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[[Category:French Produced/Filmed]]
[[Category:French Produced/Filmed]]
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Revision as of 00:47, 22 September 2021
White Material
Movie poster
White Material is a French language film, released in 2009 (and getting limited theatrical release in the U.S. in 2010) starring Isabelle Huppert as Maria Vial, Christopher Lambert as André Vial and Nicolas Duvauchelle as Manuel, their son; a white landowning family trying to keep their coffee plantation in the middle of a civil war in an African nation. The locals begin to act fanatically against any and all white people they see. The situation turns from bad to worse when Maria Vial aids a wounded rebel leader named "Boxer", putting her and her family squarely in the sights of the military and rival factions, all whom are crushing any vestige of white colonialism in their country. Maria refuses to evacuate and, soon realize, that the local villages and her plantation had been occupied by the militant army, lead by the cruel and ruthless Jeep and all her family members became captured by rebels.
The following weapons were used in the film White Material :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS SPOILERS!
Arminius HW-3
Nana (uncredited) Jeep's second in command, uses Arminius HW-3 throughout the movie. One of the Jeeps mens later steal another Arminius HW-3 , which, most likely, the same movie prop.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arminius HW-3 - .22 caliber revolver
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana covers, Arminius in hands at the film beginning.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana draws her sidearm during the ambushing of the Track.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana threatens Maria Vial with her Arminius.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana shoots a truck driver with a Arminius HW-3 Revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana raises her revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the Arminius in the Nana's hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nana with the revolver, which is seen tucked to the belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep's man find the revolver in a drawer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same character reloads his new weapon.
Snub Nose revolver
One of the Jeep's militants very briefly holds a snub nose revolver, when they massacred the school children in the lokal school. This revolver may be the same Arminius movie prop, but it's only guess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep's militant at the far left chase the schoolboy, revolver in hands.
Valtro Mod. 98 Civil
An Italian replica Valtro Mod. 98 Civil can be seen held by the Moulah (uncredited), the chief of highwaymen, whom Maria Vial recognizes as someone she once knew.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Valtro mod. 98 Civil - 9mm P.A. blank firing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Moulah aims his pistol at Maria. Note the letters "Made in Italy".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maulah brandishes his pistol.
MAC Mle 1950
MAC Mle 1950 is the personal sidearm of the rebel leader, named "The Boxer" (Isaach De Bankolé ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing French MAS Mle 1950 pistol - 9x19mm Parabellum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "The Boxer" is seen lying with the pistol on the belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "The Boxer" covers with his pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "The Boxer" with the pistol in hands.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing "The Boxer" puts his pistol on the bed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep tries to grab the "The Boxer"'s pistol, but he take it back.
Browning HP
Jeep (Ali Barkai ), the commander of the main rebels militia squad carry the Browning HP throughout the movie. One of the soldiers carry Browning HP on the belt. Most likely, the single movie prop was used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning Hi-Power "Type 73" - 9x19mm. These Hi-Powers feature elongated bushings different from Hi-Powers Made before 1973 and after the MK II Series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep aims his HP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep puts his HP to the belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The perfect view of the Jeep's HP.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep aims his HP at Maria.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep resting, HP on the belt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep escaping after the end of the last battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldier with the HP on to his belt.
Double barreled shotgun
Double barreled shotgun is the most commonly seen weapon used by villagers, militias and bandits.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Baikal hammerless side by side shotgun - 12 Gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lucie (Adèle Ado) puts the Double barreled shotgun into the car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maria Vial (Isabelle Huppert ) a second before taking the same shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The child militant of the Jeep's rebels carry the double barreled shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The highwayman, named Peter Nembo (uncredited) aims his Double barreled shotgun at Maria.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Peter Nembo with the shotgun at the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Highwayman, named Samir (uncredited) with the Double barreled shotgun at the left. Highwayman, named François-Joseph with the single barreled shotgun at the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The shotgun is seen on the sling, which is carried by one of the Jeep's rebels.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The peasant holds Maria at the gunpoint with her own shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The double barreled shotgun is seen in the box.
Single Barreled Shotgun
Several highwaymen and rebels can be seen carrying the Single Barreled Shotguns .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Harrington & Richardson Topper Shotgun - 12 gauge. This is a common single barreled breach loading top break shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Highwaymen, named François-Joseph (uncredited) with the shotgun on the sling.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing François-Joseph with the single barreled shotgun at the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the Jeep's child militants runs with the shotgun at the far left during the ambushing of the truck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same character one second later.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note the single barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep's child militant with the Single barreled shotgun at the center.
Remington Model 1100
Manuel Vial (Nicolas Duvauchelle ) steals the Remington Model 1100 (most likely, the Classic Field version) from his father, after he realize, that they are under attack of Jeep's militants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 1100 Classic Field - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manuel Vial grabs the shotgun. Note the double barreled shotgun in the box.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manuel with the shotgun on the shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The loading port can be seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The slightly other view of the Manuel's shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manuel brandishes his shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The close view of the tubular mag.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lucie took the shotgun from Manuel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manuel Vial tries to volunteer to the Jeep's army, the same semiautomatic shotgun strapped to his back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manuel holds the shotgun.
Submachine Guns
Beretta PM12S
Policeman carry Beretta PM12S on the sling.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta PM12S with stock closed - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close view of the Beretta.
Assault Rifles
M16A1 Rifle
Several Jeep's militants can be seen armed with the M16A1 rifles. The M16A1 rifle can be seen in the armament of the government army. Most likely the single movie prop was used.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A1 with 30 Round magazine - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rebels run aboard a departing truck, one of them holding M16A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same rifle one second later.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The child rebel at the far left carry the M16.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M16 is seen lying on the car.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The barrel of the M16 can be seen at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Drunken Jeep's rebel puts the rifle on the ground.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The slightly other view of the M16.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government armament. The M16 can be seen at the bottom, left.
FN FAL Paratrooper
The FN FAL Paratrooper can be seen in the armament of the government army.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN FAL 50.61 Paratrooper with 21" barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government armament. The FN FAL can be seen at the left.
Most of the government army soldiers were armed with the FAMAS F1 rifles. Several rebels also carry this rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government armament. The large numbers of FAMAS can be seen from center to right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The young female militant of the Jeep's army carry the FAMAS at the bottom, left. The adult militant at the center carry the RPG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same female militant runs with the FAMAS, when they exterminate the school childrens of the local school.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same female militant with the FAMAS during the massacre on the lockal market.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The another rebel carry the FAMAS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same rebel with the FAMAS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldiers with the FAMAS rifles before the battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldiers with the FAMAS, when they preparing to liberate the village, occupied by the Jeep's militants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldiers aims their FAMAS.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldiers carry their FAMAS after they liberated the Maria 's village from Jeep's militants.
Several government soldiers can be seen armed with the AKMS rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKMS, stamped steel receiver w/ slant muzzle brake and under-folding stock - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government armament. Three AKMS can be seen at the left.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldier carry the AK on the sling.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The other government soldier checking the bus at the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same government soldier turns, which gave a better view of the muzzle of his AK rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The government soldiers goes through the forest with the AK rifles.
Several Jeep's militants uses AKS-47 rifles throughout the movie.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type I AKS-47 - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The bald young rebel at the center carry the AK rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep's militants during the massacre in the local school. The one at the right carry AK rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Jeep's militant holds the AK rifle during the attack on the truck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Several rebel carry the AK rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The rebel brandishes the AK rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Drunken militant holds the AK rifle, while being attacked by the government soldiers.
Rocked Launchers
Several Jeep's rebels carry the unloaded RPG-2 (most likely, the single movie prop).
File:RPG-2 launcher.jpg RPG-2 launcher
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rebel carry the child and RPG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same rebel a few seconds later.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Militants runs during the attack on the Maria's village. The rebel at the far left, carry the RPG.