Goodfellas: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Goodfellas: Difference between revisions
Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) pistol-whips Bruce (Mark Evan Jacobs) with a snub nosed Smith & Wesson Model 36, which he gives to Karen (Lorraine Bracco) to hide. Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci) keeps a Model 36 snub as his personal weapon, notably using it during the killing of Billy Batts (Frank Vincent) and wounding Spider (Michael Imperioli). Jimmy Conway (Robert De Niro) uses a Model 36 snub to fire the fatal bullets into Billy Batts. During the poker games, both Tommy's Model 36 snub and his M1911A1 can be seen with the Model 36 snub tucked into his left waist band and the M1911A1 hanging from his right side. This is accurate as the real Tommy DeSimmone was known as "Two Gun" Tommy (for obvious reasons).
Tommy DeVito (Joe Pesci) uses this M1911A1 style pistol to kill Spider (Michael Imperioli) in the bar card game scene. He later uses a suppressed M1911A1 with a Commander-style hammer to kill Stacks Edwards (Samuel L. Jackson). Tommy is killed by a mob assassin with a 1911 when he is told he is going to get made.
Karen Hill (Lorraine Bracco) wakes Henry (Ray Liotta) up from a nap with a snub-nosed Smith & Wesson Model 64 in his face after finding out he's been cheating on her. It is clearly marked as .38 Special on the barrel.
In some shots of Karen Hill (Lorraine Bracco) holding the gun on Henry, it turns into a nickel Smith & Wesson Model 36 as noted by its 5-round cylinder. Henry then takes it from her and threatens her with it.
A 9 mm Browning Hi-Power pistol is seen in the hands of an undercover cop who arrests Henry Hill during the 1980 drug bust. Henry also has one in the bag of weapons he takes to Jimmy.
Henry (Ray Liotta) carries around a Heckler & Koch P9S in the gun bag during the 'Helicopter Paranoia' sequence. It is one of the guns which Jimmy (Robert De Niro) is unable to affix a suppressor onto.
A .22 caliber Smith & Wesson Escort is among the guns that Henry transports around during the helicopters scene. Jimmy is unable to fit a suppressor onto it and gives it back to Henry.
Henry (Ray Liotta) holds an Astra Constable as he sleeps with his wife after being released from jail. He later is seen holding it when Karen pulls up on the driveway crying.