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[[File:RoN B1301 fbi render.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Official render image of the "B1301 ENTRYMAN".]]
[[File:RoN B1301 fbi render.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Official render image of the "B1301 ENTRYMAN".]]
==Mossberg 500 Cruiser==
==Remington 870 MCS Masterkey==
The [[Mossberg 500 Cruiser]] appears as a tactical device under the name "Breaching Shotgun". Like the name suggests, it's one of the three options for breaching doors, less lethal to the targets of the room than C2 charges, but faster than kicking it down. It's borderline unusable as an actual weapon, as breaching rounds are frangible projectiles that quickly disintegrate after being fired.
The [[Remington 870 MCS Masterkey]] appears as a tactical device under the name "Breaching Shotgun", replacing the Mossberg 500 Cruiser that was depicted in this role during Early Access. Like the name suggests, it's one of the three options for breaching doors, less lethal to the targets of the room than C2 charges, but faster than kicking it down. It's borderline unusable as an actual weapon, as breaching rounds are frangible projectiles that quickly disintegrate after being fired.
[[File:RoN Mossberg500 loadoutmenu.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The Mossberg 500 Cruiser in the loadout menu. Due to it being a "long tactical", it is not viewable in the modification menu.]]
[[File:RON 870MCSBreacher 0.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Holding the 870 MCS Masterkey. The shotgun does not have sights of any kind, nor can it accept any attachments, though it is able to use the canted shooting stance available to all weapons in the game.]]
Ready or Not (or RoN) is a tactical first-person shooter video game developed and published by VOID Interactive, an Ireland-based company. The game places the player in the role of a SWAT team leader, in a "Nondescript Modern America" and fictional city called "Los Suenos" (heavily based on the Los Angeles, California area). The SWAT team is part of the Los Suenos Police Department (LSPD), but players with the Supporter Edition can play as FBI HRT operators. It has a focus on the singleplayer and coop campaign but is also planned to feature a PVP multiplayer side with an alternate story and game modes. It is considered a spiritual successor to SWAT 4 and original Rainbow Six games.
In 2020, a closed alpha version featuring PVP gameplay was released to the game's backers. In 2021, the game became listed on Steam, and a public Early Access version was released, featuring only singleplayer and co-op modes. Several weapons from earlier Closed Alpha and Early Access versions were removed in later updates; information on those weapons can be found on the talk page.
The following weapons appear in the video game Ready or Not:
In Ready or Not, the player's equipment and weapons are chosen at a pre-mission startup. The player can carry two firearms (primary and sidearm), a primary long tactical device, as well as multiple grenades and other tactical deployables. Similar to other games, most notably SWAT 4, the primary weapon slot is reserved for long guns such as rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns, but also less-lethal guns. The secondary slot is reserved for handguns and tasers. The third slot is reserved for tactical devices such as a mirrorgun (similar to the "Optiwand" from SWAT 4), breaching shotgun, ballistic shields, battering ram, and compact grenade launchers.
Most firearms that appear have multiple different combination of attachments. Lethal firearms can accept either full metal jacket or hollow point ammunition. Several of the firearms in-game have knock-off names to avoid copyright conflicts and some of the in-game attachments have slight modifications from their real life counterparts to avoid licensing issues as well.
Fire selectors are usable and fully animated in-game. Holding the selector key also allows one to set their firearm in "safe" (which is animated correctly on certain firearms, while others simply default to the selector switch staying on semi or auto).
Beretta 92X Performance
The Beretta 92X Performance appears in Ready or Not under the name "P92X". It was added in the January 2022 update, and replaced the Beretta 92FS (see talk page). Unlike its predecessor, the 92X can mount an optic, despite it not being the RDO version. Quick, simple, effective, the jack of all trades pistol for the SWAT team.
The Colt M45A1 appears as a sidearm option in Ready or Not. Heavy set, the M45A1 relies on high power and accuracy over capacity to deal with suspects.
The Colt Python appears in Ready or Not simply as the ".357 MAGNUM", as the largest caliber handgun in the police equipment lineup, as well as being used by certain low and high-level AI suspects. Powerful, loud and slow on return shots, the Python is good for making one shot count. It does not have a unique tactical reload animation; all unfired rounds will still be dumped out on the ground and lost from the inventory.
The FN Five-seveN appears in Ready or Not as a player weapon. High mag capacity with low power, but good penetration, the FN Five-Seven makes a good backup sidearm for more risky primary options.
The Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS appears in Ready or Not under the name "G19". It was added in the January 2022 update, replacing the Glock 19 Gen 4 (see talk page). The generic sidearm, good in every aspect. It is also a commonly used weapon by both low and high-level suspects.
The Heckler & Koch USP Tactical appears in-game as the "USP45" (previously named "USP Tactical"), fitted with a pair of Heinie SlantPro luminous sights. The middle ground between the Glock 19 and the M45A1, this is for dealing with targets in 1-2 shots without worrying about slim mag sizes.
A Brügger & Thomet SPC9 with a full-auto fire control group and a telescoping stock was added as part of the Adam update in November 2022. It is designated as the "SPC9".
The FN P90 TR was added with the Adam update in November 2022. Prior to this, it was available only through suspects and through mods that reintroduce cut content under a different model.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN P90 TR - 5.7x28mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe P90 at the gunbench weapon customization menu, now officially available for police officers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe P90 at the firing range; unfortunately, the magazines are still rendered opaque instead of being transparent as with the real deal.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEquipping the P90 involves pulling the magazine out of the way to see the chamber, before racking the bolt to confirm that its loaded.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming though the sights of the TR variant.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn an attempt to distance itself from typical first person shooter games featuring the P90, the SWAT operator flings the empty magazine out to the targets as its audience.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn easter egg on the right side of the magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA P90 dropped by a high-level suspect in an unfortunately dark spot prior to its availability in the Adam update. It was fitted with what appear to be Troy folding iron sights. Note the unlike the player's P90 (but like the pre-Adam game files P90—see talk page), this P90 has no side rails.
Heckler & Koch MP5/10
The H&K MP5/10 appears in Ready or Not as the "MP5/10MM", and was added as part of the 28 June 2022 patch (EA 21474). The in-game model features the KAC MP5 RAS handguard and wraparound toprail mount that attaches at the rear of the handguard's side rails.
The H&K MP5A3 appears in Ready or Not simply as the "MP5A3", and was added as part of the 28 June 2022 patch (EA 21474). The in-game model has the Picatinny top claw mount and the KAC MP5 RAS handguard.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A4 appears in Ready or Not, incorrectly named the "MP5A2" despite the Navy A4 trigger pack. It also is occasionally used by AI suspects. The MP5A4 reload animation is missing the notorious "H&K Slap", the SWAT operators instead opting to palm the bolt and drop it down rather than outright smack it. The seemingly boring SMG option, the MP5's controllable full auto fire and 3-round burst make it a perfect low risk scenario choice.
The Heckler & Koch MP7A2 was added with the Adam update in November 2022. It appears as the "MP7" as with most games, although it is modeled after the A2 version.
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 appears in Ready or Not. In a rarely seen bit of realism, the player character uses the bolt release on empty instead of the charging handle like in most games. With a slow ROF and a high climb rate, the UMP is a powerful piece if you can keep it controlled. As of the 1.0 update, the UMP45 now has a 3 o'clock rail. The ability to fold the SMG's stock has unfortunately been removed. For the older version, see the Discussion page.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingDrawing the UMP45 - the officer flicks off the safety and charges the UMP (although the selector is already set to semi-auto and doesn't actually move during this animation).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlicking the selector to full-auto.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolding the UMP45 on Kawayu Beach.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChecking the magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPushing the magazine release lever, grabbing the magazine in the gun, and holding a new magazine. This tactical reload is fairly similar to Modern Warfare 2019's SMG-45, with both magazines somewhat awkwardly clasped together.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAbout to load a "new" magazine; due to a bug, both the UMP45 and UMP9 have empty magazine models when reloading from empty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe officer using the IP joint of his thumb to press the bolt release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA "Mindjot" security guard armed with the UMP45. They are the main users of the SMG in-game, although the weapon will occasionally spawn in the hands of guards (possibly disguised Bolton Security) at Brixley Talent Time.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the bolt, which has correct markings minus the company name. "HaKa" seems to be the in-universe version of HK, with the name being an acronym for 'Hartmann & Karl GmbH".Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the markings on the other side. Like many other weapons in Ready or Not, the UMP45's serial number has a Girl's Frontline reference; 404-000103 (Squad 404/T-Doll No. 103). Unfortunately the devs opted for the opaque version of the magazine instead of the windowed version (which is also the version seen in Girl's Frontline for both the UMP45 and UMP9).
