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Team Fortress 2: Difference between revisions

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The Sniper's secondary weapon is a submachine gun called the "SMG". It combines the general shape and distinctive front sight of a [[MAT-49]] with the rear sight, magazine, and bolt of an [[M1A1 Thompson]]. It deals very low damage and has average accuracy, but its very rapid fire can pile on damage quickly if aimed well. It has a twenty-five-round magazine, with 75 rounds in reserve. Like the other Support and Defense classes, the Sniper isn't meant to go into the front lines with this weapon, but rather be able to defend himself during medium-range combat when there isn't enough time to snipe an incoming enemy, or to finish off pre-damaged enemies when there's not enough time for a follow-up shot.
The Sniper's secondary weapon is a submachine gun called the "SMG". It combines the general shape and distinctive front sight of a [[MAT-49]] with the rear sight, magazine, and bolt of an [[M1A1 Thompson]]. It deals very low damage and has average accuracy, but its very rapid fire can pile on damage quickly if aimed well. It has a twenty-five-round magazine, with 75 rounds in reserve. Like the other Support and Defense classes, the Sniper isn't meant to go into the front lines with this weapon, but rather be able to defend himself during medium-range combat when there isn't enough time to snipe an incoming enemy, or to finish off pre-damaged enemies when there's not enough time for a follow-up shot. Early [ concept art] shows a weapon more closely resembling the MAT-49, along with the "SMG" that made it into the game.
[[File:MAT-49.jpg|thumb|none|450px|MAT-49 - 9x19mm Parabellum]]
[[File:MAT-49.jpg|thumb|none|450px|MAT-49 - 9x19mm Parabellum]]
[[File:M1sb.jpg|thumb|none|450px|M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP]]
[[File:M1sb.jpg|thumb|none|450px|M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP]]

Revision as of 23:55, 13 July 2022

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Team Fortress 2 (2007)

Team Fortress 2 is a Source engine first-person shooter created by Valve. As the name implies, the action is team-based, with both teams composed of nine distinct classes divided into offensive, defensive, and support categories. The game is well known for its dark humor, infinite fan-controversy and incredibly lazy, if hilarious, animations.

The game's art style is a distinctive cartoonish take on 60s espionage; the designs of the game's weapons are stylized versions of familiar designs. Many weapons in the game were made by the community and added by Valve instead of being made by Valve themselves.

The following weapons are used in the video game Team Fortress 2:

Shared Weapons


The secondary weapon for the Engineer and Scout classes, the Pistol is a mixture of the Makarov PM, Walther PPK, and Smith & Wesson 61 Escort. It possesses the Makarov's slide, trigger, upper frame, the PPK's ejection port, handle, handgrips, and the S&W's trigger guard. It lacks power and has only average accuracy, but has good range and is semi-automatic with a very fast reload time for its twelve-round magazine; it can be used as a backup when one's primary weapon is out of ammunition (either for finishing off injured enemies or covering a retreat), or for harassing enemies and picking off undefended buildings at a distance. The light-traveling Scout carries three extra magazines, and the ever-prepared Engineer carries sixteen extra magazines (and two-thirds of one more).

Interestingly, early concept art shows that there was originally supposed to be a sidearm based on the SIG P210; also considered were a hammerless variant with a slide-mounted safety, and several suppressed designs, including a Remington Model 51, an FN Model 1922, a Sauer 38H, and one in particular based on the Mauser HSc.

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Makarov PM - 9x18mm Makarov
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Walther PPK - .380 ACP
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Smith & Wesson 61 Escort - .22 Long Rifle
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The in-game model of the "Pistol".
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The Scout draws his sidearm, giving a good view of the unusual left-handed ejection port; while the nature of this animation would suggest that he carries the pistol in a chest or shoulder holster, he doesn't actually have a holster anywhere on his model, leaving the whereabouts of the Pistol when he's not using it a bit of a mystery.
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Ignoring these inquiries, the Scout watches the enemy spawn near the second point of cp_dustbowl's first stage. Like many Valve characters, he uses the rather inadvisable "cup-and-saucer" grip, notorious for being unhelpful in recoil management. Note the slide which has what appears to be trench sights, but also a front sight which contradicts the use of the trench sights.
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Inspecting the Pistol, a feature that was initially implemented for skinned weapons in the Gun Mettle update; it was later added to the rest of the game's weapons, skinned or otherwise. Note that the magazine seemingly comes out of its own volition here; there is no magazine release modeled anywhere on the gun, nor is there a notch for one anywhere on the magazine itself.
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The Pistol's other side; surprisingly enough for a Boston teenager with more confidence than brains, he exercises good trigger discipline during this animation.
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Firing off a few rounds; while ostensibly semi-automatic, the Pistol will fire continuously if the fire button is held, like all weapons in TF2. This wasn't always the case; the Pistol used to fire as quickly as the player could click their mouse, but this was changed after people starting using macros to turn it into what effectively amounted to a single-shot shotgun that could one-shot a Soldier with damage to spare.
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Reloading, using an odd technique seen practically nowhere else; first, the magazine is ejected, showing that it has flat, featureless upper surface devoid of a follower or feed lips...
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...before flipping the weapon over, slapping in a magazine, and spinning it back into place. Considering that this routine involves pointing a loaded handgun at oneself with a finger on the trigger, it's easy to see why it's not seen anywhere else.
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Meanwhile, near the first point of the second stage of Dustbowl, an Engineer draws his own Pistol, giving it a flashy spin. Judging by the clipping on the trigger, this animation was presumably originally meant for someone who wasn't wearing a rubber glove on their firing hand.
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The Engineer surveys his domain, Pistol in hand; unlike the Scout, he holds it with one hand.
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The Engi's inspection animation begins with a flashy sideways spin...
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...though, apart from that, it's largely the same as the Scout's.
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That being said, his inspection of the right side is a fair bit more scrutinous.
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Firing the Pistol. Note that, as is the case with the Scout, the entire gun moves at once; the only separable part of the weapon's model is the magazine, with the slide, trigger, and hammer all being completely fixed in place.
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The Engineer reloads his sidearm, slapping a new magazine in dramatically enough to almost hide the fact that the divot in the side is simply a texture. Strangely enough, this reload animation is somehow 0.11 seconds slower than the Scout's reload routine.

Luger P08

Max's signature "Lugermorph" sidearm in the Sam and Max: Freelance Police series appears as an unlockable secondary weapon for the Scout (and the Engineer after the July 1st 2010 update) for players who pre-ordered Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse or bought it within the first week of its release, or by winning it from Max in the game Poker Night at the Inventory. Based on the Luger P08, the Lugermorph is only a cosmetic reskin of the regular Pistol. The Luger's model is only one piece, as neither shells eject nor does the slide move when firing. The magazine is also fixed to the gun and never leaves while reloading or inspecting.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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Max's sidearm from the Sam & Max adventure game series
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The Luger P08 in first person.

Ithaca 37

A sawed-off Ithaca 37 "Shotgun" is the Engineer's primary weapon and the secondary weapon for the Soldier, Pyro, and Heavy. Although it is his primary weapon, the Engineer uses it primarily in self-defense and in defense of his buildings. At close range, the Shotgun deals great damage, but falls off noticeably at mid range. The other classes that use the Shotgun as a secondary have highly-damaging primary weapons and use the Shotgun to finish off injured opponents or to conserve primary weapon ammo. In the Soldier's Shotgun taunt, he fires three shots in the manner of a twenty-one-gun salute, though no ammo is expended and causes no damage. Also when drawing it, the Pyro will rack the forend, which the other classes don't do. Strangely, the ejection port of the "Shotgun" only moves after being racked when fired as the Engineer, but this is not present when using the weapon as other classes.

