Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Launchers: Difference between revisions
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Launchers: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Launchers: Difference between revisions
Added in Update #108, the "Rail Tater" is a bizarre bolt-action railgun built from junk that fires titanium-plated potato chips. It is the second weapon in ''H3VR'' created by Kommander Karl, a 3D Artist and YouTuber. The first was "Baby's First Boomstick", the unholy love child of a children's toy and a semi-automatic shotgun. The "Rail Tater" is a direct reference to [ one of Karl's videos, in which he "reloads" a can of Pringle's potato chips.] The Tater's potato chips (or "Porkless Hot Dogs") are among the most powerful projectiles in all of ''H3'', traveling at an astounding 1,800 m/s and piercing straight through anything they hit along the way.
Added in Update #108, the "Rail Tater" is a bizarre bolt-action railgun built from junk that fires titanium-plated potato chips. It is the second weapon in ''H3VR'' created by Kommander Karl, a 3D Artist and YouTuber. The first was "Baby's First Boomstick", the unholy love child of a children's toy and a semi-automatic shotgun. The "Rail Tater" is a direct reference to [ one of Karl's videos, in which he "reloads" a can of Pringles potato chips.] The Tater's potato chips (or "Porkless Hot Dogs") are among the most powerful projectiles in all of ''H3'', traveling at an astounding 1,800 m/s and piercing straight through anything they hit along the way.
[[File:H3VR RailTater leftside.jpg|600px|thumb|none|The "Rail Tater" in all its glory, bathed in the light of the sun. ]]
[[File:H3VR RailTater leftside.jpg|600px|thumb|none|The "Rail Tater" in all its glory, bathed in the light of the sun. ]]
[[File:H3VR RailTater frontend.jpg|600px|thumb|none|Taking a closer look at the front end of the homemade railgun, which features a beige plastic foregrip. ]]
[[File:H3VR RailTater frontend.jpg|600px|thumb|none|Taking a closer look at the front end of the homemade railgun, which features a beige plastic foregrip. ]]
Referred to as "Ordnance" in-game, these weapons occupy the "Support" group alongside machine guns and thrown explosives. The exception are the flamethrowers; one is only attainable in certain special scenes, and the other is in the "Meat Fort" category. This category also includes the "Kolibri9001" in-game, though it is placed on the pistol sub-page due to it being based on one.
Carl Gustaf M2
A much-requested addition, Carl Gustaf M2 was the largest gift added on Meatmas Day 2022. It is the game's first recoilless rifle, and features a wide variety of ammunition types to choose from.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCarl Gustaf M2 - 84x246mmRError creating thumbnail: File missingFor those that saved the biggest box for last, the results are certainly not disappointing. Left to right, the rounds visible here are HEDP 502 (High-Explosive Dual Purpose, denoting a shaped-charge explosive capable of generating fragments, for both anti-personnel and anti-armor use), HEAT 751 (High-Explosive Anti Tank, a tandem-warhead shaped-charge round meant for defeating slat and/or explosive reactive armor), and ILLUM 545C (short for "illumination" - this one's discussed more below).Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the big green tube in all its glory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTakes a bit of effort to fit it in the frame, but it can be done.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOperating the weapon is a unique process, as far as H3's weapons are concerned - first, pull down on this lever to unlock the rear venturi tube...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then use the knob above it to open said tube.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith the launcher open, a round can be inserted - this one's the fourth of five total types, HE 441B (a simple high-explosive round).Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt doesn't just go in on its own, though - once lined up, it has to be manually slid into place.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce it's in, simply repeat the first two steps in reverse. If you want to see what locking it looks like, look at the image 4 above this one, and convince yourself that the lever's going up instead of down.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinally, cock the striker - contrary to what one might expect, this starts out all the way back, and has to be pushed forward.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLining up the aperture-and-post irons, hoping to free the Snowglobe from the Giant Weiner's reign of terror once and for all.Error creating thumbnail: File missing>buy recoilless rifle >look inside >recoilError creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, an 84mm HE round proves no match for the Weiner's magical force-field.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYanking out the spent case, a process rather similar to the insertion of a live round (minus the obvious difference in direction); the green round in the box is the fifth and final ammo type, SMOKE 469C (which does exactly what you'd expect - unlike "HEAT", "SMOKE" doesn't stand for anything, and is written in all-caps for seemingly no reason).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking out frustration over the indifferent cruelty of the Weiner on a nearby Sosig, for reasons that are entirely related to it being the closest thing that'd respond, and not at all because of any resemblance between it and the Weiner. This isn't a hate crime, I swear.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving escaped to somewhere beyond the reach of giant tubes of processed meat and the sun alike, it's time to make good on that promise from the first image, and explain the wonder that is the ILLUM 545C round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs can be seen here, it makes quite a bit of light when you -
"Wait, what? That's not how it works?"Error creating thumbnail: File missing*Ahem* Right, so when you fire it, it produces a fairly substantial amount of light from -
"Really? Not that either?"
"Oh, the round itself. Why didn't you say so?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, so as I was saying, it makes a decently large flash of light on impact with -
"Oh, for crying out loud, just tell me already."Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, as you can see here, the round produces its intended quantity of light when fired up into the air. It's a giant parachute flare. Useful for making like Nelson Rangell and turning night into day.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOh, and for those unfamiliar, "parachute flare" is a completely literal expression - it hangs in the air longer that way. A close inspection (after it burns out, but before it hits the ground and explodes like the shot two above this one) reveals that cars, jets, and recoilless rifle ammunition are apparently produced in H3's world by the sausage-logoed company "SOAB".
China Lake Launcher
The final present introduced in the 2019 Meatmas update was a long-requested one, the China Lake Launcher.