Heckler and Koch UMP9
The 9mm variant of the UMP was added in version 1.0. It shares most of the animations with the UMP45.
The SIG-Sauer MPX appears in Ready or Not, as the last of the current selectable SMGs in-game, as well as a suspect weapon. Faster reload than the MP5, a little bit smaller but a lot faster, the MPX is a potent piece in the right hands.
Shotguns in Ready or Not can use less-lethal beanbag rounds, slugs, and buckshot.
Benelli M4
The Benelli M4 appears in Ready or Not simply as the "M4 SUPER 90". A high speed shotgun, the Benelli is good for laying down pellets as fast as possible. It is also used by high-level suspects.
The Beretta 1301 appears in Ready or Not as the "B1301", and was added as part of the 28 June 2022 patch (EA 21474). The gun features a supporter-only version called "B1301 ENTRYMAN" (known in earlier official materials as "FBI-HRT Edition").
The Remington 870 MCS Masterkey appears as a tactical device under the name "Breaching Shotgun", replacing the Mossberg 500 Cruiser that was depicted in this role during Early Access. Like the name suggests, it's one of the three options for breaching doors, less lethal to the targets of the room than C2 charges, but faster than kicking it down. It's borderline unusable as an actual weapon, as breaching rounds are frangible projectiles that quickly disintegrate after being fired.
The Wilson Combat CQB shotgun, a customized Remington Model 870, appears as the "870 CQB". A classic police issue weapon, powerful on light targets and still useful once armor gets involved.
The Wilson Combat Less Lethal CQB appears as the "Beanbag Shotgun". While not as fast as either of the pepperball launchers, the Beanbag shotgun incapacitates targets regardless of them wearing a mask.
A customized, select-fire-converted Arsenal SLR-107UR carbine was added as a SWAT weapon in the January 2022 update, under the name "SLR47"; it is fitted with an UltiMAK AKS-74U rail, a StormWerkz Scope Mount adapter on the rear sight, an ALG trigger, an aftermarket pistol grip and muzzle device, and as of 1.0, it has an extended fire selector lever (similar to the Krebs Custom MK VI Enhanced Safety). It feeds from 30-round Magpul AK PMags. A heavy hitter of a rifle, the SLR trades off accuracy in favor of close quarters punch with a surprisingly controllable full-auto.
The DSA SA58 OSW battle rifle appears in Ready or Not. It is currently the most powerful weapon for the player to use bar the shotguns, useful for high-risk enviroments with large usage of armor.
The FN SCAR-L CQC is added in the the January 2022 update under the name "MK16", equipped with a Parker Mountain Machine Picatinny Rail Extension and a VLTOR Receiver Extension / Stock Adapter. Powerful, accurate and controllable, a good all-around rifle.
The Heckler & Koch HK416A5 assault rifle appears in Ready or Not. It is modified with a Geissele 10.5" Super Modular Rail handguard, Magpul MBUS Pro sights, Magpul MOE Carbine Stock and a Raptor charging handle. Short but not too short, controllable to boot, the HK416 is a very handy rifle. As of 28 June 2022 patch (EA 21474), the in-game name for the HK416A5 was changed to "GA416".
The Heckler & Koch G36C is added in the the February 2022 update, equipped with a Brugger & Thomet quad rail handguard and KAC G36 flip-up sight with optic rail. The G36C was originally featured in the 2020 PVP build, where it had a different model.
The Knight's Armament SR-16 CQB assault rifle appears in Ready or Not, equipped with Magpul furniture and a set of KAC folding sights. The longest of the main assault rifles, the SR-16 leverages accuracy and controllability to compensate.
The Mk 18 Mod 0 appears in Ready or Not, referred to as the "MK18". The in-game base model features a KAC RIS handguard and an LMT Crane stock; it also uses an LMT-style rear sight, though prior to the Adam update it instead used a standard carrying handle and was incorrectly designated the "M4A1". Loud, flashy and effective, the Mk 18 is a compact rifle for the job. It is also used by high-level suspects.
The Wilson Combat SBR Tactical assault rifle appears in Ready or Not under the moniker "ARWC". Quiet when suppressed and very effective against targets, the ARWC is a potent tool in the right hands. The weapon was initially named "SBR-300" and chambered in .300 Blackout, was renamed to "SBR-556" and changed to 5.56x45mm NATO in the January 2022 update, and was renamed again to "ARWC" in the February 2022 update.
