Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops: Difference between revisions
Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops: Difference between revisions
I'm not one to complain too much about the achronisms, but I do care when things don't make funtional sense, like that the AR's sling, which for some reason is wrapped all around the gun, is stuck UNDER THE BOLT CATCH. It's not like they don't understand it's a funtional part of the gun, cause every AR varient in every COD that's had them has the empty reload where you press the catch... Also I noticed on the non-empty reloads the AR just kinda dips out of the screen and moves a bit then comes back up loaded, you don't see the mag, same goes for the .357; THAT'S lazy... [[User:Alex T Snow|Alex T Snow]] 22:05, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
I'm not one to complain too much about the achronisms, but I do care when things don't make funtional sense, like that the AR's sling, which for some reason is wrapped all around the gun, is stuck UNDER THE BOLT CATCH. It's not like they don't understand it's a funtional part of the gun, cause every AR varient in every COD that's had them has the empty reload where you press the catch... Also I noticed on the non-empty reloads the AR just kinda dips out of the screen and moves a bit then comes back up loaded, you don't see the mag, same goes for the .357; THAT'S lazy... [[User:Alex T Snow|Alex T Snow]] 22:05, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
Where are these gameplay videos coming from? Is it E3?--[[User:FIVETWOSEVEN|FIVETWOSEVEN]] 22:25, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
There should be M72 LAWs, M60s and M14s. cause this is Vietnam baby!
Nah. They just arent cool enough for Treyarch. And if they will add those weapons - They will all have RIS rails, scopes, lasers, GL attachemnts, silencers.... --Werc 11:16, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
I'm sure you will also be able to pick up laser weapons and crap like that. SargeOverkill
Added E3 screens - .357 Python and AR15 .
Fake Mil Mi-24 "Hind" Gunship
Anyone noticed that ? That "Hind" isnt modelled after REAL Hind. They used Red Dawn´s fake hinds as reference. Oh god, why ?
Maybe it's just supposed to be a Hind-A? [1] --funkychinaman 17:41, 14 June 2010 (UTC)
Well, damn. I totally forget about A series. Damn, damn. Now im some dumb...uh ? *THUMBS DOWN FOR ME*
But when the player climbs into the Hind, it has the seats in line one after another, not side by side, so they just did it wrong.
We all know about these weapons and there devolpment date. Possibly this game could be set in a later date, you know, "Clean up" missions, finishing some unfinished business years after the war, or missions strung out through time.
Not an AK-47
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the mag isn't curved enough to be a 7.62x39 mag? It could be a -74 prototype, without the flash hider. Given the time frame, this may make sense.
Thanks for that, I also didn't note it before. It looks to be a WASR-2/3.--SB2296 16:19, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
This game seems to have a lot of rendering issues when it comes to the guns Excalibur01 16:40, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
OMG it is damn videogame for god's sake, the guns aren't real and are nothing more than 3d drawings -of course they aren't going to be exactly like such and such gun. --AdAstra2009 17:08, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
3D drawning ? Hell, that would be interesting. And GTFO, this is firearms site and YES, we care about reality. --Werc 17:44, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for pointing that out. We are a gun site and we pay attention to details. Excalibur01 18:24, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
Well guess what, THESE ARENT GUNS!!! They aren't effing real they are nothing more than 3d models that someone threw together in 3DS MAX or whatever the hell they use so of course its not going to be up to every detail, That's why I don't do VG pages anymore--AdAstra2009 19:47, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
You appear to have missed the point of this website...
AsAstra, the point that I don't think you're understanding, is that even if they're merely three dimensional renderings of the guns, and not the guns themselves, we should try to be as correct as possible. If something says that it's an Ak-74, but actually looks more like a different gun, we should call it the different gun, so as not to confuse anyone new to the site. Acora 15:53, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
On the topic of the AK, knowing video game developers the AK being used by the Vietcong will most likely be the same one in those snow picks. I don't think we can call it a 47 right of the bat.ShaDow XPS
It just cant be DPM. Lok - It totally doesnt have ironsights - And MAG isnt on top. + Its very unlikely some guy will cary Spas12 and Degtyarev. I just think its some AK type - Or it may be some different gun, but it isnt Degtyarev.
You may keep it there, but it will be false information.
This page really needs a cleanup or a deletion.
There is also too much informal talk on the page itself, infact all of it is. --AdAstra2009 04:47, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
Moved from main page--AdAstra2009 04:49, 2 May 2010 (UTC)
Another unknown M16 family gun. But this one seems more like Armalite AR-10 A4
Also the AR10 is a civilian gun right? So why would special forces like that guy above be holding it? I personally think its an M16(either A1 or A2) with a scope attached to its carrying handle/iron sight.
It's a strange AR-15 Carbine with a flat top Excalibur01 04:20, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
AR-10 is not necessarily civilian. It is entirely possible that SOF would use one.
I think is not AR10.AR10 use .308 or 7.62x51mm round and the magazine large and short than AR15.Tanarmy
Its uselles to keep AR-10 discussion here. We all know its that ankward AR-15 or XM177 or whatever.
Un-identified guns
Error creating thumbnail: File missingUn-identified gun 1 : Possibly MP5 or G3.Un-identified gun 2 : I totally dont know.But it may be some russian one.Un-identified gun 4 : Its hard to tell which gun this one is, but it looks like Beretta AR-70/223 or Daewoo K2. I think that this gun could be any gun I see and AK there but it could be a siper rifle for all we know
As to the first unknown gun, it's too short to be a G3, so I believe it's an MP5. Acora 01:50, 4 May 2010 (UTC)
From the looks of it, it might be an RPK-74. Note the 45-round banana mag and the flash suppressor.
