Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Revolvers: Difference between revisions
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Revolvers: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Revolvers: Difference between revisions
[[File:H3VR Model10 Modified.JPG|thumb|none|600px|The Model 10, as well as all other revolvers, was also given a muzzle attachment point (though it still can't take suppressors). And since this is the Tacticool update, we have a muzzle-mounted Bipod, a muzzle-mounted shroud grip, and a rail adapter with a BR4 scope and ARCO red dot sight.]]
[[File:H3VR Model10 Modified.JPG|thumb|none|600px|The Model 10, as well as all other revolvers, was also given a muzzle attachment point (though it still can't take suppressors). And since this is the Tacticool update, we have a muzzle-mounted Bipod, a muzzle-mounted shroud grip, and a rail adapter with a BR4 scope and ARCO red dot sight.]]
[[File:H3VR Model10 Cowitness.JPG|thumb|none|600px|An advantage of mounting a red dot on top of a scope is being able to co-witness targets, as shown here.]]
[[File:H3VR Model10 Cowitness.JPG|thumb|none|600px|An advantage of mounting a red dot on top of a scope is being able to co-witness targets, as shown here.]]
[[File:H3VR SW M10 Fixed.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Suffice to say, a few updates later, the memo hit its mark.]]
As mentioned in the previous sub-page, revolvers occupy their own subcategory of handguns.
The first (and largest) revolver added in Update #79 was a fictional design known as the "B-600", chambered in a proprietary ".600 Magnum Bolt" cartridge. It is based on a design called the "M500", created by 3D artist Axel Kraefft, albeit scaled up to its new, larger cartridge, and given a different finish.
Update #39 added the Chiappa Rhino to the game's arsenal; rather than simply choosing one version, H3 made the rather impressive choice of adding all of them - the 20DS, the 40DS, the 50DS, and the 60DS.
The 1st alpha build of Update #70 brought along another much-requested addition, a Colt Python, with wooden grips, an 8-inch barrel, and a nickel finish.
The "Meat Fortress" Team Fortress 2 crossover event added a replica of that game's Spy's Revolver, a stylized Python with pearl grips, a 6-inch barrel, and a deep-blued (i.e. nearly black) finish. A variation thereof was added in Update #86, under the name "Le Petite Liaison"; Le Petite Liaison features a nickel finish, a shortened barrel (roughly 4"), no sights, an integrated laser, and a bobbed, shrouded hammer.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Python with 8" barrel and nickel finish - .357 MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the Python. At full size, "PYTHON 357" can just be made out on the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlso visible is the revolver's very well-polished finish.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSwinging open the cylinder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in 6 rounds with the aid of a speedloader; these are the same ones used by the aforementioned Chiappa Rhino family.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPutting the cylinder back in its place, with the unfortunately-ever-popular wrist-flick method. To be fair, it's not like you have to worry about messing up the timing of a revolver that doesn't physically exist.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look through the irons...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and putting a round through the target. Gotta practice for those bullsquids.Error creating thumbnail: File missing6 imaginary bullsquids means 6 spent casings, and that means that a push on the ejector rod is merited.Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Python with 8" barrel & factory scope - .357 MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingWhile the Rhino 60DS above and the S&W R8 below have top-mounted rails, the Python is unique in its ability to mount a dedicated scope...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...a familiar sight for fans of a certain game's multiplayer.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe scope has a duplex-style crosshair reticle, and is fixed at 2x magnification. It's surprisingly useful at an arm's length...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which is good, as holding it much closer would leave the user with a nice circular bruise around their dominant eye.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEye uninjured, our hero celebrates by giving the revolver a twirl.Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Python with 6" barrel and ivory grips - .357 MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingWhile stylized like the rest of its arsenal, the Python is definitely one of TF2's game's more recognizable weapons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe revolver's other side. Note that, for some reason, the grip medallion features a Ruger-esque logo, despite the fact that they're not the manufacturers in reality or in-game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a close look at the revolver's cylinder and crane. The Revolver was one of the more onerous weapons to adapt for VR, as its only original moving part was its cylinder; this required a great deal of model alteration to make the crane actually swing out properly.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe barrel also had to be altered (the rear end's hole being just barely visible at full size), as it wasn't properly lined up with the cylinder. Which is, for those unaware, a bit of a problem.