Talk:The Expendables 2: Difference between revisions
Talk:The Expendables 2: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:The Expendables 2: Difference between revisions
Lima Hemsworth also has an AR-15 type rifle in the teaser, but only the combat scope on the waepon is seen clearly. --[[User:Warejaws|Warejaws]] 07:12, 15 December 2011 (CST)
Lima Hemsworth also has an AR-15 type rifle in the teaser, but only the combat scope on the waepon is seen clearly. --[[User:Warejaws|Warejaws]] 07:12, 15 December 2011 (CST)
It's a Barrett [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 20:22, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
== Poster ==
== Poster ==
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As good as the poster looks, is actually the real one? I seem to remember it coming out a few weeks ago but was dismissed as an incredibly well made fake, as the text at the bottom is gibberish. Having said that, the weapons (for the most part, G36K rather than G36C) and costumes seem to match, so perhaps it is an early mockup with gibberish text as a place holder, but either way I believe Millennium Films requested that it be taken down from various websites. I believe the poster below, boring as it may be, is the official one that was released with the trailer.--[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 09:22, 15 December 2011 (CST)
As good as the poster looks, is actually the real one? I seem to remember it coming out a few weeks ago but was dismissed as an incredibly well made fake, as the text at the bottom is gibberish. Having said that, the weapons (for the most part, G36K rather than G36C) and costumes seem to match, so perhaps it is an early mockup with gibberish text as a place holder, but either way I believe Millennium Films requested that it be taken down from various websites. I believe the poster below, boring as it may be, is the official one that was released with the trailer.--[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 09:22, 15 December 2011 (CST)
[[Image:HemsworthM4.jpg|thumb|left|300px|Billy "The Kid" Timmons [[Liam Hemsworth]] holding an [[M4A1]] in a poster for the Expendables 2.]][[Image:Couture.jpg|thumb|center|300px| [[Randy Couture]] wields a [[M4A1]] in a poster for the Expendables 2.]][[Image:Jet-li-poster-the-expendables-2.jpg|thumb|left|300px| [[Jet Li]] also wields a [[Noveske Rifleworks Diplomat]] in a poster for the Expendables 2.]][[Image:Bruce-willis-poster-the-expendables-2.jpg|thumb|center|300px| [[Bruce Willis]] as Mr. Church wielding an [[Heckler & Koch HK416]] in a poster for the Expendables 2.]][[Image:Arnold-schwarzenegger-poster-the-expendables.jpg|thumb|left|300px| Arnold Schwarzenegger holding an AA12 in the movie poster for his character.]][[Image:TerryAA12.jpg|thumb|center|300px|Terry Crews holding an AA12 in the movie poster for his character.]]
[[File:Expendables 2 poster cropped.jpg|thumb|300px|none|Cropped version of the poster showing the Noveske Rifleworks Diplomat. Just visible in this image is the Vltor logo on the forward assist housing.]]
== Arnold and AA-12 ==
== Arnold and AA-12 ==
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::::::::Just because a gun is on set doesn't mean it will be used (and if it is whether it will actually be visible in the finished film), that is pure presumption. And how do you know that "The pics were taken specifically to show what guns would be in the movie."? From what I have seen they are just pictures that were taken by a random extra or crew on set, if they were officially released by the film makers to show the range of weaponry that they will be using I'm fairly sure they wouldn't have been taken with such a crappy camera and would be available through other channels than forums and facebook pages. --[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 11:57, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
::::::::Just because a gun is on set doesn't mean it will be used (and if it is whether it will actually be visible in the finished film), that is pure presumption. And how do you know that "The pics were taken specifically to show what guns would be in the movie."? From what I have seen they are just pictures that were taken by a random extra or crew on set, if they were officially released by the film makers to show the range of weaponry that they will be using I'm fairly sure they wouldn't have been taken with such a crappy camera and would be available through other channels than forums and facebook pages. --[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 11:57, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
::::::::The MW3 leak was ''not'' up until the game was released, I removed those shots from the page myself almost as soon as they were put up. Leaked or unofficial images are not allowed, that's why the upcoming template specifically says all images must be from official sources. [[User:Evil Tim|Evil Tim]] 12:21, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
::::::::The MW3 leak was ''not'' up until the game was released, I removed those shots from the page myself almost as soon as they were put up. Leaked or unofficial images are not allowed, that's why the upcoming template specifically says all images must be from official sources. [[User:Evil Tim|Evil Tim]] 12:21, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
:::::::::New trailer shows Hemsworth with a Barret, JCVD with an AUG A3, and promo shots show Dolph with an MGL. Just like how all the MW3 leaked guns were in the final game, so will the guns from those shots be in this film, as they were obviously going to be since the beginning. Disturbing that a mod for the site seeks to reduce the info on guns in films and doesn't know much about film production.
:::::::::New trailer shows Hemsworth with a Barret, JCVD with an AUG A3, and promo shots show Dolph with an MGL. Just like how all the MW3 leaked guns were in the final game, so will the guns from those shots be in this film, as they were obviously going to be since the beginning. Disturbing that a mod for the site seeks to reduce the info on guns in films and doesn't know much about film production.[[User:Temp89|Temp89]] 14:33, 3 May 2012 (CDT)
::::::::::Umm, just cause something appears in a promo or trailer does not, in fact, mean it appears in the film. There was a trailer for Predators that showed Adrian Brody standing there with around a dozen of the Predator laser sights focused on his chest, making it look like he was up against an army of predators. In the movie, there was a single laser on his chest, as he faced just the 1. In a trailer for the 3 Stooges movie, there's a scene where a nun in a bathing suit gets out of the pool and Curly comments on her hair being different. That scene was not in the final movie. There was another movie I recall awhile back(mighta been Blade 3 but I won't swear to it), where a weapon was shown on the film's official website that didn't make it into the movie itself either. So actually, no, just because a gun is on set somewhere does NOT mean it will a)make it to the final cut of the film, or b)make it into a scene where it can actually be identified. For example, a movie set might have a mix of Russian AKs, Chinese Norincos, and Bulgarian Arsenal ARs, then just randomly give them to "background" soldiers or whatever, where they won't be seen clearly enough to be identified individually in the film itself. [[User:DKS01|DKS01]] 02:26, 5 May 2012 (CDT)
Temp89, Tim is just doing his job. We could have serious reprocusions here if we posted unauthorised images here. We have several "deals" made with parties in the film industry and we got them by not posting Pirated or "leaked" information. On the Public Enemies page we had an image of a screen used M1911 machine pistol that we had to remove due to the studio's say so. While we might not have liked it it does cover our butts as far as the studios are concerned.[[User:Rockwolf66|Rockwolf66]] 15:36, 3 May 2012 (CDT)
== New Trailer ==
New trailer has debuted...anyone up for going through it?:
This one: Are you sure that's a Diplomat he's holding? The front sight and the barrel are wrong... -[[User:Sentient6|Sentient6]] 18:17, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
Well I think is M4 CQBR, although i put it under M4A1 Carbine.... -[[User:Kweon|Kweon]]
Barrel's too long to be a CQB-R / Mk. 18 Mod 0 - I'd say it's a 933. --Stix
:It isn't either, it is just a regular M4. You can see the step down for the grenade ring on the barrel ahead of the front sight. However, I think the barrel has been squashed down in photoshop so that the muzzle is on the poster, or the angle is making it look shorter than it is. --[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 13:57, 5 July 2012 (CDT)
I still think it might be a 933... I think we're agreed that the barrel's too long to be a Mk. 18, and *as pictured* it's way too short to be an M4 - looking hard at it, it's hard to tell what's barrel, what's flash hider and whether there's a squashed grenade ring or not. Yeh, it could be a photoshopped M4, but why would they bother to do that? I see the little dint in the barrel that might be a grenade ring, but could that not just be a blurry part of the flash hider? --Stix
:The gun he is physically holding is definitely an M4. [ Here] is a higher res image where you can see the detail of the barrel. On an M4. the barrel is full width when it comes out of the front sight base, then tapers down at the greande ring before stepping up in thickness again, and then stepping down to a slightly norrower diameter just before the flash hider, as seen below: [[File:ColtM4A1.jpg|thumb|400px|none|M4A1 for reference]] All of these features are clearly visible on the poster, they have just been compressed to allow the gun to fit on the poster. A model 933 barrel is not contoured once it comes out of the front sight base. --[[User:Commando552|commando552]] 10:34, 11 July 2012 (CDT)
::Fair enough - I bow to your superior knowledge of boom-stix. :)
::I could make out all of the details you pointed out on the lower rez poster but was confused by the apparent stubbiness of the barrel... I also should humbly confess that my main reason for joining the discussion was the hope that spotting a slightly lesser known rifle would make me look cool.