The twentieth gift added in the 2018 Meatmas event was a FIM-92 Stinger anti-aircraft rocket launcher. It's the game's first (and, so far, only) guided-projectile weapon; it also holds the honor of being quite possibly the most faithful recreation of the Stinger's elaborate firing procedure seen in any piece of media to date.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFIM-92 Stinger - 70mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Stinger's gift box, which comes with a set of instructions. The 3D modeler's name is cut off by the size of their own creation; for reference, the artist's name is "3mern".Error creating thumbnail: File missingMeanwhile, in the Sampler Platter scene (to which the Stinger and its instruction manual were also added), we get a close look at the Stinger's gripstock (with an incorrect straight rather than forward-sloping grip)...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and the IFF antenna. Which doesn't serve much purpose in-game, since there aren't currently any friendly aircraft in-game (nor is there an IFF interrogator box for the antenna to interact with).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis small object is what's known as a battery coolant unit, or BCU for short. This holds 2 things: a battery, which powers the weapon's electronics, and a supply of gaseous argon, which cools them (since IR-seeking systems need to be extremely cold to work).Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt fits into a hole in the bottom of the gripstock unit, and has to be inserted for the weapon to fire. Don't just put it in whenever, though; the BCU only provides a 45-second supply of power to the guidance system, so if you don't fire it within 45 seconds, you'll have to replace it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe next step is to turn on the guidance system (via a firing-hand touchpad button press), producing a continuous, grainy-sounding beep; aiming at a valid target for a few seconds, such as one of these F-18-sized flying steaks (yes, you read that right) in the Sampler Platter's skies, will make this beep louder and clearer, indicating that a lock has been acquired. This is a very slight deviation from the real weapon's operation; the in-game launcher can start a lock aiming at the target right away, whereas the real launcher must first establish contrast by aiming at a patch of open sky first, though this likely wasn't implemented due to the unfeasibility of properly coding such a feature.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThen, just hold down the uncaging switch on the gripstock's forend, aim a bit above the target, and fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA second or so later, the rocket's main motor engages, and it seeks and destroys the distant meat-jet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing this, the launcher can simply be discarded. This is partly in line with its real-world counterpart; the Stinger's LTA (launch tube assembly; essentially just the missile itself and the tube surrounding it) is a single-use, disposable unit, while the gripstock is re-usable, though "reloading" a gripstock with a fresh LTA is seldom done in the field, and used launchers are usually just held onto to be dealt with later. This is a bit of a moot point in-game, since the entire launcher can just be spawnlocked and duplicated indefinitely.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSomewhat strangely, the list of valid targets includes the Meatmas Snowglobe's crystal snowflakes; this is presumably so that the player has something to use their new-found toy on (as difficult as it is to hit something so small so close to the minimum distance at which a Stinger's rocket will actually start seeking out its target). Here, a fired rocket can be seen falling towards the ground, a few frames before the main rocket motor kicks in and sends it skyward.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFittingly enough, the "Meatal Gear Ronch" boss is quite vulnerable to Stingers (despite being encountered at rather short ranges compared to the Stinger's typical minimum, and the rather obvious issues involved with using an anti-aircraft rocket launcher against something that's not in the air).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThough, of course, the mech can attack with its own Stingers as well; this exchange of missiles is another mechanic more faithful to the source material than it is to reality, and makes even less sense than the other way around, since the missiles lock onto targets below the launcher; they're essentially used like high-tech mortars.
The third alpha build of Update #76 was the GP-25 grenade launcher, complementing the prior alpha's M203. It comes in two forms: a standard variant (mountable on both the standard and "Tactical" variants of the AKM, the same sub-update's AK-74N, the AK-101, and the "Kalashniluger"), and a fictional variant that can be attached to Picatinny rails. A third version was added in Update #87, as an integral component of the "Mp7 Sustenance". In order to fit the MP7, this variant has no pistol grip, instead using part of the MP7's original foregrip mounted forward of the trigger guard; this presumably means that the grip serves either as a handstop/foregrip for the SMG (in which case the launcher is fired somewhat normally, with a thumb hooked through the MP7's trigger guard for support) or as an actual grip (in which case the launcher's trigger would probably have to be pushed with the user's thumb).
One of the firearms added to H3VR in the "Meat Fortress" update/TF2 crossover was a recreation of the latter game's Demoman's Grenade Launcher, a fictional rotary design drawing cues from the M79 grenade launcher and the Milkor MGL.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMilkor MGL - 40x46mmError creating thumbnail: File missingM79 - 40x46mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the fictitious grenade launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a brief look at the other side; a bit redundant, as unlike its main user, the Grenade Launcher is largely symmetrical.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCracking the launcher open; while not strictly impossible, the weapon would have to have one impressively beefy lower hinge to support that much weight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some fancy glowing "42mm Demonade" rounds; unlike in TF2, the player here can actually load all 6 of the weapon's visibly-present chambers, instead of just 4. Well, to be fair, its wielder does perpetually maintain a BAC somewhere north of 0.2, so make of that what you will.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEmulating the behavior of a similarly-intoxicated individual, and firing a grenade directly at the floor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOr at least that's how it looks at first; as in the source material, the grenades detonate on a timer, bouncing and rolling harmlessly off of surfaces until then.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at a Scout-Sosig; there being no post to line this ladder up with (nor a notch in the non-adjustable sight itself), this is little more than a window through which one can see the approximate place where fired rounds will land.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt does at least give a good view of the sole exception to the aforementioned rule, another tidbit inherited from the source material: the grenades bounce harmlessly off of inanimate objects, but detonate on direct impact with enemies.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne notable difference between this model and the one in TF2 is the nature of its ammunition; whereas the original version fired caseless grenades, the H3VR version ejects cases upon reloading.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn keeping with the ongoing theme of alternating similarities and differences between the two models, both have bright, glowing, tracer-like lights on their projectiles...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...but this incarnation's grenades' explosions affect one another, allowing them to scatter each other around and create chaos in enclosed spaces, as seen here.
Heckler & Koch HK69A1
Adding to the game's slowly-growing collection of grenade launchers, the Heckler & Koch HK69A1 was (rather fittingly) added in Update #69.
Update #52's tenth alpha added a Heckler & Koch M320 to the arsenal, in keeping with that alpha's generally explosive-centric nature. The model was updated in Update #99 Alpha 3; besides fixing some scaling issues, the M320 can now be attached as an underbarrel grenade launcher to any firearm with a Picatinny rail.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch M320 - 40x46mmError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the M320.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping open the launcher's side-tilting barrel...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and loading in a high-explosive round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFolding down the leaf sight, to help with... something.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all, what better way to take advantage of a game that allows for proper use of a leaf sight than to ignore it completely and act like the weapon has a normal set of sights attached to its barrel?Error creating thumbnail: File missingConfident in the sound logic of his decisions, the invisible man drops a spent casing out of his M320.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFast-forward a couple months, and an older, wiser, and substantially less self-assured invisible man decides to stick more closely to the sensible things that society says he should do - things like extending stocks.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, for that matter, actually making use of the provided iron sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnfortunately for the invisible man, he neglected to inform his employer about his planned educational trip, and got replaced with a new invisible man before he got back. Legends say that he's still out there somewhere, watching intently - and, like any good legends, they're totally impossible to disprove.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRussell's Teapot proving no comfort to him, the new guy pops open his newly-remodeled M320...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and loads in an M651 CS gas round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then double-checks to make sure it's in there properly, and promptly gets yelled at by his supervisor. At least he got a good look at the modeled rifling.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving been told to unfold the rear sight and handed the launcher with its rear sight already unfolded, he isn't exactly sure what to do; ultimately, he figures that fiddling with it a bit should be fine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe thought the stock would be more self-explanatory, only to realize that nobody actually told him how far to extend it. Decisions, decisions...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking back through his documents, the new hire finds that his first target is listed as being 100 meters away, and aims at it with the appropriate sight notch. He then realizes that he's had his caption-generator on the "Mention Individual" setting this entire time, and hopes to keep his job as the switch gets flicked to "No Individual".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the launcher; at full size, the grenade can be seen through the 250-meter sight window. Curiously, firing the launcher in this configuration tends to make it kick downwards.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWatching the round hit its mark, and ejecting a spent casing; this auto-ejection behavior was most likely implemented inadvertently, being present on neither the previous version nor the real launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpeaking of unintentional things, the trigger incorrectly pivoted forwards upon the new model's release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis was later fixed in the first alpha build of Update #100.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, the updated model did come with a much more substantial difference; to see it, simply bring the launcher up to a Picatinny rail...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...try to ignore the heinous clipping that occurs as you get the positioning just right...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and let go of the launcher, its stock suddenly realizing that it wasn't invited to tag along. While the HK416 shown here is arguably the most appropriate rifle to mount it on, just about anything with a Picatinny rail will work. Handguns included.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDropping an HE grenade into the launcher while its parent rifle rides in a quick-belt slot; this would normally be done with both hands instead, but the wielder's other hand is currently busy using one of the alpha's other additions: the climbable rope from a thrown grappling hook.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA bit of rifle-juggling and an earnest attempt at using the sights later, said grenade makes a splash against an overhanging chunk of the Arizona range's concurrently-added climbing structure. In retrospect, firing a high-explosive grenade at an overhanging chunk of a structure while being supported 20 feet off the ground by said structure probably wasn't the greatest idea.
