Soldier Soldier (TV series): Difference between revisions
Soldier Soldier (TV series): Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Soldier Soldier (TV series): Difference between revisions
A unidentified revolver can be seen on the belt of an RUC officer delivering a subpoena just before he is shot and killed in "All the King's Men" (Season 1, Episode 1).
A number of MP5A3s are seen being carried by police during the terrorist incident in "Sweet Revenge" (Season 5, Eisode 7). They all of flashlight handguards attached, and either mount a laser sight, or telescopic sight on top.
A number of double barrelled shotguns can be seen in "Battlefields" (Season 1, Episode 5) at a clay pigeon shooting ground, and another double barrelled shotgun features prominently in "Bushed" (Season 5, Episode 4) being used by a farmer in Australia, who mistakenly fires it at a group of soldiers believing them the be intruders.
This shotgun can be seen carried by an armed robber before he is disarmed by an off-duty Military Policewoman in "Shifting Sands" (Season 3, Episode 1).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shotgun in question. All that can be said about it from the few moments that it is onscreen is that it has a wooden pistol grip and no stock.
The L85A1 Is the standard weapon used by the British Forces in this series, and is used throughout the run of the show. Normally they have SUSATs mounted (as the Kings Own Fusiliers is an infantry regiment) and is often seen with mounted blank firing adapter (BFA).
File:Sal8.jpgL85A1 with SUSAT scope - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingLt Nick Pasco (Peter Wingfield) cleans his L85A1 in "Fighting Spirit" (Season 1, Episode 4). The part that he is holding is the bolt guide rod and return spring assembly.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingTroops take part in a beach landing exercise in Cyprus in "Damage" (Season 4, Episode 3) with BFAs attached to their L85A1s.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPvt Tucker (Robson Green) carries his L85A1 on ceremonial duties with bayonet attached and with ceremonial coverings in "Further Education" (Season 4 Episode 7) at Windsor Castle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSoldiers perform NSPs (normal safety procedures) after NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) training in "Poles Apart" (Season 4 Episode 11).Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn L85A1 mounter with SAWES(Small Arms Weapons Effects Simulator) equipment in "Love and War" (Season 5, Episode 9).Error creating thumbnail: File missingA non training use of the L85A1, when the battalion is sent to the civil war torn Makindi in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14).
Steyr AUG A1
The Steyr AUG A1 is the standard issue Assault rifle of the New Zealand and Australian armed forces, and is seen as such in seasons 3 and 5 respectively.
An FN FAL can be seen being used by Makindi militiamen in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN FAL 50.61 Paratrooper with 21" barrel - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingAn FN FAL can be seen resting against the back window of this pick up truck. From what little can be seen of this weapon, it appears that from the stock it is a folding stock paratrooper version of the FN FAL.
L1A1 Self Loading Rifle
The L1A1 (British version of the FN FAL, also known as the SLR) can be seen in the title sequence for Season 1 of the show. These images appear to be stock footage, and hence are likely video clips of real soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBritish Inch Pattern L1A1 SLR (Self Loading Rifle) chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO - Variation of the FN FAL rifle. British & New Zealand SLR's were later fitted with black fibreglass furniture as seen here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn anti tank gunner (note the Carl Gustav launcher on his back) carrying an SLR,Error creating thumbnail: File missingA group of soldiers carrying SLRs jump out of a Rigid Raider. Note that this is from the opening credits, where the images are displayed as if projected onto the skin of a playing side drum.
AK-47 Mock-up
Seen several times in the hands of Makindi militiamen, this appears to be a South African Vektor R4 modified to look like an AK-47.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingVektor R4 assault rifle on which this weapon is based.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA child soldier patrolling with his modified R4 in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14). Note the shape of the lower reciever, the indentation above the magazine well, the shape of the gas block and the magazine type that all point towards this being an R4.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Makindi militiaman fires his rifle from the back of a truck in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14).
Unknown G3 variant
A short barrelled variant of the G3 is seen in the hands of a Makindi militiaman in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14). This is possibly the South African version of the G3, with the barrel cut down all the way to the front sight.
The Lee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* is seen in "Further Education" (Season 4, Episode 7) during the D-Day commemoration event.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingLee-Enfield No.1 Mk.III* - .303 British. This was the main battle rifle of British and Commonwealth forces during the First World War, introduced in 1907 it has seen action throughout the 20th century.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTwo teams compete in a simulated batle exercise, one using 1940s equipment, the other modern day equipment.
Unknown Musket
A Musket can be seen mounted on the wall of the Cafe in "Shifting Sands" (Season 3, Episode 1) along with another unidentified rifle.
The L86A1, or LSW, is seen multiple times throughout the series. However, it is not seen as regularly as it should be, as when the series was set the LSW was issued at a rate of one per four man fire team.
The UK version of the FN MAG, the L7 is the standard general purpose machine gun of the British armed forces, and is also seen mounted on South African helicopters. Generally in the series it is only vehicle mounted, or used in prepared positions.
The Browning M1919 is seen in use by Australian, South African and Makindi Militia forces. With the exception of the M1919s that are mounted on Australian M113 APCs which are real military vehicles, it is possible that the M1919s used in the series are prop replicas, as their is no belt inserted into the gun, yet it appears to fire, producing flash and smoke.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M1919 .30-06 on M2 tripodError creating thumbnail: File missingThe turret of an Australian M113 APC in "Far Away" (Season 5, Episode 5), with the M1919 on the left with a conical flash hider.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn M1919 is mounted on a borrowed south African jeep, and is operated by british soldiers in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14). Note that the light seems to go straight through the barrel shroud, implying that there is no actual barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe jeep mounted M1919 is fired in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14), producing smoke and flash despite having no ammunition belt attached.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn M1919 can also be seen mounted on a Makindi truck in "Twist of Fate" (Season 5, Episode 15).
Browning M2HB
A Browning M2HB is first seen mounted in an Australian M113 turret, and is later seen with a Drum Magazine mounted on a South African vehicle. Similarly to the M1919 above, it is likely that this is a modified prop gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMGError creating thumbnail: File missingThe turret of an Australian M113 APC in "Far Away" (Season 5, Episode 5), with the M2HB on the right.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn M2HB is mounted on a borrowed south African jeep, and is operated by British soldiers in "Baptism of Fire" (Season 5, Episode 14). Note the drum magazine, that appears to be a simple bolt on prop, as it has no opening for feeding rounds, and is not in-line with the feed tray anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe M2HB being fired, producing smoke despite having no rounds fed to it.
An RPD can be seen being used by Makindi militia forces in "Twist of Fate" (Season 5, Episode 15).
This weapon is seen throughout the run of the series, as the coaxial weapon of FV510 Warriors and as the main weapon on FV512 MCRVs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn L94A1 mounted in the turret of an FV512 Mechanised Combat Repair Vehicle in "Stormy Weather" (Season 7, Episode 1).Error creating thumbnail: File missingWarriors firing their L94A1s during an exercise in "Stormy Weather" (Season 7, Episode 1). The large yellow device mounted onto the muzzle appears to be some kind of BFA. As the L94A1 is a chain gun and cycles rounds with electrical power rather than gas pressure, it is likely that these BFAs are used purely as a safety measure to minimise the amount of powder residue that is shot out in close proximity to exposed troops.
Heavy Weapons
LAW 80
The Light Anti-armour Weapon 80, or more simply LAW 80 is carried on a number of occasions. When used on exercises the launcher is hollow with the word DRILL printed down the side.