Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Difference between revisions
Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:Call of Duty: Black Ops III: Difference between revisions
lol--[[User:AnActualAK47|AnActualAK47]] ([[User talk:AnActualAK47|talk]]) 14:09, 21 January 2017 (EST)
lol--[[User:AnActualAK47|AnActualAK47]] ([[User talk:AnActualAK47|talk]]) 14:09, 21 January 2017 (EST)
:::: Bah, I agree about not beating a dead horse, but seriously, just say you disagree, and leave the shitty memes for the shitty social media sites, please. [[User:StanTheMan|StanTheMan]] ([[User talk:StanTheMan|talk]]) 16:51, 21 January 2017 (EST)
:::: Bah, I agree about not beating a dead horse, but seriously, just say you disagree, and leave the shitty memes for the shitty social media sites, please. [[User:StanTheMan|StanTheMan]] ([[User talk:StanTheMan|talk]]) 16:51, 21 January 2017 (EST)
My Bad Guys, Sorry. If you disagree, I respect your opinion.--[[User:Treliazz|Treliazz]] ([[User talk:Treliazz|talk]]) 19:41, 21 January 2017 (EST)
This section lists the weapons for which the futuristic/fictional aspects outweigh the potential resemblances (if any) to real counterparts.
"Marshal 16"
The Marshal 16 is a bizarre 2-shot shotgun-pistol rather like the "Pistole" weapon from the Uncharted series, introduced via DLC and made available through the much-hated Supply Drop system. While the weapon holds 2 shells, it fires them both at once; this leads to it having twice the per-shot pellet count of other shotguns (though, bizarrely, this number is halved when the weapon is dual-wielded). Overall, the weapon's behavior makes it a spiritual successor of sorts to the Taurus Raging Judge from Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Mechanically, the weapon is strange; it has 2 barrels arranged in an over/under configuration that pivot out to the left rather like the barrel of a Heckler & Koch AG36, at which point the user then incorrectly dumps the spent 12 gauge shells out rather than manually removing them, or using any sort of mechanism in the weapon to remove them (realistically, the shells would expand during firing and would require additional force to remove). Given its status as a spiritual successor, coupled with a few distinct features, it would seem that the Marshal 16 was built using the Black Ops II Raging Judge as a base, with the most notable change being that the under-barrel lug was turned into a barrel (the influence is loose, but if you squint, you can see some resemblance).
The MR6 is a futuristic striker-fired handgun with a integral laser aiming module (though the relevant attachment must be acquired to make it function and said attachment is absurdly large for a futuristic laser sight, being twice the size of modern day equivalents). It seems to have been based on the Lawgiver Mk. II from Dredd (which was built on a Glock 17), incorporating features from the Lawgiver like its digital display. According to the display on the side of the gun, it is chambered in ".40 R&K" (given the markings of the "RK5", this presumably stands for "Royal & Kross"), but when the "Long Barrel" attachment is used, the chamber gives the caliber as .45 ACP (oddly enough, the "High Caliber" attachment instead changes the rear of the slide into a hammer that serves no real function, as it's attached to the slide). It is Belgian in origin. Interestingly the pistol's slide is partially fixed; only the rear slide portion (everything rearward of the forward sight) reciprocates when firing, meaning that the weapon's sights don't move together during cycling, which could lead to accuracy issues. Also, when the weapon is empty, the slide does not lock back, as with other handguns; this doesn't actually stop the player character from flicking what seems to be a slide release when reloading with no ammunition left in the gun if the "Fast Mags" attachment is selected (which simply adds a Magpul-esque handling loop on the magazine baseplate that would be far too small to fit any fingers through).
The Razorback appears to be based on the Thor PDW, a fictional weapon using a TDI Vector-style offset recoil mechanism created by Crytek designer Pascal Eggert. It also features a G11-esque rotary charging handle. The Razorback appears to be a sibling of sorts with the Weevil, as it shares its 5.7x29mm chambering and Belgian origin.
A drum-fed shotgun that fires in semi-automatic only. It is Italian in origin and fires 12 gauge shells, according to the data vault. Given certain details, such as the shape of the receiver and the flashlight attached to the forend, the weapon seems to have been modeled using the Call of Duty: Black Ops II Remington 870 as a base.
A futuristic lever-action shotgun based on the Winchester Model 1887 with a wire stock, and a grip rather reminiscent of a Chiappa Rhino. Instead of a tube magazine it has what appears to be a turret rifle cylinder which is inserted into the right side of the receiver; this lacks any actual openings of any sort, and more resembles a can of tuna than anything that would be used to hold cartridges of any sort. Said tuna can is also far too small to hold 10 (or, with the not-actually-magazine-size-increasing "Extended Mag", 14) of any meaningfully powerful shotgun shell, despite the data vault stating it is chambered in 12 gauge (how such a small magazine can load 10 12-gauge shot-shells is best not thought about). The Argus does not appear to eject spent shells after every shot (or it uses a strange Ithaca 37-style downward ejecting system), though an empty reload on closer inspection shows it dumping a shell when the lever-action is locked open, suggesting it somehow only has one casing for 10 shots, or fires some weird futuristic shotgun round. It appears to fire an extremely tight spread of pellets (almost like it was firing slugs) as evidenced by its small spread and increased damage when ADS, making it a spiritual successor of sorts to the KSG from Black Ops 2. Notably, the weapon is spin-cocked when drawn and when reloaded while using the "Fast Mags" attachment; as it lacks the enlarged lever loop normally required for such an action, the likely result of this would be the user having their fingers broken. It is American in origin, like the Haymaker 12.