The "RPK" and the "Valmet" are the same guns - look carefully at the screenshot. Given that the 7.62mm AK-47 appears in game and the timeline, I'm gonna say that it's not an RPK-74, but a 7.62x39mm RPK or one made to look like a Valmet for some reason. Maybe Treyarch modelers are using 80's action movies as a reference for their RPK model. *shakes head*
No. Look on that "RPK" an you will see typical RPK stock. Look on "Valmet" and you will see it doesnt look like Valmet :)--Werc 03:53, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
Look at the front of the Valmet trigger guard. Now look at that same exact place on the "Valmet" in the game picture. Different. There is no Valmet, it's an RPK.
Moved "Unknown LMG" stuff to the RPK-74 section. Whoever posted those images under there originally failed to notice the way the RPK-74 front sight is canted compared to the Valmet. --HashiriyaR32 14:18, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
In the title screen there is a soldier holding a 1911 i believe it also says something on the side.
It says "Sally" on the slide.
The 1911 looks more like the first and not the A1, look at the ejection port.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:17, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
Here's to hoping it's 1911s will be in the arsenal in multi-player, and not the tease in MW2 -- 07:13, 1 June 2010 (UTC)JanG
Upcoming CoD,what what what?!
-- 02:31, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
good decision
As well as Weapon customization there will also be a character customization feature.
- That game is gonna be just awesome. Character customization ? Damn, just in R6:V style (ha-ha)
Custom characters? hell yeah --Yocapo32 00:38, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
i agree with that customization policy, i liked how in R6V2 they did that, and i can only hope they bring back CoD4s M4A1 Grenadier back, and i also completely agree with the historic battle/ war thing as compared to a (***Spoiler) nuclear warfare and a domestic terrorist plot, i would much rather see Black Hawk Down pop up in a newer game as opposed to Vietnam, but i would settle for a Operation Acid Gambit type game also.
Customizable characters in a game where... you can't actually see the character? FAIL.
Customizable characters in game where will be 3rd person mode, and where other players can see it ? Your post fail.
When did Black Ops become third person? Spartan198 00:42, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
It isn't. He's saying that other characters will see your 3rd person form. Also, it's noteworthy that MW2 DID have third person mode.
So then I've gotta agree. Character customization in a game where you can't actually see your guy seems like a fail to me, too. It's not like anybody in MP is really gonna stop shooting at you to say "hey, cool guy, what kind of vest is that?" And how do I activate this third person mode in MW2? Spartan198 06:50, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
Well, i dont know. But what about trying "3RD PERSON" in "Play" screen ?
I think it's hilarious how people are whinig about the customization... Go play R6. Custom characters work in FPS games.
Yeah, i bought R6:V2 not so long ago and its amazing. I think that game has best character customization ever. Its only pity you cant do anything with your teammates.
R6V also has a cover system where you can actually see the guy/girl you're playing as, a third person mode cheat, and player characters who actually have voices and speak rather than being mutes with no form of personality whatsoever, none of which Black Ops has. I simply think character customization is unnecessary. That's not whining, it's called having an opinion". Spartan198 06:09, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
How does the post fail it was an update its not like i'm wrong. its not like i said there would be some sort of Grizzly Bear cannon. it was a NEWS UPDATE!!! THINK next time a stupid comment is thought by yourself.
Also heres the ANSWER the other players can see you just like AVP. so thats how customization comes in handy. moviemaster1993
First off, I never said your post failed. That was your response to me, smart ass. I was commenting on a feature of the game I think is unnecessary, something I'm fully allowed to do. You aren't the lord of opinions around here. Second, comparing Rainbow Six to Call of Duty is about as much of a failure as one can accomplish. Lastly, who the hell cares if another player can see you? I wouldn't be customizing my character for other people, just like other people aren't going to be customizing their characters for me. It's not like everybody's gonna stop shooting and comment on every other player's individual character, is it? The only stupid comments on here are coming from you. Spartan198 10:30, 9 June 2010 (UTC)
You think they're putting that in there to copy MW2?
No I think they're doing it to fulfill their MP5 quota. MW2 wasn't the first game to feature the MP5K, broski.-protoAuthor 00:23, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
I don't know about that. They also have an AUG in the game and a SPAS-12. Not a coincidence that MW2 also has these. Excalibur01 04:19, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
- Heh. Spas and AUG were in tons of other games. --Werc 05:18, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
But THIS game is directly part of the COD franchise. It's a bit repetitive to show guns that has been in previous games. Well ok WWII games don't count because they cant help having the same guns, but this is supposed to be Treyarch's turn at making a new game, but so far, none of the weapons are new. What about instead of the SPAS-12, we get an 870, or instead of the AUG, we get...any other bullpup rifle of the time. Excalibur01 05:36, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
I derinitely think they're putting the MP5k in to copy MW2. They could have put in any other variant of the MP5, variants that weren't in prototype stage and would probably be more combat effective, but they went with the k variant. That said I don't think it's any coincidence the SPAS-12 and AUG is in there either.
Well, Treyarch apparently didnt start copying first. MW2´s specops get idea fairly sure from WaW´s coop system :D
The latest issue of the official xbox magazine says that they originally had planned on having co-op throughout the entire campaign in MW2, but cut it because it messed with the narrative. Or, it would've been way too fun. --funkychinaman 13:06, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
the AUG was stupid in the game, no1 in USSOCOM uses that gun
Would you mind telling what do you have against bullpup designs, beside "the looks"?--WhiteSlift 11:58, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
Heh. MP5k get into service 20 years after Vietnam war. There was only prototype in latest parts pf Vietnam war. MAC10 or UZI would be much more realistic in hands of US soldiers. Atleast much more than prototype gun. --Werc 06:49, 23 May 2010 (UTC)
"MP5K get into service 20 years after Vietnam war"...the MP5K isn't that new. Considering that the war ended in 1975, and the MP5K was introduced in 1976, you are way off.--Phillb36 01:30, 10 June 2010 (UTC)
true why would they be carrying a Prototype in to combat
Because it's a video game that doesn't care about accuracy and realism. I mean what loser actually waits until Picatinny rails to be invented? Go ahead and put them on your rifle in Nam, it's the new trend.
