I Shot Jesse James: Difference between revisions
I Shot Jesse James: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
I Shot Jesse James: Difference between revisions
'''''I Shot Jesse James''''' (1949) was the first motion picture written and directed by [[Samuel Fuller]] (''[[Merrill's Marauders]]'', ''[[The Big Red One]]''). "The dirty little coward, who shot Mr. Howard," Robert Ford (John Ireland) cannot live down his reputation for shooting his best friend, Jesse James (Reed Hadley) in the back. His effort to start over in Colorado is doomed.
'''''I Shot Jesse James''''' (1949) was the first motion picture written and directed by [[Samuel Fuller]] (''[[Merrill's Marauders]]'', ''[[The Big Red One]]''). "The dirty little coward, who shot Mr. Howard," Robert Ford ([[John Ireland]]) cannot live down his reputation for shooting his best friend, Jesse James (Reed Hadley) in the back. His effort to start over in Colorado is doomed.
I Shot Jesse James (1949) was the first motion picture written and directed by Samuel Fuller (Merrill's Marauders, The Big Red One). "The dirty little coward, who shot Mr. Howard," Robert Ford (John Ireland) cannot live down his reputation for shooting his best friend, Jesse James (Reed Hadley) in the back. His effort to start over in Colorado is doomed.
The following weapons were used in the film I Shot Jesse James: