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[[File:Shchors-Mosin-13.jpg|thumb|none|500px|A Red soldier carries an M07 Carbine while saying goodbye to his wife.]]
[[File:Shchors-Mosin-13.jpg|thumb|none|500px|A Red soldier carries an M07 Carbine while saying goodbye to his wife.]]
== Unknown Mosin Nagant Carbine ==
== Custom Mosin Nagant Rifle ==
One or two Red soldiers carry Mosin Nagant carbines that look similar to [[Mosin Nagant M1938 Carbine]] but has differently placed barrel bands and strange rear sight, possibly one used for rifle grenades. ''Note:'' M38 Carbine started production only in 1939 so it cannot appear in this movie except for a very uncredible chance the moviemakers got some exeperimental piece.
One or two Red soldiers carry Mosin Nagant short rifles that appear to be custom shortened [[Mosin Nagant M1891 ]] Dragoon rifles . The result resembles M38 Carbine that went into production only in 1939.
[[Image:M38Carbine.jpg|thumb|none|400px|For comparison: Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R]]
[[File:Shchors-Mosin-11.jpg|thumb|none|500px|A Red soldier at the left carries a short rifle .]]
[[File:Shchors-Mosin-11.jpg|thumb|none|500px|A Red soldier at the left carries a carbine.]]
== Mauser Gewehr 1898 ==
== Mauser Gewehr 1898 ==
Revision as of 11:00, 27 December 2017
Shchors (sometimes released as Shors ) is a Soviet 1939 B&W historical movie directed by Aleksandr Dovzhenko and Yuliya Solntseva and depicting the person of Nikolay Alexandrovitch Shchors (Evgeniy Samoylov ), one of the prominent Red Army commanders during the Russian civil war. The story show the events ofn 1918-1919 on Ukraine when Red troops under the command of Shchors and his comrade-in-arms Vasily Bozhenko (Ivan Skuratov ) fought against Ukrainian Hetmanate, supported by Imperial German army, and then against Directorate of Ukraine and Polish troops.
The following weapons were used in the film Shchors :
Nagant M1895
Nagant M1895 revolvers are widely used by commanders of all armies, even by Imperial German officers. The revolvers seem to have post-1930 sights.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Nagant. This example was dated 1939 manufacture and was a War time issued weapon. Note the angular front sight which was used from 1930s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nagants are seen during the close combat in sunflower field in the opening scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Petro Chizh (Fyodor Ishchenko ) carries a Nagant in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red commander at the left holds a Nagant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer fires at the window when the Red troops enter Kiev.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red commander leads his soldiers with a revolver and a rifle in hands.
FN Model 1900
Many German and Ukrainian officers carry FN Model 1900 pistols. Nikolay Shchors (Evgeniy Samoylov ) is seen with a holster for FN Model 1900 on his belt but it looks rather empty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Model 1900 - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German officer in center holds his FN 1900 during the close combat in sunflower field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer at the left draws his FN 1900 during the rebellion of German soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young Russian officer draws his FN 1900 when Red troops enter the city of Kiev.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors carries an FN 1900 holster but it seems to be empty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vurm (D. Kadnikov), a representative of High Command of Red Army and Shchors' personal foe, carries an FN 1900 in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Polish officer at the left holds an FN 1900 during the battle in medieval castle.
Ortgies Pocket Pistol
A personal handgun of Nikolay Shchors (Evgeniy Samoylov ) is a hammerless pistol that seems to be Ortgies Pocket Pistol .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ortgies Pocket Pistol - .32 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors' pistol is seen on the table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors draws his pistol.
Mauser C96
Vasily Bozhenko (Ivan Skuratov ), his orderly and bodyguard Savka Troyan (Aleksandr Khvylya ) and some other Red commanders carry Mauser C96 pistols in signature wooden holsters.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Pre-War dated Mauser C96 "Broomhandle" Commercial Version - 7.63x25mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German officer at the right carries a Mauser C96 in holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Bozhenko (at the left) and Savka Troyan carry holstered Mauser pistols.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A grip of Bozhenko's Mauser is seen. His pistol has some kind of bright onlay on grips (probably same prop is carried by a German officer in earlier scene).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Savka Troyan holds a Mauser, leading a group of wounded soldiers.
Mosin Nagant M1891
Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles are widely used by soldiers of all armies. Usage of these rifles by German troops isn't completely incorrect as they captured numerous Mosin Nagant rifles during the decay of Russian Imperial army in 1917.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891 Infantry Rifle in original configuration - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon Rifle - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier uses his M91 rifle in close combat in sunflower field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red soldiers are mostly armed with M91 rifles of Infantry and Dragoon models.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An aged soldier Prokopchenko (Stepan Shkurat ) carries an M91 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young Red soldier carries M91 rifle while saying goodbye to his mother.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ukrainian national troops in attack. The soldiers are mostly armed with M91 rifles. The first row is dressed in Austro-Hungarian uniform, probably portraying Ukrainian Sich Riflemen that were originally organised as unit within the Austro-Hungarian Army.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Red soldiers with M91 rifles carry ammunition for machine guns.
