Justified - Season 4: Difference between revisions
Justified - Season 4: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Justified - Season 4: Difference between revisions
[[File:JustS4E11_05.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In "Decoy" (S3E11), Deputy Gutterson uses the [[Remington 700PSS|Remington 700 SPS]] Tactical to put holes in the gas tank of an abandoned car.]]
[[File:JustS4E11_05.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In "Decoy" (S3E11), Deputy Gutterson uses the [[Remington 700PSS|Remington 700 SPS]] Tactical to put holes in the gas tank of an abandoned car.]]
==Remington 7400==
In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), both Lee Paxton ([[Sam Anderson]]) and Gerald Johns ([[Ned Bellamy]]) use [[Remington 7400]] rifles to exchange gunfire with Constable Bob.
[[File:JustS4E09_09.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), both Lee Paxton ([[Sam Anderson]]) and Gerald Johns ([[Ned Bellamy]]) use [[Remington 7400]] rifles to exchange gunfire with Constable Bob.]]
[[File:JustS4E09_06.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), Gerald Johns ([[Ned Bellamy]]) uses a [[Remington 7400]] rifle.]]
Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) and other US Marshals in the series carry the full size Glock 17 as their sidearms, including Chief Deputy Art Mullen (Nick Searcy). In "Truth and Consequences" (S4E03), FBI Special Agent Alex Barnes (Josh Stamberg) is seen pulling out his Glock 17 when he's confronted by Raylan.
A Glock 19 now appears to be carried by Deputy Marshal Tim Gutterson (Jacob Pitts). He notably draws his Glock in two confrontations with Colton Rhodes in "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E10) and in "Peace of Mind" (S4E12).]]
The Glock 26 appears in the series mainly as the sidearm carried by Deputy Marshal Rachel Brooks (Erica Tazel). The Glock 26 also is the pistol Raylan keeps as his backup as well. In "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01), Raylan pulls his Glock 26 when confronting Jody Adair (this pistol appears to be an airsoft replica). The same pistol appears to be pulled by Tim Gutterson in "Foot Chase" (S4E06). Raylan mentions that he's carrying a Glock 26 in "Ghosts" (S4E13).
The Beretta 92FS is used by several characters in Season 4, notably Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins). In "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01), a Beretta 92FS is used by Benny (Casey Brown) while in a confrontation with Raylan. Boyd is seen pulling it in "Where's Waldo?" (S4E02).
The Beretta 92FS Inox also is used by several characters in Season 4. A Beretta 92FS Inox is pulled by Jody Adair (Chris Chalk) in "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01). Jimmy (Jesse Luken) is seen pulling an Inox in "Where's Waldo?" (S4E02). One of Nicky Augustine's thugs threatens Raylan and Winona with the Inox in Season 4's finale "Ghosts" (S4E13). Raylan later uses the pistol and correctly identifies it as a Beretta to Nicky later in the episode.
In "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01), what appears to be a small compact pistol is pulled by the scrapyard operator while threatening Constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt). Upon closer inspection, the pistol appears to be an EKOL Grizzly Special 99, a blank-firing handgun. This pistol apparently was in Sweeney's "go-bag". Sweeney uses the pistol while in a shootout in "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09). In "Foot Chase" (S4E06), what appears to be a nickel Beretta 85F is pulled by a drug dealer. In reality, this is a nickel model of the EKOL. This pistol is later seen in the hands of Colton Rhodes (Ron Eldard) in "Outlaw" (S4E08).
The M1911A1 is the sidearm carried by Colton Rhodes (Ron Eldard) in Season 4. In "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01), Boyd Crowder is seen giving the M1911A1 to Colton Rhodes (Ron Eldard). He later uses the handgun throughout the season to pistol-whip several people and then holds it during several confrontations with Shelby and Deputy Gutterson.
In "Kin" (S4E05), Nicky Augustine (Mike O'Malley) appears to pull a SIG-Sauer P226R. In "Decoy" (S4E11), a thug named "YOLO" also has a SIG that is later used by Bob (Patton Oswalt).
In "Outlaw" (S4E08), a Detroit hitman (Matthew John Armstrong) disguised as a Harlan County deputy uses a small compact pistol that resembles a Colt Commander as his weapon of choice. Upon closer inspection, the pistol appears to be a TSD Caspian gas blowback airsoft pistol. The same pistol is seen in the Season 4 finale "Ghosts" (S4E13).
In "Where's Waldo?" (S4E02), Wynn Duffy (Jere Burns) is seen using what appears to be a Walther PPK during a confrontation with Boyd. Due to the close proximity to another actor, this pistol is most likely a Kimar "Lady K" an 8mm blank fire only Walther PPK replica.
A Smith & Wesson Model 36 is seen in the hands of Ellen May (Abby Miller) when one of her customers surprises her in a bear suit in "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01).
A member of the Truth family is seen holding a Smith & Wesson Model 30 when confronted by the Marshals in "Where's Waldo?" (S4E02). Art is seen later unloading the revolver.
Milo Truth is seen pulling what appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 317 in "Where's Waldo?" (S4E02). This also appears to be the revolver held by Ava Crowder (Joelle Carter) in "Peace of Mind" (S4E12).
In "This Bird Has Flown" (S4E04), Rachel gives a pistol-gripped Mossberg 590 Mariner to Raylan, who is seen using it in a confrontation with Randall Kusik (Robert Baker). Lindsey Salazar (Jenn Lyon) is also seen using the shotgun.
In "The Hole in the Wall" (S4E01), Ava Crowder is seen pulling a short barrel Remington 870 from underneath the bar counter. This short barrel Remington also appears to be carried by Jimmy (Jesse Luken) as he searches a revival tent in "Truth and Consequences" (S3E03).
12 Gauge Over/Under Shotguns are seen in the hands of several characters in Season 4. In "Outlaw" (S4E08), Frank Browning (Rocky McMurray) is seen cleaning and holding his shotgun while in a conversation with Boyd. In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), Lee Paxton (Sam Anderson) holds one while speaking with Constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt).
In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), Constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt) pulls out an AKMSU from his "go-bag" during a shootout. He had mentioned this weapon in the Season 4 premiere "Hole in the Wall" (S4E01).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAKMSU Krinkov - 7.62x39mm. This is a blank adapted full auto transferable AKM (7.62x39mm) pistol that was converted into a Krinkov via parts kit. Guns just like this one have been used in Tropic Thunder, Three Kings, and numerous other movies and TV shows.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), Constable Bob Sweeney (Patton Oswalt) pulls out an AKMSU from his "go-bag" during a shootout. He had mentioned this weapon in the Season 4 premiere (S4E01).Error creating thumbnail: File missingBob opens fire with the AKMSU in "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09).
Colt M4A1
In "Peace of Mind" (S4E12), Nicky Cush is armed with an M4A1 when he confronts Boyd and Picker (John Kapelos).
A scoped Ruger Mini-14 is used by one of Nicky Augustine's men in "Decoy" (S4E11). Colton is also holds the rifle later in the episode. Jimmy (Jesse Luken) holds the rifle in Season 4's finale "Ghosts" (S4E13).
In "The Hatchet Tour" (S4E09), both Lee Paxton (Sam Anderson) and Gerald Johns (Ned Bellamy) use Remington 7400 rifles to exchange gunfire with Constable Bob.