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X-Men Origins: Wolverine: Difference between revisions

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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As Victor charges the machine gun bunker, the [[Karabiner 98k]] is seen used by one of the German soldiers.
As Victor charges the machine gun bunker, the [[Karabiner 98k]] is seen used by one of the German soldiers.
[[Image:Karabiner-98K.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser]]
[[Image:Karabiner-98K.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser]]
[[Image:XMen Wolv 102.jpg|thumb|none|600px|]]
[[Image:XMen Wolv 102.jpg|thumb|none|600px|A German soldier in the background with the Kar98k before being disarmed by Howlett.]]

== M1 Garand ==
== M1 Garand ==

Revision as of 03:31, 9 April 2011

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

The following guns were used in the film X-Men Origins: Wolverine:


Beretta 92FS Inox

Agent Zero (Daniel Henney) uses a Beretta 92FS Inox fitted with a sound suppressor to shoot a cheap cigar in half while it is in Logan's (Hugh Jackman) mouth when he confronts him in Canada. Since the film takes place around the time of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident (1979), this handgun would appear to be anachronistic.

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Beretta 92FS Inox - 9mm.
Agent Zero with a sound suppressed Beretta 92FS Inox in a promotional image.
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Agent Zero shots Wolverines' cigar in half with a quick shot from his suppressed Beretta 92FS Inox.


Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) is seen with an M1911A1 in his holster while serving in Vietnam and many Vietnam War soldiers also have some holstered. Col. William Stryker (Danny Huston) intimidatingly flashes one in his holster when he has Kayla Silverfox (Lynn Collins) explain his plot to Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). Another soldier trying to make Victor stand down in the Vietnam War scene had an M1911A1 in hand.

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Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP.
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Sabretooth's M1911 holster.
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Sabretooth takes down a soldier with an M1911A1 in his left hand.

Ruger Redhawk

Col. Stryker (Danny Huston) uses a stainless Ruger Redhawk (not the newer Super Redhawk, as indicated by the ejector shroud) loaded with adamantium bullets to shoot Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) five times, two of which are fired into his skull, erasing his memory. One would think that Stryker would give this weapon to Agent Zero, since his super powers make him extremely efficient with firearms.

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Ruger Redhawk - .44 Magnum.
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Col. Stryker opens a case containing his Ruger Redhawk.
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Col. Stryker loads his revolver with adamantium bullets.

Taurus PT92

David North aka "Agent Zero" (Daniel Henney) carries two pairs of stainless Taurus PT92s in the film. In the scene in Africa, he reloads both his PT92s by throwing them in the air and inserting fresh mags as they fall, but the CGI had in one instance the slides are locked back, but by the time Zero inserts new mags, the slides were released and he continues to fire without racking the slide or pressing a release, as if he already had one in each chamber. These events appear to take place in the 1970's, making these handguns anachronistic.

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Taurus PT92 - 9mm.
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Agent Zero cleans his Taurus PT92.
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Zero pretending to surrender, but in reality, has 2 more PT92s strapped to his back.
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Agent Zero fires his Taurus PT92s at African soldiers.
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Zero shows off his unusual way of reloading his Taurus handguns.
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Agent Zero draws his Taurus PT92s.
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Note the frame mounted safety.
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Agent Zero fires his Taurus PT92s at Wolverine.

Submachine Guns

M1A1 Thompson

During the opening credits, James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) is seen using an M1A1 Thompson during the fighting in Normandy during WWII.

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M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP.
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The barrel of an M1A1 Thompson is seen to the right on the Higgins boat. Howlett is carrying one as well.
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Howlett chambers his Thompson.


Enfield Pattern 1853

During the opening credits, both James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) and Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) are seen carrying Enfield Pattern 1853 rifles as a Union soldiers during the Civil War. Several Union and Confederate soldiers are seen using Enfield rifles as well.

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British 1853 Enfield.
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Howlett and several other Union soldiers charge with Enfield Pattern 1853.
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Howlett gets shot while armed with a Enfield Pattern 1853 in the civil war.
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Howlett and Victor/Sabretooth run together with Enfield Pattern 1853.

Mauser Gewehr 1898

A German soldier during WWI shoots Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) with a Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifle. James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) briefly grabs one and tosses it in the air for Victor to use as a melee weapon while fighting "back-to-back" in the trenches.

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm.
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Victor grabs a Mauser Gewehr 1898 in mid-air.

Springfield 1903

Both James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) and Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) are armed with the M1903 Springfield while fighting in the trenches during World War I.

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Springfield 1903 - .30-06.
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Howlett takes out two German riflemen with his M1903 Springfield.


As Victor charges the machine gun bunker, the Karabiner 98k is seen used by one of the German soldiers.

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Karabiner 98k - German manufacture 1937 date - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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A German soldier in the background with the Kar98k before being disarmed by Howlett.

M1 Garand

As James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) and Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) storm the beaches in WWII, some of the soldiers that accompany them are armed with M1 Garands.

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M1 Garand - .30-06.
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Several men on the LCI (Landing Craft, Infantry) are armed with M1 Garands.
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Soldiers running through heavy fire with M1 Garands in their hands.

M1 Carbine

Some of the men serving with Howlett are seen using M1 Carbines during WWII.

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M1 Carbine - .30 Carbine.
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The soldier to the left is armed with an M1 Carbine.
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A few soldiers during the Normandy invasion with M1 Carbines.


US soldiers during Vietnam hold up Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) with M16A1s after he kills his commanding officer. When he and Howlett (Hugh Jackman) are tied up to posts and shot by a firing squad, they too are using M16A1s. During both of these sequences, the M16A1's are fitted with 30 round magazines, which is not entirely inaccurate for the time period, but not likely for the units depicted.

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M16A1 - 5.56x45mm.
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A U.S. soldier executes Howlett and Creed with his M16A1, but both of them survived the volley fire.
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M16A1 with 30 Round magazine.
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Victor takes out a soldier armed with the M16A1 with the 30 round magazine.


During the opening credits, one of the US soldiers in Vietnam is seen aiming an M14 Rifle at Howlett and Creed.

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M14 rifle - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A soldier behind Howlett pointing his M14 at both Howlett and Creed.

Heckler & Koch G36K with AG36 Grenade Launcher

John Wraith (Will I Am) is seen with a Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with a Heckler & Koch AG36 Grenade Launcher during the assault in Nigeria. This mission appears to take place in the 1970's and since the G36K was not introduced until the 1990s, the weapon seen here would be anachronistic (unless the team had access to prototype weapons).

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Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with AG36 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm/40mm.
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John Wraith (Will I Am) is seen with the anachronistic Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with a Heckler & Koch AG36 Grenade Launcher


Nigerian soldiers seen during the first Department H mission in the film use AKMs to fire on the team.

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AKM - 7.6239mm.
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African soldiers are accidently shot by an DSHk gunner while holding AKMs and AKMSs.

Norinco Type 56

Norinco Type 56 rifles are used by Nigerian soldiers as well as Stryker's men on the island.

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Norinco Type 56 (Imported into the U.S. as the Norinco AKS-47 or AKS-47 Sporter) - 7.62x39mm. Rather than having the underfolder pig sticker Bayonet assembly, this has the standard Bayonet lug underneath the gas block as the AKM and later variants.
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A Nigerian guard holding a Norinco is surprised of Wade's super powers.
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One of Stryker's men fires his Norinco at the mutants.


Some Nigerian soldiers also use the folding stock AKMS. Many members of the team have them slung over their backs, including James Howlett (Hugh Jackman), John Wraith (Will I Am), and Chris Bradley (Dominic Monaghan).

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AKMS - 7.62x39mm.
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An African soldier with an AKMS before Wade Wilson kills him.
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Chris Bradley (Dominic Monaghan) holds an AKMS as the team holds some villagers at gunpoint.
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John Wraith (Will I Am) on the left holds the AKMS.
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James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) with his slung AKMS as he confronts Victor.

Colt Model 733

James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) is seen armed with a Colt Model 733 while serving in Vietnam in 1974. This gun was not available at the time and is anachronistic (the Colt XM177 would have been more accurate).

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Colt Model 733 - 5.56x45mm.
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Howlett in Vietnam with an erroneous Colt Model 733. Note the Brass Deflector on the Receiver, which is not featured in any XM177 variants.
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Howlett with his Colt M733.
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Howlett with the Colt M733 as he fights the U.S. soldiers attacking Victor.

