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Darwin's Game (ダーウィンズゲーム) is a 2020 anime series produced by Nexus, based on FLIPFLOPs's 2012 manga series of the same name. It follows Kaname Sudo, a 17-year-old high school student, after he accepts a friend's invitation to download a mobile game called Darwin's Game, before realizing that the game gives players unique abilities (known as Sigils) and then offers them rewards to kill each other.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Darwin's Game:
Shuka Karino is briefly seen handling a Norinco Type 54, presumably taken from a slain opponent, in "First Game". Several more are seen in the hands of various players in "Ignition" and "Fireworks", and in those of Eighth Clan members in "Hardness", "Eighth" (which is, in spite of the name, the seventh episode), "Old One", and "Sunset Ravens".
The player dressed as Banda uses a Nambu Model 60 he stole from a police officer against Kaname Sudo in "First Game". Another is used by an ill-fated policeman in "Old One".
The in-game gacha system's icon for a firearm is a Colt M1911A1; as seen below, this does not necessarily correspond to the weapon actually acquired.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M1911A1 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingKaname discovers a fair amount of success with his first use of the gacha store, though one can't help but wonder what sort of weapon would come from a 3-star roll. The M1911 in this icon has a few details (like slide serrations and grip screws), though it lacks some more important bits (like a safety, slide release, or magazine release), and appears to have been drawn with a swinging trigger like a Para-Ordnance LDA.
Beretta 92FS
The actual firearm that Kaname Sudo is given in "First Game" is a Beretta 92FS; he later uses it (or rather, several others attained via his Sigil ability) against Shuka; he creates and uses more of them during "Ignition" and "Fireworks", primarily using them to shoot out security cameras, and yet another in his battle with Danjo in "Heads Up".
Two Gyro Heads (and a third player of unspecified affiliation) are seen with Ingram MAC-10s in "Ignition"; several Eighth Clan members also use them in "Hardness", "Old One", and "Sunset Ravens", and Rein uses one briefly in "Heads Up". Their size is depicted rather inconsistently, ranging from being more or less accurate to the size of a small assault rifle between shots.
Kaname uses a total of 3 Sa vz. 61 Skorpions against Danjo in "Heads Up", though he ultimately only fires one; Rein mentions the weapon by name, with Ryuuji claiming that its presence was the result of a trip to an illegal arms dealer. Notably, he fires far more rounds out of it than the magazine could reasonably fit; this could be handwaved by his Sigil ability, however.
Rein Kashiwagi's main weapon is a Remington 700PSS. She carries it around in a large case on her back, first drawing and firing it in "Fireworks". Another Remington is wielded by an unnamed sniper in "Aquarium", though it is ultimately never fired.
Ryuuji Maesaka's primary weapon is an RPD, with both Maesaka and his gun initially appearing in "Ignition". Sudo uses his Sigil to create two others during "Fireworks", using them against Ichirou Hiiragi (with more being used during "Aquarium" and "Heads Up"); he also notably uses his Sigil to create overpressure ammunition for the weapon, to aid in dealing with Hiiragi's armor.
Both Rein and Sudo use M67 Hand Grenades throughout "Fireworks" (hence the episode's name); like the M84s, they're a purchasable item in the in-game shop, and are depicted as being somewhat underpowered (releasing no apparent shrapnel), though they're also somewhat oddly painted black. Several more are used by the Eighth Clan, starting in "Hardness", yet more are used by Hiiragi in "Eighth", and another is thrown by Sudo in "Heads Up".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM67 Hand GrenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingRein pulls the pin from an M67 grenade; note that, while there is a hole for the pin, the pin itself is incorrectly shown as a single tapered piece of wire rather than a split-ended pin, which would make it dangerously easy to remove.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral grenades lying amidst a pile of vines, apparently all set up to simultaneously explode despite still having their levers in place. A somewhat odd quirk of grenades in Darwin's Game is their tendency to emit a bright cross-shaped light before exploding.Error creating thumbnail: File missingM67 grenades in the in-game shop, at a remarkable price of 8 points for a 6-pack; there's apparently no option to buy only one at a time. Note that the option to the left is 2 points for 24 bullets (literally - the icon depicts a pointed bullet, with no case attached), though it somewhat unhelpfully fails to specify a caliber.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd, sure enough, "Konozama" teleports a box of six hand grenades directly to Kaname and Rein's room. While the crumpled paper is a nice touch, it's still not nearly enough to make this a safe way to transport grenades (which are usually transported in tough cases, with their fuses detached); then again, this is a game that rewards players for killing each other and attempts to maintain discretion in doing so, and the grenades are, as mentioned, simply teleported to their destination, so this lack of safety is somewhat understandable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaname looks at one of his duplicated grenades. Note how, unlike the real grenade, it has a prominent weld seam around the middle; it's also near-perfectly spherical, unlike the roughly apple-shaped M67.Error creating thumbnail: File missingApparently unfamiliar with the idea of pockets, he attempts to pull the pin out while holding his Beretta.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaname throws one of his grenades; this is one of the only times that an M67 in the show has its lever detached.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe grenade explodes in mid-air; again, note the cross-shaped flash. Both of the individuals in this shot are lucky that these frag grenades contain no actual shrapnel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaname creates another M67 while holding his RPD.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe then winds up and throws it; it's not entirely clear how he got the pin out in the interim, though given how Darwin's Game depicts grenade pins it may have simply fallen out on its own.
M84 Stun Grenade
Rein and Sudo use M84 Stun Grenades in "Ignition" and "Fireworks" (the latter also using one in "Heads Up"), while Shuka uses one in "Eighth"; they're apparently a rather popular buyable item in the in-game shop. They're depicted more as simple light-producing devices than as actual stun grenades; in one noteworthy scene, Kaname sets one off in his hand, somehow not mangling or burning it in the process.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM84 Stun GrenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingRein pulls the pin out of an M84; like the M67 above, it lacks an end-split. The grenade is also only shown with one pin instead of two, though given how two holes are clearly present, Rein may have simply removed the other pin earlier.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRein throws her grenade around the corner...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and, in a nice touch, the lever visibly pops off.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe flashbang flies toward the Florist's goons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt then detonates, producing a blinding flash of light; given that this works, these men apparently still use their own senses while under the Florist's control (which is implied to be more brainwashing than direct puppeteering).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same thing happens again later, albeit without Ryuuji this time. If anything, the better question to ask would be how a flashbang works against someone who doesn't even have pupils.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaname smirks, looking away from his freshly-created M84; note that it appropriately lacks a lever lower down, though it still has the upper portion of the lever, complete with both pins, which really ought to prevent it from going off.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHiiragi is struck dumb by Kaname's tactical genius for coming up with this plan in a matter of seconds. Or perhaps his incomprehensible stupidity for setting off a flashbang in his own hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA chain-wrapped M84, seen in the reflection of Rein's eye.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis, of course, signifies that the FBI not-yet-Sunset Ravens have come to put a stop to whatever this is.
RGD-33 Stick Grenade
Sudo uses several RGD-33 Stick Grenades in "Heads Up" while fighting Danjo, presumably acquired (or rather, encountered, since all the grenades he uses are summoned via his Sigil) from the illegal arms dealer that Maesaka put him in touch with.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRGD-33 Stick GrenadeError creating thumbnail: File missingAdopting the technique of someone who becomes way better at darts after their fifth drink, Kaname summons 3 RDG-33s between his fingers. Note that the one on the bottom erroneously has a body the same diameter as its handle, though this could just be perspective.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEspecially since they look more or less correct once he throws them.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPinned by Danjo, Kaname pulls his trump card: a hand grenade.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot a live one, mind you; the only live grenade he uses is a flashbang, which still does nothing to your skin or eardrums in this game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingKaname's game-assigned player icon as it appears near the end of the season, featuring cartoon renditions of several of the weapons he summons with his Sigil, the RGD-33 among them.
Unknown Tank
During his explanation of his reasons for joining Darwin's Game in "Fragile", Danjo is seen facing standing in front of a presently-unidentified tank.