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Ithaca 37 with sawed-off stock and barrel - 12 gauge
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Notice that the Shotgun's ejection port is on the left side, not the bottom like the real Ithaca 37, but oddly ejects to the right in-game.
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The Soldier racks the Ithaca 37's pump action after he deals with a Spy in Meet the Spy.
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The Heavy shoulders his Ithaca 37 in Meet the Scout. Note that his ring-finger fills up the entire trigger guard.

Mossberg 500

There are two shotguns in the game that bear a resemblance to the Mossberg 500. "The Family Business" is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Heavy, it is fitted with wooden furniture and a tubular stock and a safety selector mounted on the left side of the receiver above the trigger. Concept art shows that the weapon resembles a Benelli M3 Super 90. It holds eight rounds (the highest ammo capacity of all the shotguns in the game) and appears to be chambered in 20 gauge, since it deals less damage per shot. Due to a bug (which has since been patched), spent shells from "The Family Business" are ejected from the center of the screen, appearing out of thin air. In addition, the pump has no animation; the whole weapon moves back and forth instead of the pump, this has now been fixed. "The Family Business" fires 15% faster than the default Shotgun.

The other shotgun is the "Reserve Shooter", which features a green frame with a white star inside of a ring similar to the symbol seen on US Army vehicles in World War II, a green USMC-style barrel clamp, wooden sawed-off stock, and wooden forend. Originally available exclusively to the Soldier, recent updates allowed it to be used by the Pyro as well. It only holds four rounds, and for five seconds after drawing it will deliver mini-crits to targets in mid-air, though only ones launched as a result of knockback, such as explosives. As of the Jungle Inferno Update on October 20 of 2017, it cannot mini-crit airblasted targets, but does get mini-crits on enemy Pyros who are flying with the Thermal Thruster jetpack. As another effect, the user will switch to the weapon 20% faster. Interestingly, the weapon has an ejection port on the left side, but ejects spent shells to the right when fired. The "Reserve Shooter" also makes a distinctly deeper sound when fired that is noticeably different from most of the other shotguns in the game.

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Mossberg 500 "Persuader" with high-capacity magazine tube - 12 gauge
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"The Family Business"
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A Heavy taunts with the "Family Business." Note the Soviet hammer and sickle symbol on the stock.
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Concept art for the Reserve Shooter.
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Reloading the Reserve Shooter.

Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun"

The "Panic Attack" shotgun is based off a Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun", with a sawed down stock and a drum magazine loaded into the bayonet mount. The "Panic Attack" used to act similarly to the Soldier's Beggar's Bazooka, having the player load in rounds and firing them off in a quick succession, but a later update changed it to function like other shotguns. Before the stat change of this weapon, it loaded shells 50% faster than the Ithaca 37 listed above and also fired faster as the player's health gets lower with accuracy decreasing as well.

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Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" - 12 gauge
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The model for the "Panic Attack". Note the extremely short magazine tube and the drum magazine attached ahead of it.


COP 357

The "Shortstop," a pearl-gripped derringer based on the COP 357 Derringer with a single external hammer, is one of the Scout's unlockable primary weapons. It has a tighter spread than the Scattergun, fires 75% faster, and reloads in one second, but inflicts 20% less damage overall and only loads four rounds. It is the only primary weapon based on a secondary. Visually, the Shortstop seems to chamber oversized .357 Magnum rounds but actually fires several projectiles per shot, similar to "snake shot" ammunition. The weapon also used to draw from the same ammunition pool as the Pistol, Lugermorph, or Winger, which has since been changed in a patch. The Shortstop currently has the unique feature of enabling the Scout to do a shove attack at an enemy in front of him, though it increases all knockback force taken by 20% while active. Concept art of the "Shortstop" suggests that it would have more closely resembled a combination of a COP .357 and a four-shot Remington-Elliot Derringer, though the final product has some slight features of the Remington (such as the grip shape).

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COP 357 - .357 Magnum
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Remington-Elliot Derringer - .32 Rimfire
A render of The Shortstop.
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The Shortstop in-game. Clearly visible here is the weapon's external hammer ,which isn't lined up with any of the barrels, leaving one to guess at the weapon's internal workings.
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The Scout holds his Shortstop on pl_upward.
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Source Filmmaker render of the Shortstop. Note the unfired rounds in a quad clip (which are inserted into the derringer when reloading) and the spent casings (that are ejected from the derringer in its reload animation) which lack a clip and contain unstruck primers.

Beretta 3032 Tomcat

The "Winger" resembles a Beretta 3032 Tomcat with a radiation hazard symbol on the grips and yellow wings imprinted at the rear of the slide and a squared back-end with no external hammer. It is an unlockable secondary weapon for Scout, which inflicts 15% more damage per shot than the Pistol, but only loads five rounds. It also increases the user's maximum jump height by 25%. According to the creator of the Winger's model, it lacks an external hammer and is instead striker fired in order to avoid it looking too similar like the default pistol.

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Beretta 3032 Tomcat in Stainless Steel - .32 ACP
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The Winger ingame.
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Third-person shot of the Winger.

Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket

Released as part of the Pyromania Update, the "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol" is based on the Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket with wood grips. The pistol's name is inspired by notorious gangster Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd. The weapon also shares the same reloading animation as the Scout's default pistol. It previously fired 10% slower than the normal Pistol (before an update removed this stat) and now holds only 9 rounds in the magazine with the ability to heal the Scout for up to 3 health per hit.

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Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket with wood grips - .25 ACP
The Colt Model 1908 in first person.
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Promo image for the Colt M1908. The front of the slide appears to be too short to fully lock back and expose the pistol's ejection port.


The Scout's default primary weapon is a stockless, semi-automatic, double-short-barreled "Scattergun" with an integral six-round drum magazine and a hammerless lever-action receiver somewhat akin to the Savage 99. It is statistically similar to the Shotgun, but with slightly different reload timings (faster for the first shell, but slightly slower for each subsequent one) and a unique damage ramp-up at close range (175% of its base per-pellet damage as opposed to most weapons' 150%). Oddly, the Scout never actually loads new shells into the weapon; he simply works the lever to eject spent shells, which replaces them with fresh ammo in a manner that is best not thought about.

Some early concept art depicts several alternate concepts, including more conventional-looking sawn-offs (which presumably turned into the "Force-A-Nature" below), single-barreled variations with and without drum magazines (in both cases possessing magazine tubes and forends more akin to a traditional lever-action rifle), and a version with two separate triggers and a Winchester Model 1887 receiver.