The "Banshii" is a futuristic shotgun that fires bolts of energy. It has a custom pumping handle on the left side, making it operate in a similar-looking manner to the bolt-action M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun System, but the weapon is described as pump-action in the loadout menu. Unlike the other shotguns which fire hitscan projectiles, the Banshii's bolt does not travel instantaneously, and must be led to its target. This and its slow rate of fire make it a fairly difficult weapon to use effectively.
This rifle is a futuristic rifle taking clues from the ACR. It is stated to be chambered in 7.8x54mm and is American in origin. It is slow-firing, but is powerful, making it a futuristic battle rifle akin to a G3 or an FN FAL. The magazine well is a strange "clamshell" design, both sides opening up sideways to accept a magazine during reloads. Its magazine is also strangely shaped, resembling more of a battery pack than a box magazine (despite holding visible bullets) and is strangely compact for a 30 round magazine. The rifle's trigger by default is also weirdly shaped, resembling a window that encircles the shooter's finger. Man-O-War appears to be an unofficial nickname, as MNWR can be seen emblazoned on the weapons side. The data vault states that this is the standard rifle for Winslow Accord forces.
A semi-only DMR, the "Sheiva" is probably supposed to be a successor to the SVU or "SMR" (Saritch 308) from Black Ops II, though it is difficult to say which since the bullpup rifle is buried in chunky "future" embellishments (however, given the re-use of the reloading animation of the "SMR", this seems to be more likely, along with some influence from the Metal Storm MAUL, given the receiver shape). Oddly, several of its upgrades add wood furnishings. Marking on the weapons stock indicates it is of Indian origin, and is chambered for the Czech 7.62x45mm round. The weapon's design also makes it impossible for it to actually function, as viewing the "Rapid Fire" attachment shows the empty chamber without any sort of operating mechanism, and if one did actually exist, there wouldn't be enough space from the back of the chamber to the inside of the buttpad for it to fit in. To top it all off, the "Fast Mags" attachment has the character use a bolt release instead of the "charging handle", which, given how it can only move by rotating up and down (during reloading, this is hit in a manner rather like an "HK slap", sans the handle moving forward after it is hit), can only really be a bolt release. This also leads to the rather worrying conclusion that the weapon has no charging handle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Sheiva" in the weapon selection screen. Note what appears to be a gas tube on top of the barrel; precisely what purpose this serves is not clear, as all it seems to do is dump gas further back down the barrel. Additionally, though only really visible in first person, what appears to be an AR15-style forward assist is attached to the left side of the receiver for no obvious reason.
A fast-firing double-barreled machinegun with an aircraft-style cylindrical ammunition drum mounted diagonally in a configuration similar to the Zenit bullpup kit for the PKP Pecheneg, though the Dingo has a conventional layout. It is chambered in 5.49x39mm, and rather fittingly for its name is Australian in origin. When held in first-person, a marking on the back toward the stock reads "C96 LMG", implying an official designation given upon military adoption. How exactly it feeds into a double barrel mechanism is never explained, and the weapon expends its magazine as if it were single-barreled (the ammunition counter does not decrease in increments of two, rather in increments of one).
A slow-firing machine gun that actually looks more like an anti-material rifle given the muzzle brake and barrel. It is chambered in .50 caliber (the campaign's data vault apparently not understanding that this isn't really a comprehensive statement, as there are numerous .50 caliber rounds, and they are not interchangeable by any stretch of the imagination). It appears to possess a novel recoil-counterbalancing system not unlike the "balanced action" of the AK-107; as the bolt and charging handle go back with each shot, a weight wrapped around the barrel moves forwards at the same time, presumably canceling out most of the felt recoil and improving accuracy (unlike most variations of this system, the weight is external and visible, presumably to make it more visually interesting). In fact, the weight is directly connected to the charging handle, as pulling it back to reload the weapon causes the weight to move forwards. It is possibly based on the Blaser R93 sniper rifle, with some influence from the CETME Ameli (given the shape of the feed tray cover, among other features). It is Egyptian in origin according to the data vault.
