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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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[[File:Trinity Blood Rocket Launcher 7.JPG|thumb|none|500px|Leon ready to fire his rocket launcher.]]
[[File:Trinity Blood Rocket Launcher 7.JPG|thumb|none|500px|Leon ready to fire his rocket launcher.]]

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Revision as of 01:45, 16 April 2013

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Work In Progress

This article is still under construction. It may contain factual errors. See Talk:Trinity Blood for current discussions. Content is subject to change.

The following weapons appear in the anime Trinity Blood:

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Trinity Blood (2005)


Abel's Revolver (Colt SAA "Peacemaker")

The Colt Single Action Army Cavalry Model is used by Abel Nightroad (Krusnik-02) while in human form. In-universe the gun is referenced as Craft Albion Works Peacekeeper Model-51, and is said to be chambered for .38 caliber rounds.

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Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model.
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Abel lowers his Revolver (Ep 3).
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A clear partial view of the revolver (Ep 3).
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Abel attempt to fire at Tres (Ep 3).

Beretta 90TWO ("Jericho M13")

The character Tres "Gunslinger" Iqus carries a pair of customized Beretta 90twos as his main weapons, fitted with laser pointers integrated into the guide rods and loaded with silver bullets. The pistols are identified to be in universe as being "Jericho M13" pistols, which are claimed to be the "world largest personal handguns" firing the "13mm 512 Maxima Rounds". From the artwork looks to be single stack magazines. The muzzle flash emitted from these weapons takes the shape of a cross.

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Beretta 90TWO - 9x19mm
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Tres with his two pair of Beretta 90twos.
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Tres carrying his twin Beretta 90twos.

Luger P08

Dietrich was armed with a Luger P08 pistol and Esther also use the Luger P08 against the Istavan's military police force, but Abel stopped her.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm.
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Esther picks up the Luger P08.
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Abel stop Esther from shooting at the Istavan's police.

Kampfpistole Z

Leon uses a pistol that resembles a Kampfpistole Z flaregun.

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Kampfpistole Z (Leuchtpistole Z) 26.5mm
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Leon shooting his pistol in the air.

Assault Rifles

Bulgarian Arsenal AR

Arsenal AR assault rifles are used in flashback during the first episode being used by human soldiers fighting against vampires.

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Arsenal AR - 7.62x39mm
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Human soldiers firing at the vampires.
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A raised up view of the Bulgarian Arsenal AR.


The AK-101 assault rifles are used by City of Ishtawaan's police.

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AK-101 - 5.56x45mm
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Ishtawaan's police are all armed with AK-101 assault rifles.
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You can see the handgurd and the barrel.
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A very clear view of the muzzle device on the rifle.
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Ishtawaan's police armed with AK-101 assault rifles, while arresting Esther.


FN Model 1949

FN Model 1949 rifles are seen carried by Albion's royal guardsmen, who then fruitlessly use them against Cain Nightroad (Krusnik-01).

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FN-49 7.62x51mm NATO

Submachine gun


Vanessa uses a UZI, when attempting to kidnapping the Pope.

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IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
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Vanessa holding a UZI.
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A side view of the UZI.

Machine gun


In the first episode, Tres "Gunslinger" uses a MG42 on a air ship.

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MG42 Machine Gun - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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The oddly the MG42 has a flash hider.
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Tres and the overview of the MG42.

General Dynamics GAU-19/A

In the first episode, a person in a armored battle suit has a three barrel machine gun as it's weapon, which look like a General Dynamics GAU-19/A.

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General Dynamics GAU-19/A - .50 BMG.
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It does resemble to a General Dynamics GAU-19/A.

Rocket Launcher

RPO-A 'Shmel'

Leon uses a rocket launcher that resembles a RPO-A 'Shmel' rocket launcher.

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RPO-A "Shmel" - 93mm
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Leon ready to fire his rocket launcher.



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