::Looking at the higher rez pic now, it looks a little more like the barrel is the proper length (for an M4) and it's only the angle of the camera that makes it look shorter - comparing the barrel forward of the front sight with the length of the handguard (using my thumb as a ruler), they actually seem to be pretty close.
::Would the guys in charge of promoting the movie really edit an image to shorten a gun and make it fit in the photo frame? I still can't figure out why anyone would bother... Contrite respect --Stix
::(ps - I hope you'll forgive my correcting the spelling mistake in your last post :/ )
Just saying, but I believe that "grenade ring" is called a ''barrel step''. [[User:Spartan198|Spartan198]] 10:02, 4 August 2012 (CDT)
== Lundgren's Poster ==
Fairly new to the site, so if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know. Anyways, Lundgren seems to be holding a grenade launcher in this promo poster, looks like a Milkor MGL Mk 1S?
== Awesomeness ==
So, just saw and it, well, it's basically 100 minutes of badass. Better than the first...more action(and more clearly shot), more humor, more violence, just basically upped everything from the first. Admittedly I was having too much fun just watching but I noticed a lot more guns(and knives, and brass knuckles, and a tomahawk!) were used, too. Was having too much fun to really try and ID most of them, but I'm fairly certain Vilain uses a Walther P99(or one of the licensed versions) as well as his AUG. Also of note, Gunnar does indeed use the MGL shown on the poster, Maggie uses a UMP, and Christmas actually fires the MASS(to breach a door) as well as the M4 portion. [[User:DKS01|DKS01]] 18:58, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
Vilain indeed uses the Walther P99. Also in addition to his SAA and the Kimbers, I believe Barney Ross uses a SIG-Sauer in the beginning, then Maggie uses it. I couldn't tell exactly which model, it did look compact though [[User:Bristow8411|Bristow8411]] 20:43, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
:Aye I saw Barney use something other than his usual pistols but I didn't notice what it was. I thought Maggie's pistol looked like a SIG but wasn't certain(and wasn't aware it was the gun Barney was using, the team swapped weapons out quite often here!). [[User:DKS01|DKS01]] 00:21, 18 August 2012 (CDT)
It was certainly way more entertaining than the first film. As for the specific SIG model I am not sure, but I believe that it is a P226. There's a picture from the movie on Stallone's Facebook page that shows him holding it. [[User:FluidJordan]] 18:37, 18 August 2012 (EST)
the sig used by Barney and Maggie are both SIG Pro SP2022 --[[User:Anarchy66660|Anarchy66660]] 18:25, 18 August 2012 (CDT)
Barney Ross does have then surrenders a SIG when they first meet Van Damme. Other guns i noticed were In the opening scene Toll Road has an M4 with what looks like an M320 grenade launcher attatched, though it may be the same AG36 seen in punisher warzone. Hale ceaser has a pistol during the faux america eastern block shoot out but i didnt notice what kind. Both Mauser and CHurch scoop M4's up off the floor when they run out of ammunition in the tiny car scene and bth have pistols holstered on their legs, i coulndt see what they were but id like to hope arnie was rcking out a desert eagle for prosperitys sake. Id also like to mention that they are not the exact same Kimber warriors as seen in the first film as they have at least new grips with a gold press stamped on them. --[[User:CaptainSnikt|CaptainSnikt]] 09:38, 20 August 2012 (CDT)
:Arnold should pulled out a Desert Eagle like the one that was dressed up like a Russian gun and Bruce Willis shoulda pulled out his famous Beretta from Die Hard. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 22:44, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
== Barret realism ... kinda ==
Am i the only one surprised they didn't over over power the Barret this is the one movie i think would granted its not the most realistic but still at least it didn't blow back 2 yards --[[User:Blueboy1600|Blueboy1600]] 20:33, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
You mean the part where a man's head blows up when hit with a .50? Yeah, that happens. Though I found it odd that it seems like the Barret was all Billy was carrying and he wasn't carrying anything else while taking point. Thing musta been heavy as hell [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 22:43, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
:From my experiance the M82 Barret is like packing a M240 Machinegun. So Yeah it is that heavy. [[User:Rockwolf66|Rockwolf66]] 22:53, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
Yeah we should check out whether or not the Barret was rubber when he was doing that can't imagine it any other way ... --[[User:Blueboy1600|Blueboy1600]] 00:21, 24 August 2012 (CDT)
That is an odd choice of weapon for a point man. If he had run into trouble(...) what was he supposed to do, open up with a .50 rifle? I realize they weren't expecting trouble but still, in their line of work... [[User:DKS01|DKS01]] 00:23, 24 August 2012 (CDT)
==Who's doing this?==
So this movie's been out for a week now. Any takers? [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] ([[User talk:Excalibur01|talk]]) 19:57, 27 November 2012 (EST)
== removing some of the trailer caps ==
I'm removing some of the lesser quality/trailer caps from the main page. --[[User:Warejaws|Warejaws]] ([[User talk:Warejaws|talk]]) 15:14, 28 November 2012 (EST)
[[Image:EX2M107Split.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Billy 'The Kid' Timmons fires his M107 from a concealed position.]]
[[Image:Exp2 302.jpg|thumb|none|600px|The henchman on the left carries the FN SCAR-L.]]
[[Image:Exp2 303.jpg|thumb|none|600px|In the center, Barney uses the Diplomat as the Expendables open fire on a convoy.]]
[[Image:EX2JetLi2.jpg|thumb|none|601px|Yin Yang ([[Jet Li]]) wields a Noveske Rifleworks Diplomat during the opening rescue mission.]]
Does anyone know what gun was placed on the bridge where the plane is blocked? (it's where Jason Statam, and Sylvester Stallone are arguing)
== XP2112 ==
Out of curiosity, anyone got any ideas on the weapons mounted on XP2112 (aka "Santa," the flying boat used by the Expendables to get around) are? There's a honking big cannon mounted in the nose, and I think there's a moment where some kind of machineguns are also fired. [[User:Atypicaloracle|Atypicaloracle]] ([[User talk:Atypicaloracle|talk]]) 07:05, 19 July 2013 (EDT)
: If you had bothered to check the main page, it says that it has M2 Aircraft MGs in the first movie, and Statham uses an FN MAG in the second. The howitzer looks to be a mock-up of some sort, but definatly a 75mm of some sort.--[[User:Mandolin|Mandolin]] ([[User talk:Mandolin|talk]]) 09:44, 14 April 2014 (EDT)
== M1 Carbine? ==
The lady on the left. Zoom in on the highest res version.
Looks to me like an Italian Carcano carbine without its folding bayonet.
Front and rear sights on the barrel, the barrel band and sling loop one piece, split rear receiver bridge?
Not U.S. Carbine Cal. .30 M1. --[[User:Carl N. Brown|Carl N. Brown]] ([[User talk:Carl N. Brown|talk]]) 09:13, 19 September 2021 (EDT)
==What is this weapon?==
[[File:Expendables2-Mannlicher1.jpg|thumb|The left rifle with vent holes?]]
What is this rifle with vent holes? --[[User:Nanomat|Nanomat]] ([[User talk:Nanomat|talk]]) 01:56, 4 October 2023 (UTC)
:[[Ruger Mini-14]]. It looks like the front sight's missing. [[User:TheExplodingBarrel|TheExplodingBarrel]] ([[User talk:TheExplodingBarrel|talk]]) 02:03, 4 October 2023 (UTC)
Lima Hemsworth also has an AR-15 type rifle in the teaser, but only the combat scope on the waepon is seen clearly. --Warejaws 07:12, 15 December 2011 (CST)
It's a Barrett Excalibur01 20:22, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
As good as the poster looks, is actually the real one? I seem to remember it coming out a few weeks ago but was dismissed as an incredibly well made fake, as the text at the bottom is gibberish. Having said that, the weapons (for the most part, G36K rather than G36C) and costumes seem to match, so perhaps it is an early mockup with gibberish text as a place holder, but either way I believe Millennium Films requested that it be taken down from various websites. I believe the poster below, boring as it may be, is the official one that was released with the trailer.--commando552 09:22, 15 December 2011 (CST)
If those aren't "official" behind the scenes images I don't think they are allowed to be posted here, you will have to check with a mod. However, while searching to find out where they came from, I found the following facebook gallery that has all of those images and more where I saw something insetting. In two of the pictures ([1] and [2]) you can see that a few background people are using the AKs mocked up as M16s that were first used in Universal Soldier: Regeneration (that page IDs them as Arsenal rifle, but just realised whilst checking for this that they are actually Valmets). I find it hard to believe that they were able to get ACRs, SCARs, G36s, SG552s but couldn't get their hands on a genuine M16A2 but am fairly sure that is what they are (it is shot in Bulgaria as well). It could be the case that the "main" enemy weapons like the sniperised ACRs are shipped in, wheras the "background" enemy weapons like these fake M16s and the AKs (probably Arsenal ARs) are locally sourced. --commando552 07:18, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
Like I said, I would check with a mod first before adding any more of these behind the scenes images. When exactly the same situation occurred with the latest Transformers movie the images were removed so I wouldn't bank on it being different in this case. --commando552 07:37, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
It looks like some guy posted some personal photos. The facebook page is just a fan site as well. --Funkychinaman 08:33, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
Unless these are official images they need to come down immediately; someone tell me if there's any sign of these being officially approved so I can tell if they need to be deleted completely or not. Also, the site's tagline is "guns in movies," not "guns on the floor of a warehouse." Evil Tim 08:35, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
