Dangerous Ground: Difference between revisions
Dangerous Ground: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Dangerous Ground: Difference between revisions
Early in the film, Vusi Madlazi ([[Ice Cube]]) gets carjacked by a street gang. The gang's leader carries an engraved, nickel-plated [[Beretta Model 1923]] pistol.
Early in the film, Vusi Madlazi ([[Ice Cube]]) gets carjacked by a street gang. The gang's leader carries an engraved, nickel-plated [[Beretta M1923]] pistol.
[[Image:Beretta Model 1923.jpg|thumb|none|350px|Beretta Model 1923 - 9×19 mm Glisenti.]]
[[Image:Beretta Model 1923.jpg|thumb|none|350px|Beretta Model 1923 - 9×19 mm Glisenti.]]
[[Image:SG-B-M1934-DG.jpg|thumb|none|601px|The gang leader aims a Beretta Model 1923 at Vusi.]]
[[Image:SG-B-M1934-DG.jpg|thumb|none|601px|The gang leader aims a Beretta M1923 at Vusi.]]
[[Image:BerettaM1934-DG.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A closer view showing the engraving on the pistol.]]
[[Image:BerettaM1934-DG.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A closer view showing the engraving on the pistol.]]
Dangerous Ground is a 1997 action crime drama directed by Darrell Roodt . The film stars Ice Cube as Vusi Madlazi, a former student activist who, after 15 years of exile, returns to a post-apartheid South Africa in order to find his missing brother. The film also stars Elizabeth Hurley as Karen, the girlfriend of Vusi's brother, and Ving Rhames as crime lord Muki.
Early in the film, a young Vusi (Thokozani Nkosi) is exiled by a South African policeman (Wilson Dunster), who threatens him with a Beretta 92SB pistol. The Beretta 92SB is also used by Muki's bodyguard (Simo Mogwaza) later in the film.
During a fight with members of a white nationalist gang, Vusi Madlazi (Ice Cube) takes a Glock 17 from the gang leader, and subsequently carries it for most of the film. The Glock 17 is also handled by Karen (Elizabeth Hurley), Muki (Ving Rhames), and several of Muki's henchmen.
In the climax of the film, Muki (Ving Rhames) uses a modified Taurus PT92 fitted with a compensator and custom grips. This gun is also handled by his right-hand man (Ernest Ndlovu).
In the climax of the film, both Vusi (Ice Cube) and Ernest (Sechaba Morojele) Madlazi arm themselves with Vektor R4 rifles that are mocked-up as AK-47s. These modified R4 rifles are now very commonly seen in South African productions, though Dangerous Ground appears to be one of the earliest movies to feature them. Ernest's rifle has an under-folding stock, while Vusi's rifle has no stock at all. A modified R4 is also used by a carjacker in the beginning of the movie.