A [[Barrett M82|Barrett M82CQ]] converted to full auto and fitted with an extended magazine is used by one of the bankrobbers during the shootout. The officers on the scene refer to it as "heavy artillery, possibley .50 caliber or bigger", apparently bigger according to the armorer. Due to the recoil emitted by a handheld full-auto .50 caliber, the bipod has to be used as a foregrip.
A [[Barrett M82|Barrett M82CQ]] converted to full auto and fitted with an extended magazine is used by one of the bankrobbers during the shootout. The officers on the scene refer to it as "heavy artillery, possibly .50 caliber or bigger", apparently bigger according to the armorer. Due to the recoil emitted by a handheld full-auto .50 caliber, the bipod has to be used as a foregrip.
A FBI agent is seen with a SIG-Sauer P228 during the bank shootout. A criminal during the credits (Mike Epps) is also seen with a SIG P228 and uses it to hold a woman hostage before Hancock intervenes.
One of the Asian gangsters during the freeway chase is seen using a Brügger and Thomet MP9 to shoot at the cops. He tries to shoot Hancock (Will Smith) with it but the bullets deflect off his skin and break his liquor bottle, which angers him enough to apprehend him and his friends.
One of the bank robbers is seen using a Colt Model 933 fitted with an SIR rail system and surefire M900 foregrip/tac light. This could, while extremely unlikely, be a reference to Heat, as the M933 is the removable-rail verison of the M733.
Michael Mann was the producer, so it could be. That's why the shootout is so cool. - Gunmaster45
A Barrett M82CQ converted to full auto and fitted with an extended magazine is used by one of the bankrobbers during the shootout. The officers on the scene refer to it as "heavy artillery, possibly .50 caliber or bigger", apparently bigger according to the armorer. Due to the recoil emitted by a handheld full-auto .50 caliber, the bipod has to be used as a foregrip.
A criminal trying to rob a convenience store is armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 629. When Hancock tries to dispatch him with a candy bar, the thief fires off two shots before flying out the window. Hancock then realizes the .44 Magnum rounds wounded him.
No, that's not a Smith & Wesson N frame model 629, but rather a Smith & Wesson model 66 "Combat Magnum" in cal. .357 Magnum, based on the slimmer K frame. The 629 is built on the bigger and bulkier N frame. Frame, yoke area and cylinder are noticeably heftier on the latter. The gun here is a model 66.
Serbu Super Shorty 9
One of the criminals trying to rob the convenience store is seen with a Serbu Super Shorty 9 shotgun. He is pulled through the counter and smashed into a store fridge by Hancock before he can use it.
One of the criminals who comes to the hospital to get revenge on Hancock brings a Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun. He shoots Mary Embrey (Charlize Theron) with it before he is killed by Hancock.