. --commando552 (talk) 08:17, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
It's difficult to tell. One other thing that makes me less convinced that it's the AP Pistol is that this gun has noticeable sights (The AP Pistol distinctly lacks them in all screenshots), and it seems to have a shorter barrel. It's almost definitely a separate gun, unless the customization options are more in-depth than we thought. Another suggestion might be a Taurus 24/7 or similar, as that gun is striker-fired, definitely comes in that finish, and has a similar sight profile from the top. Chitoryu12 (talk) 22:03, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
Side thought - is the AR that Franklin is holding missing the end of the buttstock or is that texture clipping? --DeltaOne (talk) 15:10, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
Pretty sure that's just clipping. Chitoryu12 (talk) 22:03, 10 September 2013 (EDT)
No pics of the SMG or LMG sections yet. If you search for GTA V ammunation on youtube you'll find offscreen footage of a guy walking around the gun shop. You can see some sort of RPK clone on the wall.Temp89 (talk) 11:53, 12 September 2013 (EDT)
No RPK, but the early game machine gun (the "MG") is pretty much just a PKM. Virtually all of the weapons in the game are already on the page. There's also an Assault Shotgun (which some say looks like a UTS 15 with a box magazine to resemble an AA-12), a sawed-off pump-action that may also be based on a Mossberg 500/590, the Combat Pistol (silver pistol held by Michael in the recently released trio pic, which reminds me of a Taurus PT 24/7 or Ruger P-series like the P97 with a stainless slide), and a Taser. The "unknown pistol" in the article is the PT92, which is apparently chambered in .45 ACP with a standard 12 round magazine. Chitoryu12 (talk) 00:05, 15 September 2013 (EDT)
This is an exclusive unlock for joining the Rockstar social club.
Not sure what it is myself. Spartan198 (talk) 15:31, 13 September 2013 (EDT)
As far as I can see, it's 100% fictional. Chitoryu12 (talk) 05:06, 14 September 2013 (EDT)
Yeah, seems so. And ugly as hell. --Warejaws (talk) 15:08, 15 September 2013 (EDT)
I see a birdcage flash hider, and the rest looks like the Halo 2/3 Battle Rifle. --DeltaOne (talk) 00:11, 17 September 2013 (EDT)
Now that you mentioned that, I looked up what Halo battle rifle looks like, and I think this submachine gun might have also borrowed some design decisions from Halo's submachine gun. --BeloglaviSup (talk) 02:09, 17 September 2013 (EDT)
It also has a resemblance to the RCP-120 from Perfect Dark. RadiumMetal (talk) 17:21, 22 September 2013 (EDT)
The muzzle brake and the right side of the gun, and also the color is very similar to the M-107 A1 than the AS50, is it real?
Check out the Gyazo link in my posts above. If you pause at the right moment, the rifle is a Barrett with a raised full length rail.AgentGumby (talk) 17:36, 16 September 2013 (EDT)
Combat Pistol
After unlocking the Combat Pistol in the game and using it quite a bit I'm thinking that it resembles some sort of HK pistol. Initially I thought it was like a USP Compact but I've thought it might be more like a HK45 or HK45c. I'm not sure though as at first I thought it was a Px4. Anyone else have any ideas what it could be? --cool-breeze (talk) 10:39, 20 September 2013 (EDT)
The GTA Wiki lists the combat pistol as the Taurus (well, they say Beretta but we know what they mean), or is that not the case in the final game? Also, that page has a picture of the assault shotgun, which appears to be an UTAS UTS-15 which has been slightly messed with and had a box mag stuck on the bottom. --commando552 (talk) 11:51, 20 September 2013 (EDT)
The basic pistol is the Taurus not the combat pistol. They list the basic pistol as a P99 so it could be that the combat pistol is a P99. --cool-breeze (talk) 15:53, 20 September 2013 (EDT)
I concur, the Combat Pistol definitely looks like a P99 to me. Glad they didn't rehash the 1911 or Glock again for the umpteenth time (not that I don't love 1911s and Glocks, I very much do ;D ). Spartan198 (talk) 01:38, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
Having got a decent look at it today I don't think it's a P99. It's got an exposed hammer and the general shape it more like a Beretta Px4 having taken a much closer look at it. --cool-breeze (talk) 18:45, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
Combat MG
It's not a Stoner, but rather an M60/M249 hybrid. Basically the stock of an M60, while everything in front of is is M249. Making appropriate changes. Spartan198 (talk) 01:38, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
Guns on the TV programs
Killed a bit of time as Michael and watched the TV at his house. One of the channels was a FIB program called 'The Underbelly of Paradise'. One of the highlights was a few weapons on a table and one of the guns was a SIG P220-series pistol. --DeltaOne (talk) 21:57, 21 September 2013 (EDT)
What's up with the Carbine Rifle changes?