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe revolver's star extractor had to be cut out of the cylinder, with the ejector rod altered to be a separate part...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, of course, the hammer and trigger had to be made movable (the latter presumably having a spectacularly crisp, clean pull, if the the distance it can physically move is any indication). Quite a task, indeed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the revolver; its proprietary ".366 Ultra Magnum" round hadn't been implemented in this build, so it used .44 Magnum as a placeholder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the weapon, lining up the thin front post in the center of the rear notch. This isn't actually how you're supposed to aim the revolver, however...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...this is. One of the features of the original model that wasn't changed was the unalignable set of sights (lead developer Anton Hand believing that it'd alter the weapon's distinctive silhouette), so lining up the sights properly consists of centering the base of the front sight in the rear notch, rather than the front sight itself.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the trigger, with the hammer and cylinder slowly coming into line.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOnce it all lines up, the hammer slips off the sear, and the Engie-Sosig loses his head.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn other news, this is a thing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUpon its release it got speedloaders, in line with how the weapon is used in TF2. 6 rounds go in at once...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then come right back out, sans bullets. The long, thin profile of the .366 Ultra Magnum round is visible here, somewhat reminiscent of the .357 Maximum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt should also be noted that the Revolver is one of H3's few revolvers that allows for the attachment of suppressors; its justification is largely simply the inherently cartoonish and nonsensical nature of TF2 as a whole, though lore-wise it's probably due to Australium or something. This particular can is designed specficially for it (though others will work as well), another one of the set added back in Update #83.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd hey, while we're making the thing bigger, why don't we make it smaller as well?Error creating thumbnail: File missingYep, definitely smaller. Note the short tube in front of the trigger guard; this is the integrated laser sight...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which is convenient, especially since it's the only form of sight that the gun has.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining a specially-set-up speedloader (since manual loading of these was another feature brought along by Update #86); aside from 3 standard FMJs, there's one of each of the concurrently-added special .366 ammo types. The blue needle-pointed one is a Riposte, the short gray one with a yellow tip is a Salut, and the purple semi-wadcutter is a Debuff.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in this cocktail of ammunition...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then getting teleported somewhere else entirely. No, this is (thankfully, yet somewhat disappointingly) not the effect of any of the special rounds; rather, it's simply a stylistic choice, and definitely has nothing to do with a cursor that found its way into the originally-planned gameplay recording. The round at work here is a Riposte; in spite of the impressive visual effects, the practical effect on target here is next to nothing, with the Sosig in focus not even getting knocked down by this shot - though the Liaison's lower muzzle velocity (and correspondingly lower damage) compared to the standard Revolver probably doesn't help in this regard.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHowever, the primary factor in this general unhelpfulness is that that's not even what the Riposte round is meant for; it's actually an anti-materiel round, with each shot disabling buildings in a small radius for a few seconds - enough time to either sneak by or go in for a more permanent shutoff with the also-added-in-this-update Electro-Sapper.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDumping out a few more spent Riposte rounds that somehow found their way in there; the four ammunition types differ only in their projectiles from a visual standpoint, with their cases being identical. And yes, the Petite Liaison can take suppressors too; this is one of two "generic" TF2-styled suppressors added in Update #83, with a fair amount of visual influence from the Soviet-era PBS-1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Salut round is a less-lethal flashbang round with a small blast radius - again, great for getting close to enemies, not for actually directly killing them.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, last but certainly not least in any way except muzzle velocity, there's the Debuff. With a muzzle velocity on par with the opening pitch at a third-grade teeball game, and an arc like the rainbow that it forms the untouchable bottom caste of, the Debuff's debuffs seem to make it all but entirely worthless.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHowever, to stop there would be to ignore the upside of the story; the Debuff round (as the name would imply) removes any buffs on a target, up to and including the otherwise-unbreakable Übercharge effect from the now-backpackless Medigun (which is green here, since the player lacks a "team" by default in the Proving Grounds). A powerful, if situational, tool of the trade.