Mosin Nagant M1891/30
Anachronistic Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles are also used due to the lack of original M1891s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant M1891/30 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier holds M91/30 rifle during the battle in a village.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A barrel of M91/30 rifle is seen at the left in the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier in center carries an M91/30 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of a group of rebellious soldiers, who make attempt to arrest Shchors, is armed with an M91/30 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red standard bearer carries an M91/30 rifle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An officer aims an M91/30 in window when Red troops enter Kiev.
Mosin Nagant M1907 Carbine
Some Mosin Nagant M1907 Carbines are also seen.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mosin Nagant Model 1907 Carbine - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier carries an M07 Carbine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier carries an M07 Carbine while saying goodbye to his wife.
Custom Mosin Nagant Rifle
One or two Red soldiers carry Mosin Nagant short rifles that appear to be custom shortened Mosin Nagant M1891 Dragoon rifles. The result resembles M38 Carbine that went into production only in 1939.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier at the left carries a short rifle.
Mauser Gewehr 1898
Most German soldiers and some Haidamaks (soldiers of Ukrainian army) carry Mauser Gewehr 1898 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser Gewehr 1898 - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German soldiers hold Mauser rifles during the close combat in sunflower field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Haidamak at the left holds a Gewehr 98 in the same scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier on the border between the Ukrainian Hetmanate and Soviet Russia.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nikolay Shchors makes a review of the soldiers, armed with Mauser 98 and Mosin Nagant M1891 rifles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Petro Chizh (Fyodor Ishchenko ) carries a Mauser 98 (at the right).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Some soldiers of Ukrainian national army carry Mauser 98 rifles (seen at foreground).
Mauser Karabiner 98b
Some full-length Mauser rifles have tangent rear sights and turned down bolt handles. They appear to be Karabiner 98b rifles, a version of Gewehr 1898 introduced in 1923 to comply with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles which only allowed Germany to produce carbines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Karabiner 98b - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A German soldier uses his Kar 98b in close combat in sunflower field.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of Kar 98b.
Mauser Karabiner 98AZ
What appears to be a Karabiner 98AZ is briefly seen during the battle in the opening scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mauser 98AZ Artillery Carbine - 7.92x57mm Mauser
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Karabiner 98AZ is seen at the right. Note the protector of front sight and stacking hook.
Machine Guns
Lewis Gun
Red troops widely use Lewis Guns . These are Savage Arms Company produced machine guns, identified by the Light Ground Mount three-leg support (unlike the bipod of British Lewis), probably Russian contract version in 7.62x54R caliber (9,600 such Lewis-Savage machine guns were supplied to Russia in 1917).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lewis Gun, produced by Savage Arms Company, on Light Ground Mount support - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nikolay Shchors (Evgeniy Samoylov ) and his soldiers prepare their Lewis guns to repulse an attack of enemy troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A good view of Light Ground Mount support.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors runs across the battlefield with a Lewis.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors on position. He raises the sight of his machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors returns to his headquarters from the battlefield.
Degtyaryov DP-27
An anachronistic DP-27 is briefly seen in one scene.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Degtyaryov DP-27 - 7.62x54mm R
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red cavalryman carries DP-27. The flash hider is removed and probably replaced with blank firing adapter.
Maxim M1910
Maxim M1910 machine guns with smooth barrel covers are widely used by all armies.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxim 1910, simplified version with smooth water jacket - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red commander with recently captured Maxim on snow-covered battlefield.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Vasily Bozhenko (Ivan Skuratov ) uses a Maxim to threaten richmen of Kiev, gathered in city opera theatre, and making them to pay an indemnity to Red Army (in fact, loot them).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Maxims on positions of Red troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young gunner prepares to open fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Maxim is seen in Bozhenko's headguarters together with rifles, swords and ammunition.
Maxim M1910/30
A Maxim M1910/30 machine gun (or possibly early M1910 with ribbed water jacket) is used by German troops, standing for Maxim MG08 .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Russian Maxim 1910/30 machine gun - 7.62x54mmR
Error creating thumbnail: File missing German troops use a machine gun for mass execution of Ukrainian peasants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A gunner recoiles from his Maxim, in horror of what was done.
Other Weapons
RG-14 Hand Grenades
Many Red soldiers carry RG-14 hand grenades . Shchors (Evgeniy Samoylov ) himself holds a pair of RG-14s when rebels in his regiment try to arrest him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RG-14 Russian hand grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Red soldier throws grenades in action.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Petro Chizh (Fyodor Ishchenko ) carries a pair of RG-14 grenades.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shchors holds two grenades, making the rebels to retreat.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Savka Troyan (Aleksandr Khvylya ) carries a Mauser C96 and a pair of RG-14s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wounded soldier has a grenade on his belt.