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The Scattergun's model. The presence of iron sights on the barrel rib implies that the weapon was manufactured at this length, rather than being sawn off.
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The Scout readies his Scattergun in Meet the Scout. He notably works the lever and ejects a shell in this scene; given how the weapon works in-game (and his personality), it can be surmised that he deliberately left it partly unloaded for dramatic effect.
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As with his other weapons, the Scout draws his Scattergun somewhat more dramatically than many other classes; this animation apparently implies that he keeps the weapon on his back, facing lever-out and muzzle-up, possibly in the bag he keeps over his shoulder (see above).
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Idling with the Scattergun on koth_lakeside. This rather clearly shows the problem with the weapon's iron sights: they're completely blocked by the drum, and are thus entirely unusable. Not that any irons are usable in-game either way.
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Returning to his street-hooligan roots, the Scout peppers a parked car with 10-pellet buckshot. Given the location of the muzzle flash, the weapon either fires exclusively from the left barrel, or fires each shell out of both barrels at once; the former could theoretically be excused as some form of selectable-barrel system (which could be useful for different ammunition loads - say, one barrel choked for slugs, and another for shot), though no such functionality is present in-game.
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"Reloading"; while this would make some sense if the Scattergun uses a rotary magazine or cylinder (like, say, the Armsel Striker), as such a weapon would require manual ejection and re-winding after spring-cycling the entire drum/cylinder, this still doesn't explain how the new shells get into the weapon. Also, these shells come out facing backwards for some reason, as they have since 2007.
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Inspecting the Scattergun; it apparently lacks any sort of locking system to prevent the lever from simply falling open, which would mean that the Scout would have to be manually holding it shut at all times. Most real-world lever-actions have some form of mechanical lock to prevent this, as a firearm's action spontaneously opening itself is generally considered a bad thing. As is a firearm doing pretty much anything else spontaneously.
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The opposite side. Note that the weapon has ports on both the bottom and side of the drum; the latter is presumably used to eject shells while reloading, though it isn't clear what the former is for.
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Taunting; the Scout laughs and slaps his leg, defying everything that was said earlier about the lever not being locked in place, and raising yet further questions about how this thing is supposed to work in the process.

Sawed-off Double Barreled Shotgun

The Scout's initial unlockable primary weapon is a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun with sawed-off barrels called the "Force-A-Nature." Compared to the Scattergun, it has a higher rate of fire and fires more pellets per shot, but does slightly less damage per pellet and only holds two shots at a time. Targets hit at close range are knocked back a considerable distance; if the Scout fires it in mid-air, he is knocked back as well, which can be used to give the Scout a third jump.

The "Soda Popper" is a haphazardly-repaired Force-A-Nature with a can of Crit-a-Cola taped under the barrels replacing the foregrip. The Soda Popper reloads 25% faster than the Force-A-Nature and fires 50% faster than the Scattergun. Equipping the Popper gives the Scout a "Hype" meter, filled by moving and jumping, and if activated when full will allow him to jump five extra times in mid-air until the boost ends.

Both the Force-A-Nature and Soda Popper only load two shots, and reloading while one round is left wastes the unfired round. The Soda Popper's shells have radiation hazard symbols on their headstamps.

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Stevens SBS shotgun with sawn-off barrels - 12 gauge. Similar to the Force-A-Nature, but less compact and cartoonishly proportioned.
The Force-A-Nature
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The Force-A-Nature in-game.
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A Scout taunts with the Force-A-Nature on pl_hoodoo_final.
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Promo image for the Soda Popper.
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Soda Popper in 1st person.

Winchester Model 1887

Released as part of the Love and War Update, the "Back Scatter" appears to be a Winchester Model 1887 with an MG15 style magazine, as well as a sawed-off barrel and stock. The "Back Scatter" works similarly to the Pyro's "Backburner" flame thrower, dealing out more damage if the enemy is shot from behind. Enemies shot from behind within roughly thirty feet suffer mini-crits, though the weapon cannot inflict random critical hits and is twenty percent less accurate than the normal Scattergun. Just like the Scout's default Scattergun, the weapon is reloaded by cycling the lever action, with no new shells shown being loaded into the weapon.

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Airsoft replica Model 1887 with sawn-off stock, barrel, and cutaway trigger guard, as seen in Terminator 2: Judgment Day - (fake) 10 gauge
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A render of the Back Scatter.

Browning Auto-5

Released as part of the Pyromania Update, the Browning Auto-5 appears as an unlockable primary weapon for the Scout, referred to in-game as the "Baby Face's Blaster". The weapon has a lever-action loop, integral drum magazine and a "mare's leg" style sawed-off stock & barrel. It functions similar to the default Scattergun, though reduces Scout's initial speed by 10% and holds only 4 shells. However, dealing damage with the weapon fills a "Boost" meter, which allows the Scout to run faster, up to a max of double speed at full Boost. The boost is partly lost when jumping and when taking damage. The name is inspired from infamous gangster "Baby-Face Nelson". It also has a similar firing sound as the "Reserve Shooter" mentioned above.

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Browning Auto-5 - 12 gauge
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The Auto-5 in first person.
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Promo image for the Baby Face Blaster.



The Soldier's primary weapon is the "Rocket Launcher", a heavily stylized RPG-7. Unlike its single-shot real-life counterpart, the Rocket Launcher can pack four rockets at a time inside the tube, lacks a rear sight, and it has its trigger on the rear grip instead of the front one; it is worth noting, however, that concept art features the correct grip orientation, along with a scope and front sight. The Rocket Launcher, along with the Demoman's "Grenade Launcher", is one of the most damaging weapons in the game: a critical shot from either is usually enough to take out any enemy player in the blast radius. Notably, the game allows for "rocket jumping," a spectacular display of cartoon physics wherein a Soldier shoots towards the ground as he jumps, using the blast from the explosion to propel himself through the air over large distances and obstacles; while TF2 isn't the first game to allow this (it was first seen in Doom, though it really came into its own in the Quake series), it is perhaps the first to actively encourage it, to the point of even having a musical piece named for the act (the "Rocket Jump Waltz").

A craftable or purchased variant called "Rocket Jumper" comes with forty spare rounds but inflicts no damage. It is intended for players to use for rocket jumping practice.

The unlockable "Direct Hit" resembles the Soldier's original Rocket Launcher but with a fatter body, slimmed-down exhaust tube, and a (cosmetic) targeting scope. The Direct Hit has 30% of the Rocket Launcher's splash radius, but its rockets travel 80% faster (roughly 84 mph).

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RPG-7 - 40mm
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The "Rocket Launcher"'s model. Yeah, when we said "heavily stylized", we meant heavily stylized.
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Multiple soldiers holding the RPG-7-based weapon in Trailer 2. The rocket on the end of the tube made its resemblance to the RPG-7 even closer, and was removed prior to the game's release.
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Guarding the world's most unsafe sawmill (self-explanatorily named koth_sawmill) from any troublesome OSHA operatives, the Soldier holds his Rocket Launcher.
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Upon firing, there is a frame or two in which the rocket's particle effects appear before the rocket itself does. Here, one can also see that the front sight wobbles around while firing, as if it wasn't useless enough already.
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Ah, there it is.
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The rocket hits its mark, as it generally tends to; owing to its over-the-shoulder position (and resultant projectile angle), the Rocket Launcher actually includes a built-in rangefinding mechanic to ensure that the rocket will hit the point of aim regardless of distance, meaning that a target that moves out of the way will cause the rocket to hit to the left of the crosshair at a longer distance.
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Reloading is accomplished by shoving several additional rockets down the muzzle, in what quite likely mounts to yet another OSHA violation.
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Inspecting the Rocket Launcher is done in 3 phases: first, the front-left is examined, showing that the Soldier displays a precious lack of trigger discipline, rather befitting of both the era and the lead-addled character.
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Next, the rear-left is looked at, showing off a somewhat questionably-placed sling hook...
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...and, finally, the top-right is inspected, with most of this area being consumed by a somewhat odd quarter-tube shield attached to the weapon's right side; exactly what this is for isn't clear.
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Executing a rocket-jump in a different area of the map. This one's relatively simple, and will no doubt be chuckled at by some of the more field-experienced individuals in the community (who've formed something of a community in and of themselves).
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The "Direct Hit".
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The Soldier with the "Direct Hit" on pl_goldrush.