Why are you complaining about the AUG in particular, I mean USSOCOM doesn't use it? Yeah, well they sure as hell don't use the deagle or the AA12 or the FAMAS but I don't see you complaining
"I mean what loser actually waits until Picatinny rails to be invented?" Picatinny rails have been around since 1913, broski.
Not in their modern version, Broseph Stalin.
What the hell is up with this AR-15 Carbine?
It looks like a 733, but at the same time, not since it also has a flat top, but the scenes in the trailer that showed this rifle is assumed to be Vietnam era, so a flat top AR-15 shouldn't exist at the time much less a rail system for it. Also the same AR also has a rear iron sight on the flat top. This doesn't make sense Excalibur01 04:18, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
- I think its XM177, but customized way to much. Its mucb more possible that Treyarch just failed. I think they just added rail system/flat top just because MP. You know, attachments. --Werc 05:18, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
It cannot be an XM177 if it has a flattop receiver. Those did not exist when the XM177s were introduced. The flash hider is also Vortex, not the XM177-type. The game's 3D artists might have been ignorant about what AR carbines existed at the time. But that is not an XM177. Not by a long shot. -MT2008 05:23, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
I think the game's 3D rendering tech was mostly like stone because it's the 60s and 70s, but the trailer animation is horrible! I could barely tell what was going on and the weapon details are no where like MW2. Say what you want about MW2 when it comes to consistencies, but at least they can render their weapons correctly. My first upload of that funky AR-15 shows the handguard as this polygon like thing. And did flat top receivers exist during Nam? Excalibur01 05:34, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
And did flat top receivers exist during Nam?
No, not at all. My recollection is that the Colt ACR (introduced in the 1980s) was the first AR-type rifle to feature a flattop receiver. Even though the ACR was a bust, flattops were subsequently carried over into future AR generations. -MT2008 05:39, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
With these seemingly anachronistic flat top recievers and flip up sights I think this game is headed towards failure. Seems like they're taking the MW2 route and making their "balanced" and cosmetically changed multiplayer weapons also appear in single player. I hope by some miracle they don't or else they don't get my money.
And here I remember talking to my brother about how they can fuck up the M16 by either putting A2s or burst A1s, but this is WAY over there in the incorrect area. Haven't they seen any Nam movies? Excalibur01 15:03, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Excalibur01 - or use five minutes just f-i-v-e f**king minutes of their time and try to google some Vietnam-era photos. Or they could hire someone with at least basic knowledge of era background and weaponery. You know, they spent money on countless other things. But I guess that Call of Duty is now like B-rated action movies. Make as many as you can and don't worry about the quality. Nobody gives a s*it about how it looks like or if it is correct as far as it would look cool and geek teen age kiddos would pay the money so they could play multiplayer on their lagging net servers. [Ragnar - 22:25, 19 May 2010]
Hopefully they at least have the M16 have full auto instead of burst, would make it more fun that way. I did read that this isn't taking place in vietnam on yahoo news which probably is incorrect but this is ridulous of the weapons they are putting in.--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:48, 20 May 2010 (UTC)
I read an IGN article that it'll take place throughout the Cold War, from the end of Nam to Cuba and also Princess Gates London Excalibur01 03:17, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
I researched the history of picatinny rails, turns out Treyarch may have actually done very good research. This is what I found: "The MIL-STD-1913 standard was developed out of efforts during the M16A1 Product Improvement Program which eventually resulted in the M16A2. One of the abandoned ideas was a receiver with a built-in rail. In the 1970s, Rock Island Arsenal experimented with a sniper AR-10 with a Weaver rail. In Vietnam, the Model 656 had a built-in rail." Source:
I don't know about you guys, but I'm now willing to believe the rails on this AR (Model 656?) isn't a goof at all.
Well, its always good to know new thing :) But i think it still wasnt regular Vietnam equipment. And i also think there wont be even M16 or M16A1 ingame.-- 04:35, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
True, it wasn't regular Vietnam equipment. But these aren't regular soldiers either. These guys are top secret black ops, higher than tier one operators. They can use any weapon in the world, even ones that are in secret development. And you're probably right, I doubt there'll be an M16, simply because these experimental ARs look cooler, have a bit of mystery around them, and can accept multiple attachments. But I wouldn't be surprised if they name the rifles M16.
The model 656 looked like this:
It was just an early M16 with an early style rail system. So far, I have not found images of a Carbine with these types of rails, experimental or not. Rails were not on the forefront of military minds before the 90s. The military didn't even decided to put rails on the M16 until a decade after the M4 came out. And even the Model 656 rails were not on a flat top receiver like the ones on an M4. Excalibur01 13:57, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
Aw crap, there goes my theory. Looks like it's back to just being a Treyarch fail.
I'm not one to justify inaccuracy in videogames but, the upper receiver on the 656 could easily be swapped with that of an AR-15 carbine. --AdAstra2009 00:50, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Sure...but the one we see in the game is not the same rail receiver as the one the 656 has. It has a flat top like an M4 Excalibur01 02:22, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
I just noticed that the front sight isn't removed when an optic attachment is present, an improvement over other COD games. Maybe Treyarch realized an AR would be bolt-action if the gas block was removed.
Low-profile gas block is not visible from first-person perspective. And 3-d person gun models were made as low-poly as possible to minimise system loads(this was crucial because games was intended for Xbox in first place)
Who know CAR-15 with rear flip up sight use in vietnam war? I see a south vietnam flag in picture.Tanarmy
No. Though, prototype flat-top receiver and flip-up like on your screen could be possible, but it just doesn't look authentic to the time period. I wouldn't mind if they put in something like Model 656(pictured above). But they really need to get rid of that modern-looking AR.
Hey, it's a game, not a history lesson. It's all about fun and style and so. I do like a realistic movie or game, but I don't hate a game just because the artists created something they think it's better this way. Nobody complains when a director sums up a car ride that would take 1 hour in real life in one scene in the movie, or when he puts the light where the sun can never be just to make it look good, but when someone puts a cool looking AUG in a game set before 1977, because it looks cool, or creates his own creative vision of an AR-15 everyone freaks out. All the time you hear people say "They should have done better research!" or "They don't know anything about history!", but maybe the did research, and they know history, and they discussed it and decided that they want to create something own, because they feel it fits better in their creative work than what real life history can give them.
Yeah, you are right. Now we need M1 Abrahams tank in some Napoleonic Wars strategy. Cause that tank is just cool - right ? Or maybe M4 Carbine in WW2 shooter ?--Werc 16:28, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Treyarch is legally obligated to keep the timeline from going beyond Vietnam. [2] If that means they have to cheat a bit regarding the weapons, I'm willing to give them some leeway. Let's face it, we're probably the only people who truly care anyway. None of these inaccuracies are going to keep any of us from buying this game when it comes out and playing the heck out of it. --funkychinaman 16:41, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Well, msot of CoD players wont even recognize M16 and M4 or HK416. So yep - We are maybe only ones who care about it :/ --Werc 16:44, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
And mind you, Treyarch is the same developer that had Japanese troops using suppressed MP40s with reflex sights in WaW. Oh, and a RAY GUN TO SHOOT ZOMBIES. That being said, I was devastated when I found out that MW2 wouldn't have zombies, and I'll be even more devastated if BO doesn't have them. IMHO, zombies was the best part of WaW. --funkychinaman 17:39, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
And IW had OMOH with FN2000´s and IMI Tavor´s - So whats the difference :D Hope zombies will be includeProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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Ok the Zombie thing in WaW was a side game. It's not part of the "story". If the zombies and the ray gun appeared in the actual missions, then we'd called bullshit but with a smile cause zombies are awesome to fight. The suppressors and red dot sights were for multiplayer to compete with COD4 at the time, so those don't count. We're talking historically accurate, period piece weapons. It's like we do a game taking place during the Civil War but we all got 1911s as handguns and M1 Garands as rifles. Excalibur01 03:22, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
You're telling me you wouldn't play a Civil War game where you can use an M1 Garand? ;)True, they tried that with Darkest of Days, but it was terribly done. And second, you CAN get the ray gun for one of the campaign missions, and it is awesome. (You can take down a tank with two shots.) But I know what you're getting at. I'm just saying we shouldn't let the nitty gritty get in the way of good gameplay, especially since Treyarch already has one hand legally tied behind their backs. Would they want to make a Modern Warfare-like game set in present day or the near future? Sure, but they can't, they're legally handcuffed to inflexible historical fact. Besides, no game has ever gotten its weapons exactly right. We have an entire generation of kids who believe an M1 Garand can't be reloaded without firing the entire clip, or it has less stopping power than a K98K. I won't lose any sleep if BO has AR-15s with flat top receivers, but I will if the game sucks. --funkychinaman 06:34, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
You know if there gonna screw this game why don't the just add a bunch of laser guns or crap. I mean i could understand if the weapons in the game where off, but i have a feeling this game is going to be a cluster F***
We're basing a lot on two trailers and some scanned images from a magazine 5.5 months from release. I'm going to reserve judgment until I actually play it or at least hear from people who have actually played it. Treyarch has little to lose here. If it's great, people will praise them, if it's not, people already think they're the Fredo Corleone to IW's Michael Corleone in the Activision family. --funkychinaman 05:40, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
And while we're here, we've been talking about how the angle of the AK mag is slightly off, but is anyone else annoyed that if you do a tactical reload and drop half a mag, those rounds in the discarded mag magically go back into your ammo stockpile and you don't lose them? This has been true in 99.7% of all FPS's I've ever played. Gamers have accepted the idea of the consequence-free tactical reload for over a decade now. --funkychinaman 05:40, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
You're right it's a crying shame. Not only because it's more accurate when the game keeps track of ammo in specific mags but it also adds another challenge and element of strategy. I also enjoy the one game I've played that keeps track of the +1 round in your gun when you reload. I wish more games were like that. Sad thing is I don't see COD heading in the right direction ever again.
The one time I saw them do the tactical reload correctly was... Navy SEALs Quake, a mod for Quake II. Yes, it was a mod made by amateurs over ten years ago. The big game companies aren't doing it right because they don't want to. I remember the first time I played a game that had different animations for reloading with a round in the chamber and one without. Operation Winback on the N64, also ten years ago. It was a nice touch. --funkychinaman 13:48, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
But we arent complaining here about animation and bullet system, damn. We are critising look of those guns ! That stramge XM177/AR15 hybrid was seen many times in reveal trailer, so we can judge it. And it failed. Its still better when you have realistic gun without realistic ammo system than crazy-unrealistic looking gun with realistic ammo system. --Werc 12:06, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
I don't think it'd be that hard to replace the skin. Black didn't give a damn about realism, but it was still enjoyable as hell. The way I see it, ultimately, it's just a game, to be played because it's fun, not as an interactive history lesson. If you want accuracy, watch the Military Channel or actually go out to the range. --funkychinaman 13:48, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
Well, it doesnt have to be "interactive history lesson" but atleast a bit of realism would be nice. BTW: I visit shooting range once or twice in month :)
As pointed out, we don't want TOTAL realism. Otherwise, one bullet hit to the chest is enough to kill you. At least head shots are instant kills in the game. But we're doing a game based on a particular period and it has to be accurate. I mean, if you were watching a WWI movie and see soldiers with M16s. That's a bit jarring right? Excalibur01 15:03, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
Now he will answer it isnt jarring. If the movie has cool effects and famous actors.
