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An Ungentlemanly Act
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DVD Cover
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing United Kingdom
Directed by Stuart Urban
Release Date 1992
Studio BBC
Distributor BBC One
Main Cast
Character Actor
Governor Rex Hunt Ian Richardson
Major Mike Norman Bob Peck

An Ungentlemanly Act is a 1992 BBC television film about the events surrounding the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands in 1982. The film stars Ian Richardson as Falklands Governor Sir Rex Hunt and Bob Peck as Major Mike Norman, commander of the Royal Marines stationed in Stanley. The film is based closely on real events, and was shot on location in the Falkland Islands and at Ealing Studios in London. An Ungentlemanly Act won a BAFTA TV Award for best single drama in 1993.

The following weapons were used in the film An Ungentlemanly Act:


Browning Hi-Power

Governor Rex Hunt (Ian Richardson) carries a Browning Hi-Power as his personal weapon. He is seen retrieving the pistol from his desk drawer and holding it in several scenes, but is never shown firing it.

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Classic Commercial Browning Hi-Power (Belgian Mfg) - 9x19mm
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A Browning Hi-Power lies in Governor Hunt's drawer.
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Governor Rex Hunt (Ian Richardson) pulls out the Browning Hi-Power.

Colt M1911A1

An Argentinian officer is seen threatening a disc jockey with what appears to be a Colt M1911A1 after capturing the island's radio station.

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World War II Colt M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP. This was an issued U.S. Army pistol with parkerized finish, thus the official designation of M1911A1
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The officer threatens the disc jockey with a M1911A1.


12-Gauge Double Barrelled Shotgun

Don Bonner (James Warrior), Governor Hunt's driver, wields a 12 Gauge Double Barrelled Shotgun while defending Government House.

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1960s Era Commercial Stevens hammerless side by side shotgun - 12 gauge
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Don Bonner converses with Governor Hunt while holding the shotgun.

Submachine Guns

Sterling Mk.4 SMG

Royal Marines use the Sterling L2A3 (Mk.4) submachine gun in several scenes, most prominently by Major Gary Noott (Hugh Ross) when he captures a group of Argentinian commandos. Argentinian soldiers are also seen with the Sterling while invading Stanley.

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Sterling L2A3 (Mk.4) - 9x19mm
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Major Noott hears the commandos hiding in the roof of a building at Government House.
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Noot opens fire, forcing the commandos down the stairs and into the hands of the British - they temporarily became the first Argentinian prisoners of war captured by the British.
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An Argentinian soldier brandishes a Sterling SMG.

Sterling L34A1 SMG

The Argentinian Commandos anfibios troops are armed with Sterling L34A1 silenced submachine guns without the wooden handguards.

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Sterling L34A1 (Mk.5), suppressed version of the Sterling L2A3 - 9x19mm
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A naval commando holds a suppressed Sterling SMG.
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A commando fires his Sterling into the air when reinforcements arrive.
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A commando holds a L34A1.

FMAP P.A.M. 1 (M3A1 "Grease Gun")

Some of the invading Argentinian soldiers are armed with the FMAP P.A.M. 1, an Argentinian variant of the M3A1 "Grease Gun" chambered in 9mm.

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P.A.M.1 (Pistola Ametrelladora Modelo 1), Argentinian version of "Grease Gun" - 9x19 mm. The improved version P.A.M.2 has a grip safety on the magazine housing.
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An Argentine soldier waves his P.A.M 1 in the air after the British surrender.



Royal Marines including Major Mike Norman (Bob Peck), along with members of the Falkland Islands Defence Force (FIDF), use L1A1 rifles while defending against the Argentinian invasion.

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L1A1 SLR - 7.62x51mm NATO. This is the later, typical version of the L1A1 which used black fiberglass furniture.
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Major Norman aims his L1A1.
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Royal Marines fire L1A1s from the windows of Government House.
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A FIDF volunteer holds a L1A1.


Invading Argentinian soldiers use FN FAL rifles.

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FN FAL 50.00 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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An Argentinian soldier holds a FN FAL.
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An Argentine poses for the camera after the British surrender.

Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I

A member of the FIDF uses a Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I rifle while confronting the Argentine forces.

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Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I - .303 British. This was the main battle rifle of British and Commonwealth forces during World War Two, however, it was supplemented heavily with the older Lee Enfield No.1 MK.III. First placed in service with the British military in 1941.
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A FIDF member holds a Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I.

Machine Guns


A Commandos anfibios member uses a FN FALO with a PVS-2 night vision sight while infiltrating into the Falklands. Argentinian forces are also seen with the FALO during the invasion.

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FALO with bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A naval commando aims a FN FALO with a PVS-2 night vision sight.
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An Argentinian points a FN FALO at a British POW.

Bren L4A4

British and Argentine forces are both seen with the Bren L4A4 machine gun.

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Bren L4A4 - 7.62x51mm NATO. Note the straight magazine (due to the rimless 7.62 NATO rounds) and the slotted flash hider.
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Argentinian officers walk past soldiers manning a Bren L4A4.


Royal Marines use the L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun in several scenes. The L7A2 is also seen mounted on various armored vehicles, including FV 432 APCs (standing in for the Argentinian AAV-7) and Panhard AML armored cars.

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British L7A2 General Purpose Machine Gun - 7.62x51mm NATO
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A Royal Marine stands next to a L7 GPMG at the beach.
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FIDF members with L7 GPMGs detain Argentine locals.
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A L7 GPMG is mounted on an Argentine Panhard AML armored car.


M67 hand grenade

Captain Pedro Giachino (Arturo Venegas), leader of the Argentinian Commandos anfibios team, threatens to detonate a M67 grenade after being wounded by the British in order to deter them from capturing him.

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M67 fragmentation grenade
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Captain Giachino threatens to detonate a M67 grenade after being seriously wounded.
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A wounded Lt. Quiroga (Vincent S. Boluga) is seen with two M67 grenades attached to his webbing.

Rifle Grenade

The Argentinian commandos fire rifle grenades while assaulting the barracks next to Government House.

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Argentinian commandos fire rifle grenades.