A single-barreled version of the M202 FLASH rocket launcher without the scope is an unlockable Soldier weapon called "The Black Box." It restores up to 20 health per rocket fired, but only holds 3 rockets.

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M202A1 FLASH - 66mm
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The "Black Box"
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A Soldier carries the Black Box on ctf_turbine.

M20A1 "Super Bazooka"

The "Liberty Launcher" is an unlockable rocket launcher for the Soldier. Although made as an ambiguous old "Bazooka" type weapon, it is notably based on the M20A1 "Super Bazooka" with many elements from the M1 "Bazooka" and RPG-7. It holds one extra rocket and its rockets fly 40% faster than the basic Rocket Launcher's but they deal 25% less damage.

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M20A1 "Super Bazooka" - 3.5" Rocket
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M1 Bazooka - 2.36" Rocket
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RPG-7 - 40mm
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The "Liberty Launcher"
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The "Liberty Launcher" ingame.
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Third Person view of the "Liberty Launcher".

"Beggar's Bazooka"

A fictional rocket launcher that was added in the Pyromania Update; the "Beggar's Bazooka" is a rocket launcher that the Soldier constructed out of assorted salvaged materials. A distinctive feature of this weapon is the ability to fire three rockets in a 'burst mode', dealing devastating damage to all but the strongest enemies. Accidentally loading a fourth rocket will cause an explosion in the launcher, damaging the Soldier and removing one stored rocket. The weapon cannot regain ammunition from friendly Dispensers when held out, and differs from all other rocket launchers in that it features a small degree of random projectile spread

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Beggar's Bazooka.
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First-person view of the Beggar's Bazooka

Mk 2 Hand Grenade

The Soldier wears two Mk 2 hand grenades strapped to his chest. He uses them as demonstration aids in the Meet the Soldier promotional video. He only uses them in-game as part of his "kamikaze" taunt: he pulls the pin on one and waits, killing himself and any enemy within a six foot radius. The grenades appear to have an overall black coloration with an orange/yellow band around the body. In another taunt, the Soldier will juggle these grenades and extra ammo for his Rocket Launcher.

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Mk 2 Hand Grenade
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The Soldier with his hand grenades in Meet the Soldier.



The Pyro's primary weapon is a custom-built flamethrower which appears to be based on a commercial weed-burner rather than a military weapon, although it's quite similar to the M1 Flamethrower in some ways. It uses a propane tank as a fuel source and a team-colored gasoline pump handle for a trigger assembly. Enemies hit with the flame from the weapon will instantly ignite and take additional damage for approximately three to ten seconds unless extinguished (with the exception of other Pyros, who do not burn). The alternate fire emits a blast of propellant that can extinguish burning teammates (rewarding the Pyro with a small health bonus), bounce enemies, and deflect non-hitscan projectiles (i.e. everything except bullets). There are four (not including reskins) alternate flamethrowers available, the Backburner, the Degreaser, the Phlogistinator, and the Dragon's Fury.

The Backburner is distinguished by a crudely-made team-colored dragon head welded over the muzzle. It always inflicts critical hits from behind (hence the name), but uses 50 ammo per airblast and cannot get random critical hits.

The Degreaser is comprised of a gas pump, car muffler, exhaust pipe, a team-colored fire extinguisher, and stove top burner. When equipped, the Pyro will switch to it 60% faster than the other flamethrowers, though it deals 66% less damage via afterburn and uses 25 ammo for every airblast instead of 20

The Phlogistinator is a steampunk ray gun. It does not have an airblast, but features a critical boost called "Mmmph", filled by burning enemies. When full, the Pyro can taunt to use the boost, giving guaranteed critical hits until it wears off (as well as invulnerability during the taunt itself), though it cannot get random critical hits

The Dragon's Fury is a bulkier flamethrower design with a much longer muzzle, and holds a magazine of only 40 units as opposed to 200. Instead of a cone of flame, it fires a fast-moving medium-range fire blast and has a short repressurization cooldown between uses. A successful hit will cause 50% faster repressurization, and the weapon deals +300% damage against burning targets. Airblast uses only a single ammo unit, as with the fire blast, but causes repressurization to be 50% slower

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A BLU Pyro firing the Flamethrower in Meet the Soldier
1st person view of the Flame Thrower.
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Promo image of the Pyro holding the Flame Thrower.

Orion Flare Gun

The "Flare Gun" is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Pyro. It is an oversized, elongated flare gun in team colors. It has an overall appearance similar to the Orion Flare Gun with the latching mechanism of the M8 flare pistol. Enemies hit with its projectiles (with the exception of other Pyros) are set on fire, and it inflicts a critical hit on a target that is already on fire.

The Über Update added the "Detonator," a modified version flare gun that allows its user to detonate its projectiles (which have the appearance of a miniature firework) in mid-flight, though it deals 25% less damage than the default flare gun. Targets in the blast radius are set alight just as if they had taken a direct hit. The Pyro wielding it suffers 50% more damage from his own weapons, making premature detonation a serious matter. Skilled Pyros can also use the Detonator to launch themselves into the air in a similar manner to the Soldier and Demoman using their rocket launcher and sticky launcher. Unlike the Flare Gun, the Detonator will only deal mini-crits (a 35% damage bonus) on burning targets. As of the Jungle Inferno Update, all flare guns deal a fixed 7.5 seconds of afterburn to ignited foes.

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Orion Flare Gun - 12 gauge
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"The Flare Gun." Note that the breech latch seems to be based on that of the M8 Flare Pistol.
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The Flare Gun in-game.
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The model for the "Detonator". Note the M79 grenade launcher style front sight.

"Scorch Shot"

A third flare gun added as part of the Pyromania Update is the "Scorch Shot." It is overall grey in color with an orange band around the muzzle. In addition to setting enemies on fire, it also knocks them backwards, similar to the effects of the Scout's Force-A-Nature shotgun. The projectiles fired by the Scorch Shot will bounce off whatever they hit, and can injure the Pyro who fired them if they hit him (such as if he fires at a wall directly in front of himself). Taunting with the Scorch Shot will perform his 'execution' taunt, wherein the Pyro stands side-on to wherever he's aiming at the time and draws down with the Scorch Shot, firing a single round. Like other attack taunts in the game, the 'execution' taunt will kill enemies hit by it at close range, while only doing normal damage at a distance (it is also the only taunt attack that consumes ammo; expending one round per taunt). The flares fired by the Scorch Shot will also destroy sticky bombs, just like the Demoman's Scottish Resistance mentioned below. They also deal 35% less damage than the Flare Gun and will do mini-crit damage to burning targets, just like the Detonator

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The Scorch Shot.
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First-person view of the Scorch Shot. Despite it being a single action flare launcher, its hammer has no firing pin to strike.

Incendiary Grenade

The Pyro wears three cylindrical grenades strapped to his chest. Given that most of the Pyro's weapons are fire-based, it's reasonable to assume these are supposed to be incendiary grenades; their shape is similar to the AN/M14 incendiary grenade. They have black bodies with an orange/yellow band and spoons.

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AN/M14 Incendiary Grenade
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A view of the incendiary grenades on the chest of a BLU Pyro in Meet the Soldier


"Grenade Launcher"

The Demoman's primary weapon is a grenade launcher that appears to be an amalgamation of several designs. In particular, it has the rotary magazine and break-open reloading of a Milkor MGL attached to the stock, handguard, and front leaf sight of an M79 grenade launcher. Despite being modeled with a six-round cylinder, the weapon only holds a maximum of four grenades, due to the fact that it originally held six, but the model was never updated. The launcher fires team-colored grenades that detonate after a few seconds' delay or on impact with an enemy.