The game's high-caliber rifle. Formerly called the "Power-Bolt" in the beta. It is German in origin and is chambered for 12.7x99mm RAR, which happens to be the same measurement in the NATO designation of the real-steel .50 BMG round. It utilizes a rather unique system for chambering rounds; instead of a bolt that the user manipulates to chamber the next round, parts of the barrel and receiver unfurl and the bolt travels back on its own, completing the process in a little over two seconds. Essentially, the rifle is a self-chambering bolt-action anti-material rifle. In fact, the only thing the user has to do when the weapon is emptied is replace the magazine, like the Man-O-War the magazine well opens sideways to allow for magazine removal, once a fresh magazine is inserted the weapon self-chambers and is ready to fire. The weapon seems to have been based on the Black Ops II "XPR-50", which, in turn, was (somewhat loosely) based on the Barrett Model 98 Bravo, along with a Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention-esque carrying handle and a Barrett M82's distinctive muzzle brake. The latter component, oddly enough, is seemingly within the end of the barrel, rather than simply attached to it (begging the question of what purpose the section of barrel ahead of it serves), and also recoils when the weapon is fired; while this would normally imply a recoil-operated design, the weapon is clearly a bolt-action. While some bolt-action rifles do use a recoiling barrel system (the Boys Antitank Rifle comes to mind) for recoil compensation, this is still an unorthodox decision. Just to complicate things further, the "FMJ" attachment (this changes the barrel design and allows for better surface penetration, ignoring both that FMJ rounds are standard-issue in most militaries ("Armor-Piercing Rounds" would have been a better title), and that a FMJ refers to the rounds in question, not the barrel) seemingly lacks this.
An anti-vehicle missile launcher that only locks on to vehicles, much like the guided missile launchers from previous games. Despite its seemingly futuristic appearance, it is likely based on tripod-mounted launchers such as the Spike and ERYX, but scaled down for man-portable use. It is Thai in origin and fires an SRS-22 Air To Air missile.
First screens from the website. Trailer in an hour. It remains to be seen if any reallife guns are used, but from the looks of it for a game set 50 years in the future many of them look unchanged from the present day.
Aside from a love of the Rolling Stones, is there any connection between the previous WaW/BO games and this game? --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:40, 30 April 2015 (EDT)
I bet they'll figure out a way to get Reznov in it. Maybe the new guy is Section's son or something. Evil Tim (talk) 16:01, 30 April 2015 (EDT)
I don't think that's an AK-12 or if it is, we should note the front site is attached to the gas block. Excalibur01 (talk) 07:54, 3 June 2015 (EDT)
This is actually the case for the AK-12 Carbine variant, but the weapon in-game has a longer barrel than this carbine. It seems to be one of the Rifle Dynamics AKs like Forrest1985 previously said, more specifically the 700 series that are actually chambered in 7.62x39mm. However, the handguard's length matches more that of the AK-12 Carbine, and the in-game weapon has a deeper magwell that most AK rifles (including the RD700 series), though not as much as the AK-12/76 shotgun or the Vepr-12. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 05:13, 17 June 2015 (EDT)
The `Locus' sniper seen in the newest trailer is a remodelled FN Ballista from Black Ops II, as it was said when several youtubers played it it felt similar to BOII's Ballista, and it looks identical --User:Megatron267
I added some weapons from the trailer that was released and need some help IDing them. The one does look like a FN P90 but the other I had to hazard a guess on, saying it looked like the FP6 from Call Of Duty: Ghosts. Sorry for the bad quaility on the pics, I couldn't do HQ pics due to the video lagging on me. --SeanWolf (talk) 22:06, 27 June 2015 (EDT)
I have to agree, it does look more like the MX4 Storm --SeanWolf (talk) 13:35, 28 June 2015 (EDT)
The Sheiva: Shotgun Or Assault Rifle?
I was going to add this page, but there is one small problem: What the heck would I label it under? It looks to be based on the Bulldog shotgun but, and I'm not kidding, it's actually called a Semi-Automatic Rifle in game. I'm thinking I should put it under Assault Rifles, but what do you guys think? --SeanWolf (talk) 15:23, 8 July 2015 (EDT)
If anything I think that looks more like the Desert Tech MDR rifle than the Metal Storm MAUL if that's what you mean by "Bulldog." AgentGumby (talk) 17:09, 8 July 2015 (EDT)
Yeah I think did mean the MAUL. I'm not sure about it looking like the MDR though. To me, it does look like the Metal Storm MAUL, judging by the shape of the weapon, then the MDR (compare the Sheiva to the MDR and you'll notice that the Sheiva is slanted in the back, where the magazine goes, and the MDR isn't) --SeanWolf (talk) 17:42, 8 July 2015 (EDT)
Maybe I am missing something, but I see absolutely nothing here that looks like it came from a MAUL. The slanted back of the MAUL is unrelated to the actual firing part of the weapon and is purely the shape of the stock, as opposed to on this where it is the shape of the receiver. Also, this is a bullpup with the magazine clearly visible protruding out of the bottom of the receiver so in function it is totally different to a MAUL as well. I doubt that this is based particularly closely on anything real (particularly as there are a number of design features that make zero sense on a real gun), but pretty sure it is meant to be an assault rifle though rather than a shotgun. --commando552 (talk) 18:49, 8 July 2015 (EDT)
If you squint at it you can see what they're talking about, it looks like they basically used the old MAUL model as a shape reference when they were making this thing. It looks more like it'd be a battle rifle than an assault rifle given the size of the magazine, though. The handguard kind of reminds me of that bullpup SMG someone made out of a Sten, a FAL and an SL8.