We're not allowed to post amateur BTS shots of films? Video game pages do it all the time. The guy's clear to post them on his facebook, hence all the stars posing with him. Also probably better to move the images to Discussion rather than delete them completely so sections can be restored when the film comes out. As for "no guns outside of movie footage", you should check some of the site's pages. Many of them use shots like that as it's the only way to get a clean view of them.Temp89 09:01, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
You're not allowed to use amateur shots unless it is absolutely clear that they have been released with the permission of the studio. I'm not sure what you mean about video games, we don't allow things like the MW3 leak on pages. And the problem isn't guns outside of movies, it's when the only picture of a gun on the page is it sitting on the floor of a warehouse, with no proof it's ever going to make it into any cut of the movie that a cinema-goer actually sees or for that matter is even in the movie. Evil Tim 09:19, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
There isn't really that much point moving to the discussion as right now apart from the disallowed photos all the sections contain is "X is seen in a BTS photo", which won't be in the entry when the page is made properly, so why preserve it? With other pages that include official behind the scenes images and caps, they are useful to show details of the gun and to help ID it. The links to the galleries are in this discussion page if anyone wants to look at the photos to help ID stuff when the movie comes out, so for now lets just wait and see what actually turns up in the movie. --commando552 10:27, 16 April 2012 (CDT)
"I'm not sure what you mean about video games, we don't allow things like the MW3 leak on pages." Uh, might want to double check that, the MW3 leak was there since the leak up until game release."it's when the only picture of a gun on the page is it sitting on the floor of a warehouse, with no proof it's ever going to make it into any cut of the movie" The pics were taken specifically to show what guns would be in the movie. The reason there are two of them in each photo is in case one breaks, that's how much they're going to be using them. "all the sections contain is "X is seen in a BTS photo", which won't be in the entry when the page is made properly, so why preserve it?" Well, for me, I check this page (and others) before release because I want to know what guns will be used so I can get even more excited for seeing it. That's why many other people come to this site. You didn't think pages were traffic graveyards until release, did you? Also, what's the point of a site that covers guns in media if it suppresses info on guns in media.Temp89 11:45, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
Just because a gun is on set doesn't mean it will be used (and if it is whether it will actually be visible in the finished film), that is pure presumption. And how do you know that "The pics were taken specifically to show what guns would be in the movie."? From what I have seen they are just pictures that were taken by a random extra or crew on set, if they were officially released by the film makers to show the range of weaponry that they will be using I'm fairly sure they wouldn't have been taken with such a crappy camera and would be available through other channels than forums and facebook pages. --commando552 11:57, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
The MW3 leak was not up until the game was released, I removed those shots from the page myself almost as soon as they were put up. Leaked or unofficial images are not allowed, that's why the upcoming template specifically says all images must be from official sources. Evil Tim 12:21, 17 April 2012 (CDT)
New trailer shows Hemsworth with a Barret, JCVD with an AUG A3, and promo shots show Dolph with an MGL. Just like how all the MW3 leaked guns were in the final game, so will the guns from those shots be in this film, as they were obviously going to be since the beginning. Disturbing that a mod for the site seeks to reduce the info on guns in films and doesn't know much about film production.Temp89 14:33, 3 May 2012 (CDT)