Homemade Flamethrowers
Added in Update #60, the "Junkyard Flamethrower" is, as the name implies, a homemade flamethrower composed of various pieces of tubing, wiring, and other miscellaneous bits, all added onto what appears to be a pressure washer wand; it is closely modelled after the Flamethrower seen in The Last of Us, with some minor differences.
As it turns out, this was added largely for the sake of preparation; the "Meat Fortress" update added a replica of the TF2 Pyro's flamethrower, a device based largely on a commercial weed-burner (though possessing a passing resemblance to the M1 Flamethrower), composed of a gas pump handle, a propane tank, and various pieces of piping and hoses, operating with similar mechanics to the Junkyard Flamethrower.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Junkyard Flamethrower" on a table in the Proving Ground scene, along with a tank of fuel and a Molotov cocktail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe left side of the improvised flamethrower, showing off the tape-covered "GAS" tank, presumably serving as the flamethrower's pressure reserve; for gameplay's sake, this never needs replacing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the flamethrower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the flamer...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before pausing to take a look at what was just loaded. The tank is labeled "Dr. Boner's Industrial Strength Nail polish remover", and features a warning to "USE ONLY IN A WELL-VENTILATED AREA"; from this, it can be inferred that the tanks (seemingly propane tanks, of the sort used in portable camp stoves and the like) are filled with concentrated acetone. While this may be second only to The Fury's Flammenwerfer 41 loaded with unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide (i.e. rocket fuel) from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in terms of odd flamethrower fuels, it does make some sense: as any bottle of non-industrial nail polish remover will tell you, acetone is highly flammable, and would make a more effective fuel than the gases commonly used in homemade flamethrowers, though its volatility and tendency to evaporate easily would limit its effective range and make it somewhat dangerous - not that an ordinary flamethrower is exactly OSHA-approved, mind you.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe muzzle of the flamethrower, constructed of a cut-open soda can; judging by the blackening of the end, this flamer's seen some use. Which is simultaneously encouraging and worrying.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the flamethrower...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and "firing" it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOverjoyed that the weapon didn't explode upon firing, our fire-fighting friend takes a look at the adjustment lever at the flamethrower's rear.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe lever adjusts the flamethrower's gas pressure; pulling it back reduces the pressure...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...creating a wide spray of flames, like so...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...while pushing it forward increases the pressure...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...creating a more realistic, less video-gamey narrow stream of fire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis narrow stream allows more precise, long-ranged use, perfect for roasting more distant Sosigs. As for the wide mode, its use in close quarters is unparalleledly lethal; when combined with the tendency of in-game flame particles to spread out and slide along solid surfaces, this leads to...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"It was a pleasure to burn. It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed."Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Pyro's take on the homemade flamethrower concept. Note that the standard model's propane tank is missing, leaving behind a cradle of solid metal bands.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis is because, as with the Junkyard Flamethrower, ammunition comes separately, and the tanks must be attached prior to firing...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...a process which causes the weapon's forward-mounted pilot light to turn itself on.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the rear end of the flamethrower, while taking note of the gas pump handle used as a trigger. Hey, as long as it works.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pressure-adjustment mechanic from the Junkyard Flamethrower is also present on this version, with the adjustments being preformed via this knob; this appears to be the propane tank's flow-adjustment knob, though it is depicted as part of the flamethrower instead of part of the tank (likely due to the issues with moving parts on removable/attachable objects).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTwisting it all the way to the left creates a wide area of effect at the cost of range...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...while turning it to the right does exactly the opposite.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThere is one important mechanic, however, that the TF2-derived flamethrower does not share with its prior-added counterpart (but does share with its source material):Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe ammo-consuming, projectile-redirecting, enemy-pushing, and eternally laughter-inducing airblast.
M1A1 "Bazooka"
Update #50 added the M1A1 Bazooka to H3's collection of explosive toys. Unfortunately, the reloading procedure is incorrectly simplified, with the rocket simply being shoved into the rear of the tube, without bothering to attach the wire to the electrical contacts at the rear of the launcher (which served to transfer electricity to, and ignite, the rocket's booster charge and motor).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM1A1 Rocket Launcher "Bazooka" - 2.36-inch rocketError creating thumbnail: File missingThe M1A1 in first person. A rather difficult weapon to grab a good screenshot of, considering its sheer size.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStill, with enough due diligence (read: throwing rocket launchers on the ground), its full extent becomes visible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd for those who were expecting the right side to be a substantial departure from the left, well... I don't have anything to say except "sorry". And perhaps "lower your expectations." Anyway, back to business...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a M6A1 rocket into the rear of the weapon. As mentioned, this is the only thing required for reloading, with no simulation of the attachment of the contact wire.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the M1A1. Unlike in many games, the weapon's multiple front sight posts are actually useful here, as the projectile drops over distance, and the weapon can be manipulated freely, rather than having a single fixed aim-down-sights position.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the Bazooka, which produces a suitably impressive cloud of smoke.
Update #107 Alpha 1 introduced the original, full-length version of the M203 Grenade launcher. Like the earlier added M203A1, this launcher can only be used on the M16A1 and M4 Carbine, and when attached to either weapon, the matching sight ladder appears on top of the weapon's fore.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM203 - 40x46mmError creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at the new M203; the nicely-detailed markings show it to be an earlier Colt-produced example. Or, rather, a "Dolt"-produced example.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe right side, meanwhile, is conspicuously devoid of markings. It's not supposed to have any, mind; it just looks a bit odd.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBringing the launcher up to a rifle's handguard...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and marveling as the triangle instantly becomes a trapezoid. Not for very long, mind; we're not made of time here, so this is also the breech-opening shot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 40x46mm round; this is an M781 practice round, with a payload of chalk powder to make it obvious where the round landed. Fitting for a launcher mounted onto a civilian semi-auto rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingClosing up the breech.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiddling with the rear sight; this was initially fixed in place, but was later made foldable after a patch. Helps when you're trying to aim the rifle that it's attached to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off a round. No dedicated aiming shot, but you can see how it works here anyway - just pick the right rear sight notch for your range, and aim with the parent rifle's front sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDumping out the spent case. Better pick it up - those rounds aren't cheap. Plus, you can clean it out and use it as a shotglass.
Update #76's second alpha build added the long-requested, just-as-long-thought-impossible feature of attachable underbarrel grenade launchers, the first example of which being one of the most well-known, the M203 - more specifically, it is the short-barreled M203A1 variant. The M203A1 was rebuilt in Update #107 Alpha 1; besides a refreshed model, the weapon now comes with its sight ladder when attached to either the M16A1 or M4 Carbine.
