The Snow Queen (Snezhnaya koroleva): Difference between revisions
The Snow Queen (Snezhnaya koroleva): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
The Snow Queen (Snezhnaya koroleva): Difference between revisions
While most robbers are armed with percussion cap and flintlock guns, one of the gang ([[Mikhail Vasilyev]]) holds a [[Reichsrevolver M1879]]. This revolver, wiped nearly to white, appears to be the same prop, used in numerous Lenfilm productions, notably ''[[Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, The#Reichsrevolver M1879|Priklucheniya Sherlocka Holmsa i Doktora Watsona]]''.
While most robbers are armed with percussion cap and flintlock guns, one of the gang ([[Mikhail Vasilyev]]) holds a [[Reichsrevolver M1879]]. This revolver, wiped nearly to white, appears to be the same prop, used in numerous Lenfilm productions, notably ''[[Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, The (TV Series)|Priklucheniya Sherlocka Holmsa i doktora Vatsona]]''.
The Snow Queen (Snezhnaya koroleva) is a Soviet 1967 (filmed 1966) screen adaptation of the play by Evgeniy Shvarts, in turn based on most famous Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale.
The following weapons were used in the film The Snow Queen (Snezhnaya koroleva):
In several scenes Storyteller (Valeri Nikitenko) carries a blunderbuss pistol. This gun seems to be a mockup rather than a genuine gun, but it is fitted with a percussion cap lock from a real pistol (some elements of the lock allow to guess that it is a converted flintlock). Same prop is also seen among the guns of Robber Woman (Olga Vikland). This gun looks very similar to the blunderbuss pistol, seen in Tri tolstyaka, also a Lenfilm production of same years.
A Percussion Cap Pistol, mostly used by Robber Woman (Olga Vikland), appears to be a genuine Russian M1848 soldier's model or one of French Chatellerault models.
Numerous Percussion Cap Pistols of different model are used by the robbers. They appear to be same props, reused in several scenes. Possibly these pistols are not original guns, but good mockups, fitted with some genuine parts, like locks. Only these pistols are seen firing (genuine historical guns of black powder era certainly doesn't fire on screen to avoid damage).
A Percussion Pocket Pistol is seen among the guns of Little Robber Girl (Era Ziganshina). It appears to be the same prop, used in some other Lenfilm productions, like Tri tolstyaka.
When Little Robber Girl finds out Storyteller, disguised as a robber, in the cave, she draws one more pistol, this time a flintlock one. This pistol with silvery inlay is also used in Tri tolstyaka. A robber (Zdislav Monkovskiy) holds same prop in another scene.
A very large pistol is seen in "apartments" of Little Robber Girl. It has massive pommel, like Matchlock and Wheellock pistols of 16th-17th century. The massive screw on the dog allow to identify this pistol as wheellock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWheellock pistolError creating thumbnail: File missingA large pistol with pommel on grip is seen on chopping-block, next to hatchet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe photoshopped (lightened) screenshot. Note the large screw on the dog, which is one of the typical features of wheellock guns (the matchlock weapons didn't need such massive bindings on the lock, while wheellock guns needs them to hold the flint or pyrites against the large tension of the spring).
"Knee Flintlock Pistol"
A robber (Anatoli Stolbov) carries a pistol with short buttstock. Such guns, not large enough for even shortest of carbines, are sometimes referred as "Knee Pistols". They were especially popular in Ottoman Empire, on Balkans and in North Africa. The gun seems to be the same prop, used in Tri tolstyaka.
When Little Robber Girl appears, returning from hunt, she carries a relatively small musket. The similar looking gun can be seen in the "apartments" of Little Robber Girl. Same looking gun is seen in another Lenfilm productions, Truffaldino iz Bergamo and Tsarevich Prosha, and that movies proves that the gun has percussion cap lock.