Jarring, maybe, but I don't know if it'd ruin it for me. (Is it a sci-fi film? Surrealism? A film by Uwe Boll?) It'd be one thing to have blatant mistakes, like M16s in WWI, but would it have ruined Saving Private Ryan if Sgt Horvath had a post war M1 Carbine with a bayonet lug and adjustable rear sights instead? Did the fact that the officers had Webley Mark VI's instead of Adams Mark III's ruin Zulu? Did the fake M72 LAW in Ronin take you out of the movie? If it didn't, it's because you chalked it up as a goof, moved on, and enjoyed the rest of an otherwise good movie. If it did, then I don't know what to tell you. --funkychinaman 15:52, 25 May 2010
Here's a hypothetical question: This game is called Black Ops, so theoretically, they can make up whatever they want, what do we know, it's a black op, and thus classified. What if all the weapons in the game were all fake, either outright, or fictional modifications of real weapons? Would we still be up in arms? --funkychinaman 16:14, 25 May 2010 (UTC)
I hate to say it but you might be onto something. I've heard rumors that Black Ops will rewrite history and take place in an alternate past. This is probably how Treyarch can get around the legal restrictions of not being able to make post-Vietnam games and explain these BS weapons. Personally I think it's pretty weak but it explains it.
Well, if it does... Wait-It doesnt! I read some article with one of Treyarch members which strictly denied possibility of alternate reality. Ill repat it again : its just some Treyarch modeller fail. --Werc 12:39, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
It's not rewriting history at all basically it's saying that during the Cold War what if there were some Black Ops that went down to keep the whole thing from escalating into an actual official war. Which is completely possible.
It doesn't have to be alternate history, just a secret history. It's implied that the JFK assassination will be in the game. Is the player the second gunman on the grassy knoll? Is he supposed to stop the second gunman on the grassy knoll? Does he successfully stop a possible third gunman? They can make up anything they want in that scenario. A mission can have the player equipped with a prototype laser rifle, but it's scripted so the rifle is damaged or lost along the way, and the technology is lost forever. --funkychinaman 15:53, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
It would be great if they do include Dirty Harry's gun and Tony Montana's "Little Friend".
The rocket launcher under unknown is an M202 FLASH rocket launcher. Ashdude01 20:20 19 May 2010
Yes there is i added it to the guns page but some moron removed it
moviemaster1993 11:58 may 2010
Carcano M91/38?
The images provided doesn't shot much and it is said that it can't be a mosin Nagant because the barrel is too short. Well it could be the carbine length variant or any other short barrel bolt action rifle. I can't see anything in the picture. Excalibur01 03:26, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
It seems like its picture of that gun. Remember that game has to do something with JFK asassination and there can be barelly seen "Lee Harvey Oswald" on paper under that gun. So i think it have to be that gun - As some reference. --Werc 03:48, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
Ever heard of the Mosin Nagant M44 carbine or the finnish retooled M38?--FIVETWOSEVEN 11:56, 21 May 2010 (UTC)
M16 and XM177
Looks like the guy here has either an M16 as you can tell by the barrel pointing to the left and the barrel on the right looks like an XM177 Excalibur01 21:26, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
Embargo lifts tomarrow, the 28th
Ones the embargo lifts we will be flooded with info, especially about guns
What embargo? Excalibur01 18:45, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
There was an embargo for some journalist who previewed the game(they also could have played it too)and tomarrow it ends and info will get flooded all over the web
It ended and only few informations and no new guns appeared. --Werc 07:24, 29 May 2010 (UTC)
Valment m78
The M78 does have its own page here, separate from the RPK. But yeah, I don't think the designers are gun-savvy enough to have both of these guns in this game.--funkychinaman 19:55, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
What the year of Valmet M78 build? I think is not use in vietnam war the NVA don't have a finnish weapons during the war.And i think in the picture the gun is not Valmet M78.Tanarmy
And Spas-12 was in vietnam ? It may not be Valmet, but it fairly sure isnt RPK. Or another Treyarch modeller fail ? -- 11:40, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
Anyone notice that the picture of the unknown AK-type LMG has a front sight that upright on the front side and canted forward on the back side like the RPK-74's front sight? --HashiriyaR32 17:11, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
Launching an SR-71 from an aircraft carrier? Is that even possible? O_o Spartan198 21:04, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
They were able to operate a U-2 from a carrier, but that wouldn't be nearly as sexy as flying an SR-71, now would it? --funkychinaman 04:32, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
I don't think it is, You know how these game designers do ALL of their research. (Man I'm sarcastic tonight)--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:11, 31 May 2010 (UTC)
It's pretty obvious that since MW2, the main source of research is action movies and Futureweapons reruns.
Not that I have anything against the SPAS-12, AUG, or AK47s, but we need to see different types of weapons. What about an 870, or the AK-74? What about other types of Bullpup? Excalibur01 02:41, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
You think 12-year old child knows difference between AK-74, AK-47 and AKs-74u ? That wont make sence..... Why making more weapons when you can add only those "cool" and overused ones ? --Werc 15:14, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
Just to let you know: German games magazine PC Games had an interview with the developers. In the latest issue, they write, that the black special ops team can get any equipment they want, including non-standard weapons, brand new prototypes and even customized and special built single pieces, <quote>which no one outside the team will ever get to see</quote>. So that is the official in-game explanation for every crude weapon you can see in the hands of the player.
That's what I figured their reasoning would be. It makes sense but it's still a pretty weak explanation if you ask me.