Machine Guns

Browning M2HB

A Humvee in hot pursuit of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) fires a Browning M2HB at him as he drives away on a motorcycle. Wolverine then does a hard turn and flips the Humvee with his claws. One of the guns he destroys by chopping off the barrel with his claws, while another he uses to fire at the helicopter before it is destoyed by a rocket. The Browning M2HB is also seen mounted on the Higgins boat in the opening credits.

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Browning M2HB - .50 BMG.
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A military personel fires a Browning M2HB at Wolverine as he drives away on a motorcycle.
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When Wolverine flips the Humvee, the Browning M2HB is visible.
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Wolverine prepares to fire the Browning M2HB.

Browning Automatic Rifle

Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) uses a Browning Automatic Rifle during D-Day before taking an MG34 from a German bunker.

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Browning Automatic Rifle .30-06
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Victor storms the beaches of Normandy armed with a BAR on the left.
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Victor about to enter the Normandy beach with his Browning Automatic Rifle in hand.

Browning M1919A4

The Browning M1919A4 machine gun is seen mounted on LVT's that transport James and Victor before storming the beaches in World War II.

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Browning M1919A4 on M2 tripod - .30-06
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The Browning M1919A4 machine gun is seen firing behind James and Victor as they storm the beach.

DShK Heavy Machine Gun

A Nigerian soldier opens fire with a DShK heavy machine gun on Team X during the assault on the compound. The DShK here does not appear to be the common Browning M2 mockup seen in most films.

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DShK heavy machine gun - 12.7x109mm.
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A Nigerian soldier opens fire with a DShK heavy machine gun on Team X during the assault on the compound.
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A bullet from Agent Zero's Taurus causes the gunner to accidentally take down his own men.

GE M134 Minigun

The helicopter in pursuit of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) has a pintle-mounted GE M134 Minigun, which the gunner uses in an attempt to kill him. The sound effect of the gun firing is far too slow for its actual cyclic rate (in fact, they use the same sound report when depicting the M2HB firing!).

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General Electric M134 with first pattern spade grip mount and crosshair sights. Note the lack of flash supressor and three disked barrel cluster.
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The GE M134 Minigun on the side of the helicopter.
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The GE M134 Minigun is in the hands of a helicopter gunner.
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The gunner fires his GE M134 Minigun at Wolverine. Note that the sound effect of the M2HB is used here, despite that the minigun's rate of fire surpasses this.

M60 Machine Gun

Victor Creed/Sabretooth (Liev Schreiber) is seen firing an M60 machine gun from the side of a helicopter when he serves in the Vietnam War. Several of the Vietnam troops carry these also. Blob (Kevin Durand) is seen with an M60 when the team holds some villagers at gunpoint.

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M60 Machine Gun - 7.62x51mm NATO.
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Sabretooth fires his M60 Machine Gun.
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The soldier on the far left aims his M60 at Victor and Wolverine.
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Blob (Kevin Durand) is seen with an M60 when the team holds some villagers at gunpoint.


Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber) is seen taking an MG34 off a mounting and using it against Nazis in a bunker on D-Day.

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MG34 - 7.92x57mm.
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A German gunner fires his MG34 at U.S. soldiers.
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Victor Creed fires his MG34 at the retreating German gunners.


12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun

Thomas Logan (Aaron Jeffery) uses a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun to kill John Howlett (Peter O'Brien) at the film's start. The old man who takes in James Howlett (Hugh Jackman) after he is turned into Weapon X also uses a side-by-side when he searches for him in his barn. One is also seen in the African's desk as he tries about to grab it to shoot Stryker and his team until Wraith pushes his hand away.

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Charles Parker 1878 shotgun - 12 Gauge.
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The African about to reach for his shotgun.
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An old man searching his barn with his shotgun.

Sniper Rifles

SVD Dragunov

David North/Agent Zero (Daniel Henney) uses an SVD Dragunov during the confrontation with Logan at the barn.

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SVD Dragunov - 7.62x54R.
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David North/Agent Zero (Daniel Henney) uses an SVD Dragunov during the confrontation with Logan at the barn.
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Agent Zero with his Dragunov as he calls in air support.

See Also

X-Men Series