Jeepers Creepers: Difference between revisions
Jeepers Creepers: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Jeepers Creepers: Difference between revisions
* Several unknown revolvers are seen in the Police massing scenes, however, they appear to Smith & Wesson types, judging by frames and ejector shrouds.
* Several unknown revolvers are seen in the Police massing scenes, however, they appear to Smith & Wesson types, judging by frames and ejector shrouds.
[[Image:JC-REvolversA.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Mixed in with the Berettas and Shotguns are various Revolvers.]]
[[Image:JC-REvolversA.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Mixed in with the Berettas and Shotguns are various Revolvers.]]
[[Image:JC-CopsFireatCeilingA.jpg|thumb|none|500px|The State Troopers fire at the ceiling where the Creeper is crawling. Mixed in with the Berettas and Shotguns are various Revolvers.]]
[[Image:JC-CopsFireatCeilingA.jpg|thumb|none|500px|The deputies fire at the ceiling where the Creeper is crawling. Mixed in with the Berettas and Shotguns are various Revolvers.]]
The Cat Lady (Eileen Brennan) retrieves a double barreled shotgun from her house when she notices The Creeper posing in front of her scarecrow in the garden. She fires a shot at it but misses and it flees into her house, she then goes after it, fires two more shots from within before being killed by the Creeper. Apparently the shotgun was loaded with high explosive rounds judging by its effect on the scarecrow post.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing1960s Era Commercial Stevens hammerless side by side shotgun - 12 Gauge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Cat Lady (Eileen Brennan) gets her double barreled shotgun - 12 gauge. The make and model is very hard to determine as the scene is very dark and the firearm is often cropped below the frame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe resulting explosion created by the Cat Lady (Eileen Brennan) firing her double barreled shotgun - 12 gauge. The explosion of the shot blast is far greater than any capable by a shotgun, thus the quip about the "High Explosive Rounds".
Colt AR15 HBAR
Colt AR15 HBAR rifles (more likely being that they are police rather than Military) are used when the deputies don Riot gear and confront the Creeper at the films' conclusion.
Used by state police officers who are killed by The Creeper in their patrol car. The Model 1200 is also used later (with rifle sights) by the deputies at the County Sheriff's station.
A .357 Magnum Colt Trooper appears in the film several times, the first time in the holster of Trooper Gideon (Jon Beshara) and later at the County Sheriff's station. (These are educated guesses, gleaned from multiple viewings of the clips, however all the scenes with the revolvers are dark and hard to make out).
At least one Glock 17 is seen in the hands of a deputy sheriff.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Generation 2 Glock 17 in 9x19mm. This model added finger stepping and cuts to the backstrap of the frame to make it easier to hold than the Generation 1 model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA female deputy holds a Glock 17 while waiting for the Creeper - 9mm
Unknown Revolvers
Several unknown revolvers are seen in the Police massing scenes, however, they appear to Smith & Wesson types, judging by frames and ejector shrouds.