Wedding in Malinovka (Svadba v Malinovke): Difference between revisions
Wedding in Malinovka (Svadba v Malinovke): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Wedding in Malinovka (Svadba v Malinovke): Difference between revisions
In one scene Yashka the Artilleryman ([[Mikhail Pugovkin]]) appears with a bolt-action shotgun. This is most likely rebarreled old [[Berdan Rifle|10.67mm Berdan rifle]] known in Russia as "berdanka".
During the meeting of Yashka the Artilleryman ([[Mikhail Pugovkin]]) and Grandfather Nechipor ([[Yevgeny Lebedev]]), Yashka originally holds a bolt action shotgun that appears to be a [[Mosin Nagant/Frolov Shotgun]] (commonly known as "frolovka"). Later it switches to a different gun that appears to be a "berdanka" shotgun.
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Yashka threatens Nechipor with his gun.]]
== Berdan Bolt Action Shotgun ==
During the meeting of Yashka the Artilleryman ([[Mikhail Pugovkin]]) and Grandfather Nechipor ([[Yevgeny Lebedev]]) a [[Berdan Rifle|Berdan bolt-action shotgun]] (commonly known in Russia as "berdanka") passes from one to another.
[[Image:WiM-Shotgun-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Yashka the Artilleryman ([[Mikhail Pugovkin]]) with his "berdanka" shotgun.]]
[[Image:WiM-Shotgun-1.jpg|thumb|none|601px|Yashka holds "berdanka" shotgun. Note that the handguard is shorter and of another color than on Yashka's first gun, and the bolt handle differs in shape.]]
[[Image:WiM-Shotgun-2.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Yashka threatens the old villager.]]
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-5.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Another view of the scene.]]
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-6.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The shotgun leans against the tree.]]
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-7.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Nechipor: ''Power has changed!'']]
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-8.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Nechipor holds the shotgun.]]
[[File:SvM-Shotgun-9.jpg|thumb|none|600px|During the night attack on brigands, village women also raise weapons. Komarikha (Tamara Nosova) holds same looking shotgun.]]
Wedding in Malinovka (Svadba v Malinovke) is a 1967 Soviet action comedy movie directed by Andrei Tutyshkin. The story is set in an Ukrainian village during the Russian Civil war.
The following weapons were used in the film Wedding in Malinovka (Svadba v Malinovke):
Nagant M1895 revolvers are used by Red Army commander Nazar Duma (Vladimir Samojlov), his second-in-command Petrya Bessarabian (Nikolay Slichenko), the chief of brigands Gritsian (Grigori Abrikosov) and retired soldier Yashka the Artilleryman (Mikhail Pugovkin).
Many of Red Army men and brigands are armed with out of time Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbines. Mostly the carbines lack hooded front sights, probably to make them look more like early versions of Mosin Nagant.
A brigand holds an out of time Karabiner 98k rifle. Later a captured 98k is seen in hands of the village headman Grandfather Nechipor (Yevgeny Lebedev).
During the meeting of Yashka the Artilleryman (Mikhail Pugovkin) and Grandfather Nechipor (Yevgeny Lebedev), Yashka originally holds a bolt action shotgun that appears to be a Mosin Nagant/Frolov Shotgun (commonly known as "frolovka"). Later it switches to a different gun that appears to be a "berdanka" shotgun.