Strike Back - Season 4: Difference between revisions
Strike Back - Season 4: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Strike Back - Season 4: Difference between revisions
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Strike Back - Season 4 (also known as Strike Back: Shadow Warfare or Strike Back: Cinemax Season 3) once again stars Phillip Winchester as Sergeant Michael Stonebridge and Sullivan Stapleton as Sergeant Damien Scott, members of a top secret British intelligence unit known as Section 20. Rhona Mitra reprises her role as Maj. Rachel Dalton, Section 20's commanding officer. Michelle Lukes returns as Section 20's Sergeant Julia Richmond. Lyne Renée returns Mossad agent Rebecca Levi. Dougray Scott will appear as James Leatherby, a rogue operative. Season 4 focuses on Section 20's pursuit of elusive terrorist al-Zuhari and his cartel partners across several global locales including Colombia, Beirut and Europe.
The following weapons are featured in Season 4 of the series Strike Back:
One of the Lebanese terrorists in S04E01 can be seen with what appears to be a FEG SA-85M based on its light wood furniture, ported gas block and AKM front sight.
Sgt. Michael Stonebridge (Phillip Winchester) carries a customized CSA SA Vz. 58 Compact chambered in 5.56x45mm in S04E01. It has been fitted with a magazine well to allow it to feed from standard AR-15 magazine and has a flashlight clamped under the front sight block, a suppressor, and an Aimpoint red dot sight attached via a side mounted MIL-STD-1913 rail.
Sgt. Damien Scott (Sullivan Stapleton) and DEA Special Agent Kim Martinex (Milauna Jackson) both carry rifles resembling M4A1s in S04E01. However, neither of these rifles appear to be actual M4s but rather mock ups, possibly based on fixed carry handle guns that have had the carry handle machined off and a rail bolted on in its place. Scott's rifle is fitted with an Aimpoint red dot sight and railed handguard, whilst Martinez's has a standard handguard and ACOG.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Scott's rifle showing the differences from a genuine M4A1. Firstly it has a tear drop shaped forward assist plunger which was replaced with a round one long before the M4 was developed. Secondly it can be seen that the rail is a different colour and made from a separate piece of metal bolted on to the receiver. Also visible at the front of the upper receiver is what appears to be the remains of the contouring where the front of the carry handle used to attach to the gun. Scott's rifle appears to be built on an A1 lowerError creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez with her rifle on the boat. Note the presence of a screw head front pivot pin and lack of a front push pin detent housing or magazine fence indicating that the rifle is built on an SP1 lower.Error creating thumbnail: File missingError creating thumbnail: File missingA side view of Martinez's rifle. Note what appears to be the contouring at the front and back of the upper receiver where a fixed carry handle was possibly previously installed. Also note that her rifle is feeding from a CAA polymer magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingMartinez's rifle appears to be fitted with a genuine M4 profile barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNote that the contouring of the barrel which makes it superficially resemble an M4 is fake, appearing to be a short metal sleeve slipped over the barrel ahead of the front sight block.
Custom Shortened FN FAL
Custom shortened FN FAL carbines can be seen being used by one of Martinez's team, along with several Columbian Cartel guards. They resemble DSA SA58 OSW rifles, however they lack the railed top cover, along with the fact that this American made weapon would be unlikely to appear in a South African filmed production.
Custom shortened Heckler & Koch G3 carbines can be seen being used by one of Martinez's team, along with several Columbian Cartel guards. They appear to have a chopped down version of the vented handguard which is used on South African G3s and appear with either solid or retractable stocks.