Also I do like the gas tube that just dumps the gas back further down the barrel. It's a mobius gun! Evil Tim (talk) 22:09, 8 July 2015 (EDT)
Gotta be honest here, when I first saw gameplay of this weapon when we didn't have enough details of it, it really reminded me of the MAUL, but now that we have a full view of it it's noticeably different. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 16:15, 10 July 2015 (EDT)
On a note somewhat related to commando552, I think that many of the guns in this game are gonna push into Halo-esque territory of fictional, but semi-believable designs. AgentGumby (talk) 23:21, 10 July 2015 (EDT)
It has been confirmed that this gun is actually a DMR type rifle. Single shot only.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 21:06, 15 August 2015 (EDT)
Locus sniper: Inspiration for it?
So i've seen some people saying that the Locus kinda looks like the Ballista from Black Ops II (also that it handles similarly, albeit that's has more to do with "light snipers" and all that nonsense) but the weapon also seems to be vaguely inspired by the Cheytac M200. Whadday think?
From some gameplay i've seen it also appears to use a straight pull bolt.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 02:45, 26 July 2015 (EDT)
ARK-7 = A futuristic 7.62 AK variant.
HVK-30 = Probably a 5.56 design based on some distant AR-15 derivatives. It looks similar to the Remington R5 from Ghosts.
M8A7 = Resembles an SL8. Given its 4-round burst-fire nature and name it may be a successor to the M8A1 from Black Ops 2.
Sheiva = Reminds me of an M14 in a Rogue Juggernaut bullpup chassis, or the SMR from BO2.
Man-O-War = Looks like a buffed-up futuristic HK-417.
XR-2 = Tavor-like design.
Submachine Guns:
Kuda = UMP-like weapon. It's sleeker than Advanced Warfare's SN6.
Weevil = Yet another P90-like weapon. The long barrel makes it like a PS90, but visually it looks like a mish-mash between AW's Bal-27 and BO2's PDW-57.
Razorback = Vaguely resembles a bullpup SCAR-thingy.
Vesper = Based on the JS 9mm/QCW-05 with a straight magazine. Probably a successor to BO2's Chicom CQB.
VMP = Looks much like a Hi-Point Carbine.
Haymaker 12 = AR-15/SCAR-like design firing shotgun shells like an AA-12.
KRM-262 = FP6/Bizon-like pump-action shotgun.
BRM = Futuristic Mk. 46/48. Probably a successor to the BO2's Mk. 48 and MW3's Mk. 46.
Dingo = Too boxy to describe.
Sniper Rifles :
Drakon = Resembles a revolving rifle.
Locus = A Ballista-like sniper that is a successor to the Ballista from BO2.
PR-06 = Resembles the Kel-Tec RFB.
L-CAR9 = Futuristic machine pistol based on a B&T MP9.
MR6 = A 'heavy' non-magnum pistol that kinda resembles the MK23.
RK5 = A 3-round burst pistol based on a Strayer Voight Infinity. Possible successor to BO2's B23R.
XR-53 = SMAW-like launcher that breaks open to the side like the M320.
Call me crazy, but that looks alot like the Remington 870 MCS. --SeanWolf (talk) 14:55, 30 August 2015 (EDT)
You're crazy, hahaha. On that note, these guns are horrible looking. Unless they're based off something long lost in the prototype stages, are most of these even based off anything and therefore qualify for the page? Majorcamo (talk) 19:30, 30 August 2015 (EDT)
That gave me a laugh, thanks! As for the weapons, a few I can see the real-world gun they are based on but the rest are iffy at best. I mean the Dingo looks a lot like a weapon from the film District 9, for Pete's sakes. --SeanWolf (talk) 23:00, 30 August 2015 (EDT)
I don't mind them, they remind me of the comedy guns from Black with a billion RIS rails. :) Evil Tim (talk) 02:10, 31 August 2015 (EDT)
"Unless they're based off something long lost in the prototype stages, are most of these even based off anything and therefore qualify for the page?" - I was wondering that too but I guess the Crysis 3 page set a precedent.Temp89 (talk)
I mean, most of the weapons do have some aspects of real world guns...then there's the BlackCell. Dang thing looks like a video camera *laughs* --SeanWolf (talk) 14:08, 31 August 2015 (EDT)
Regarding the ARK-7
I believe the closest appearance to it is the civilian AK-12 .223, aside from the fact the ARK-7 clearly has a 7.62x39mm mag. What do you think? --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 04:47, 4 November 2015 (EST)
FYI, the official COD Wiki now labels it as a "KN-44". I don't know if that will stick when the game comes out.--MJ79 (talk) 08:59, 4 November 2015 (EST)
Right, I know, it's probably the final name. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 10:40, 5 November 2015 (EST)
I don't trust that image of the .223 AK-12, the majority of those images seem to be conceptual photoshops.AgentGumby (talk) 13:06, 5 November 2015 (EST)
Why is there an added mag well on these supposed civilian AK-12? looking closer, they are quite obviously photoshopped. Notice how of the light is on the mag vs the mag well.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 14:50, 5 November 2015 (EST)
I agree that they might be photoshopped. Anyway, I looked up for other images (for the civilian .223 and 12 gauge variants), and most of them are proposed concept arts (like here) representing this model (front sight attached to gas block, and deeper magwell). We'll see if we later get images of the actual models. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 04:53, 8 November 2015 (EST)
Screens of all the weapons from the loadout screen. No word on zombie mode guns or period weapons from those flashbacks the trailer showed.Temp89 (talk)
No period guns in the flashbacks except MG42s and 34s. Evil Tim (talk) 08:43, 8 November 2015 (EST)
The video is not my creation BTW.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 06:10, 8 November 2015 (EST)
We, um...we'd really rather you didn't do that. Evil Tim (talk) 08:44, 8 November 2015 (EST)
Why? I thought it would be handy to have, so you can see all the weapons names and whatnot.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 06:23, 9 November 2015 (EST)
Well, I assume most users know how to operate Google, and we'd rather charge people for advertising their videos if we're going to do that. :P Evil Tim (talk) 08:26, 9 November 2015 (EST)
I guess I'm a massive idiot cuz i don't even understand what you are trying to say :'(--AnActualAK47 (talk) 06:07, 10 November 2015 (EST)
Why tho
I'm kind of sad that the HK-416 model got morphed into the ICR-1. With the 416 gone, there are no guns in MP that are truly "real," a first for a CoD game.
