Tango & Cash: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Tango & Cash: Difference between revisions
The [[Smith_%26_Wesson_Model_36_/_38#Smith_.26_Wesson_Model_36_.22Chiefs_Special.22|S&W 36]] is the revolver carried by Tango([[Sylvester Stallone]]). He uses it in the initial scenes when firing at the truck transporting drugs. He appears to be able to hit the windshield, and make a tight group, from a long distance, despite the short barrel... He later use it to shoot Perret.
The [[Smith_%26_Wesson_Model_36_/_38#Smith_.26_Wesson_Model_36_.22Chiefs_Special.22|S&W 36]] is the revolver carried by Tango([[Sylvester Stallone]]). He uses it in the initial scenes when firing at the truck transporting drugs. He appears to be able to hit the windshield, and make a tight group, from a long distance, despite the short barrel. He later uses it to shoot Perret.
[[Image:S&W 36.jpg|thumb|none|350px|Smith and Wesson Model 36 - .38 special - 5 shot]]
[[Image:S&W 36.jpg|thumb|none|350px|Smith and Wesson Model 36 - .38 special - 5 shot]]
[[Image:T&C02.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Tango pointing the 36. It appears to be unloaded]]
[[Image:T&C02.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Tango pointing the 36. It is clearly loaded with blanks since the bullet heads aren't visible in the front of the chambers.]]
[[Image:T&C03.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Tango pointing the 36]]
[[Image:T&C03.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Tango pointing the 36.]]
==Colt Python==
==Colt Python==
Revision as of 10:03, 30 November 2008
The following guns were used in the movie Tango & Cash
A Beretta 92FS can be seen in the warehouse scene, when Tango (Sylvester Stallone) & Cash (Kurt Russell) are framed, being carried by one of the agents.Additional firearms can also be seen.
The S&W 36 is the revolver carried by Tango(Sylvester Stallone). He uses it in the initial scenes when firing at the truck transporting drugs. He appears to be able to hit the windshield, and make a tight group, from a long distance, despite the short barrel. He later uses it to shoot Perret.
A Remington 870 folding stock is used by Cash to get the information from Skinner. The shotgun has an extended magazine tube. The shotgun is also used by some of the prison guards when Tango & Cash escape.
This pistol can be seen being used by Cash (Kurt Russell). An error can be noticed in the roof scene. Cash pulls the slide back to put a round in the chamber, but the slides stays opend. In the following scene, the pistol in pointed at Requin's leg, but now the slide is locked. In the next scene however, the slide is open again.
The vehicle Tango & Cash "borrow" is fitted with what seems to be some kind of 30mm gatling gun, not sure if it real or not. However, during the final assault, the machine gun attached to the car and that is firing is not the same, it appears to be an M134 Minigun, being considerably smaller.