An unknown muskets is seen hanged on the wall. Several brigands also uses an unknown muskets.
An unknown muskets is seen hanged on the wall. Several brigands also uses an unknown muskets.
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Musket is hanged across with spear under the shield.]]
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Musket is hanged across with spear under the shield.]]
[[Image:Janosik weapons 1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Inverted musket is hanged at the right.]]
[[Image:Janosik weapons 1.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Inverted musket is hanged at the right. While the curved stock's shape may help with iD, the lock isn't seen, so it's may be flintlock or percussion.]]
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 2.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Brigand with the musket on the shoulder.]]
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 2.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Brigand with the musket on the shoulder. The only clearly detale, that can be seen is the lack of barrel bands.]]
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 4.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Brigand with the musket while beeng shot.]]
[[Image:Janosik rifle 2 4.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Brigand with the musket while beeng shot.]]
[[Image:Janosik pistol 1 5.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Hrajnoha holds the musket and pistol...]]
[[Image:Janosik pistol 1 5.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Hrajnoha holds the musket and pistol...]]
[[Image:Janosik pistol 1 6.jpg|thumb|none|500px|...while beeng shot. The muzzle shape is similar to [[Charleville Musket|Charleville]], but the screen gun is too short for Charleville and has only one barrel band.]]
Jánošík is the 1921 silent movie, the first Slovak language feature movie. The plot revolves about life of the real Slovak brigand Juraj Jánošík. The story tooked plase at the early 1700th years (before 1725), but many of the weapons, that appears in this movie were designet more ther hundred years later.
The following weapons were used in the film Jánošík:
Several soldiers were armed with the Chassepot 1866s. This rifle could be ID by yataghan bayonets (the only other rifle with yataghan bayonet is the breach loaded Werndl Rifle without bolt handle, while screen rifles are single shot bolt action).
One brigand uses a flintlock long gun during the final shotout. It was seen very unclear, but the general shape resembles Brown Bess Carbine. Another (probably, the same) musket with the same shape is seen in the hands of another brigand during the robbery.