Also, why did ARK-7 need to be renamed to KN-44? I like ARK-7 much more. --PyramidHead (talk) 23:10, 9 November 2015 (EST)
The model for the ICR-1 was probably replaced because the first model didn't look futuristic enough for the games' setting. As for the AK's name, IDK. --MJ79 (talk) 23:29, 9 November 2015 (EST)
One thing i find funny about the ICR-1 is that the fire selector is (if it were an AR-15) flipped to safe, but they stamped auto or something over it, how hard can it be to just flip the damn model?--AnActualAK47 (talk) 06:08, 10 November 2015 (EST)
Not hard if the selector is a separate model, but if it's just part of the lower model, then you're out of luck. This is why if I could make a game I'd have animated fire selectors on guns. Mr. Wolf (talk) 18:14, 10 November 2015 (EST)
Eh, it's not that hard even then, you could just select the control points and rotate them (though the selector would probably be a different part in the high-poly master model anyway), then go yell at the texture artist to lasso / flip a section of the various maps if the selector is part of the same texture as the reciever. Evil Tim (talk) 19:04, 10 November 2015 (EST)
Actually yeah, that too. Mr. Wolf (talk) 19:20, 10 November 2015 (EST)
Some of these got to go
Okay, honestly , half of these guns are completely fictional. With that being said, I don't know every gun in the world so don't jump down my throat. But the Haymaker, 205 Brecci, Man-O-War, Sheiva, Dingo, Gorgon, BlackCell need to be removed in my opinion. They look more fake than the Halo weapons and most of those weapons I listed have no description at all. Just my 2 cents. Majorcamo (talk) 14:53, 11 November 2015 (EST)
Maybe moving to a fake weapons section? --Funkychinaman (talk) 15:04, 11 November 2015 (EST)
Some of them are at least reasonably convincing (remember that PHaSR or whatever it's called that's just a laser dazzler is a real weapon and looks a lot faker than the Man-o-war). I generally allow a few fictional guns for completion's sake or if there's something interesting about them and they're not too out there (like how the Crysis page has the gun-looking guns but not the MOAC). Only thing I can think of for the Dingo is it's based on that bullpup PKM with the ammo feed turned around and most of a set of shelves attached to it, Man-o-war looks like they buried a SCAR in it or it's supposed to be a futurey XM8 successor, the two shotguns aren't that appalling...could probably toss the Blackcell, but it's not going to kill us to include it to say it's not a real weapon. After all, I've seen people claim that "maybe Activision has guns modified to work like the MW3 guns so the errors aren't errors" (seriously) so telling people these aren't some advanced soopah-sekrit projects is probably for the best :P Evil Tim (talk) 18:34, 11 November 2015 (EST)
I don't object to them being here, just not mingling the outright fake ones with the "maybe a super modernized gun x" guns. If we had a non-CoD page that was filled with these guns, we would probably delete it. Hell, we have. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:50, 11 November 2015 (EST)
Yeah, I'm fine with splitting them to their own subsection, maybe also put the Razorback there since it's based on a gun which isn't real. Evil Tim (talk) 19:00, 11 November 2015 (EST)
My primary concern is the possibility that this page is used against us the next time someone tries to sneak in a sci-fi shooter. (And really, the Argus? Do the devs really believe someone would design a modern lever-action shotgun?) --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:08, 11 November 2015 (EST)
Well, you know the real rule is "no rule will ever be interpreted in a way that means Halo gets a page." :) And the Argus gets even sillier when you see the reload, which show it has a circular something that goes into the right side of the receiver. My best guess is that it's not just a modern lever-action shotgun, it's a modern turret gun. Evil Tim (talk) 19:13, 11 November 2015 (EST)
And that's what I'm concerned about, the Halo angle (or Killzone, Resistance, or Gears of War, take your pick.) When someone posted a image of the "unknown shotgun" above, I honestly thought it was the shotgun from Halo. --Funkychinaman (talk) 19:24, 11 November 2015 (EST)
I still think Resistance (at least the first one) would be doable if someone who wasn't awful made a page that wasn't awful, but this game does at least pass the basic "at least one real gun" test (unaltered MG42s, and the Sten). I don't think Halo does since even the obvious NTW-20-thing has been futzed around with. Evil Tim (talk) 19:33, 11 November 2015 (EST)
IDK, several pages on this wiki feature very futuristic guns such as Avatar and Elysium and maybe we can take a similar license for this page. I think the Brecci is probably a pistol-gripped LAW-12 or Benelli in a futuristic (I just realized that I'm overusing this term, which is probably not a good idea) shell, like the M4A1s in the second Transformers movie or even the pulse rifles from Aliens. --MJ79 (talk) 00:50, 12 November 2015 (EST)
The difference is those were props which were actually built, unlike these, which are just digital renderings. --Funkychinaman (talk) 07:32, 12 November 2015 (EST)
I think it would be better to move the very fictional ones to this talk page. Ultimate94ninja (talk) 04:05, 12 November 2015 (EST)
I'm rather liberal when it comes to trivia sections. I don't mind them being moved to a trivia section. --Funkychinaman (talk) 07:33, 12 November 2015 (EST)
Yeah, trivia or fictional weapons section, putting them on the talk page is silly. Evil Tim (talk) 07:45, 12 November 2015 (EST)
HVK-30 is an Colt M933?
This gun looks like the M4 with a shorter barrel, so I was thinking that a Colt M933.
The M4 is my favorite gun, so if it's based on that gun, I am going to be happy.
With that straight mag, it looks like it's chambered in something other than 5.56mm. --Funkychinaman (talk) 09:54, 12 November 2015 (EST)
Agreed. The magazine is too wide to be 5.56. I'd put money on some caliber around 7.62 NATO as the mag is straighter than a FAL's magazine. --PaperCake 11:15, 12 November 2015 (EST)
Actually, if you look at where it says "HVK" the receiver is sloped diagonally like a modern FAL receiver (DSA / SC-2010) so it's more like a FAL with a lot of AR frankenkibble thrown on it. Evil Tim (talk) 18:11, 12 November 2015 (EST)
And that would explain the mag. --Funkychinaman (talk) 18:28, 12 November 2015 (EST)
Have you seen the reload animation for this thing? For whatever reason, part of the handguard/heatshield opens up and i assume vent the heat, struck me as a but odd.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 18:57, 12 November 2015 (EST)
Thanks guys for telling me that. I just want the M4 Back.
Template Guns
Guys, it seems more than likely that the weapons discovered in the game files from Black Ops II are templates for some other guns. The HK416 (M27), Remington 870 (R870 MCS) and MP7A1 (MP7) seem to be bases for in game guns. The M27 from Black Ops II seems identical to the ICR-1, n build and reload animation.The R870 seems to be a base for the in-game KRM-262, and the Pharo SMG and MP7 have similar builds (compact PDW's with the magazine housing near in the trigger area) Just a thought Megatron267
Der Eisendrache
Found some muskets while playing the new zombies map. Couldn't get a screenshot but I was just curious if I should? There's two lying on a chest and a gunpowder horn.--Mr.Chese97 (talk) 21:43, 3 February 2016 (EST)
Might as well, what platform are you playing it on BTW?--AnActualAK47 (talk) 11:36, 4 February 2016 (EST)
I'm on PS4.--Mr.Chese97 (talk) 18:49, 4 February 2016 (EST)
Alrighty I got the screenshots but won't be able to upload them until tomorrow. Also on the loading screen there is some sort of antiaircraft gun and there's Model 24 grenades on a desk (unusable) so I got a screen shot of those as well. Mr.Chese97 (talk) 21:53, 4 February 2016 (EST)
Ok I'm having trouble uploading the screenshots. I am gonna try again tomorrow, sorry.--Mr.Chese97 (talk) 21:58, 5 February 2016 (EST)
Is that supposed to look like a crossbow? Wut.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 19:47, 11 February 2016 (EST)
Fake Weapon Section
So does anyone mind if we move those Godawful looking monstrosities to a fake section? Seriously though, saying things like the Gorgon is based off/influenced by the R93 Blaser is like saying 2 rectangles equals a 1911. Majorcamo (talk) 14:04, 4 March 2016 (EST)
I'm still not sure how anyone could look at the Argus and see an 1887. Aidoru (talk) 00:11, 5 March 2016 (EST)
I assume that whoever ID'd it was basing it purely off of the fact that it is a lever action, depite the fact that eery other aspect of the gun isn;t a match. If you actually look at the shotun, it is based in part on a real gun but it isn't the 1887. If you look at the grip and the rear of the frame, this part appears to actually be based on a Chiappa Rhino revolver. As for moving guns to a fictional section, in most cases this would be correct but the problem with this page is that there are so many fictional weapons and so few real ones so the vast majority would be in the fictional section which would look stupid. The not real guns are already differentiated by the fact that the names are in quotes anyway. --commando552 (talk) 05:27, 5 March 2016 (EST)
Which gun looks like the M4, because I love the M4. People saying is the HVK-30 or an ICR-1 (HK416). I miss the M4, and I want to make a class of a gun that look like the M4, and act like the M4.--Treliazz777 (talk) 16:26, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
Mods, admins, please, ban this spammer.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 16:46, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
I just asking a question AnActualAK47, that why I'm here. --Treliazz777 (talk) 16:54, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
I don't think anyone is saying the HVK-30, since it's more of a FAL (see above.) --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:10, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