So super elite 1337 black ops delta teams can even get weapons that don't yet exist? WTF? Why didn't our SF and SEALs in 'Nam have M4A1s with KAC rail systems, lasers, ACOGs, EOTechs, and bullets that can home in on enemy soldiers from 50 miles away, then??? It's a conspiracy to disarm the public, I tell you! But in all seriousness, I think it's an explanation that doesn't hold water. That mentality might work in 2016 during MW2, but not in a past setting like Vietnam where small arms development has been chronicled and we know where and to what it led. Spartan198 15:29, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
I think it does hold water. Of course these finalized weapons weren't around in the late '60s to mid '70s. But how do you know their prototypes weren't? Most of the weapons in-game will either be early prototypes or in the case of the AR custom-built weapons made by the SOG operatives.
Ok, they could at least make it look like prototypes, not like modern weapons.
Okay, then how about when the next WWII game comes out, they give all the troops M16s, M60s, Mark 48s, G36s, AKMs, XM29s, and XM8s because, you know, super secret black ops teams can get any piece of kit they want, even if it doesn't exist yet. All they have to do is jump in Doc Brown's time machine, travel through time and grab the latest kit, then head back. 1.21 gigawatts! Spartan198 02:03, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
I've said it once before, if it's done well, I will absolutely play it. Most people play game as a means of escape, so would it really make a difference if I shot a Nazi with an M16 or an M1 Garand? He's not REALLY dead. He's not even real, and we've contributed nothing to the winning of WWII, or any war. In fact, we've contributed nothing but to our own satisfaction. They're called video GAMES. Playing games is about having fun. I'm sure many if us here loved Nazi Zombies from WaW. Why? Because we love shooting Nazis, and we love shooting zombies, and Treyarch did us a favor by combining the two activities. And we love it even more if we can shoot them with a ray gun that comes out of a magic box. Was it historically accurate? No, but believe me, the history major in me learned to live with it. (Hell, now you've got me all worked up, because as I'm typing this, I can't wait to get the chance to catch Hitler and bin Laden in a meeting and spray the room with a minigun.) --funkychinaman 03:02, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
BTW, they already sort of did that with the Time Splitters series. And those games were awesome. (At least 2 and Future Perfect were. I never played 1.) --funkychinaman 16:30, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
I quite frequently have lots and lots and lots and lots of fun playing games, especially shooters, that adhere to reality. The reason I play a Vietnam or WWII shooter is because I want to immerse myself in the environment. That includes having weapons accurate to the period. Spartan198 14:07, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
I guess that depends if you consider these games historical or not. I just lump it in with Halo and GoW now, as CoD flew off the historical rails about two or three games ago, straight into "anything goes" territory, which was good from a story telling perspective. Even when it tried to be historical (up to CoD 2) you were still one or two men who personally killed half the German army. That's why I thought releasing WaW on Veterans Day was a backhanded tribute, because nothing honors veterans like a game that allows you to win WWII singlehandedly. --funkychinaman 14:31, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
What with this being a Vietnam War game, I'm gonna be pretty pissed if you can't use a normal M14 rifle, without all the rails and crap.
Well, it doesnt look cool enough. Expect it with scope, silencer, thousands of rails and plastic stock. --Werc 18:04, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
1. They'll Probably put it in.
2. the rails are the modern demands of a soldier including the ability to easily mount optics and other accessories easily. theres nothing wrong with it.
I'd like a regular wood stocked M14, and if you want optics, they did make a scope riser mount for M14s before rail systems. As for silencers, well that's easy, and heartbeat sensors shouldn't bother to return. M14fanboy
AUG sans grip
What the hell is up with the AUG without a foregrip? I don't mind the fact the AUG is anachronistic, but come on...why take off something central to firing the gun. Maybe the gun is semi-automatic in the game, because our character has to plunge his hand into a bucket of ice to stop the burning after each shot.
Yeah, I don't understand that decision. The only possible explanation I can come up with is that they used the AUG with a grenade launcher as a model, like this one [3], and then just deleted the grenade launcher. But this would mean that no one working on the project A) ever saw a movie with an AUG, including Die Hard, which I would think every male between the ages of 21-49 in the english speaking world has seen, or B) could put two and two together and figure out that putting your hand directly on a barrel is not practical. That, or the plot involves that character severely burning his hand. If not, it's an utterly indefensible and boneheaded decision by the Treyarch staff. --funkychinaman 22:29, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
And to be absolutely fair, the character is wearing heavy gloves while holding the barrel. But it still doesn't make sense. --funkychinaman 00:21, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
What doesn't make sense to me is that they have a military advisor on staff. How come, at no point in the development, did this man point out that holding a gun barrel while firing is a bad idea, and has he not seen an AUG before? - Opening Poster.
Doesn't the grip fold up?-protoAuthor
Yes, but you'd still be able to see it. [4]--funkychinaman 04:12, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
I wrote that without seeing the image. Sorry.-protoAuthor
I agree with the grenade launcher theory, especially since multiplayer was done first. Who knows, they might actually change the standard AUG model before the game actually comes out.
The AUG without vertical grip.I think a gun barrel is very hot.Tanarmy
In third person it's just a character model fail. In first person you grip I guess what you could call the "finger guard."
OXM article
Official XBox Magazine did a feature on Black Ops (July 2010, issue 111,) and I figure I'd share some highlights:
- It was inspired by the book "SOG: The Secret Wars of America's Commandos," by Major John Plaster. [5]
- The SPAS-12 you use during the Tet Offensive uses Dragon's Breath rounds.
- At least from their description, the "WMD" level sound suspiciously like the airfield level in MW2.
- The M202 FLASH is confirmed.
- The M1911s with "Sally" etched on them also have tally marks on them.
- They mention a co-op feature that "appears to be a successor" to zombies, which seems to me would indicate no zombies. Bummer.
- Multiplayer was ready before the campaign, so some of the campaign levels are based on the multiplayer maps.
