District B13: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
District B13: Difference between revisions
[[Image:B13 TahaPistol.jpg |thumb|none|600px|Tahas' personal pistol and later taken by Leïto is a Ruger KP94DC (2 tone decocker) with a small laser mounted to the front of the trigger guard - 9mm]]
[[Image:B13 TahaPistol.jpg |thumb|none|600px|Tahas' personal pistol and later taken by Leïto is a Ruger KP94DC (2 tone decocker) with a small laser mounted to the front of the trigger guard - 9mm]]
==Sig Sauer P220 Pistols==
==SIG Sauer P220 Pistols==
* Tomaso grabs a pair of Sig Pistols during a fight. The full size and large aperture of the barrel would indicate a big caliber like a .45 acp, so the assumption is that they are P220s.
* Tomaso grabs a pair of Sig Pistols during a fight. The full size and large aperture of the barrel would indicate a big caliber like a .45 acp, so the assumption is that they are P220s.
Seen during the fight in the gambling den, one of Montoyas' men fires a full auto pistol that strongly resembles the pistol used in Underworld: Evolution. Most likely a heavily modified beretta 92 with a custom extended front end, though this is an educated guess based on general shape and usage in other movies.
Along with his Baby Eagle 9mm, Taha also keeps a Ruger KP94DC 9mm handgun ( a stainless steel model of the Ruger P94 fitted with a decocker) that 's fitted with a small laser pointer right in front of the trigger guard as one of his personal pistols. It's later taken by Leito and used for the rest of the film.
Tomaso grabs a pair of Sig Pistols during a fight. The full size and large aperture of the barrel would indicate a big caliber like a .45 acp, so the assumption is that they are P220s.
Since the SIG pistols are supposedly stolen from the French National police, they should be SIG Pro SP 2022 or 2009 pistols, but they are probably Sig P228 pistols since they don't have the integral rail of the 2022 or the 2009 pistols used by the French.
that is a sigpro, you can tell by the shape of the front of the slide, it angles back at the bottom, only the sigpros do this,
i would assume it is a 2009 because the 2340 isn't used by the french police and the 2022 as you said is railed (2009 and 2340
are the earlier versions, they weren't railed)
Captain Damien Tomaso (Cyril Raffaelli) uses a pair of Glock 18s fitted with 33 round magazines to destroy Gangster Montoya's prized automobile.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGlock 18C 9x19mm (3rd generation). This model has compensator cuts on the slide and barrel to reduce muzzle climb while firingError creating thumbnail: File missingCaptain Damien Tomaso (Cyril Raffaelli) fire a pair of Glock 18s akimbo style, dumping both 33 round magazines into Montoya's prized car - 9mm
Glock 32
Elite French Police Captain Damien Tomaso (Cyril Raffaelli) uses a Glock 32 - chambered for .357 sig. Since Glocks all look alike the only reference to this caliber is a French language article which mentions the actor using a 357 pistol. Since the character never touches a revolver or a Desert Eagle, and that this is a French movie with a French Armorer, I am assuming that his Glock is a Model 32.
Though Tomasos' pistol is supposed to be a compact G32 in some of the scenes he seems to be firing a subcompact Glock. Since he is using the same ammunition (in the movie) it should be the Subcompact Glock 33.
If you look at the scene where the guy drops the magazines down the air shaft, you can see good shots of the bullets. The one on the left looks like it could be a .357, but the one on the right looks a little broad, perhaps 10mm auto? Also, doesn't he fire ten shots (standard capacity for 10 mm auto)(I think its 9 for .357) after chambering a round?
This is film. You cannot use the number of shots fired to determine the accurate magazine capacity of anything in a movie. Editing either limits or greatly expands the 'magical number of rounds' that a firearm can fire.MoviePropMaster2008 13:21, 18 February 2012 (CST)
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe henchman in the back has a chopped down short barreled AR15/M16 full auto pistol based on the Rocky Mountain Patriot AR Pistol design, however it does not have a flat top receiver like the American pistol, but maintains the carry handle of the M16A1 upper receiver - 5.56mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingOne of Taha's henchmen tries to break in the door with an AR15 pistol - 5.56mm NATO
Two of K2's henchmen are armed with a Remington 870 Express: one fitted with a nickel plated finish and a sawed off version fitted with a muzzle break. One of Leito's guards has a sawn off version fitted with a taped foregrip and ribbed barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Field Gun with raised barrel ribbing and 28" barrel - 12 Gauge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of K2's thugs has a silver shotgun. Though one may think it's an 870 Marine Magnum, it is merely a Remington 870 Express "pimped out" with a nickel plated finish - 12gaError creating thumbnail: File missingOne of Leïtos's guards holds a taped up Remington 870 Express that has a ribbed barrel - 12ga. These types of barrels are not stock items with the 870 in riot configuration but can be purchased separately.
Ithaca Model 37 Stakeout
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIthaca 37 "Stakeout" Parkerized finish with Synthetic forearm - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingOne of K2's killers chases down Leïto with an Ithaca Model 37 stakeout with 18" barrel on his back - 12ga. Originally listed as a Mossberg, but the pistol grip upon closer inspection is the distinctive Ithaca Stakeout style. This type of firearm is ironically sold commercially as the "Homeland Security" Model 37.
Mossberg 500
Two leito's guards are armed with Mossberg 500: one a Persuader model and another one a 500AT model.
One of Taha's henchmen holds a AKS-74U style of weapon with a 5.56 waffle pattern magazine with an underfolding stock. It is most likely the Bulgarian Arsenal AR-SF since this SBR is available through mainstream channels of commerce in France. The rifle is available in 7.62x39mm and in 5.56x45mm NATO. The Bulgarian flash hider has been replaced with the classic Krinkov Flash hider/muzzle brake for the film.
Actually a "733 looking gun". Being a French film and the fact that French Armorers always do strange things with their guns, we see what looks like a Colt Model 733 Short barreled Assault rifle. However the barrel looks a little too long to be the 11" for the real 733 and too short to be the 14" for the 653, so it seems to be an intermediate length barrel (which means it's a custom barrel job from a real M16 carbine). It is seen briefly when Taha's men storm out of the building.
Since the only angle of this weapon is down the barrel it's hard to tell. It looks to be a .308 with a heavy barrel weight/muzzle brake mounted at the end. Possibly an FRF2.
M240Bs are used at gangland checkpoints and are also mounted on pickup trucks during a chase through the city. Being Europe these are most likely FN MAGs outfitted to look like M240B Machine guns (which have features that were requested by the U.S. Military).
The standard 40mm Grenade Launchers for the SIG series of Assault rifle are the GL 5040/GL 5041 launchers, built by Swiss Arms. These are seen attached to SIG SG551s throughout the film.
A French police officer carries a Deftech 37mm Tear Gas Launcher with top folding stock.Defense Technologies/Federal Laboratories launcher 37mm with folding stock