The M224 Mortar was added in Update #101 on Meatmas Day 2021, making it the game's first useable mortar. Rather than a static emplacement, the player has full freedom to not only place and angle the weapon, but also select between trigger-fire and drop-fire, making its depiction in H3 one of the more immersive ones.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM224 Mortar with M7 Baseplate - 60mmError creating thumbnail: File missingCasually strolling up to a deployed M224, as though the one responsible for its being there isn't the one who's doing the strolling. To be fair, who'd want to take responsibility for putting down a mortar backwards?Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at the now-correctly-oriented mortar's ranging slider; while it lacks the real deal's optical sight (and its forward support, possibly to simplify the model, or to free up space for the floating green adjustment arrows seen above), it still has this for more precise aiming. Use with a rangefinder is highly recommended. As a somewhat literal aside, the object off to the right is an instruction manual, which tells you right off the bat that this thing's gonna be fun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUsing the aforementioned arrows to tilt the mortar causes the dot to move up and down the slider appropriately (or, more accurately, for the slider to move down and up against the dot).Error creating thumbnail: File missingLying down to look at the M224's fire selector; the middle position is "S" (for "safe"), while the top position is "D" (for "drop", indicating that the weapon will fire automatically when loaded), and the currently-selected bottom one is "T" (for "trigger").Error creating thumbnail: File missingDropping in a shell, comfortable in the knowledge that it won't fire the instant it hits the bottom of the tube. This is an M720A1 high-explosive round; it's one of two types available in-game, though both are M720A1 shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the mortar with a quick pull of the large metal rod that serves as a trigger; not shown here is the spectator-camera options panel, as trying to get an angle that showed both the mortar's trigger and muzzle while accounting for the misalignment between the headset's display and what's actually shown on the monitor is no mean feat.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEven harder is getting an angle that also manages to show the inherent problems with using a mortar inside a not-quite-giant-enough snowglobe.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look at the baseplate's markings; unlike the reference image, H3's M224 has the smaller square-shaped M8 baseplate, rather than the large, round M7. The bottom of the tube also has some markings, though they're a bit less descriptive; apart from what seem to be a pair of serial or index numbers, the weapon is also marked "BIG BORE" and "PURYEAR", whatever that means.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeeing as indirect fire in a place with a ceiling isn't a great idea, why not try out an even worse one instead? The round shown here is the other type available, an M720A1 with one collar-like propellant charge added; while multiple of these can be stacked onto a round in theory, such an option would be of little value in-game, since the ranging slider only has markings for shells with 0 charges or 1. An attentive viewer may also have noticed the position of the fire selector in the previous shot, giving an idea of just how dangerous this really is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off the high-speed shell; if the mere notion of firing a 60mm mortar offhand standing up wasn't enough to dissuade you from trying it...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...then perhaps the recoil can.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor a far more functional dumb idea, consider the following: lacking a minimum elevation angle, H3VR's M224 can be used in the direct-fire role.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt may sound stupid, but hey.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt's about the only real way to hit something other than the glass in here.
The M72A7 LAW was added on Meatmas Day 2020, making it the game's second disposable rocket launcher, and the game's first unguided one.
The M79 grenade launcher was one of the first weapons added to H3, predating even the name; it, along with a few other weapons, was added to the early prototype stages of the game before it even received a proper name. In the 9th alpha of Update #52, the weapon got a new model and texture set, along with several new ammo types. These include 5 more-or-less normal rounds - an M381 high-explosive round, an M397 airburst round (which bounces off of whatever surface it hits and explodes in mid-air), an M576 buckshot round, an M781 inert practice round, and a CS gas grenade (which was added later, in the same update's 10th alpha) - and 4 more outlandish rounds (all of which have colorschemes and labels more reminiscent of novelty fireworks than of actual military ordnance). These are:
The "X214 Steelbreaker", a high-velocity armor-piercing saboted round,
The "X477 Cornerfrag", a low-yield fragmentation grenade that airbursts 4 meters from the launcher's muzzle, intended for blindfiring around corners in close quarters (hence the name),
The "X666 Baphomet", essentially a 40mm version of the Dragon's Breath round,
and the later-released "X1776 Freedom Party", a 40mm flashbang that releases red, white, and blue confetti upon detonation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM79 grenade launcher - 40x46mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the M79 under the light of the warehouse's roof windows. Note the trigger guard; for whatever reason, this version of the launcher had a trigger guard that flopped around freely. This is probably due to this old model having an articulated winter trigger guard, to allow usage with thick gloves without adding a large winter trigger, but was apparently interpreted to flaccidly wiggle about instead of locking in place.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping open the launcher. At full size, it can be seen that the for-some-reason-red rounds on the table have holes in the end of them; this shows that they're modeled after Airsoft 40mm rounds, which use these holes to send forth a shower of plastic BBs on impact.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"I've got an idea. Instead of just throwing grenades at them, how about we send them grenades in another manner?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingReadying the M79...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and blasting away the nefarious Wall-1000.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe work done, it's time to remove the spent casing, and take a much-needed vacation.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe brand-new M79, along with its new, non-airsoft ammunition. From left to right: the M781 trainer, the M576 buckshot, the M397 airburst, the M381 HE, the X214 Steelbreaker, the X477 Cornerfrag, and the X666 Baphomet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closer look at the shiny new M79, complete with its gorgeous new properly-secured trigger guard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShowing off a feature of the M79 that is all but entirely unique to H3: not only does its sight leaf fold up...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...but its rear sight notch is actually adjustable for distance. This runs contrary to the model seen in most video games, where the protagonist generally just picks a random distance and goes with it. This feature was present on the older version of H3's M79 as well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the breech.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Pardon me, sir, but this is an indoor range, so I would really recommend against that."Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Sir, what are you doing-"Error creating thumbnail: File missing"SIR!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne RSO heart attack later, a spent casing pops itself out of the M79.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLike the China Lake, the M79's adjustable rear sight got even more adjustable in Update #99's sixth alpha build. Folded down, it's a rather strange 35-meter zero...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...while the folded-up positions go from 100 meters to 350 in 50-meter increments, capped off with a 375-meter maximum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNeedless to say, actually using this position requires holding the weapon at a comically absurd angle. Not quite a mortar, but close enough - at least, until the game got an actual mortar a couple months later.
Milkor MGL-140
Along with the M320, Update #52's 10th alpha brought along a Milkor MGL; specifically, an MGL-140, a later model with longer chambers to allow for the use of more varied ammunition types.
The Mk 19 Grenade Launcher was added in Update #101 for Meatmas 2021; much like the Browning M2 that came before it, it is a fictional man-portable version, with "chainsaw"-style grips.