Umm, just cause something appears in a promo or trailer does not, in fact, mean it appears in the film. There was a trailer for Predators that showed Adrian Brody standing there with around a dozen of the Predator laser sights focused on his chest, making it look like he was up against an army of predators. In the movie, there was a single laser on his chest, as he faced just the 1. In a trailer for the 3 Stooges movie, there's a scene where a nun in a bathing suit gets out of the pool and Curly comments on her hair being different. That scene was not in the final movie. There was another movie I recall awhile back(mighta been Blade 3 but I won't swear to it), where a weapon was shown on the film's official website that didn't make it into the movie itself either. So actually, no, just because a gun is on set somewhere does NOT mean it will a)make it to the final cut of the film, or b)make it into a scene where it can actually be identified. For example, a movie set might have a mix of Russian AKs, Chinese Norincos, and Bulgarian Arsenal ARs, then just randomly give them to "background" soldiers or whatever, where they won't be seen clearly enough to be identified individually in the film itself. DKS01 02:26, 5 May 2012 (CDT)
Temp89, Tim is just doing his job. We could have serious reprocusions here if we posted unauthorised images here. We have several "deals" made with parties in the film industry and we got them by not posting Pirated or "leaked" information. On the Public Enemies page we had an image of a screen used M1911 machine pistol that we had to remove due to the studio's say so. While we might not have liked it it does cover our butts as far as the studios are concerned.Rockwolf66 15:36, 3 May 2012 (CDT)
This one: Are you sure that's a Diplomat he's holding? The front sight and the barrel are wrong... -Sentient6 18:17, 6 June 2012 (CDT)
Well I think is M4 CQBR, although i put it under M4A1 Carbine.... -Kweon
Barrel's too long to be a CQB-R / Mk. 18 Mod 0 - I'd say it's a 933. --Stix
It isn't either, it is just a regular M4. You can see the step down for the grenade ring on the barrel ahead of the front sight. However, I think the barrel has been squashed down in photoshop so that the muzzle is on the poster, or the angle is making it look shorter than it is. --commando552 13:57, 5 July 2012 (CDT)
I still think it might be a 933... I think we're agreed that the barrel's too long to be a Mk. 18, and *as pictured* it's way too short to be an M4 - looking hard at it, it's hard to tell what's barrel, what's flash hider and whether there's a squashed grenade ring or not. Yeh, it could be a photoshopped M4, but why would they bother to do that? I see the little dint in the barrel that might be a grenade ring, but could that not just be a blurry part of the flash hider? --Stix
The gun he is physically holding is definitely an M4. Here is a higher res image where you can see the detail of the barrel. On an M4. the barrel is full width when it comes out of the front sight base, then tapers down at the greande ring before stepping up in thickness again, and then stepping down to a slightly norrower diameter just before the flash hider, as seen below: Error creating thumbnail: File missingM4A1 for reference All of these features are clearly visible on the poster, they have just been compressed to allow the gun to fit on the poster. A model 933 barrel is not contoured once it comes out of the front sight base. --commando552 10:34, 11 July 2012 (CDT)
Fair enough - I bow to your superior knowledge of boom-stix. :)
I could make out all of the details you pointed out on the lower rez poster but was confused by the apparent stubbiness of the barrel... I also should humbly confess that my main reason for joining the discussion was the hope that spotting a slightly lesser known rifle would make me look cool.
Looking at the higher rez pic now, it looks a little more like the barrel is the proper length (for an M4) and it's only the angle of the camera that makes it look shorter - comparing the barrel forward of the front sight with the length of the handguard (using my thumb as a ruler), they actually seem to be pretty close.
Would the guys in charge of promoting the movie really edit an image to shorten a gun and make it fit in the photo frame? I still can't figure out why anyone would bother... Contrite respect --Stix
(ps - I hope you'll forgive my correcting the spelling mistake in your last post :/ )
Just saying, but I believe that "grenade ring" is called a barrel step. Spartan198 10:02, 4 August 2012 (CDT)
Lundgren's Poster
Fairly new to the site, so if I'm doing anything wrong, please let me know. Anyways, Lundgren seems to be holding a grenade launcher in this promo poster, looks like a Milkor MGL Mk 1S?