- Regarding anachronistic guns, "'In this world, anything was possible' for these soldiers, [Treyarch head Mark] Lamia explains. All equipment requests were granted by their superiors. Cost, apparently, was no object."
- And finally, a quote from the military advisor, Lt. Col. Hank Keirsey (ret) (and something I've been trying to point out for a while now) "The Historical Advisor fights to get every last bit of accuracy, but always has to concede to the need for excitement." Keirsey appears to be the military advisor for the whole franchise, not just this game or for Treyarch.
Money is no object is one thing, but designing a different rifle system like you would design a James Bond car is a different thing. Excalibur01 02:20, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
So, basically they said those soldiers can have any gun. Come on, Treyarch ! Give them FN2000´s , Plasma Rifles and Gravity Guns !
No, really. Off course they can have special weapons. But only those which were designated before 1968. Not those which were designated 10 years after.-- 04:30, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Yes, but since everything is secret, how do we know the CIA DIDN'T develop the AUG, or the SPAS-12, and cover it up by giving it to Steyr and Franchi, respectively? How can we be sure we DIDN'T capture any energy-based weapons from crashed UFOs? (Mind you, I don't work for Treyarch or owe them anything, but I have to give them credit for giving themselves such a clever out.) --funkychinaman 04:51, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
It seems like all these SOG's have custom-made pieces. And since Weaver rails did exist in Vietnam it would have been totally possible to make these weird AR's we keep seeing. Not saying I agree with this decision, but this is probably how Treyarch is getting away with it.
You guys are so wrong, My friend the NAVY SEAL told me something not to tell anyone else but I don't care. They are issued laser rifles just like the ones in Fallout 3 but have a disntegration setting meant for vaporizing. At least thats Treyarches logic. --FIVETWOSEVEN 21:55, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Calm down. I don't think any of us know when these weapons were in their first stages of prototypes and what they looked like in the prototype stage. Prototype weapons are definitely a recurring theme in Black Ops. Since these guys are above top-secret they can have experimental weapons that are also above top-secret. In the GKnova6 files, it specifically states the AUG in-game will be a prototype version. I wouldn't be surprised if the SPAS is also experimental and the weird AR is completely custom.
RC planes instead of predator missiles?
If there is no ak-74, i'm gonna pirate this shit.
Document from viral site
Over at the CoD wiki I found this "document" from an viral site connected to Black Ops: [6]. It describes the AUG as "very early prototype weapon; not in production". It also mentions the G11
and also the delicious China Lake Launcher
-Double Agent M
It would be better if they included more of these prototype weapons. I would love to see weapons like BRG-15, H&K CAWS, Ster ACR, Colt SCAMP,etc. Even better would be a underwater level with the H&K P11! After all the inclusion of such weapons in the game will be better than the monotonous selection of Cold War-rea weapons like M1911,M21,G3,FN FAL,AK-74,etc.--SB2296 09:37, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
I'll shit bricks of joy if the G11 is in there. I've wanted that gun in a Call of Duty game for as far as I remember. M14fanboy
I made a couple of changes in this section including adding of screencaps. I rechanged it back to FLASH because everything is anachronic in this came and it can't be the more rarer XM191. Plus I added a M202 FLASH image, which is actually from Far Cry Instincts Predeator, since I could not find a single good picture of it in the web.--SB2296 15:43, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
There's not anachronism, Treyarch keeps saying that all these weapons are prototypes. I'm not sure what people aren't getting about that. I'm pretty sure every weapon we've seen in American hands so far are a prototype of some sort. I think that the FLASH is the prototype version; why can't it be?
The reference specifically said "M202." We're not going solely by the picture, but by what was actually written by someone who either played it or watched the game be played. And since I doubt the average game journalist is an ordnance expert, he only knew because it was probably labeled "M202" in the game itself. --funkychinaman 23:00, 3 June 2010 (UTC)
You know just as well as I do video games often mislabel their guns either by mistake or just to give the public who don't know much about guns an idea of what that gun is instead of confusing them with specifics. I don't argue that it's going to be labeled M202, but I guarantee you Treyarch is intending it to be the prototype XM191.
XM191 was M202 prototype, just for your information. -- 04:34, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
Yes, I'm aware of that. But given the shall we say, unique, circumstances of the game, wouldn't it make more sense to go with what the game says, rather than what's historically correct? --funkychinaman 05:10, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
Yes XM191 is a M202 prototype.American send to test during late 1970s in vietnam.And i see a picture of XM191 in vietnam war museum. info from
Here is what it shoots
I know, I was about to make this same post.-protoAuthor 20:25, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
From the article posted above (emphasis mine)
"-Activision eventually convinced West and Zampella to stay with them by offering up a Memorandum of Understanding. In addition to extending their contracts through to October 2011, this legally-binding document gave West and Zampella some major financial bonuses as well as a couple other hefty promises. Chiefly, it gave the two "creative authority over the development of any games under the Modern Warfare brand (or any Call of Duty game set in the post-Vietnam era, the near future, or the distant future) including complete control over the Infinity Ward studio." In other words, Activision could not publish a Modern Warfare-branded game (or a Call of Duty game set any time later than Vietnam) without West and Zampella's full approval."
West and Zampella were the two heads at IW who were fired in April. Now that they're no longer with the company, this might open the door for Treyarch's next CoD game to be Modern Warfare-esque, but there's a lot of litigation right now. The firing was way too late to affect BO, so they operated under the restrictions above. --funkychinaman 20:50, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
I am still waiting for a WWI CoD with single- and multiplayer featuring France, the UK, the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, Russia, Japan, Italy and the USA. Unfortunately this would be too expensive and only few people would buy it. Thus such a CoD will never be made. Sorry for half offtopic. -- 20:31, 9 June 2010 (UTC)Paul_Baeumer
I would love to play a CoD WWI game. (CoD: Great War? CoD: Over the Top?) I'd like to see them change it so you can change out your melee weapon, so instead of a knife, you can equip yourself with an e-tool, brass knuckles, or a spiked club. (Sorry to continue the off-topic.) --funkychinaman 21:02, 9 June 2010 (UTC)
And to stay on topic, how would they define "distant future?" Why not a CoD game set in 2110? --funkychinaman 21:02, 9 June 2010 (UTC)
Why did someone add possible weapons?
