The Wind That Shakes The Barley: Difference between revisions
The Wind That Shakes The Barley: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
The Wind That Shakes The Barley: Difference between revisions
The Broomhandle Mauser can be seen in several scenes used by IRA members - the Mauser was a popular sidearm among IRA members, who referred to it as the "Peter the Painter automatic", after a famous anarchist who allegedly carried one.
The [[Mauser C96|Mauser Broomhandle]] can be seen in several scenes used by IRA members - the Mauser was a popular sidearm among IRA members, who referred to it as the "Peter the Painter automatic", after a famous anarchist who allegedly carried one.
[[Image:C96Pistol.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Prewar Commercial Mauser C/96 "Broomhandle" - 7.63 x 25mm Mauser]]
[[Image:C96Pistol.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Prewar Commercial Mauser C/96 "Broomhandle" - 7.63 x 25mm Mauser]]
The Short Magazine Lee Enfield is the standard rifle of the British army, Black & Tans, Auxiliaries and later the Free State's National Army. It is also the most commonly used rifle by the IRA.
A Mauser Karabiner 98k is seen in several scenes in the film - an anachronism as the 98K was not introduced until 1935, and the film is set in 1920-1922. It is possible that the armorer did not have access to enough First World War Mausers.
The most commonly seen revolver in the film, carried by British officers, Black and Tans, Auxiliaries and several IRA members including Teddy (Padraic Delaney).
The Mauser Broomhandle can be seen in several scenes used by IRA members - the Mauser was a popular sidearm among IRA members, who referred to it as the "Peter the Painter automatic", after a famous anarchist who allegedly carried one.