So, just saw and it, well, it's basically 100 minutes of badass. Better than the first...more action(and more clearly shot), more humor, more violence, just basically upped everything from the first. Admittedly I was having too much fun just watching but I noticed a lot more guns(and knives, and brass knuckles, and a tomahawk!) were used, too. Was having too much fun to really try and ID most of them, but I'm fairly certain Vilain uses a Walther P99(or one of the licensed versions) as well as his AUG. Also of note, Gunnar does indeed use the MGL shown on the poster, Maggie uses a UMP, and Christmas actually fires the MASS(to breach a door) as well as the M4 portion. DKS01 18:58, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
Vilain indeed uses the Walther P99. Also in addition to his SAA and the Kimbers, I believe Barney Ross uses a SIG-Sauer in the beginning, then Maggie uses it. I couldn't tell exactly which model, it did look compact though Bristow8411 20:43, 17 August 2012 (CDT)
Aye I saw Barney use something other than his usual pistols but I didn't notice what it was. I thought Maggie's pistol looked like a SIG but wasn't certain(and wasn't aware it was the gun Barney was using, the team swapped weapons out quite often here!). DKS01 00:21, 18 August 2012 (CDT)
It was certainly way more entertaining than the first film. As for the specific SIG model I am not sure, but I believe that it is a P226. There's a picture from the movie on Stallone's Facebook page that shows him holding it. User:FluidJordan 18:37, 18 August 2012 (EST)
Barney Ross does have then surrenders a SIG when they first meet Van Damme. Other guns i noticed were In the opening scene Toll Road has an M4 with what looks like an M320 grenade launcher attatched, though it may be the same AG36 seen in punisher warzone. Hale ceaser has a pistol during the faux america eastern block shoot out but i didnt notice what kind. Both Mauser and CHurch scoop M4's up off the floor when they run out of ammunition in the tiny car scene and bth have pistols holstered on their legs, i coulndt see what they were but id like to hope arnie was rcking out a desert eagle for prosperitys sake. Id also like to mention that they are not the exact same Kimber warriors as seen in the first film as they have at least new grips with a gold press stamped on them. --CaptainSnikt 09:38, 20 August 2012 (CDT)
Arnold should pulled out a Desert Eagle like the one that was dressed up like a Russian gun and Bruce Willis shoulda pulled out his famous Beretta from Die Hard. Excalibur01 22:44, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
Barret realism ... kinda
Am i the only one surprised they didn't over over power the Barret this is the one movie i think would granted its not the most realistic but still at least it didn't blow back 2 yards --Blueboy1600 20:33, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
You mean the part where a man's head blows up when hit with a .50? Yeah, that happens. Though I found it odd that it seems like the Barret was all Billy was carrying and he wasn't carrying anything else while taking point. Thing musta been heavy as hell Excalibur01 22:43, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
From my experiance the M82 Barret is like packing a M240 Machinegun. So Yeah it is that heavy. Rockwolf66 22:53, 23 August 2012 (CDT)
Yeah we should check out whether or not the Barret was rubber when he was doing that can't imagine it any other way ... --Blueboy1600 00:21, 24 August 2012 (CDT)
That is an odd choice of weapon for a point man. If he had run into trouble(...) what was he supposed to do, open up with a .50 rifle? I realize they weren't expecting trouble but still, in their line of work... DKS01 00:23, 24 August 2012 (CDT)
Who's doing this?
So this movie's been out for a week now. Any takers? Excalibur01 (talk) 19:57, 27 November 2012 (EST)
removing some of the trailer caps
I'm removing some of the lesser quality/trailer caps from the main page. --Warejaws (talk) 15:14, 28 November 2012 (EST)
Does anyone know what gun was placed on the bridge where the plane is blocked? (it's where Jason Statam, and Sylvester Stallone are arguing)
Out of curiosity, anyone got any ideas on the weapons mounted on XP2112 (aka "Santa," the flying boat used by the Expendables to get around) are? There's a honking big cannon mounted in the nose, and I think there's a moment where some kind of machineguns are also fired. Atypicaloracle (talk) 07:05, 19 July 2013 (EDT)
If you had bothered to check the main page, it says that it has M2 Aircraft MGs in the first movie, and Statham uses an FN MAG in the second. The howitzer looks to be a mock-up of some sort, but definatly a 75mm of some sort.--Mandolin (talk) 09:44, 14 April 2014 (EDT)
M1 Carbine?
The lady on the left. Zoom in on the highest res version.
Looks to me like an Italian Carcano carbine without its folding bayonet.
Front and rear sights on the barrel, the barrel band and sling loop one piece, split rear receiver bridge?
Not U.S. Carbine Cal. .30 M1. --Carl N. Brown (talk) 09:13, 19 September 2021 (EDT)