A popular tactic with this weapon is to lob volleys of grenades like mortar rounds at dug-in enemies to soften up their defenses prior to an assault.

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Milkor MGL - 40mm
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M79 grenade launcher - 40mm
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The Grenade Launcher from Team Fortress 2
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The Demoman's grenade launcher in Team Fortress 2
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The Demoman holds his launcher in Meet the Demoman.

M79 Grenade Launcher

The "Loch-n-Load" is a craftable or purchased primary weapon for the Demoman. It resembles a double-barreled M79 grenade launcher arranged in an over/under configuration. The weapon only holds three (yes, three) grenades compared to the Grenade Launcher, but grenades deal 20% more damage to buildings only and fly 25% faster, similar to the Direct Hit. However, grenades fired will shatter harmlessly unless hitting an enemy player or building, and have a 25% smaller explosion range on a direct hit. Its double-barreled model was originally due to its former capacity of only two grenades, much like the regular Grenade Launcher displaying six chambers rather than four, but this has been changed as of December 22, 2014.

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M79 grenade launcher - 40x46mm grenade
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The Loch-n-Load.
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A Demoman carries the Loch-n-Load grenade launcher in the BLU spawn room on ctf_turbine. Note how the front sight is out of alignment with the mounting bracket; this is a bug that was caused by an update after the Loch-n-Load was released

"Stickybomb Launcher"

The secondary weapon of the Demoman is a drum-fed grenade launcher known as the "Stickybomb Launcher", resembling a very fat Sten with the charging handle on the wrong side. It holds up to 8 stickybombs at a time which stick to non-moving surfaces, and are (after a short delay) manually detonated by the player; up to 8 stickybombs can be active at any given time (placing any more will detonate the first ones placed). The range of the weapon can be increased by holding down the fire button, making the bombs fly further when they're finally fired. The Demoman reloads this weapon by ratcheting a charging handle mounted on the left side above the trigger; like the Scout's Scattergun, no new ammo is seen being loaded into the launcher during reloading, though unlike the Scattergun, no empty shells are ever ejected either. Like the Soldier with his Rocket Launcher, the Demoman can "sticky-jump" by jumping just as he detonates a sticky bomb under his feet.

Two specialized versions of the Sticky Bomb Launcher are also available; the "Scottish Resistance", which has a higher rate of fire, the ability to set more bombs, and the ability to detonate individual bombs by aiming at them (which can also destroy enemy sticky bombs) and the "Sticky Jumper" which fires sticky bombs that do no damage at all and are used solely for executing sticky jumps.

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Sten Mk V - 9x19mm Parabellum
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The "Stickybomb Launcher" in the loadout selection menu. Note that the icon depicts the weapon with an ejection port on the left side; to the right of this is the weapon as it appears in-game, with its ejection port on the right.
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Doing some point defense on koth_badlands, the Demoman holds his Stickybomb Launcher.
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Inspecting the left side of the launcher, showing off the somewhat oddly-placed (and enormous) sling loop on the side of the drum. Said drum somewhat resembles an oversized 75-round RPK drum.
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The launcher's right side; this ejection port never opens, and is substantially narrower than the weapon's bore diameter, raising some questions about what it's actually supposed to do.
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Setting down a few bombs, while noting the reciprocating charging handle. Unless it's concentrically wrapped around the bolt, nested inside of it, or placed in front of it, the recoil spring would have to be quite something to properly cycle a bolt this size with that little space behind it.
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"Reloading"; it's not particularly clear how yanking the charging handle eight times is supposed to transfer ammunition to the weapon, but the ways of a drunken Scot with two grenade launchers are best not question.
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Taunting; the Demoman spins in a circle, thumps his chest with his fist twice, then points forward with two spread fingers.
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At the conclusion of this taunt, one can momentarily glimpse the Demoman as he appears to others; note how he holds his Stickybomb Launcher with two hands, rather than the one he uses in first-person.
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Making some fireworks.
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A Scottish Resistance in Team Fortress 2. Note that the front sights seem to have been replaced with a laser pointer taped atop the muzzle. This weapon appears to be an older model as it no longer has a left-handed ejection port.

"Iron Bomber"

The "Iron Bomber" is an alternative primary weapon for the Demoman. Although its visual design is mainly fictitious, the bomber's wooden stock resembles the overall shape of an M79 grenade launcher's stock. The weapon is a four-barreled launcher that loads and fires spherical shaped projectiles which roll less on surfaces and detonate sooner than grenades from the Demoman's default primary launcher. In gameplay, the Iron Bomber's barrels are supposed to rotate in order to ready the next shot, but a bug renders the bomber's barrels fixed to one position.

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M79 grenade launcher - 40x46mm grenade
Promotional image of the Iron Bomber from when it was released in December 2014, hence the written weapon stats which it no longer possesses in-game.
Promotional render of the bomber and its team colored sphere-shaped grenades. The weapon's original name was "The Scotch Guardian" as its model was submitted to Steam.

Model 24 Stielhandgranate

Released alongside the Loch-n-Load, the "Ullapool Caber" is a Mann Co.-branded Model 24 Stielhandgranate with black tape around the grip. The Demoman does not throw it (as one would expect a Scot to throw a caber or a sober man to throw a grenade); he swings it as a melee weapon. The first hit with the Caber against an enemy or solid object causes it to detonate, propelling the Demoman into the air and leaving him with a weak melee weapon (if he survives the fall) until he respawns or resupplies.

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Model 24 Stielhandgranate
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The Ullapool Caber
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The Demoman swings the Ullapool Caber.
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The Ullapool Caber with a detonated head, achieved after striking a surface with the grenade.


GE M134 Minigun

The Heavy's signature weapon is "Sasha" (alternatively called "Sascha" in some official sources; referred to simply as the "Minigun" in-game), a portable minigun based on a GE M134 Minigun with Dillon Aero flash suppressors and a white 200-round ammunition drum, in a configuration probably based on the feed system used by the M61 Vulcan mounted on the F/A-18. The Heavy claims that she weighs 150 kilograms (roughly 331 pounds) and fires $200 custom-tooled cartridges at 10,000 RPM (substantially faster than she fires in-game). Given a complete M134 Minigun (sans ammunition) only weighs 61 pounds, this implies Sasha fires something much larger than the standard 7.62mm NATO. Heavy has to ready Sasha before she can fire (a process which can be completed ahead of time by holding Mouse 2, which pre-spins the barrels); while her barrels spin, Heavy's movement speed is reduced to 47%. The weapon also has lessened damage and accuracy for a short time after being spun. While powerful up close, the Minigun lacks accuracy and long-range damage; further hampering its potential output is its reduced damage against certain enemies (namely a 15% reduction against level 2 Sentry Guns, a 20% reduction against level 3 Sentry Guns, and a whopping 75% reduction against Tanks in Mann vs. Machine). Curiously, in terms of game mechanics, Sasha functions somewhat like a shotgun; each unit of ammo consumed produces 4 distinct hitscans, suggesting either a stacked, multi-projectile cartridge (which would go some way to explain their exorbitant cost, and "custom-tooled" description) firing at 600 RPM, or simply a somewhat roundabout depiction of standard rounds firing at 2,400 RPM.

"Natascha" is an unlockable primary weapon for Heavy. Natascha has a black ammo drum and an external cartridge belt. Hits from Natascha reduce the target's movement speed, but she requires 30% more spin-up time and inflicts 25% less damage. As an additional upside, Natascha gives the Heavy 20% damage resistance when fully spun-up.

Winning against the Heavy in the crossover poker game Poker Night at the Inventory unlocks a Minigun called the "Iron Curtain." Heavy claims he made it himself from Soviet iron and mahogany from Alexander II's favorite chair and it displays the hammer and sickle on the drum. The Iron Curtain is a cosmetic reskin of Sasha.

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Airsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62x51mm NATO
M61 Vulcan in the mounting used by the F/A-18 Hornet - 20x102mm Vulcan
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Sasha, a minigun, in the inventory model viewer. This view of the weapon isn't seen very often; it shows off the electronics at the rear, the feeder/delinker assembly, the structure of the Y-frame, and the uncertain location of the trigger (an official poster depicts a button on the rear grip, though no such button is present in-game).
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The Heavy fires Sasha in Trailer 2. This was before the game's release, showing that this particular weapon is one of the few that did not go through any more design changes. It even stayed largely the same throughout the concept art phase, though some pieces depict it without the flash hider. On a sidenote, it also appears to be ejecting shotgun shells.
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The Heavy hefts his Minigun onto a box in the Meet the Heavy promo trailer. At full size, the box's markings can be read; the "CUSTOM TOOLED CARTRIDGES" marking (along with the context) implies this to be a box of ammunition for the minion; if the drawing is assumed to be accurate, then the rounds are both rimmed and double-tapered (rather like the 8x50mmR Lebel), which would make the feeding mechanism rather... interesting.
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Inspecting Sasha's barrels, he apparently finds a fingerprint (which, needless to say, displeases him greatly); a clicking sound is heard as he indexes the barrels. The weapon is presumably unloaded here, as manually rotating a loaded minigun's barrels will cause it to fire.
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"Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe... maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet." The Heavy holds up a round of Sasha's ammunition; in a normal human's hands, this would probably proportionally be akin to .50 BMG, but in the Heavy's head-sized mitts, it's probably more along the lines of a 20mm shell.
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Laughing maniacally, the Heavy fires his Minigun; note that this trailer still used the older style of cartoonish muzzle flash effect, along with the Heavy's pre-release class icon. At least it isn't ejecting shotgun shells anymore.
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Having successfully captured the center point on koth_vidaduct, the Heavy holds his Minigun.
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Inspecting the left side for any signs of unauthorized touching.
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Ditto for the right.
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Spinning the barrels prompts the Heavy to lower the weapon, to the point that it's largely covered by his knuckles.
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Its muzzle flash is still plenty visible, though. At full size, two simultaneous tracer effects can be seen, showing the weapon's shotgun-like behavior.
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The Heavy loves his gun.
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The Iron Curtain.
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Natascha, also a minigun.
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A burning Heavy fires Natascha on ctf_turbine.

Gatling Gun

"The Brass Beast" is another unlockable primary weapon for the Heavy, based on an 1860's Gatling Gun. It appears to have a Broadwell drum modified with an ammo chain rather than gravity-feeding and is electric-powered instead of hand-cranked. It does 25% more damage than Sasha but requires 50% more spin-up time and reduces Heavy's movement speed 60%, making it more of a stationary defensive weapon. To complement this, it also gives the Heavy a 20% damage resistance buff when fully spun-up

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British M1865 gatling gun - .45-70
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The Brass Beast.
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Heavy also loves this gun. Note how the ammo chain and magazine clip through the Heavy's right arm.

Thompson Submachine Gun

An enlarged, highly-modified M1928A1 Thompson called "Tomislav" is an alternate primary weapon for the Heavy. All that remains of the base Tommy gun are its receiver, handguard, and barrel; the feed mechanism and trigger have been altered to resemble Sasha's two-hundred-round drum and chainsaw grip. The Tomislav has a 20% slower rate of fire but is readied 20% faster and has no spin-up sound, and has 20% less spread than the Minigun. It is the only weapon in the game depicted by default with a fitted sling. The said sling is rigid and does not move with the gun or user.

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M1928A1 Thompson with 50-round drum magazine - .45 ACP
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Render of the Tomislav.


Ithaca 37 (Full length)

The Engineer's first unlockable primary weapon is a full-length Ithaca 37 with an engraved receiver and team-colored capacitor called "Frontier Justice." Instead of regular critical hits, Frontier Justice earns two "Revenge Crits" for every Sentry kill and one for assists, to a maximum of thirty-five, awarded when the Sentry is destroyed. Despite having an extended magazine tube, it has half the magazine size of the regular shotgun. The Frontier Justice also has an externally exposed hammer.

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Ithaca 37 with extended magazine tube - 12 gauge
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The "Frontier Justice".
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An Engineer fires the "Frontier Justice" on ctf_turbine.
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The Engineer chambers a round in the Frontier Justice during the Mac Trailer, which was released to announce the porting of numerous Valve Software games to the Apple OS.

SRM Arms Model 1208

Players who pre-ordered Deus Ex: Human Revolution earned the "Widowmaker" (itself based on the SRM Arms Model 1208) in Genuine quality as an alternate primary weapon for the Engineer. For other players, it can be obtained in Unique quality via the drop system, trading, or buying it in the in-game store. Each shot consumes thirty units of the Engineer's metal and returns one unit for every point of damage dealt. The weapon also deals 10% extra damage if fired at an enemy currently being targeted by the owner's sentry gun.

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SRM Arms Model 1208 - 12 gauge
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The Widowmaker.
FPS view.

"Rescue Ranger"

A different weapon, usable only by the Engineer is the "Rescue Ranger". Visually, it has the receiver (with a left-handed ejection port, like the other pump actions in the game) of an Ithaca 37, colored black with a dark brown sawed-off grip, a black ribbed barrel and a short magazine tube both similar to that of a Remington 870 and a flat dark brown forend. The gun also has a yellow/orange (depending on the team it belongs to) monitor, (which displays a moving sine wave) attached above the receiver and a team colored cable running from said monitor to a yellow/orange extension of some sorts located at the end of the shotgun's barrel. The Rescue Ranger has unique abilities unlike the game's other shotguns in which instead of firing hitscan shotgun pellets, the Rescue Ranger shoots a slower moving cylindrical battery connected to a retractable claw per shot. The purpose of this weapon is to act as a defensive utility item, as these special projectiles repair the Engineer's (or player's teammate's) buildings when shot at (at the cost of metal) and also allows its user to safely pick up any one of their buildings at any distance as long as their crosshair is focused on it. Picking up buildings from long ranges consumes 100 units of the Engineer's metal and also "marks" them for death (meaning any incoming damage will be registered with a 35% damage bonus during this time). The Rescue Ranger can also be used to harm enemies, but is impractical for direct combat due to the gun only holding four "bolt slugs" per reload, having a reserve ammo count of 16 rounds (half the amount of reserve rounds for other shotguns) and fired projectiles being easily avoidable because of its slow travel speed along with its low damage output. Because the Rescue Ranger doesn't chamber combustible ammunition, it appropriately does not eject shotgun shells, though its reload animation still shows them being inserted.

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Airsoft Ithaca 37 with sawed-off stock and barrel - (fake) 12 gauge
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Remington 870 Express Field Gun with raised barrel ribbing and shortened barrel - 12 gauge
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The model for the "Rescue Ranger". This is the RED team version, as the BLU counterpart has a blue cable and a more yellowed wave monitor and barrel extension.
A RED Engineer holds his Rescue Ranger in the customization menu.
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The Rescue Ranger equipped in first person view. The sine wave on the receiver mounted monitor isn't just for show and actually has a use; the longer the wavelengths, the less metal the Engineer has.