Colt Single Action Army
Update #42 made the Colt SAA available for use in-game, specifically the 5.5" barreled model; this was the first single-action revolver added to H3. Of note is that the weapon will fire if it is dropped on the hammer, provided that the hammer is uncocked and resting on a loaded chamber. This interesting, realistic touch is a trait shared by some of the other single-action revolvers added to the game later, for example the Reichsrevolver M1879; Update #79 further expanded upon this by limiting it to the older single-actions, with more modern revolvers (such as the Model 83 below) featuring transfer-bar safeties to prevent accidental discharges.
The SAA was actually present in the game long before Update #42, albeit not in physical form; the "Amendment 35" poster in the indoor shooting range features 2.
Added in Update #79, the Continental Arms Ladies' Companion makes its media debut in H3; it holds the distinction of being the game's oldest firearm (dating to the 1860s), taking that title from the earlier-added Remington Rolling Block pistol.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingContinental Arms Ladies' Companion - .22 RFError creating thumbnail: File missingJust what the doctor ordered.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter all, lady or otherwise, we could all use a little companion in our lives.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some .22 rounds; while the original weapon used .22 RF, the in-game one uses .22 LR (implying either re-bored chambers or a modern reproduction). Additionally, the loading state consists simply of half-cocking the hammer, as the Ladies' Companion has no loading gate.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the handgun; being a small-caliber pocket pepperbox intended for close-range self-defense, the Ladies' Companion lacks sights of any sort, making aiming rather tricky.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling the short, sheath-style trigger produces a puff of smoke, with very little movement of the gun, hammer, or surrounding air.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting spent cases; lacking an ejector rod, the Companion is presumably unloaded primarily via fingernails and swearing.
Freedom Arms Model 83
Added in Update #79, the Freedom Arms Model 83 is one of H3's two first firearms chambered in .454 Casull (a round which had been added a while earlier).
Update #43 introduced the LAPD 2019 Blaster from Blade Runner, referring to it as the "LAPD 2019 Special" (another one of its common names). It is perhaps one of the most intricate depictions of the weapon in any piece of media (and most certainly the most complex weapon in the game):
The weapon, at its core, is a 5-shot, swing-out cylinder DAO revolver, chambered for the proprietary (and fictional) 10mm DSM (Discarding Sabot Magnetic) cartridge. This cartridge has a variety of available ammo types, including:
"Slugger" rounds (the weapon's default ammunition type; a hard-hitting, high-impact round),
Fragmentation rounds (yes, the weapon can fire grenades),
"Turbo Penetrator" rounds (a high-velocity armor-piercing round that doesn't impart much energy, but can penetrate a variety of targets),
and highly sensitive, surface-adhering, low-velocity, motion-sensitive proximity mine rounds (while the sensitivity is nice for dealing with enemies, it also means that they can be detonated by other things, including miscellaneous nearby moving objects, other proximity mines as they fly through the air, and even simply being fired in the charged mode, meaning that their sensitivity can be either a benefit or a hazard).
Furthermore, the hollow underneath the weapon's barrel is storage for the weapon's batteries (which bring the profile fully into line with the original prop, complete with LEDs that change color as the battery loses charge) used in the railgun-assisted mode, which dramatically increases muzzle velocity, at the cost of creating massive amounts of heat (as one would expect from a railgun).
