Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions
Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Life - Season 1: Difference between revisions
In the pilot episode "Merit Badge", a drug dealer is seen with a sawed off [[Ithaca 37]] shotgun.
In the pilot episode "Merit Badge" (S1E01), the drug dealer Lonnie Garth ([[Chad Lindberg]]) is armed with an [[Ithaca 37]] "Stakeout"-style shotgun.
[[Image:Ithaca_m37sawedoff.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Ithaca 37 12 gauge with sawed-off stock and barrel. ]]
[[Image:xxhardball.jpg|none|500px|thumb|Airsoft Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" replica shotgun nearly identical to the one used in the game ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]''.]]
[[Image:Life 05.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In the pilot episode "Merit Badge", a drug dealer is seen with a sawed off [[Ithaca 37]] shotgun.]]
[[Image:Life 05.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In the pilot episode "Merit Badge" (S1E01), Lonnie Garth ([[Chad Lindberg]]) is seen with an [[Ithaca 37]] "Stakeout"-style shotgun.]]
The Beretta 92FS is the sidearm carried by Detective Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis) as well as Officer Bobby Stark (Brent Sexton) and other uniformed officers.
While at the shooting range in "Tear Asunder" (S1E02), Charlie is seen firing what appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 15 revolver, which had been his service gun before he was charged for life. In "Fill It Up" (S1E11), Detective Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis) discards his Beretta 92FS in favor of what appears to be the Smith & Wesson Model 15, when he searches for a perp on a revenge mission. This revolver appears to also have Pachmayr grips.
During a funeral for a slain police detectivem , the police Honor Guard are seen using bright nickel plated M1 Garand rifles to perform a rifle volley in "Farthingale" (S1E08).