"Sentry Gun"

The Engineer's signature weapon is an automated "Sentry Gun" that can be upgraded with twin M134 Miniguns. The missile launcher on the level 3 Sentry appears not to be based on any real model. An unlockable secondary weapon for the Engineer called the "Wrangler" is a remote control that allows him to take manual control of his Sentry Gun to engage enemies outside the Sentry's normal detection range and reduce damage it takes, though it also reduces repairing done.

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General Electric M134 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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At level 2, the Sentry Gun acquires a pair of miniguns.
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A level 3 Sentry as seen in Meet the Spy. Were this an actual game, the Sentry would have detected the Spy in the background and opened fire.



The Sniper's secondary weapon is a submachine gun called the "SMG". It combines the general shape and distinctive front sight of a MAT-49 with the rear sight, magazine, and bolt of an M1A1 Thompson. It deals very low damage and has average accuracy, but its very rapid fire can pile on damage quickly if aimed well. It has a twenty-five-round magazine, with 75 rounds in reserve. Like the other Support and Defense classes, the Sniper isn't meant to go into the front lines with this weapon, but rather be able to defend himself during medium-range combat when there isn't enough time to snipe an incoming enemy, or to finish off pre-damaged enemies when there's not enough time for a follow-up shot. Early concept art shows a weapon more closely resembling the MAT-49, along with the "SMG" that made it into the game.

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MAT-49 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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M1A1 Thompson - .45 ACP
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Put 'em together, apply a generous amount of cartoon squash-and-stretch, and you wind up with this.
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The Scout holds the SMG in Trailer 1. It was originally meant as his primary weapon, but was later switched to the Sniper's secondary weapon.
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A Sniper holds his SMG on koth_nucleus, vowing to let nobody take this incredibly strategically-important health kit.
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Inspecting the left side of the submachine gun...
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...and the right side, showing off the ejection port; the fact that it's a ways behind the magazine (and substantially smaller than it) might go some way towards explaining why it never ejects spent casings. Jury's still out on why it works at all, though.
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Spraying some rounds at the floor; despite not even ejecting casings, the SMG has a moving rear sling hook.
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Yanking out an empty magazine. The Sniper doesn't press the magazine release to do this, not leastly because the weapon doesn't actually have one.
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Loading in a fresh magazine; it having 25 rounds in it apparently doesn't stop it from being empty.
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The SMG's taunt animation; the Sniper jumps, clicks his heels, and punches the air in front of him upon hitting the ground, either yelling "God save the Queen!", or simply yelling.

Kimel AP-9

Released as part of the Pyromania Update, the "Cleaner's Carbine" is a submachine gun bearing resemblance to the Kimel AP-9 with a silencer, side-folding wire-frame stock, left-hand ejection port, wood grips, and top-mounted charging handle as seen on the Uzi. It holds five fewer rounds and fires 35% slower than the standard SMG and cannot deliver random critical hits, rather coming with a "Crikey" meter that fills as the Sniper deals damage with the weapon. When full, the Sniper can activate 8 seconds of mini-crit buff for all his weapons

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Kimel AP-9 Mini - 9x19mm Parabellum
The Cleaner's Carbine in 1st person view.
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Promo image of the Cleaner's Carbine.

Remington 700

The Sniper's primary weapon is, as one would expect, the "Sniper Rifle", which appears to be based on a Remington 700 (albeit quite heavily stylized, as with most of the game's weapons) with a visible laser sight and cartoonishly large scope (which looks similar to the AN/PVS-2 Starlight scope, but without the night-vision abilities). It has a 25-round capacity with no reserve; the Meet the Sniper short portrays the rifle as being single-shot (with the Sniper loading a new round every time he opens the bolt), whereas the in-game animation simply shows the Sniper rotating the bolt up and back down, ejecting a case, and loading in nothing. To discourage quickscoping, a charge meter is built by uninterrupted use of the scope, increasing damage; after 3.3 seconds, the zoom acquires max charge, enough to take out lower-health classes with a single bodyshot and kill even an overhealed Heavy with one headshot. The rifle can be fired without looking through the scope, but it only inflicts minimum damage and cannot deal headshots. Notably, the Sniper Rifle (and its counterparts) are the only hitscan weapons in the game (barring sentries and critical hits) to suffer no damage falloff over distance.

A bolt-action air rifle based on the default Sniper Rifle called the "Sydney Sleeper" is a purchased alternate primary weapon for the Sniper. It acquires a full charge after 2.8 seconds of zoom, and any enemy target hit when scoped will receive Jarate as well as damage, with the Jarate's duration depending on its charge. The Sydney Sleeper cannot inflict critical hits or headshots, though hitting the target's head will cause a splash of Jarate around them in addition to coating them.

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Remington 700 - .308 Winchester
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The model of the Sniper Rifle. The laser sight is the tubular device in front of the scope, which has a wire leading from it to the scope; its mounting appears to be part of the scope base.
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The Sniper is about to realize that his target's ally has spotted him in Meet the Sniper.
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The Sniper aims his Sniper Rifle in Trailer 2.
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A RED Sniper aims his Sniper Rifle on pl_goldrush.
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Completely ignoring the objective on pl_upward, a Sniper watches a sightline with his Sniper Rifle.
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Completely ignoring the sightline he's supposed to be watching, the Sniper looks at his rifle. Note the wire leading from the laser sight; the opposite end suggests that the laser's power source is part of the scope, though why there's so much extra wire is anybody's guess.
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Completely... y'know what, nevermind. Anyway, the Sniper Rifle has apparently seen some use, given the scratches on the stock. Also note that the Sniper is one of the mercenaries who actually practices proper trigger discipline.
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Looking through the scope, which has a zoom factor of ~5X. Note the charge meter off to the right; the lightning bolt icon flashes on and off while the charge builds up.
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Once fully charged, the icon stays solid (and gets brighter), and a brief tone plays. The blue laser dot is just barely visible here; it can give away your intentions to a particularly attentive enemy. Or a particularly shot-in-the-same-place-five-times-in-a-row one.
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Firing off a round that definitely isn't going to hit someone off in the distance; note that the laser's wire is jiggleboned, and wobbles when the rifle moves.
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Working the bolt handle (which causes the bolt body to rotate in the opposite direction, as though it were some sort of dustcover), and ejecting a spent-but-unstruck casing.
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Shifting his consciousness outside his body for a moment, this horrifying abomination of a Sniper lowers his rifle and waves at the silence.

Jezail Musket

A centerfire-converted Jezail musket with an underbarrel laser pointer and magnifying glass scope called the "Bazaar Bargain" is a purchased or crafted alternate primary weapon for the Sniper. It takes 50% longer to charge while zoomed, but every headshot kill decreases the charge by 25% up to a maximum of 200%. Due to a bug (which has been patched since), spent casings are ejected from the center of the screen, appearing out of thin air.

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Jezail musket
First person view of the Bazaar Bargain.

Walther WA 2000

A suppressed Walther WA 2000 known as the "Hitman's Heatmaker" was added in the Pyromania Update. The weapon builds up a "Focus" meter on kills and assists and, once full, charges 25% faster, fires tracer rounds and allows the player to stay scoped after firing. However, it deals 20% less damage on a bodyshot. The weapon also decapitates targets killed with a headshot.

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Walther WA 2000 - .300 Win Mag
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The Hitman's Heatmaker.
In 1st person.

