Talk:Army of Two: The 40th Day: Difference between revisions
Talk:Army of Two: The 40th Day: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:Army of Two: The 40th Day: Difference between revisions
The Mosin-Nagant 91-30 is in the game as the "Grand Pinger", and is the result of a *chan member getting really lucky in his trolling. It features a backwards detachable Dragunov Magazine. My friend actually designed it, while I put 10 serious designs in.-protoAuthor 22:11, 7 January 2010 (UTC)
I attempted to put a 'no effort' tag on this page since it's just a laundry list of guns with no screenshots, links, or info, but wasn't able to for some reason. I'm getting really tired of people making half-assed pages. If you're going to make a page, put forth some freaking effort! Orca1 9904 23:43, 7 January 2010 (UTC)
full pages with lots of pics and infotake ages to make. i just made black mesa: source and it took me an hour. although i didhave to upload all of the pics
Also keep in mind that this game isn't out yet, and we have no real solid info on the guns in the game aside from screenshots.
i played the psp demo ofthis andyou really cant tell what guns are on it
That gun will probably not be put in the main article for the same reason that the alien guns from District 9 were not put in. IMFDB has a policy regarding 'fantasy guns.' If the gun is not based on a real life working gun (I.E. the Morita rifle from Starship Troopers) then it shouldn't get put in the main article. Yes, true, it is based on about 5 different guns, I highly doubt that there is a working version of this gun. Here's the picture so that all of you can look on in disbelief:
I will briefly describe this weapon. From the looks of it they took the stock and grip from a shotgun and the rest from a Mosin-Nagant (dunno which one and don't care). The flash hinderer looks like one of those fake ones you see from time to time. It has a EOTECH Holosight mounted in front of a backward ACOG scope and a backwards mounted Druganov magazine and magazine release. It also has a backwards forward grip and what appears to be two backwards flashlight. The paint ball hopper that is located behind the bolt action is supposed to hold explosive pellets which somehow move in front of the bullet when loaded/selected, which I guess would work considering the bullets being loaded would be pointing towards the user anyway. This was chosen by the design team as one of two winners in a gun design contest. This is what you get when you have a lego with guns concept. The other gun selected as the winner is below, but is not stupid looking or impossible:
It fires 7.62x39mm ammo and what is reported to be an underslung shotgun (a la masterkey system) which looks more like a 40mm MGL and is fed via the drum magazine. For more information on both guns you can go to, which is the official site for the announcement of the contest winners and where the pictures came from. --Gunkatas 05:07, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
Oh, man, I remember that fight. 7.62x39 not being a precision round, mag doesn't reach the barrel, no ejection port. At least the Grand Pinger was made to be stupid.-protoAuthor 05:58, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
the version of the grand pinger shown in the demo looks a little more reasonable. instead of the holosight and ACOG it has a standard scope, the grip is moved further up the barrel and is integrated into a realy small greanade launcher that somehow perfectly fits under the barrel. the paint ball hopper has been completely removed and the bolt has been switched to a mosin nagant sniper bolt.-- 23:18, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
If you go to the youtube video you can see the S8-Z "Grand Pinger" around the 1:08-1:09 mark (you will have to fast click on the pause/play button to step forward to it. It is after the M107 and before the SVD Dragunov) -Ranger01
In Game Images
I've dropped a message to the person who made this page. While currently there is little information on the game...I am planning on repeating what i did for the first Army of two. Right now we don't have much in game information so all that can be done is the pictures of known real life weapons. Rockwolf66 02:08, 8 January 2010 (UTC)
Glock 18
I don't know what whoever is responsible for Actually....its a glock 18, glock 18's come from the factory with two seventeen round magazines and as far as the selector switch, the earlier generations came without on on the slide. Just figured I'd let you know is talking about. I've never heard of select-fire Glock 18s without the selector switch on the slide. If there's no switch, then it's not an 18, it's another model (usually a 17) being incorrectly displayed as having select fire. Atypicaloracle 15:50, 17 June 2010 (UTC)
Lego gun mode ?
Should we add a small trivia note about the ludicrous gun customisation ? A few exemples with screenshots would be nice.-- 09:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
how to get the glock?
I can´t find it.--Flavio 22:49, 8 February 2011 (UTC)
You gotta go through around a third of the game making only good moralty choices. BeardedHoplite 03:15, 9 February 2011 (UTC)