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Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) carries two Colt Model 1911 pistols in a double shoulder holster. Considering the time frame of the movie, it is assumed that they are the orginal model 1911, not the A1 model.
Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) carries two Colt Model 1911 pistols in a double shoulder holster. Considering the time frame of the movie, it is assumed that they are the orginal model 1911, not the A1 model.
[[Image:COLTM1911 1913.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Original Colt M1911 (dated 1913) - .45 ACP ]]
[[Image:COLTM1911 1913.jpg|thumb|none|400px |Original Colt M1911 (dated 1913) - .45 ACP ]]
[[Image:Rosewood1911-1.png |thumb|none|600px|During the lynching of Sam Carter ([[Kevin Jackson]]), Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) watches with his 1911 in hand ]]
[[Image:Rosewood1911-1.png |thumb|none|600px|During the lynching of Sam Carter ([[Kevin Jackson]]), Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) watches with his 1911 in hand ]]
[[Image:Rosewood1911-2.png |thumb|none|600px|During the lynching of Sam Carter ([[Kevin Jackson]]), Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) watches with his 1911 in hand]]
[[Image:Rosewood1911-2.png |thumb|none|600px|During the lynching of Sam Carter ([[Kevin Jackson]]), Mann ([[Ving Rhames]]) watches with his 1911 in hand]]
Revision as of 17:31, 16 February 2011
The following guns were used in the film Rosewood :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rosewood (1997)
Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun"
Mann (Ving Rhames ) carries Winchester Model 1897 Trench Broom Shotgun as his main firearm. He uses it the most towards the end of the movie from the back of a locomotive.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" similar to the model used by Mann.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As Mann (Ving Rhames ) sleeps in the barn, his Model 97 Trench is propped against the wall to the right.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) stays low to keep out of sight of the mob.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the Massacre, Mann (Ving Rhames ) emerges from John Wrights (Jon Voight ) store after collecting some ammunition
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A startled Mann (Ving Rhames ) trains his model 97 trench on John Wright (Jon Voight ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) fires his Model 97 from the caboose
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) fires his Model 97 from the caboose
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) fires his Model 97 from the caboose
Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun
A few of the Lynchers carry Winchester Model 1897 Riot Models
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the assault on the Carrier house, one of the shooters is using a model 1897 Riot.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the Lynching scene, a Model 1897 Riot is seen in the hands of one of the lynchers.
Full Barrel Winchester Model 1897
Although many are seen throughout the film, one is clearly seen being wielded by Mary Wright (Kathryn Meisle ) as she keeps a lynch mob from entering her house.
File:Winchester Model 1897.jpg A full barreled Winchester model 1897, similar to the model held by Mary Wright (Kathryn Meisle )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mary Wright (Kathryn Meisle ) keeps points her Model 1897 Full Size Model trained on the lynch mob.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As John Wright(Jon Voight ) returns home from the train ride, Mary (Kathryn Meisle ) emerges from second floor with her Model 1897 Full Size, the exposed hammer is clearly seen, which identifies it as a Model 1897.
Winchester Model 1892
Many citizens of both Rosewood and Sumner carry Winchester Model 1892 Rifles, it is also the preferred gun of both John Wright (Jon Voight ) and Duke Purdy (Bruce McGill )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Winchester Model 1892-.32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing At the beginning the movie, Emmett Purdy (Tristan Hook ) is shown taking aim with a Model 1892 at a wild hog.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Realizing Emmett(Tristan Hook ) isn't gonna shoot, Duke (Bruce McGill ) grabs the Model 1892 and kills the hog.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the interrogration of Aaron Carrier (Phil Moore) a Model 1892 is seen in the cab of the pickup truck.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Duke (Bruce Mcgill ) uses his Model 1892 to shoot Sam Carter (Kevin Jackson ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the Assault on the Carrier house, Duke (Bruce Mcgill ) continuously fires his Model 1892.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing John Wright (Jon Voight ) trains his rifle on Mann (Ving Rhames ) as he exits his store window.
Winchester Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine
During the assault on the Carrier house, Sylvester Carrier (Don Cheadle ) uses a Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) readies himself with his double barrel shotgun and model 1892 in the other.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sylvester (Don Cheadle ), fires his Model 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine out the window at the mob.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Good shot of Sylvester's (Don Cheadle ) Saddle Ring Carbine.