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare

Introduced as a promotional item for pre-orders of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the "AWPer Hand" is a cosmetic reskin of the Sniper Rifle as an Accuracy International Arctic Warfare fitted with a folded Harris bipod. Its item description references the AW's notoriety in the Counter-Strike community. Despite using the same animations as the default Sniper Rifle, the bolt never moves, with the Sniper's hand just clipping through it.

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Accuracy International Arctic Warfare - 7.62x51mm NATO
The AWPer Hand in first person.
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The Sniper holds the AWPer Hand in a promotional picture.

Heckler & Koch G36

Introduced as part of the Love and War Update, the "Classic" is a sniper rifle made to resemble a long-barreled Heckler & Koch G36 with an olive-drab handguard, stock, and lower receiver. As per all the Sniper's rifles in the game, the Classic is fitted with a laser pointer, the team-colored beam emitting from the top part of the ZF 3x4° dual sight system when the weapon has a fully-charged shot ready to fire. Unlike the Sniper's other rifles, the Classic can be charged and can deal head shots without having to look through the scope (though the Sniper will move slower as if scoped in), and the Sniper can also fire multiple shots while staying scoped-in. Enemies killed by a charged shot from this weapon will be gibbed and leave a brief cloud of red mist where they were killed, though the rifle also deals 10% less damage on bodyshots. The Classic is a throwback to the Sniper Rifle from Team Fortress Classic, which operated with almost identical mechanics and also heavily resembled a G36. Due to the "Classic" using the same animations as the Sniper's other rifles, he will rack a non-existent right handed bolt after firing.

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Heckler & Koch G36 - 5.56x45mm NATO
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The model for the "Classic". Note the extremely unergonomic angled pistol grip; this is presumably so that it can reuse the other sniper rifles' animations.
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The "Classic" in Team Fortress 2. Note that it has an RIS rail instead of a charging handle.


Colt Python

The "Revolver" is a Colt Python with a six-inch barrel and ivory grips, the Spy's primary weapon. It has better-than-average range, and is fairly strong - enough so to kill most lower-health enemies in three shots - though its main purpose is to serve as a backup weapon in case of trouble, rather than as an offensive weapon.

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Colt Python with 6" barrel and ivory grips - .357 Magnum
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The Revolver's model.
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Drawing the Python on cp_gorge; this animation starts with the revolver at the top of the screen coming downwards, which raises a few questions about where exactly the Spy is supposed to be hiding it.
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Idling with the Revolver. Note that the rear sight has no notch; as TF2 has no ADS functionality for anything without a scope, this is a bit of a moot point.
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Inspecting the revolver; despite being based on a Colt, the logo in the grip is more reminiscent of Ruger's.
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A look at the opposite side reveals that the in-game rendition of the Python has an ambidextrous cylinder release.
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Firing off some rounds at nothing in particular.
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Reloading starts by swinging open the cylinder, which prompts all of its contents to spontaneously vanish.
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This followed by the use of a speedloader...
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...and finished off by closing the cylinder, with a less-than-advisable flick of the wrist. This animation does a good job of hiding the never-moving crane and ejector rod, though they can still be spotted if you pay close enough attention. The Revolver's hammer would move when firing and its cylinder was properly connected to the crane and ejector rod that swung out correctly however, an update downgraded the model of the Revolver to its current status.
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Taunting; the Spy simply dusts off his suit, adjusts his tie, and clears his throat.
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Amusingly, if Spy reloads and activates his cloaking ability at the same time, he will suddenly grow a third arm; while this occurs with all of the invisibility watches, the Dead Ringer makes it more apparent, as it is held higher up than the other watches (and can be active without making the Spy invisible).

Dan Wesson PPC .357

The Spy's unlockable "Ambassador" is a Dan Wesson PPC .357 revolver heavily customized with rosewood grips and engravings on the barrel depicting the Scout's mother. It deals 15% less damage than the Revolver, only inflicts critical hits on headshots, and has a short period of severe inaccuracy right after each shot. The Ambassador is otherwise almost as accurate as the Sniper Rifle, though as of the Jungle Inferno Update this is counterbalanced with a range penalty, removing the critical hit bonus after a certain distance. The Russian "Sniper vs. Spy" page claims that the Ambassador is chambered in .50 caliber.

The Ambassador is missing three things essential to real-life operation (L'Etranger shares these oddities):

  • The rear of the barrel is blocked (noticeable during the reload animation) as if it was a deactivated gun.
  • The crane and the ejector rod do not follow the cylinder when it swings out, leaving the cylinder hovering in midair.
  • No bullets are ejected or loaded during its reload; the cylinder is simply opened and then closed.
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Dan Wesson PPC Stainless Steel - .357 Magnum
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The Ambassador. Note the odd single-action trigger on a double-action revolver and lack of cylinder latch.
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The Ambassador in-game.

Colt Detective Special

The Spy's crafted or purchased "Enforcer" alternate pistol is a stainless Colt Detective Special with pearl grips. It inflicts 20% more damage than the Revolver but fires 20% slower than the Revolver and does not deal random critical hits. The damage bonus doesn't take effect however unless the player is disguised when they fire the shot (though firing while disguised will drop the disguise).

The Enforcer's hammer and cylinder do not move when firing. It is the only other revolver in the game that reloads with a visible speedloader, though a bug causes it to share textures with the gun itself. The weapon also lacks a solid top above the cylinder and has another cylinder release lever, on the right side.

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Colt Detective Special with stainless finish and pearl grips - .38 Special
Render of the Enforcer.
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The Enforcer in-game.

Nagant M1895

"L'Etranger," a silver Nagant M1895 revolver with custom engraved ivory grips and an extended barrel, was added during the "Mann-conomy" (Polycount) Update as a new Spy weapon. Shaylyn "Chemical Alia" Hamm created it for the Polycount Pack contest. It restores 15% of the user's cloak charge on hit, but does 20% less damage. It also extends the cloak duration of any Spy watch by 40%.

L'Etranger, unlike the Nagant, loads from a six-round cylinder that flips open for reloading. It also lacks the loading gate cover.

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Nagant M1895 - 7.62x38mmR Nagant
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L'Etranger as seen in the previews
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L'Etranger in-game.

Smith & Wesson Model 29

Players who pre-ordered or bought Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse within the first week of its release earned Sam's signature sidearm, the "Big Kill," as a replacement primary weapon for the Spy. It is a reskinned Ambassador with the same stats as the Revolver and the same animation bugs as the Ambassador. The gun is based on a Smith & Wesson Model 29, though it is much smaller than its Sam & Max counterpart. Just like Spy's other revolvers, the "Big Kill's" hammer and cylinder do not move when firing and the cylinder floats on its own outside the frame when reloading.

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Smith & Wesson Model 29 revolver with 8 3/8" barrel - .44 Magnum
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Sam's sidearm from the Sam & Max adventure game series
In 1st person.

Baikal MCM

The first Team Fortress 2 trailer showed the Spy wielding a stainless Baikal MCM "Tranquilizer Gun." It was replaced with the Revolver by the game's release. The model, though not usable, remains in the game's files.

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Baikal MCM with magazine removed - .22 LR.
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The Spy holds his Tranquilizer Gun in Trailer 1.


American Derringer Model 1

In the "Expiration Date" animation released to promote the Love and War Update, Miss Pauling can be seen wielding a double-barreled derringer that resembles an American Derringer Model 1, albeit scaled up to the size of a normal handgun. This is thus far the only weapon that has appeared in an official animation that is not playable in the game in any form.

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American Derringer Model 1 - .45 Long Colt
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Miss Pauling with her derringer drawn in the "Expiration Date" animation.