Call of Juarez: The Cartel: Difference between revisions
Call of Juarez: The Cartel: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Call of Juarez: The Cartel: Difference between revisions
The [[Taurus Raging Bull]] is one of two revolvers (the other being the Dan Wesson PPC) that are mainly used in the last half of the game. It is called "Bull" in the game. It features a black finish, and the red grip is painted black).
The [[Taurus Raging Bull]] is one of two revolvers (the other being the Dan Wesson PPC) that are mainly used in the last half of the game. It is called "Bull" in the game. It features a black finish, and the red grip is painted black).
Call of Juarez: The Cartel is the third game in the Call of Juarez series. The game while set in contemporary times, is a portrayal of the Neo-Western genre. The game details a task force comprised of agents from the Los Angeles Police Deparment, DEA, and FBI as they attempt to take down a Mexican drug cartel responsible for a terrorist attack on the DEA headquarters. A fourth game entitled Call of Juarez: Gunslinger was released May 22, 2013.
The following weapons appear in the game Call of Juarez: The Cartel:
The Desert Eagle Mark I appears as the "Eagle" ingame and is erroneously chambered in .44 Magnum. It is one of Ben's two preferred handguns in the game. It is a popular handgun through the mid to late part of the game. Antonio Alvarez and Michael Duke are also seen with Desert Eagles.
The Beretta 92FS appears as a common handgun in the game. It is called the "92FS" ingame. It is used by the AI companions during gameplay, however their weapons change during cutscenes.
The Makarov PM is primarily used by gangsters and Candy Store (a gentleman's club) bouncers. It is called "Makarov" ingame. It is the second default handgun available at the start of the campaign, and the default handgun for Team Criminals in multiplayer.
The CZ-75B appears in the game as the "C75". It is obtained by purchasing the weapon through Ubisoft's UPLAY service for 20 credits. It is not used by enemies. (NOTE: On the Xbox 360/PS3 versions, the CZ-75 can be found on a weapons crate at the abandoned fort AFTER it is purchased.)
The Smith & Wesson Model 29 appears as the "Model 29". It is primarily used by gangbangers and cartel footmen. The weapon and Ben McCall are homages to the film Dirty Harry.
The Dan Wesson PPC revolver appears as the "PPC". It is primarily used by captured Vatos Locos gangsters and Mendoza Cartel footmen. If one purchases the game at Wal*Mart, they receive a code to unlock a Dan Wesson PPC Revolver with an optical scope, dubbed "PPC Scoped" ingame.
The Taurus Raging Bull is one of two revolvers (the other being the Dan Wesson PPC) that are mainly used in the last half of the game. It is called "Bull" in the game. It features a black finish, and the red grip is painted black).
The Mini Uzi appears as the "U.Z.I." ingame. Gangbangers are commonly seen using it. Eddie is seen using it in cutscenes. Interestingly, in the weapons selection screen, the full-size Uzi is shown.
The Vz. 61 Skorpion machine pistol is favored by Candy Store bouncers. It appears as the "Skorpion". As with the U.Z.I. and TMP, the Skorpion can be dual-wielded by Eddie Guerra. Kim and Ben can wield one of these with another handgun. To do so, the player must walk over rifle ammo while wielding a single handgun, and having a TMP, U.Z.I., or Skorpion in their "two-handed" weapon slot.
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 appears as the "UMP". It is mainly used by PKI mercenaries and Mendoza Cartel footman. It is a default submachine gun for Team Cops in multiplayer.
The SPAS-12 appears as the "AS-12". It is commonly used by Mendoza Cartel footmen and LAPD SWAT and is featured without the folding stock. Ben McCall and Eddie Guerra can also be see with the SPAS-12.
The Remington 870 shotgun is used by a few gangbangers in the middle part of the game, but is later dropped in favor of the Benelli M4, and SPAS-12. It is called "R870" ingame.
The AK-47 features as one of the most common weapons in the game. It is referred as the "AK" and is the starting primary weapon for single player, and a default weapon for Team Criminals in multiplayer.
The HK416 appears as a common assault rifle in the mid-late part of the game. The game refers to it as "K416". Ben McCall erroneously refers to it as an "M4" (This is due to beta screenshots depicting the M4 Carbine. It was cut and replaced by the HK416).
The FX-05 Xiuhcoatl assault rifle appears as the main firearm of the Mendoza Cartel and PKI mercenaries. It is called the "FX-5" ingame. Call of Juarez: The Cartel also marks the first time the FX-05 has appeared in a video game.
The SVD Dragunov is the first sniper rifle encountered in the game. It is referred to as the "SVD" and is the only sniper rifle used by enemies. Kim seems to favor this weapon and is the team's sniper. Eddie is also seen using it. Strangely, LAPD officers are seen firing scopeless Dragunovs during a funeral sequence.
The M24 sniper rifle appears as the 'M24" ingame. It is used in a sniper sequence if the player is Kim or Eddie, but when unlocked can be used by any player in any mission. It holds only one round, and shares the same reloading sounds as the "Heavy Rifle" from Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood.
In the multiplayer map L.A. Suburbs, posters of Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood show Thomas McCall wielding a Winchester Model 1892.
Machine Guns
M60 Machine Gun
The M60 Machine Gun is seen used by several enemies in the game (these enemies have higher health, and in one mission, are equipped with body armor). The M60 is also available as a weapon against enemy helicopters.
Little Bird helicopters are equipped with an unknown machine gun (possibly an M134).
The M72 LAW rocket launcher appears as the "M72 LAW". It is used several times throughout the campaign. Enemies using it will also have a laser sight revealing their location. One of the few times it is available for use is against the Vatos Locos helicopter. It is incorrectly depicted as a reloadable rocket launcher in the vein of the Bazooka series.
The Mk 2 "Pineapple" Hand Grenade is the only hand grenade used in the game. If the player chooses to kill their teammates, Antonio Alvarez will drop a grenade to escape.