13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi: Difference between revisions
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi: Difference between revisions
Fifty caliber [[Browning M2]] HB machine guns are seen mounted on technical vehicles used by the friendly February 17th Martyrs Brigade militia.
Fifty caliber [[Browning M2]] HB machine guns are seen mounted on technical vehicles used by the friendly February 17th Martyrs Brigade militia.
[[Image:BrowningM2HB.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG]]
[[Image:BrowningM2HB.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Browning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG]]
[[File:13H 82.jpg|thumb|none|600px| Fifty caliber [[Browning M2]] HB machine guns are seen mounted on technical vehicles used by the friendly February 17th Martyrs Brigade militia. ]]
[[File:13hrs_M2.jpg|thumb|none|601px| Feb 17 man the M2 Brownings fitted to technicals.]]
[[File:13hrs_M2.jpg|thumb|none|601px| Feb 17 man the M2 Brownings fitted to technicals.]]
Ambassador Stevens (Matt Letscher) is seen with a Glock 17 as his sidearm to defend himself when the attackers storm onto the Mission. Several other characters in the film also use Glock 17s.
Jack Silva (John Krasinski) and "Oz" (Max Martini) carry Colt M4A1s as their rifle of choice. Team members "Boon" (David Denman), "Tanto" (Pablo Schreiber) and "Tig" (Dominic Fumusa) also carry and use M4A1s as secondary weapons. CIA security personal are also armed with M4A1s. The M4A1s are all equipped with EOTech Sights, AN/PEQ-15 Laser Designators, Surefire Flashlights, Magpul Buttstocks and PMags, as well as forward grips.
Glen Doherty (Toby Stephens) and the Tripoli GRS Team are all armed with Mk. 18 Mod 0 fitted with a tac light and EOTech XPS holographic sight. DS Agents assigned to protect Ambassador Stevens are also armed with MK18 rifles with the same rifle loadout.
"Rone"(James Badge Dale), is seen using a Salient Arms International Tier One AR-15 as his rifle of choice, also called the "GRY Rifle", pronounced "grey" like the color. The rifle is equipped with EoTech sights, AN/PEQ-15 laser designator, and Salient Arms' trademark "Jailbreak" muzzle device attached to the end of its barrel. During the MANPAD buyback scene Boon is seen using a "GRY Rifle" in a sniper configuration with a Advanced Armament Co. suppressor attached to the end of the barrel without the "Jailbreak" muzzle device, and a ACOG sight. Note that this anachronistic because this rifle, specifically the Jailbreak and the rail it attaches to was only developed and put to market in 2015. Also the Magpul SL stock that this rifle is equipped with is also anachronistic since it has only been marketed it in late 2014.
The two Delta Force operators that accompany Glen Doherty to rescue the besieged Benghazi personnel are both armed with Heckler & Koch HK416 D10RS Carbines. The rifles are equipped with Advanced Armament Corp. suppressors, EOTech EXPS3/SU-231A/PEQ sights and AN/PEQ-15 ATPIALs.
The Heckler & Koch HK417 is the rifle used throughout the film. The rifle is first seen earlier in the movie manned by Oz (Max Martini), providing sniper cover for the team when they buy back stolen Gaddafi weapons from arms dealers. The HK417 is then used by Boon (David Denman) during the remainder of the film. Seen fitted with a Harris bipod, CNVD and telescopic scope.
Members of the Annex Security Team (AST) including "Tanto" (Pablo Schreiber) and "Tig" (Dominic Fumusa) are armed with what appear to be M249 SAW Paratroopers with components of the Product Improvement Package (PIP) but with no heat shields attached to either of them.
After securing Ambassador Stevens in the saferoom, DS Agent Scott Wickland (David Giuntoli) arms himself with a compact Remington Model 870 with a heatshield and vindicator grips. When the DS Agents are in a car chase with the attackers in hot pursuit, DS Agent Wesley (Kevin Kent) uses the compact shotgun to take out an attacking gunman who was close to shooting out their vehicle's bulletproof windows.
When the mysterious attackers begin their assault on the CIA Annex, the Annex's Cook (Shane Rowe) uses a Mossberg 500 "Persuader" to defend the compound at ground level.
"Tig" (Dominic Fumusa) is seen using a Heckler & Koch HK69A1 Grenade Launcher to take out an enemy Technical as well as a couple of the attackers. "Tig" accidently leaves the HK69A1 as the team departs the burned Mission, and the grenade launcher is never seen again.
Tanto is seen playing a video game that appears to be Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and the weapon seen used in the game is the ASM1. In reality, Advanced Warfare was not released until 2014, two years after the Benghazi attack.