To help slow the weapon's overheating, heat sinks (called "thermal clips" in-game) are placed into what was the Steyr Mannlicher Model SL's chamber on the original prop (the bolt handle is turned to expose the heat sink, and pulled back to eject it if necessary); these have to be replaced regularly to prevent the weapon from overheating critically. As the weapon overheats, its barrel will begin to put off steam, then glow progressively brighter and brighter, while the accuracy and battery efficiency suffer; eventually, if the weapon reaches its highest heat level, its barrel will be permanently damaged, causing a significant drop in accuracy even after the weapon cools down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe original prop from Blade Runner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis weapon can either be viewed as the result of countless years of scientific research and development, or as the result of firearm kitbashing, but either way, it's undeniably beautiful.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe revolver's cylinder, open and ready for loading. Note the red dot on the ground; this is from the weapon's integrated laser sight (the small rod just to the left of the cylinder, with a red end), which is active whenever the weapon is held.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe various ammo types available for the weapon. From top to bottom: Swarm-Shot, Slugger, Fragmentation, Prox-Mine, Tracer, and Turbo-Penetrator. Decisions, decisions...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the weapon up with some "Slugger" rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring the weapon. The fact that this is a faithful recreation of the original movie prop means that it doesn't have any iron sights, though the integrated laser makes that a bit of a moot point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs impressive as the weapon is, one can't help but feel like something's missing...Error creating thumbnail: File missingAhh, much better!Error creating thumbnail: File missingA closeup of the battery. The color of the LEDs changes as their power is drained; they start out green, changing to yellow, orange, and eventually red when empty. The markings read "L.A.P.D. MODEL 2019 A.N.2. 10MM DSM".Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a charged shot from the LAPD produces some impressive particle effects. The back of the laser sight doubles as a capacitor charge indicator; when the weapon is set to auto-charge, there is a short, but noticeable, delay between shots, wherein power is drained from the battery and transferred to the capacitor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up what was once a chamber reveals the downside of this increased power is an increase in excess heat, which is stored in these heat sinks. The markings here read "MADE IN CALIFORNIA" and "10816", the latter presumably being a serial number.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFailure to replace the heat sinks frequently enough results in... this.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIf this problem is ignored even further, it only gets worse; the particles close to the weapon are actually pieces of the inside of the barrel, the ejection of which has a rather predictable effect on the weapon's accuracy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring a proximity mine round, whilst simultaneously ignoring just about every rule of every shooting range ever. The mine is the red hexagonal object, currently flying through the air. How an object that size can fit into a 10mm barrel is anybody's guess.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe blast of the aforementioned mine, which was detonated by throwing a spare round at it.
Magnum Research BFR
Update #77's first alpha build added an engraved, gold-decorated Magnum Research BFR in .45-70 Government, a much-requested addition.
Added in Update #79, the much-requested Mateba Sei Unica is available in H3, chambered in .357 Magnum. Notably, the game simulates the Sei Unica's self-cocking nature, but not the reciprocation of its barrel and upper frame; the stated reasons for this are the additional coding complexity (and performance taxation) mandated by such a system, and the fact that the total cycling process takes less than one ninetieth of a second (which would make it impossible to see on most current-gen VR headsets anyways).
The Nagant M1895 was added through Update #47. It holds 7 rounds of 7.62x38mmR Nagant ammunition, of which only it uses. Notably, it is treated as single-action only, the reasons for this being twofold: the weapon was built to use the same code set as the Colt SAA and Reichsrevolver M1879, and the Nagant has a notoriously heavy trigger pull in double-action due to its unique gas-seal mechanism; while it wasn't the original intended purpose, this also allows the weapon to be effectively suppressed, a capability that is emulated in-game. This single-action behavior could also be indicative of the so-called "Private's Model" variant of the Nagant, which was in fact SAO.
Added through the long-awaited Update #45, the Reichsrevolver M1879 is available for use in-game, and is (understandably) the only weapon in-game to use the 10.6x25mmR cartridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingReichsrevolver M1879 - 10.6x25mmR German OrdnanceError creating thumbnail: File missingBehold, a revolver that's been around for 139 years, and outdated for just as many.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side. Note the unusual presence of a manual safety on a revolver; this can only be engaged with the hammer de-cocked, and doesn't do anything but prevent it from being cocked, making it a bit pointless. Nevertheless, it's rather unfortunate that it's not usable in-game; there's no real way around it, since there aren't any buttons left on the controller to map it to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a few 10.6mm rounds. As with the Colt SAA, one-at-a-time gate-loading with the hammer half-cocked is the modus operandi.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinishing the other half of the revolver's cocking...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and firing a shot off.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a spent case. The Reichsrevolver in-game uses standard ejector rod behavior despite lacking one; the actual ejection method of the Reichsrevolver (using a separate ejector rod - or, for that matter, a stick - to punch out spent cases by hand) simply isn't possible with the game's current code-base.