Colt Model 1911
Mann (Ving Rhames ) carries two Colt Model 1911 pistols in a double shoulder holster. Considering the time frame of the movie, it is assumed that they are the orginal model 1911, not the A1 model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Original Colt M1911 (dated 1913) - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the lynching of Sam Carter (Kevin Jackson ), Mann (Ving Rhames ) watches with his 1911 in hand
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the lynching of Sam Carter (Kevin Jackson ), Mann (Ving Rhames ) watches with his 1911 in hand
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) stands at the ready with both of his Colt 1911s, as a group of lynchers move in to take hime out
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of Manns (Ving Rhames ) 1911 as he fires it a shooter on horseback
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) has just shot a lyncher on horseback
Coach Shotgun
One of the lynchers carries and shoots a double barreled Coach Shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guy on the right side of the screen is carrying a Coach Shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the Carrier House shootout, one of the shooters is seen shooting a Coach Shotgun.
Double Barreled Shotguns
Sylvester Carrier (Don Cheadle ) as well as numerous townspeople and lynchers carry unknown model Double Barrel Shotguns with exposed hammers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) carries his shotgun as he goes to talk with some of residents of Rosewood.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing View of the shotgun as Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) carries it over his shoulder.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The guy in the blue shirt is carrying a double barrel shotgun of some kind.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Many women come to comfort Fanny Taylor (Catherine Kellner ) at her house, a double barrel shotgun is seen hanging on the wall in the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mann (Ving Rhames ) brings Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) to the place where the Lynch Mob hung Sam Carter (Kevin Jackson ), his shotgun is seen under his arm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) shoots one of the lynchers after they kick the door in to his house.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) readies himself with his double barrel shotgun and model 1892 in the other.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the Assault of the Carrier House, one of the lynchers is seen shooting a Double Barrel Shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Big Baby (Ken Sagoes ) drops his double barrel shotgun, after he gets shot through the window.
Winchester Model 12
As with most of the guns in the film, numerous person carry Winchester Model 12 shotguns, it is the primary weapons of Sheriff Walkers (Michael Rooker ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sheriff Walker (Michael Rooker ) loads up a Model 12 shotgun, after hearing of Fanny Taylors (Catherine Kellner ) assault.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing As Sheriff Walker (Michael Rooker ) comes running out of the Sheriffs Office, Deputy Earl (Jaimz Woolvett ) is standing ready with his Model 12.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Deputy Earl (Jaimz Woolvett ) leaves the church with his model 12 in hand, after delivering the news of the assault.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sheriff Walker (Michael Rooker ) leans down to comfort Fanny Taylor (Catherine Kellner ) his model 12 is seen in his hand.
Colt Offical Police Revolver
Jon Wright (Jon Voight ) at one point keeps a Colt Offical Police Revolver tucked in his waist, but he never gets to fire it, but it is instead used as Substitute Counter-Ballast Pin to fix the train.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The official Police is seen tucked in John Wrights (Jon Voight ) waistband.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The official Police is seen tucked in John Wrights (Jon Voight ) waistband.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing After the train breaks down the engineer takes Wrights (Jon Voight ) official police revolver from his waistband and matches it up to make a replacement Counter-Ballast Pin.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The official police acting as a counter ballast pin.
Sawed-Off Double Barreled Shotgun
A KKK member is seen carrying a Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Klans-man in white with the sawed-off shotgun is seen to the right
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Klans-man in white with a sawed-off shotgun
Webley Revolver
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the lynchers is seen loading a Webley Style Revolver
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the lynchers is seen loading a Webley Style Revolver
Unknown Revolvers
Throughout the film numerous revolvers are seen, but they are hard to identify
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A revolver is seen in Sheriff Walkers (Michael Rooker ) holster
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The man in the doorway is clutching a revolver in his hand
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another view of Walkers (Michael Rooker ) revolver
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During the celebration a revolver comes into the foreground but its to blurry to identify, it looks like a Colt Peacemaker.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the lynchers charges towards the children with a revolver in his hand
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Duke (Bruce McGill ) uses a revolver to execute James Carrier (Paul Benjamin ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young boy is seen loading up a revolver, it looks to possibly be a Colt Police Positive.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the lynchers is seen firing a revolver from horseback, before he is gunned down by Mann (Ving Rhames ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing At the end of the movie Mann(Ving Rhames )tucks a revolver into his holster, it looks to maybe be a S&W Hand Ejector though it hard to make out.
Multiple Long Guns
Throughout the film there many different long guns can be seen
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Ammo Box
Just for fun really, Sylvester (Don Cheadle ) buy some shotgun shells later in the film. Just showing the old shotgun shell box though I'm pretty sure these are not a real brand.
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