Someone added possible weapon prototypes like the G11 and the Pump 40mm? I am removing them tomarrow if no one says anything about why they should be left on. --FIVETWOSEVEN 02:22, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
There aren't possible anymore, it has been confirmed that they will be in the game, with other sites like Call of Duty wikia including them in their weapons list.
Well, they are gonna include dedicated servers. So they apparently release modtools - So it seems like its gonna be possible change guns models, just like in CoD4. -- 09:09, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
M16 on magazine cover
It should be removed for now, seeing as there's currently no evidence to support its inclusion in the game. IMFDB chronicles weapons appearing in movies, television, and video games, not on magazine covers. Spartan198 14:12, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
Game mags are a great source of weapons, thats where half the screenshots we see come from, game informer and the such.
Screenshots are one thing, but there's no evidence that the image is actually from the game, it might just be an illustration the magazine drew up. I would heap the image of the guy sitting cross-legged with the two .45s in there as well. It wouldn't be the first time that weapons on cover art don't actually appear in the game itself. (Medal of Honor: European Assault comes to mind.) --funkychinaman 15:01, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
Is it bothering you that much?
Well, considering the site has rules against printed media, yes it does bug me. Spartan198 10:44, 9 June 2010 (UTC)
90% possibility that's a box-art. Don't be nerdy.
The game sure went into a lot of detail on the 1911 not to use it, and besides, what else would they have, they cant screw up history enough to throw in deegs and berettas.......oh wait, never mind, they can....
vietcong with a spas 12, damn at this rate my dream of marching into the reichstag waist firing an aa12 may come true
That could be multiplayer screens
SPAS 12 Folded Stock
--Yocapo32 15:17, 12 June 2010 (UTC)
Its more tacticaler and badassish to keep it folded, only noobs use a stock, not hardcore 1337 operators! (video game maker logic))
At least thay didn't put a goddamn XM8 in the game, if they do, i'll throw my goddamn PC outta the window, 'nuff said --Yocapo32 03:04, 13 June 2010 (UTC)
At least the developers weren't stupid enough to put a rifle concept weapon into a game that takes place during the cold war. At least we can forgive them with the inaccurate AR-15s. And has any game developer ever fired a shotgun without a stock? It's a pain and you can slap yourself in the face if you don't brace yourself. Excalibur01 04:19, 13 June 2010 (UTC)
I can only think of two possibilities, 1) you're firing Dragon's Breath rounds with the SPAS-12, and using it as small flamethrower, so you can get away with firing it from the hip, and 2)more importantly, WHEN HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A SPAS-12 FIRED FROM THE SHOULDER WITH THE STOCK EXTENDED? The only time I ever saw it was briefly in Jurassic Park. Even that famous scene in Miami Vice, a show that did guns pretty well, with Jim Zubiena, a professional shooter would presumably knows guns pretty well, had him firing a SPAS-12 from the hip. [7] Do you think most people even realize that thing on top is a folding stock? Yes, you, me, and everyone who's ever fired a shotgun (and now this guy) knows it's stupid to fire a shotgun without the stock extended. But I don't think the general public knows. --funkychinaman 13:45, 13 June 2010 (UTC)
It's not stupid. You don't really have to aim at point-blank range. I'm curious how aiming down the sights of SPAS with folded stock will work.
The guy with the AR-15 and the USMC and MACVSOG tattoo the guy looks bad ass, I'm pumped for this dude.
A .357, in a tunnel? I hope the game makes it so you won't be able to hear anything for a few minutes after you fire it, so you'd have to make the choice between shooting the bad guy or just meleeing him. --funkychinaman 19:27, 14 June 2010 (UTC)
Anyone noticed reloading animation ? He just throwed out shells ( STILL HOLDING FLASLIGHT IN LEFT HAND - VISIBLE ) And then moved .357 out of screen ( STILL HOLDING FLASLIGHT IN LEFT HAND - VISIBLE ) and than returned .357 to screen. Fully loaded. So it means he reloads revolver in few seconds with one hand ? ...... I just hope BF:BC2:VIïetnam will be much better.
Need the ingame footage please
I want to see the footage but i'm to lazy to search for it, linky please.--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:19, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
Yeah they did, they went into service around 1969 I think
Can't believe I got caught without doing my research. My bad.
Anyone noticed (In first gameplay video) that EVEN RUSSIANS are equipped with SPAS-12 ? Can be seen around 2:53 lying on the ground next to russian guy....
Yeah... This is turning out to be pretty fail...
Guys who cares, achronisms don't kill a game. Does it really matter if the guns are slightly innaccurate, all that matters to me is gamplay, good and fair online and ZOMBIES!!
"AR" Sling
I'm not one to complain too much about the achronisms, but I do care when things don't make funtional sense, like that the AR's sling, which for some reason is wrapped all around the gun, is stuck UNDER THE BOLT CATCH. It's not like they don't understand it's a funtional part of the gun, cause every AR varient in every COD that's had them has the empty reload where you press the catch... Also I noticed on the non-empty reloads the AR just kinda dips out of the screen and moves a bit then comes back up loaded, you don't see the mag, same goes for the .357; THAT'S lazy... Alex T Snow 22:05, 15 June 2010 (UTC)
Where are these gameplay videos coming from? Is it E3?--FIVETWOSEVEN 22:25, 15 June 2010 (UTC)