Loading a belt box into the launcher's bottom-mounted bracket; while 16-rounders aren't standard for the Mk. 19, the usual 32- or 48-round boxes would require this bracket to be substantially larger, making the already-bulky weapon take up even more space - space that the gift box it comes in simply doesn't have.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the rather large top cover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith that out of the way, the operation of locking back the bolt can be seen in greater detail. Not in any way necessary, but fun nevertheless.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling out the belt from its box...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and loading it into the feed tray, pausing momentarily to examine the rounds; aside from some manufacturing information, the markings denote them as M340A1 HEDP (High-Explosive Dual-Purpose) rounds, meant for dealing with armor and infantry alike.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSlamming the top cover shut. Although, with a size and shape like this, calling it a "lid" might be more appropriate.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce all that's been handled, there's only one thing left to do:Error creating thumbnail: File missingRaise some Hell.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking away from the direction that the automatic grenade launcher is firing (a sentence that shouldn't really ever be uttered in seriousness) shows that it spits its spent cases straight out the bottom, along with some disproportionately tiny-looking belt links.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile the ammo is meant for armor and infantry, it also proves decently effective against the scene's floating crystal snowflakes once you get the hang of point-shooting it. The main draw of this being that, if you can convince yourself to forget that you're trapped in a giant glass prison, you can pretend you're firing air-bursting shells out of a WWII-era AA gun.
Orion Flare Gun
The Orion Flare Gun is available in-game, having been added in Update #15. While it is capable of firing 12 gauge shells in-game, doing so with any sort of high-pressure shell (i.e. anything other than flares, "Cannonball" rounds, and Dragon's Breath shells) will destroy the flare gun, rendering it useless. However, Update #17 added a fictional steel-framed version capable of handling high-pressure loads. Originally both versions were classified as "shotgun" in game for the sake of random weapon spawns, but this classification was later removed from the normal version due to this randomly dooming runs of game modes that started the player with a random shotgun before the player even did anything.
Added in Update #88, the Potato Cannon, while far from the most conventional weapon in the game (though there are plenty that are more unconventional), it meets the strict definition of a firearm. This weapon is based on a typical homemade cannon using PVC pipe and ignited using a barbeque lighter and some aerosolized hairspray as fuel. To make the cannon more wieldy and closer to a proper weapon, the lighter is mounted directly onto the cannon and is used as a makeshift trigger and pistol grip, rather than simply poked through a touch hole. As real life examples of homemade cannons are potentially dangerous, the developers repeatedly state not to attempt to do some of the things that are possible with the in-game Potato Cannon; this includes using the spraycan that comes with the cannon as a flamethrower device.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe infamous Spud Gun, in all its backyard hooligan glory. Made of PVC pipe, a barbecue lighter jammed into the middle, and a few tactical rails glued on - we'll get to those later.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the text on the piping; it reads "NOT FOR PRESSURE." Humor aside, PVC is typically not meant for high-pressure applications; potato cannons can get away with this by virtue of having a relatively low pressure from the hairspray fuel compared to industrial applications, though explosive failures are not unheard of.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe end cap is removable for fueling; looking inside, one can see the tip of the lighter poking out.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the trigger on the weapon causes sparks to appear in the combustion chamber.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe cannon comes with its own hairspray can, where apparently sosigs with hair do exist in the world of H3VR. This brand of "TOTALLY STIFF" hairspray has a warning that reads: "IF HAIR REMAINS STIFF FOR LONGER THAN 24 HRS PLEASE CONSULT A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFueling the potato cannon; the amount of spray used does affect the power of the cannon, though there seems to be an upper limit as the cannon does not explosively fail if a ton of spray is used.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a 50mm Potato into the muzzle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe potato just barely pokes into the barrel; normally, one would jam the potato down near the combustion chamber for best results, but the cannon doesn't come with a ramrod, and but all that's really needed is an airtight plug.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim with the potato cannon; a sosig is about to experience a potato mashing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAt full power, a potato can have lethal results, as sosigs explode in a shower of mustard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWith the aforementioned rails, any standard attachment can be used with the potato cannon; even muzzle devices are useable, though they must be removed prior to loading.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd on today's episode of "Do NOT try this at home"...Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe spraycan can be used as an improvised flamethrower when held near an open flame.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd on next week's episode of "No seriously DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME"...Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a pinch, the spray can can also be used as a firebomb when shot at.
The QLB-06 was added on Day 24 of the Meatmas 2022 Advent Calendar event, with the distinction of being the game's first grenade launcher fed by detachable magazines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingQLB-06 - 35x32mmSRError creating thumbnail: File missingAnd on the penultimate day, Santon delivers a drum-fed grenade launcher. The drums aren't actually flat on the bottom (as convenient as that would be for resting them upright); the white part of the box's floor just doesn't line up with its hitbox.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the QLB. It may not be quite as impressive as its predecessor, but it's definitely more conventional-looking.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd certainly a whole lot more portable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDisengaging the safety; as a consequence of its re-work into a more man-portable form, the QLB-06 ditched the QLZ-87's full-auto functionality. A shame, to be sure, but the consequences of bad spray control with a 35mm grenade launcher aren't really something you can overlook.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 6-round drum...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and racking the rather large folding charging handle to chamber a DFS87 HE round. The markings on this round imply that it's for export, if only because they use letters that most people outside its country of origin can actually read.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the QLB; rather than an adjustable leaf sight as one might expect, the QLB's only irons are a simple pistol-style notch-and-post setup.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStill, if it works...Error creating thumbnail: File works.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd it definitely does. This is absolutely the first and only time that an empty drum was removed. It totally didn't take, like, 20 rounds to hit that snowflake.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShould you need an actually-sensible means of aiming a grenade launcher, the included scope would be a good bet. It'll mount to any standard Picatinny rail, but the QLB's the only gun that comes with one at the right angle to make it not look stupid.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up a 15-round drum with some more specialized ammo - DFD87 smoke grenades, and DFN87 incendiaries. On the topic of ammo, this is also why the QLB was the only Meatmas gift in 2023 that needed its own independent main-branch update - without that, the newly-added ammo wouldn't've been spawnlockable, and the amount of fun that could be had with it per load of the scene would be correspondingly rather low.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, for a final bit of preparatory work, the bipod can be unfolded, for that little extra bit of stability we all need in our lives and grenade launchers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd timelines, apparently, given how this shot of the two specialty rounds' effects seems to have come from a couple seconds before the last one. Sadly, neither of the bipod's legs extend into the fourth dimension, so it offers no real benefit in terms of temporal stabilization.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDrawing a bead on the still-unbothered train, and giving a good view of the scope's reticle in the process.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSadly, no combination of smoke, HE, incendiary shells, precise aim, and temporal instability can stop the mighty Choo-Choo Train. All one can do is surrender, and hope to be spared.