It does look like the FN FAL.--Treliazz777 (talk) 17:38, 17 March 2016 (EDT)
New Guns including the MP40
They news guns just came out March 22, 2002. Including RSA Interdiction and the HG-40 (MP-40)--Treliazz777 (talk) 16:00, 22 March 2016 (EDT)
MP7, 870 MCS, and HAMR Appearance
Have you guys heard about the MP7A1, Remington 870 MCS, and HAMR IAR appearing in one of the DLC maps in an armory? Should we mention it on the page? CloversCorner (talk) 16:27, 4 May 2016 (EDT)
Yeah we should surely mention them, thanks for bringing that up. I'll take care of it. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 05:05, 5 May 2016 (EDT)
PPSh returns to BO3
PPSh-41 returns to DLC 3 in Black Ops 3.--Treliazz (talk) 14:03, 28 June 2016 (EDT)
Looks like they were never finished, floaty as hell.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 12:16, 17 July 2016 (EDT)
According to one of the comments what happened was that the last-gen version of the game used the unfinished weapon animations from the beta and never fixed them. There's some psychokinesis going on with that KRM reload, for a start. Evil Tim (talk) 13:32, 17 July 2016 (EDT)
wut? no! teh anims are very realistic! he is actually throwing teh shells in ze magazine just like this guy did, itz awsom! all gunz should sound like plastic in reality, and teh xr-2 must be cuddled from ze handguard in order to fire, and teh locus's bolt locks back on its own and must simply be released like ze slide of a pee-pistol... Man WTF with all this, I'm glad that the downsides of getting the last-gen version (online requirements thing, lack of campaign, etc.) turned me off from getting it on my X360; if I had played something like this I'd have puked. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 14:25, 17 July 2016 (EDT)
The anims in the finished are better that's for sure, although the pistols are kinda weird. The slide doesn't lock back on any of them but the PC still flicks the slide release (or atleast i presume it's a slide release). Maybe i should stop caring so much about this...?
My god, I feel like these are animations that should be in an iPhone game. What's up with the XR-2 reload? And what's the character doing with their left hand every time they fire the XR-2? Are they losing their grip on it? --PyramidHead (talk) 17:50, 20 July 2016 (EDT)
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I'm having quite a bit of trouble believing that it's supposed to be a pistol in carbine stock. If I stretch my imagination long enough I can make out how there are some slight resemblances to something like the mark 23, but I highly doubt that's how they designed it. Pretty sure they just wanted to make a futuristic looking P90 and it ended up minorly resembling a pistol. I might be wrong but I'm having a lot of trouble seeing the "clearly" defined pistol section as state on the page.--One shot is all it takes. (talk) 17:30, 18 July 2016 (EDT)
That's the line where the slide would be without the bit on top. It's pretty easy to define and the "pistol" even has its own front sight! Evil Tim (talk) 12:42, 19 July 2016 (EDT)
I really can't see it either. To my eyes its just a P90 with the front half of a Mk.23 greebled on. Knowing videogame concept artists, it probably is.--Aidoru (talk) 23:30, 19 July 2016 (EDT)
I see what you mean with the front sight, but besides that it looks more like a mutated P90.--AnActualAK47 (talk) 09:01, 20 July 2016 (EDT)
You try doing that with an actual P90 and you'll get, well, an abomination, not anything even vaguely pistol-shaped. It actually looks to me like a Roni carbine stock mated horribly with a P90 without caring if the resulting child made any mechanical sense. Evil Tim (talk) 02:21, 22 July 2016 (EDT)
This is a weirdo combination of an Airsoft P90 and a Nerf N-Strike, and it's basically that with the stock behind the action chopped out, the midsection shortened for a more P90-like thumbhole, and the Mk 23 front end added on. Knew that grip didn't come from anywhere near a P90. Evil Tim (talk) 02:45, 22 July 2016 (EDT)
Call me stubborn but i seriously can't see what you're going for Tim, i get the laser module but aside from that....--AnActualAK47 (talk) 15:34, 13 August 2016 (EDT)
Regarding the KN-44, isn't it safer to mention the Rifle Dynamics RD703? Characteristics include the traditional AK stock, the front sight attached to the gas block and the right side-only charging handle. The catch however, is that it is stated in-game that the KN-44 can be chambered in 5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm and 7.62x51mm, just like the AK-12 was (EDIT: it isn't really the case anymore, since at least the 7.62x39mm version recently received its own designation as AK-15), whereas the Rifle Dynamics AKs differ in designations when it comes to caliber (as well as not having a 7.62x51mm variant). --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 15:17, 13 August 2016 (EDT)
I'd just list it on the page as an AK-104 type rifle. It resembles that more than the AK12 by a long shot.--AgentGumby (talk) 10:01, 14 August 2016 (EDT)