Uhhh... Guys? The new Carbine really looks like the LR-300 and I thought it was agreed on. I don't know why we needed the change. --PyramidHead (talk) 20:03, 24 September 2013 (EDT)
I wasn't the one who changed it, but I 100% agree with the change. First off, it isn't an LR-300 as the overriding unique feature about the LR-300 is that it doesn't have a buffer tube. This gun has a buffer tube. That is before we even get into the fact that the game gun has different furniture and a VLTOR MUR receiver rather than the unique LR-300 one. As with most of the weapons in the game this appears to be a hybrid gun at best, so it can't really be given a proper ID other than a custom AR-15. --commando552 (talk) 20:12, 24 September 2013 (EDT)
The assault rifle looks like a Hecker & Koch HK416 to me. -User:1morey September 25, 2013 8:43 AM (EST)
It isn't, as far as I can tell there is not a single part on this that matches the HK416: the upper has the brass deflector built into the front of the forward assist like on a VLTOR MUR; the magazine fence on an HK416 is rounded whereas on this it is flat making it look more like one of the many different billet lowers that are available from various manufacturers; the stock is an ACE stocj which appears to be incorrectly depicted as extendable; the handguard is possibly a Daniel Defence MFR, but if not is definitely isn't a piston HK416 one. None of these parts are really perfect matches, but seeing the quality of the models on the other guns this isn't really to be expected. --commando552 (talk) 09:36, 25 September 2013 (EDT)
Hmm...after looking through the M16 gallery, and the Colt AR-15 identification guide, and doing some googling, It seems like it COULD POSSIBLY be a hybrid of a Daniel Defense MFR and ZM LR-300, while trying to look like a HK416 (beefy handguard and short barrel), I can't shake it, to me it screams Franken-HK416, don't know why. -User:1morey September 25, 2013 1:02 PM (EST)
Look at the forwards assist and brass deflector area of this gun:Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote how the forward assist is a large flat faced wedge with the plunger coming out the bottom half of it, with a brass deflector attached at the top front corner. Now compare that to the below image:Error creating thumbnail: File missingNoveske Rifleworks N4 Diplomat with VLTOR Modstock, EOTech sight and Surefire M900 weapon-light fore-grip - 5.56x45mmNotice they are a match. This is a unique thing that is only found on VLTOR MUR and VIS upper receivers (one pictured above is a VIS, MUR is the version without a monolithic handguard) and is due to the forward assist being able to be removed and replaced with a blanking plate fitted only with a brass deflector. Both the HK416 and the Z-M variants used different upper receiver designs to this, so it isn't either of them. I doubt that this is any factory gun in particular, it could be that the modellers just picked and chose various parts and stuck them together to make a gun they liked the look of, or it could be modelled off of a real custom gun that somebody has made. I don't get why people seem to think this is a HK416 (not just you, have seen people all over the place call it that) if the only thing they are going on is the fact it has a short barrel and a chunky handguard, there are a hell of a lot of guns that fit this description and are a closer match than an HK416, like this Patriot Ordnance Factory P416 for example. --commando552 (talk) 13:27, 25 September 2013 (EDT)