"Rail Tater"
Added in Update #108, the "Rail Tater" is a bizarre bolt-action railgun built from junk that fires titanium-plated potato chips. It is the second weapon in H3VR created by Kommander Karl, a 3D Artist and YouTuber. The first was "Baby's First Boomstick", the unholy love child of a children's toy and a semi-automatic shotgun. The "Rail Tater" is a direct reference to one of Karl's videos, in which he "reloads" a can of Pringles potato chips. The Tater's potato chips (or "Porkless Hot Dogs") are among the most powerful projectiles in all of H3, traveling at an astounding 1,800 m/s and piercing straight through anything they hit along the way.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Rail Tater" in all its glory, bathed in the light of the sun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a closer look at the front end of the homemade railgun, which features a beige plastic foregrip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe core of the Rail Tater is, of course, a tube of "Porkless" hot-dog-flavored titanium-plated potato chips. What could go wrong?Error creating thumbnail: File missingSticking out from the chip container is the weapon's bolt handle, which is, of course, a literal bolt. Seriously. Note also the pistol grip, which is mounted at an angle to make room for the weapon's stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingInvestigating the weapon's stock, which is composed of a large battery pack and an ultra-comfortable chunk of wood.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back on the bolt to open the chamber. Note the small monitor mounted to the left of the tube, which displays a red exclamation mark and a potato symbol when the weapon is unloaded.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA close-up of a "Porkless" plated chip. Mind the titanium, and don't crack a tooth!Error creating thumbnail: File missingInserting a chip into the weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingClosing the bolt. Note that the monitor has changed to depict a green checkmark; the weapon is ready to shoot.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the launcher. The absolute lack of any sights (or even a rail attachment point) make this quite guesswork-intensive.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTime for a brief demonstration. On one side, an innocent watermelon. On the other, roughly a foot and a half of concrete.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo the mighty Rail Tater, however, it makes no difference. The melon explodes the instant the trigger is pulled.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA few frames later, an orange tracer (perhaps a jet of molten concrete?) forms, painting the lethal potato chip's trajectory through the barrier.
"Remote Missile Launcher"
In keeping with the Metal Gear Solid theme of Update #99, the "Remote Missile Launcher" is loosely based on that game's "Nikita" guided missile system. It is a slow-moving, user-guided missile that is controlled by a joystick attached to the launcher itself.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Nikita, as seen in Metal Gear Solid's VR Missions Menu, for comparison.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a nice, peaceful range day with the Remote Missile Launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all, nothing says "casual plinking" like a high-tech guided - eh? It doesn't look like the reference image?Error creating thumbnail: File missingHang on a sec, lemme get the instruction manual... okay, it says to flip the switch on the control panel, and...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...oh. Yeah, that's better.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in one of the Remote Missile Launcher's remote missiles. These are rather large (roughly 100mm), as one would expect from a guided missile; they are, however, a bit unusually short for such a device, presumably so they still fit in the launcher when it's collapsed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce loaded, they sit more or less flush with the end of the launcher; only the camera remains visible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpeaking of the camera, here's the other end. While subtler than the other components, this also extends when the launcher is active (presumably to protect it from damage). As for the lack of a reticle, that'll make sense in a second.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the launcher creates a suitably impressive cloud of smoke; the camera is unaffected by this, however...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...since, as mentioned, the camera is actually in the nose of the missile. As seen here, this allows for direct control of the missile via the joystick on the left (with the Big Red Button allowing for temporary speed boosts); silly as it may seem, some real guided missile launchers (like earlier versions of the AT-3 Sagger, and the notoriously dismal Shorts Blowpipe) do in fact use joysticks for control. This setup would realistically classify it as a TV-guided missile (TVGM for short), a rather uncommon system for a man-portable launcher (though one shared by its inspiration); older guided launchers generally used a simpler form of MCLOS (manual command line of sight) guidance with a flare or similar visual aid allowing the user to track the missile as it flew, while more modern SACLOS systems' missiles know where they aren't and can guide themselves wherever the user indicates. Also like the original Nikita, the missiles that the RML fires are incredibly slow (to make guiding them easier, and to aid in its use as a rather unorthodox reconnaissance tool), to the point that they straddle the line between actual missiles and rocket-propelled drones. Of course, as this image shows, even a relatively slow missile can still be tricky to guide without enough practice.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring another missile, while rather irresponsibly looking in a completely different direction; this shows off the launcher's rather tame backblast (which has no effect on gameplay), and how the "LOADED" indicator light turns off slightly after the launcher is actually fired. And also its full length, since I forgot to show that earlier. Whoops.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf note is that each Remote Missile Launcher can only track one missile at a time; to keep this from becoming an issue if multiple were fired in succession, pulling the trigger with a missile in flight detonates it mid-air. This also has other uses; unlike the Nikita on which it was based, the RML's warheads pack quite a punch, making them a potent option for clearing out distant groups of enemies behind cover (assuming they don't shoot it down first - enemies will target flying missiles, making them a rather useful distraction tool.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA missile in flight (mere moments from this not being the case), showing off the deployed stabilization fins. This shot was achieved by firing the launcher, dropping it, and running ahead to the missile's intended destination; the missiles are that slow.
The RG-6 grenade launcher was added on day 21 of the Meatmas 2020 Advent Calendar event .
"...right?"Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some grenades; the chambers are rifled, because the "barrel" isn't. Which is totally normal for this thing. Definitely. Just working how it's supposed to, like everything else here. Yep, everything's fine...Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming at the distant tube-structure-thing, and noting the complete lack of drones where are they they're supposed to be here WHERE ARE THE DRONES markings on the rear sight; they're marked every 100 meters, with a notch every 50 - here, the 150-meter notch is being used. The marking on the top of the launcher reads "6G30", the weapon's GRAU index designation.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a grenade off at the structure - even if there's no obvious target, firing random grenades can sometimes be helpful to cluster together, and possibly destroy, the sound-sensitive Static they're gone they're gone they're gone they're gone they're gone they're-Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking away from the distant scenery, and towards the launcher itself; note the impressively complex modeling of the lockwork, with several distinct components that all move as the trigger is pulled.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRealizing that blindly firing off into the <empty> distance is probably not a very good idea, and opening up the launcher to unload it; all 6 of those grenades were definitely all there before, as none were ever fired out of it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReaching for a grenade, and looking at the launcher, wondering why you only loaded 5 grenades, it was always like this no it wasn't the grenade is gone DON'T LISTEN TOError creating thumbnail: File missing"Who is it, huh? WHO'S DOING THIS? IS IT YOU, BRADLEY? NOT ANYMORE! TAKE THIS, AND THIS, AND-"
RGM-40 Kastet
Alongside the standard GP-25, Update #76's third alpha build added its standalone counterpart, the RGM-40 Kastet.
Along with the standard M203A1, Update #76's 2nd alpha build added an RM Equipment M203PI, the main distinction between the two being their compatibility; while the M203A1 can only be mounted to the M16A1 and the M4 Carbine, the M203PI can be attached to any standard Picatinny rail. The Pic rail mounted version also lacks any sight ladders for accurate long-range shooting; this is because the sight ladders on the other M203s are made specifically for AR platforms with both the launcher and sight ladder in a fixed positions.
The 2016 Meatmas Update added 3 gifts on its 25th and final day, one of these being the game's first rocket launcher, the RPG-7. The sixth alpha of Update #100 replaced the RPG's model, with improvements such as working sights and a functional sight rail.