Meh, given the fact that the barrel of the AK-104 is much shorter, I'd be more comfortable in even mentioning the AK-12 over the 104. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 14:18, 14 August 2016 (EDT)
I think that this rifle is one of those cases where the closest to a definitive ID you can give it is "AK type". With the front sight, I do not think that it is based on the AK-104 or a Valmet/Galil/Vektor style rifle like the RD703 as the front sight is a different design to both of these, appearing much more like just a standard 90 degree gas block with an AKM type FSB stuck on top of it. As for the idea that it is based on an AK-12, I don't really think this holds water either as one of the big features of the AK-12 is the railed receiver which is absent from this gun. In fact, you can see that it has the traditional barrel trunnion mounted (ish) rear sight, as opposed to the AK-12 which mounts the rear sight at the back of the dust cover. It also has the traditional AK style safety rather than the new AK-12 one. --commando552 (talk) 10:28, 15 August 2016 (EDT)
Alright, fair enough. Also, isn't it weird/inappropriate how the PPSh-41 is held from the drum mag (like in CoD1 and CoD2) instead of the handguard or the part between the mag and the trigger? --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 09:39, 24 August 2016 (EDT)
For the record, I changed the KN-44 section to list it as being primarily based on the AK-200 prototype (it's still better than comparing it to the AK-12 prototype that is the most commonly found in video games). Btw the AK-15 (same design as the current version of the AK-12; both were unveiled a year after the game release lol) coincidentally seems to match the in-game KN-44 the most. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 11:07, 20 January 2017 (EST)
Time to move out the very fictional ones?
Well, I guess it's time to move some weapons to a trivia section or something like that, or maybe get rid of them (while probably putting them in the talk page for archive purposes) to preserve the consistency of IMFDB VG pages. My targets are the MR6, Marshal 16, Razorback, 205 Brecci, Argus, Banshii, Sheiva, BRM, Dingo, Gorgon and SVG-100. It's been a while that this has been discussed anyway; are we doing it? --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 14:57, 5 September 2016 (EDT)
I'm with ya', a lot of weapons on this page just feels like to much of a stretch. Especially weapons like the Razorback, a fictional gun based on a (really ugly) fictional gun, how does that merit an entry?--AnActualAK47 (talk) 15:27, 5 September 2016 (EDT)
In trivia or on the talk page. --Funkychinaman (talk) 17:44, 5 September 2016 (EDT)
Alright, I've moved most of these to a trivia section for now. I included among them the BlackCell and the Man-O-War while rewording a bit the latter (I mean, how the fuck is it a "futuristic version of the ACR"?). On a side note, I added the RSA Interdiction because I'm definitely sure that I've seen a model matching it before (aside from the magazine system, obviously) like a WA 2000 or something, but I can't tell which weapon exactly. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 08:10, 10 September 2016 (EDT)
You know what? I'm gonna move them to the talk page, because frankly it's completely non-standard to keep on the mainspace a large number of weapons that are almost entirely fake. --Ultimate94ninja (talk) 18:05, 12 September 2016 (EDT)
I also thought I saw something familiar in the design of the "DBSR-50" sniper rifle, a double-magazined, double-barreled, left-handed bolt action rifle, because some people think that the best way to come up with new weapon ideas is to smoke ALL THE WEED. All jokes aside, we also have the "Peacekeeper MK2", a reworked version of the "Peacekeeper" Honey Badger-based carbine from Black Ops II, which is now actually called an assault rifle. Cheers, Pyr0m4n14c (talk) 20:18, 13 September 2016 (EDT)
Warning: This my personal opinion so don't be mad at me!
I think I figure out the weapon. The ICR-1 could be a cross between HK416 and the M4. If you add these attachments:
Add a Long Barrel
Add High Caliber
Add Stock
Plus in Black Ops II, The M4 was cut in the final game. The HK416 replace the M4, however the weapon has the same animation, same reload, same firing, and same sound (Was funny is the M16 except for the reload). The ICR-1 fires 5.56x45mm NATO, the same as the M4 and the HK416. The weapon country origin was the USA, like the M4.--Treliazz (talk) 19:55, 20 January 2017 (EST)
Sorry to hear that, but this is my personal opinion. That why I don't edit the page era. But I get it's based on the HK416.--Treliazz (talk) 13:01, 21 January 2017 (EST)
The point is, stop beating the dead horse topic of Black Ops III weapons.--AgentGumby (talk) 13:19, 21 January 2017 (EST)
Bah, I agree about not beating a dead horse, but seriously, just say you disagree, and leave the shitty memes for the shitty social media sites, please. StanTheMan (talk) 16:51, 21 January 2017 (EST)
My Bad Guys, Sorry. If you disagree, I respect your opinion.--Treliazz (talk) 19:41, 21 January 2017 (EST)