The BCM CQB-11 appears in Ready or Not, fitted with LMT crane stock and Surefire WARCOMP flash hider. The weapon is an exclusive to Supporter Edition owners. It was formerly named "BCM Mk1" and was renamed to "Mk1 Carbine" after the January update.
The Brownells BRN-180S 300 BLK is added in the the February 2022 update under the name "ARN-18", equipped with a SIG-Sauer Minimalist Plus folding stock.
The first-generation SIG-Sauer MCX SBR in 5.56x45mm was added in version 1.0, and features a telescoping stock. The markings on the rifle state it is manufactured by "SIC SUHL INC". Note that much like other weapons in Ready or Not, the last three digits on the serial number make reference to the Girl's Frontline T-Doll of the same name.
The "LVAR" is an integrally suppressed SIG-Sauer MCX VIRTUS SBR in .300 Blackout with some parts inspired by the SIG-Sauer Low Visibility Assault Weapon (LVAW). It was added in version 1.0.
An announcement stated that it uses "an MCX gen 1 upper and gen 2 lower, with the rest being LVAW parts". However, the upper receiver is actually from the second-generation MCX VIRTUS. It is fitted with an ALTRD handguard (which resembles that of the LVAW), and is depicted with the top Picatinny rail of the LVAW and earlier MCX prototypes, as opposed to the scalloped rail of later MCX models.
Launchers in Ready Or Not are special weapons using specific ammo types depending on user choice.
Heckler & Koch M320
The Heckler & Koch M320 appears in Ready or Not simply as the "M320". It was featured in the 2020 PVP Build, was removed from the game, and was then re-added in the March 2022 update. The M320 can be equipped as a primary long tactical device (cannot be modified via the gun bench), available with either Stinger balls, CS gas or flashbang grenades as options, carrying one in the pipe and 3 in reserve.
The Milkor MGL appears in the March 2022 update as a primary weapon, loaded with six flashbang grenades, trading a more reliable primary arm in favor of the ability to instantly flashbang a target.
Pre-Early Access, it was claimed that the selectable grenade types for the MGL include non-lethal, rubber baton rounds, CS rounds, and smoke rounds, like Ready or Not's inspiration game S.W.A.T. 4.
Grenades in Ready or Not take up their own individual slots in the player character's inventory. They can be held in the player's hands until deployment and can be thrown underhanded or overhanded.
M7A3 CS Gas Grenade
The M7 CS gas grenades appears in-game as just the "CS Grenade", although the markings explicitly state it's the A3 version. It releases CS gas, and incapacitates anyone not wearing a gas mask, including you and your teammates.
The Model 9590 Sting-Ball Grenade appears in-game as the "Stingball Grenade" and is another selectable throwable for the SWAT team to use. This operates in a similar fashion to a frag grenade, albeit filled with pellets of OC pepper instead of actual lead. While effective in incapacitating targets, or unsuspecting teammates, the grenade is also the most lethal of the three throwables.
The VKS (Variable Kinetic System) compressed-air launcher by PepperBall (a brand name of United Tactical Systems) is added in the January 2022 update as the "R7 Launcher". A semi-auto-only pepperball launcher, the VKS's rails allow for a degree of customization.
The M26 Taser makes an appearance in Ready or Not and simply named "TASER", as a less-lethal sidearm option, incapacitating the targets it strikes. The game also features the Taser series' ability to be used as melee weapons by striking targets with its exposed contacts. It is also featured with its built-in laser module that can be switched on.
The following list of weapons are featured in Ready or Not as non-usable weapons, instead are used by suspects, appear as pieces of evidence, or as booby traps. Several of these weapons were previously introduced as usable SWAT weapons in older builds of the game prior to the Early Access, but later removed for various reasons. It is likely that few of them are planned to be reintroduced once again as usable weapons in the future.
Colt M1911
An old-school Colt M1911A1 appears as a suspect weapon in Ready or Not.
Prior to the January 2022 update, the 4th Generation Glock 19 was usable by the player under the "G19" name. It also was formerly seen in the hands of suspects, but after subsequent updates, both were replaced by the 5th Generation Glock 19. It is equipped with Glock aftermarket 3-dot night sights and OD Green frame. A version with a stovepipe malfunction still appears as evidence next to its deceased owners on the levels "Thank You, Come Again" and "Greased Palms".