The "Meat Fortress" crossover update added the Soldier's "Rocket Launcher" from Team Fortress 2, a fictional repeating design based on a (heavily stylized) RPG-7 with its grips reversed. Initially, its ammo (the so-called "RPGMF Rocket") only had one type (a standard HE round), but Update #91 (the 2020 4th of July update) gave it several more.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRPG-7 - 40mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn RPG-7 and a crate full of rockets, found at the Sampler Platter's Dessert Table. It's a hard thing to find, too - you have to show up early, or else it'll all be taken by the 12:30 lunch rush.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Yes, I get that it's not loaded, but that doesn't mean that this isn't the single stupidest thing you have ever done."Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a closer look at the RPG-7, with it (thankfully) pointed in a far, far safer direction.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a PG-7V rocket.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFollowing this is a step that a great many games tend to forget: cocking the hammer. The RPG-7 uses a revolver-style spur hammer (albeit one that strikes directly upwards) to set off its rockets; since the trigger mechanism is single-action-only, the hammer must be cocked before every shot.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the RPG. Well, at least there was an attempt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the launcher...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and watching the rocket hit its mark. While it can't be shown here (for obvious reasons), one thing to note is the inclusion of a sound delay system for distant explosions - even at the back of this relatively small range, there is still a noticeable delay between seeing the round go off and hearing it, meant to simulate the difference between the speeds of light and sound. This feature, along with a great many others (including the Sampler Platter itself), was introduced in Update #52.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAmusingly, due to the way that H3 defines loading (i.e. if a round intersects a certain trigger area, it is automatically loaded), simply slamming a rocket into the side of the RPG-7's main tube...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...produces a loaded rocket launcher, presumably either meaning that the rockets are capable of teleportation, or that osmosis can be performed with far larger particles than scientists previously thought. IMFDB does not encourage the practice of slamming live rockets into things; doing so outside of a video game is highly unlikely to end well.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" once again, this time at the cluster of shipping crates and explosive barrels that makes up the bulk of the Dessert Table's target content.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis has predictable results.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking over the new RPG-7.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a substantially less sensible place to actually use it, one might add.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBut hey, it's not like we've ever let something like common sense stop us, right?Error creating thumbnail: File missingYes, "us". You're a part of this now, whether you like it or not.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCocking the RPG's hammer; the markings on the grip assembly state what it is ("PПГ-7", or "RPG-7"), followed by a serial number ("ИTБ-137"), and a production date ("1975г.").Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the RPG at a hopefully-far-enough-away wall; as mentioned, one of the main improvements of the new model over the old one is a functional rear sight, making it something more than just a window to look through at the front one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the launcher, as ever, produces a brief-yet-blinding flash of light and a substantially-longer-yet-just-as-blinding cloud of smoke. It probably wouldn't obscure effect-on-target as much if the target was a more reasonable distance away.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot only is the new model's rear sight notch functional, the rest of it is too; the slider can be adjusted from 100 to 500 meters in 100-meter increments.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt also features a sixth position, which is self-explanatory in about the most literal way possible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJust like the original RPG, various loading shenanigans are possible; here, the rocket (labeled as a "PG-7D", a seemingly-fictional version of the PG-7) goes in backwards...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and somehow winds up facing forwards. No fancy throw-and-catch necessary.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe primary utility of the flipped-down setting is to keep the rear sight out of the way when mounting optics; the rail will take any Warsaw Pact-type dovetail-mounted optic, like this somewhat unsuited-for-task Kobra RDS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt can also take AK rail adaptors, allowing for some things well and truly past the point of forgiveness.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe carrying handle can also be used to carry extra rockets, though this does block the magnified portion of the optic. And forces you to put a live rocket directly in the path of the previous one's exhaust, and right next to its launch tube. Which, if it's any consolation, should at least help deal with the continued existence of this device's creator.
"Rocket Launcher"
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd when we said "heavily stylized", we meant heavily stylized.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Rocket Launcher"'s rockets, as in TF2, are these little gray objects that go into the muzzle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and not necessarily one at a time. As in the source material, this launcher manages to fit 4 rockets in the tube (though, unlike the original game, loaded rockets will protrude slightly from the muzzle, as seen here); while such a thing isn't strictly impossible, it would be a far cry from anything that could reasonably be described as "safe", and would seriously inhibit the ability of the launcher to vent propellant gases out of the exhaust port (which serves to prevent the launcher from flying backwards with each shot).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the launcher; between the wobbliness of the front sight and the lack of a rear sight to line it up with, this isn't particularly helpful at any substantive range. The former aspect is noteworthy; wobbly objects hadn't been feasible in H3's physics engine prior, but an outside contributor going by the name "Cynicat" managed to get it working.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a shot; the largely-obstructed tube could at least explain the weapon's rather severe vertical recoil.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWatching the rocket hit its mark. The rockets fired by H3's version of the launcher are noticeably more powerful than those in TF2, frequently insta-gibbing enemies (such as this unfortunate Sniper Sosig) with a single well-placed shot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other "proper" use of the Rocket Launcher is another mechanic inherited from its source (pun intended), the so-called "rocket jump", wherein a rocket is fired at the ground beneath/a wall next to the wielder, propelling them through the air in a spectacular, cartoonish fashion; H3VR may very well be the first VR game in which such a thing is possible. Not recommended for those who suffer from motion sickness.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Rocket Launcher's various ammo types laid out on a table; from left to right, there's the standard round, the "WRONG AMMO", the "To The Moon", the "Frag Explosive" (yes, that is a can of meat as a warhead), the "Rock-It", and the "Rocket Pop".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "To The Moon" round, in keeping with its name, colorscheme, and being based on 1950s sci-fi rockets, is a high-velocity less-lethal round meant exclusively for rocket jumping (similar in function to TF2's "Rocket Jumper", but as a round instead of a separate weapon); since there's no real way to show it in its intended role without being redundant, here's a shot of it completely failing to damage a Sosig instead. A Sosig who is, for whatever reason, stuck to a wall.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Rocket Pop" round, aside from bringing back memories of chasing the ice cream truck down the street (how simple things used to be), also temporarily freezes enemies within a given radius; this makes them less vulnerable to piercing-type attacks (but more vulnerable to blunt ones), and slows down all of their functions - movement, turning, weapon-handling, and even their AI.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe frag rocket, as the now-enabled bullet trails show, does pretty much exactly what it says on the can - well, not exactly what it says on the actual can, since that would imply it contains Penn's Prime Meats and Cuts, but you get the idea.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Rock-It", meanwhile, is a little less obvious; it serves as a directional anti-personnel round, traveling a set distance (roughly 8 meters) before exploding, sending out a burst of shrapnel in a forward-facing cone (again, the bullet trails help make this clearer), or simply exploding on contact and sending all this shrapnel into the target if its hits something beforehand. This serves to minimize collateral/self-damage in close quarters at the cost of having to be more precise with your shots and severely limiting your effective range. Still, it works better than you'd expect for what is quite literally a firework with a bunch of rocks taped to it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd finally, there's the "WRONG AMMO", which is as hard to show off as it is to use in its intended role; being mortar shells, these fly in a ballistic arc rather than a straight line, allowing the weapon to be used for indirect fire. While the white streak that follows them is somewhat helpful, the weapon they're fired out of still has no real way of aiming like this, so actually hitting anything other than the ground is mostly down to luck.
RPzB 43/54 "Panzerschreck"
Rounding out Update #50's collection of largely-WWII-centric weaponry is the Panzerschreck. Much like the M1A1 Bazooka, reloading the weapon is a simpler process in-game than it is in reality; whereas in-game the rocket is simply stuffed into the tube and fired, in reality the rocket had to be properly lined up in the tube, and the user had to press down the pin on top of the contact box to allow electricity to be transferred to the rocket, thus allowing its ignition.
Added in Update #102's first (formal) alpha, the "Signaler" is a fictional flare gun largely based on the M8 Flare Pistol, intended as an alternate weapon for the Pyro in the "Meat Fortress" gamemode. It is primarily based on one of the alternate concepts for the "Flare Gun" in TF2, itself more or less a stocked AN/M8; the in-game weapon fires 50mm flare shells, available in multiple varieties.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM8 Flare Pistol - 37mm flareError creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the fancy new flare launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlthough, at some point in the process of giving it a stock, a longer barrel, and several types of offensive ammunition, it may have crossed the line into "grenade launcher" territory.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCracking open the flarenade launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a 50mm flare, of the "Classic" (i.e. "flare") variety; if this looks like a squash-and-stretched shotgun shell, that's because it more or less is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCocking the weapon; the lever pulled back here is a breech latch on the M8, though precisely how it works on this thing isn't clear - given the linear movement, it's probably a cocking lever for an internal striker, though it being mounted on the barrel does complicate matters a bit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne thing's for sure, though - it's not an iron sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingShould you attempt to use it as such, well...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...good luck. The standard flares have a bit of a blast radius, but not enough to compensate for that.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring another round, this one the "Conflagration" type; the burst of tracers give off the impression that this is some sort of buckshot round at first.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSaid impression is shattered a couple frames later, however, as each tracer erupts into its own little ball of flames - it's essentially a souped-up Dragon's Breath round, minus some of the range and muzzle velocity. Useful for spy-checking, as shown here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPopping open the launcher for a quick reload; note that the ejected round (like the rest of the Meat Fortress cartridges) has a struck primer. The new, yellow-hulled round is a "Sunburn" shell...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which takes its sweet time getting to the point. Despite this, it doesn't simply arc like a rainbow and drop to the ground; it appears to be a "parachute"-type flare, meant to hang in the air as long as possible.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce it finally stops doing so, the round detonates; it functions as a flashbang.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe last of the Signaler's rounds is the only one that lets the weapon live up to its name: the bright-green "Danger Close" round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring one off at an unsuspecting enemy sentry gun; upon reaching its destination, the flare acts like one would logically expect a flare to act, right down to its tendency to bounce off of things and roll around. Not exactly the most helpful thing, considering what happens next.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Next" being "a couple seconds later", that is - a mortar shell descends from the heavens, right on the flare's location (at the time of launch, of course). As a note of trivia, this mortar round is technically a rocket - it uses the same projectile type as the Rocket Launcher's "WRONG AMMO" round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGood effect on target. Which is not something to take for granted - the omniscient mortar crew may be fast, but they aren't perfectly accurate, so some near-misses can occur.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA fact which only adds to the reasons why this is a sight to run away from very, very fast. Another reason being that the flare itself isn't particularly effective against enemies - meaning that, between the incoming mortar shell and the now-merely-angrier enemy, there are two distinct forms of "danger close" at play.
"Stickybomb Launcher"
Another weapon added with the "Meat Fortress" update was the TF2 Demoman's "Stickbomb Launcher", a fictional 8-shot semi-automatic weapon that fires remotely-detonated bombs (which, as the name implies, can stick to surfaces). Visually, it seems to be loosely based on the Sten Mk V, albeit stockless, left-hand-charging, fed by a fixed drum magazine (reminiscent of an RPK's 75-round drum), and massively oversized.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSten Mk. V - 9x19mm ParabellumError creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Stickybomb Launcher"'s ammunition (which isn't seen in TF2, since the original version was somehow reloaded by racking the charging handle repeatedly)...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and the launcher itself. Note the electronic device on top; this is another addition made for H3, and was created by a community member named PieSavvy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLocking open the weapon's bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA necessary process to show off one more aspect of the launcher created for this version: its loading procedure.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a manner somewhat inspired by the M1941 Johnson rifle, this variant of the Stickybomb Launcher is loaded with an 8-round stripper clip inserted through the ejection port.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLetting the bolt drop, pushing a round out of the magazine and into the chamber.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the launcher; since the only thing provided for this is the Mk. V Sten's empty front sight protector, it'd be more accurately described as "point-shooting".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off a shot; the action closes quite quickly for its size. Also note that the projectile is bigger than the launcher's actual bore; the explanation given being that the bombs inflate upon leaving the muzzle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn assortment of stickies laid out around the room, which help reveal the purpose of the aforementioned device: since H3VR has no HUD to show the player how many stickybombs they've placed, the device fills that role instead, with the line rising higher on the screen for each sticky placed. With all 8 set out, there's only one thing left to do...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Ka-BEEEEEEEEEEEEEWM!"
"The Long Shot"
Alpha 2 of Update #96 added a modified variant of the Stickybomb Launcher known as "The Long Shot", along with several new ammo types for both it and the original variant. Compared to the Stickybomb Launcher, the Long Shot is a longer weapon overall (featuring a longer barrel and a full stock), and sacrifices semi-auto functionality for increased muzzle velocity, to the point that it serves as a serviceable direct-fire weapon out to surprising ranges.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the Long Shot in the Proving Grounds' dedicated battle arena.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe forend and stock are similar to that of the Demo's Grenade Launcher; the device in place of the original Stickybomb Launcher's more-or-less-functionless front sight protector is a laser sight that, like some of the other Meat Fortress weapons', is always on.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some shells; this is a "Rusty Nail" round, one of the three alternate ammo types added in the same update.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReleasing the locked-back bolt, and chambering a round. Props to whoever designed the feed ramp in this thing - getting it to feed rounds like that reliably must've been a bona fide nightmare.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSetting down a few Rusty Nails before starting an AI battle, and showing off what appears to be an artifact of how the weapon is coded - for just the briefest of moments, two noticeably different stickybombs appear in front of the muzzle. Say, setting up stickies before the two teams even begin existing isn't cheating right?Error creating thumbnail: File missingManually racking the charging handle; as mentioned, the Long Shot lacks semi-auto functionality, effectively tutoring it into a spring-assisted straight-pull bolt-action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDetonating the Rusty Nail rounds all at once reveals their function: smoking like a 1950s commercial airliner cabin.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up another type; in keeping with the general theme of scotch-based cocktail names, this one's called the "Robbie Burns".Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a less-than-quick potshot at an enemy Sosig's head...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...with predictable consequences. While decent at knocking enemies down when uncharged, the Long Shot can often kill enemies with a single fully-charged shot, a shot which has almost no drop over reasonable distances to boot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingActually detonating a few of these rounds reveals their intended function: fittingly, the Robbie Burns round is incendiary.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLastly, there's the "Highland Fling".Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis is an explosive scatter-shot round, firing six mini-stickies per shot; this, in combination with the aforementioned high impact damage allows the Long Shot to be used as an ersatz shotgun in close quarters.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDetonating the Highland Fling rounds shows off one of their interesting properties: they aren't all fuzed quite the same, with the six submunitions exploding jut slightly out of sync with each other. Aside from looking cooler, this does provide some advantages: in particular, with mini-stickies scattered on the ground, the first blast will often knock enemies down, putting their much more vital, squishy bits right next to all of the subsequent explosions.
The final grenade launcher added in the 10th alpha of Update #52 is the Sturmpistole, a WW2-era German experiment in converting the Leuchtpistole flare gun into a grenade launcher.