The other fictional revolver added in Update #79, the "RS-15" is a compact top-break double-action revolver, chambered in .22 Winchester Magnum. The model is an original design from 3D artist Egor Protonov; it was originally chambered in .45 Long Colt, but was scaled down for use in H3.
Another revolver added in Update #79, the Ruger Blackhawk is available in-game, known simply as the "Hawk357"; as the name implies, it is chambered in .357 Magnum, with a 4-inch barrel, a glossy black finish, adjustable target sights, and wooden grips.
One of the gifts from the final day of the 2018 Meatmas event, the Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 38 (not to be confused with the Smith & Wesson Model 38, which is also often called the "Bodyguard") makes its first documented video game appearance in H3VR.
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 is one of the available firearms in-game, having been added in the very first update to the game after its release. Update #79 replaced the original 8 3/8"-barreled model with a more worn-looking 6" one.
The Smith & Wesson Model 327 R8 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in the 2016 Meatmas update. Uniquely, the revolver in-game is a left-handed model, the cylinder swinging out to the right instead of the left as is normally the case.
Added in the 7th alpha build of Update #59, the Smith & Wesson Model 500 makes its mark as the most powerful (per-shot) non-fictional handgun in the game. The subsequent build added a 2.75"-barreled ES (Emergency Survival) variant, known in-game as the "Junior" version.
A fictional third version was added in the 2019 April Fools' Day update, known as the "Triple Regret". This version is largely the same as the "Junior", save for its cylinder, which holds 3 rounds of .50 BMG; because of this, it is placed alongside the anti-materiel rifles in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTo make things more fair, how about we make it so that everybody loses?Error creating thumbnail: File missingEither you die, or you permanently lose your hearing. And your wrist(s).Error creating thumbnail: File missingA push of the cylinder release reveals where the "Triple" part of "Triple Regret" comes from.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some .50 BMG tracer rounds. Hey, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing with fireworks.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking aim at a hapless Sosig.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWincing with dread as the hammer slowly works its way backward...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and then drops, instantly blinding everyone in the room.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhat follows not more than a couple frames later is a recoil impulse that quite literally turns the pistol vertical (and shatters the user's forearms in the process), the muzzle flash clinging to its ever-so-short life all the while.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA whole lot of pained swearing later, the other two projectiles find themselves unexpectedly lodged into the room's back wall, while their cases are so shaken up that they jump right out the sides of the cylinder at the slightest provocation. A regrettable experience for all parties involved, as advertised.
Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic
Added in Update #79, the Smith & Wesson Model 629 Classic is available in-game, featuring custom wooden grips, an 8" barrel, and the same worn finish as the standard Model 29.
Smith & Wesson Model 629 Stealth Hunter/686P Hybrid
One of the weapons added in the first Meatmas update was a strange hybrid of Smith & Wesson revolvers, with the overall appearance of a Model 629 Stealth Hunter, but the .357 Magnum chambering and 7-shot cylinder of a Model 686P. It was later removed in Update #79, being replaced with the standard Stealth Hunter above.
Added in Update #78, the much-awaited Smith & Wesson Schofield is available in H3, being only its second break-action revolver. Notably, the in-game revolver is chambered in .44-40 WCF (the first weapon in-game to use the round); like the in-game Winchester Model 1873, this suggests a modern variant, rather than an original-production model. The parent Smith & Wesson Model 3 was available in .44-40 WCF during its original production, but the in-game model's latch system makes it clear that it's the Schofield variant rather than the Model 3.
Another revolver added in Update #79 the Taurus Raging Bull holds the distinction of being H3's other first .454 Casull revolver, and its sole first double-action one.
The Webley Mk VI has been added with the release of Update #47. It was initially chambered for the ".454 Webley" round, a mis-writing of .455 Webley; this error was later corrected. Notably, it is also the first top-break revolver in the game.