The Makarov PM appears in Ready or Not simply as the "MAKAROV" and used by low-level suspects. Its appearance in America is odd given the Makarov's more commonly found with collectors in the states than criminal syndicates, although it could allude to the gun's commonality in black markets in places like Asia or England.
A Walther PP appears as a prop in game, in the form of a light gun meant for a retro console from its era.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWalther PP Post-War - .32 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingJudge finds a light gun alongside a retro inspired console in the admin's office of the data center. Wonder if TOC will mind if he takes a break and plays a quick round of Duck Hunt? (Note the Ready or Not cartridge inserted).
SIG P250 Compact
While currently an unused police weapon in the files, a SIG P250 Compact, simply named "P250" in game, is seen used by most suspects in the recently added Los Suenos Postal Service level.
Originally available to the player prior to January 2022, a Beretta 92FS is now seen in the hands of suspects, incorrectly referred to as an "M9A1" in game. It was succeeded by the Beretta 92X Performance in the aforementioned update.
The Walther MPL appears in Ready or Not simply as the "MPL" and is used by high-level suspects, particularly those of Cherryessa Farm. It's a rather strange choice for the game given the MPL's not a common SMG, but it made a smidge of sense for Cherryessa's placeholder survivalists when they were on the map. The current suspects not so much.
A full stocked version of the Mossberg 590 is used by some suspects, dubbed the "M590-A". It's found in the hands of some suspects on the Port Hokan and Caesar's Car Dealership, the latter including some devious "Non-Lethal" versions that fire beanbags.
The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" appears in Ready or Not and used by low-level suspects. The shotgun in-game is labeled as "M37", presumably a development error mislabeling the shotgun as a reference to the Ithaca 37.
The AK-101, which previously appeared in the 2020 PVP build, appears exclusively in the hands "The Hand" during the "Neon Tomb" nightclub level. They are all outfitted with TDI Arms handguards, although they lack attachments.
The AK-103 appears in the hands of Russian mobsters in the "Buy Cheap, Buy Twice" level and occasionally in the "Keepers of the Vine" level. It was previously seen on the pre-1.0 "Hide and Seek" Port Hokan map. The models have fixed synthetic stocks, a feature of some American-made AK-103 clones that have fixed receiver rear trunnions.
The ArmaLite AR-180 appears in Ready or Not as a suspect-only weapon, used by low-level robbers on certain levels. A rather odd choice, as AR-180s are relatively uncommon and highly collectible rifles in the modern day.
A competition style AR-15 is used by "Left Behind" terrorists in the "Ides of March" level and school shooters in the "Elephant" level. It most closely resembles the Colt CSR-1516, though with a standard receiver set rather than the competition style upper that lacks the dust cover and forward assist, and the lower's distinct trigger guard. They are always fitted with Aimpoint CompM2 red dot sights on risers.
The M16A4 originally was available to the player, it seems that at one point in development it was later replaced in favor of the SR-16. It can be found as one of the rifles that needs to be secured in the Brisa Cove level. It can also occasionally be found by some suspects on Port Hokan.
Succeeded by the SA-58 OSW, a standard FN FAL appears in game as a high-level suspect weapon, commonly used by the Russian mafiosos on the Port Hokan and Car Dealership levels.
The M14 appears in Ready or Not simply as the "M14". It was originally introduced in the 2020 PVP build as a SWAT weapon, later removed and reintroduced in the June 2022 Early Access update. It features a green synthetic stock and is used by certain high-level suspects, including the milita members of Cherryessa Farm.
The M24 SWS appears in Ready or Not as a piece of evidence under the generic name "USED MARKSMAN RIFLE", and can only be found in the "Brisa Cove" level. The in-game model features a Harris bipod.
The M249 Para appears in Ready or Not simply as the "M249", and was introduced in the June 2022 update. The in-game model features a 100-round magazine, and currently can only be found used by a single suspect in the "Brisa Cove" level.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM249 Para with Rapid Fielding Initiative telescoping stock, short barrel, heat shield, RIS handguard, Picatinny rail, Trijicon ACOG 4x32 scope, and 100-round cloth ammo bag - 5.56x45mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingA member of the "Left Behind" with the M249 Para.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the stock on one used by another terrorist.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYet another terrorist with one, this one attempting to eat the rear sight. The proximity of the weapon to his face while aiming might have to do with the programming for NPC aiming usually being for weapons with longer stocks.
The RPD appears in Ready or Not simply as the "RPD" and is used by various high-level suspects.